There is no way ZYNs don’t cause mouth cancer
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Date: August 1st, 2024 12:28 PM Author: cobalt 180 area
probably no different than having a marble in your mouth all day or something. not "good" for you, but doubt it causes cancer and there's never been any evidence to that effect
tbf vaping doesn't either if it's just the having something stuck in your mouth all day that annoys you.
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Date: August 1st, 2024 1:24 PM Author: Milky titillating office
As far as I know, there is no good evidence that pure nicotine causes cancer. Cancer seems to be caused by other junk in tobacco.
Having said that, contrary to popular belief, tobacco is much more likely to kill you by causing heart disease rather than cancer. And it is probably the nicotine that causes heart disease. It's a powerful stimulant, which makes the heart work harder and wear out faster. So using Zyn will still most likely kill you, just not by causing oral cancer.
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