What kind people keep snakes as pets? Srs Q
| Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/04/24 | | labs | 09/04/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/04/24 | | labs | 09/04/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/05/24 | | Pumonymous | 09/05/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/05/24 | | Begging The Jewish Question | 09/06/24 | | whittier grad\'s bar exam diapers | 09/04/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/04/24 | | Hollywood Hogan | 09/05/24 | | So we looked at the data | 09/05/24 | | whittier grad\'s bar exam diapers | 09/05/24 | | .,.,....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,.., | 09/04/24 | | Taylor Swift is not a hobby she is a lifestyle | 09/04/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/05/24 | | https://imgur.com/a/IkQnGlr | 09/06/24 | | Pumonymous | 09/05/24 | | ""'"''"""" | 09/05/24 | | nyuug | 09/05/24 | | Arthur Edward Pepper Jr. | 09/05/24 | | Dunedain cowboy | 09/05/24 | | Pumonymous | 09/05/24 | | Obeezy ( | 09/05/24 | | freed mason | 09/05/24 | | top eurobeat mix | 09/05/24 | | Soren "Bob" Odenkierkegaard | 09/06/24 | | hank_scorpio | 09/06/24 | | a woman in trouble | 09/06/24 |
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Date: September 4th, 2024 7:56 PM Author: labs
a personal one, yes
i 'dated' a couple of art hoes back in college and a little after who had them as 'pets'
whenever they talked about them, it was always in this weird tone of admiration that just makes you pause about what they said for a moment
also whenever we made sex either before or after, they would take them out and play with them and ask me if i want to pet them
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5588883&forum_id=2#48049846) |
Date: September 4th, 2024 7:52 PM
Author: .,.,....,.,.;,.,,,:,.,.,::,...,:,..;,..,
(Billy Glide)
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5588883&forum_id=2#48049830) |
Date: September 6th, 2024 2:32 AM Author: hank_scorpio
idk, but I remember I had this weed dealer and he told me to swing by his house one time to grab it and just come on in, no knocking or anything, as weed dealers do
anyway, I walk in and the entrance room is literally just a huge 12 foot or so glass tank with a fucking 15 foot python in it, the tank was probably worth more than the room it was in
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5588883&forum_id=2#48055333) |
Date: September 6th, 2024 2:34 AM Author: a woman in trouble
-women w/bpd
-antisocial men w/too many tattoos
-reptile-obsessed autists
(http://www.autoadmit.com/thread.php?thread_id=5588883&forum_id=2#48055334) |