BREAKING: Kamala will "Rip [Trump] Apart" in 2024 Election (LINK)
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Date: July 20th, 2024 3:12 PM Author: glittery pungent hall prole
To be fair,
"'Can you imagine a former prosecutor up against a crook like Trump, she’d rip him apart,' another Hollywood supporter said, noting Harris’ past stints as San Francisco D.A. and California’s Attorney General."
You getting worried yet, Trumpkins? Tick tock.
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Date: July 22nd, 2024 3:12 PM Author: glittery pungent hall prole
To be fair,
Bumping this for all of the "B-b-but WHY would the Democrats nominate Bombay Shaniqua, this just doesn't make sense, so what is their REAL brilliant secret masterplan?!" retards who still don't get what's happening and continue to operate under the delusional assumption that Democrats ackkkshually have some brilliant eight-step masterplan in place that will secure them all three branches of government in 2024.
These people aren't 170 IQ supervillians playing 984-D Chess and cackling as they prepare to spring a devastating series of October Suprises that will secure a 1000 year Shitlib Reich. To the contrary, a lot of the deep pocketed donors on the left (who have a big seat at the table and get to call a lot of the shots) are hilariously-out-of-touch Boomer retards who TRULY don't personally know a single Trump voter, and genuinely have no idea that they are walking into a political buzzsaw and will be completely stunned on November 5th.
TL;DR - the 2024 Democrat Party is a classic example of why you never get high on your own supply.
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Date: July 22nd, 2024 3:25 PM Author: appetizing haunted graveyard twinkling uncleanness
i want to watch video of, or read a transcript of one criminal case that Kam actually took to a jury verdict.
i presume she was a pit ADA before being named head DA?
i presume she had a lot of jury trials?
I sincerely want to rate her jury-skills. I admit Im dubious, but I will be open minded
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Date: July 23rd, 2024 3:14 AM Author: pink stimulating preventive strike
she only prosecuted as a trial attorney for a handful of years, three and change, i think. there is no way she gained any real significant trial experience in that time. but she did manage to start dating willie brown who started elevating her through the political ranks. she later 'managed' a serious felony unit in a DAs office as a political appointee. she was a glorified bureaucrat and middle-manager because those cases would have been mostly beyond her skill level to reliably prosecute as a trial attorney. she made it two years there before having issues then jumped ship to a full on administrative/management job in state child custody proceedings or something. she was already tapped for rising star political trajectory at this time and connected with all kinds of CA elites. she mounted her campaign for san francisco DA a year later with massive party backing. dianne feinstein endorsed her.
san fran DA is obviously a 100% political job and she has not practiced in any meaningful capacity since then, not that she was doing any substantial trial work in the preceding years. she did capably master the CA political circuit at this time and they get her into the AG slot relatively quickly. the CA AG has a highly qualified team of attorneys handling the actual decision making in all but signature. she had full-time political advisors by this time, as would anyone in her position, and she was obviously destined for higher office sans a fuckup. her career was now about that and was totally disconnected from actual legal practice.
you have to remember, she was good looking when she was younger and she had a good story when it was a fresher look. she never needed to be a capable lawyer, she was out for politics almost immediately. i'm sure she had decent command of legal policy, some administrative shit, legislative politics, etc. when she was in the 15 years of grinding in the san francisco DA and AGO. she was around reasonably smart lawyers for a long time and you can pick up a lot working with those types.
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