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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
lahmo being the Chaldean word for "fertility"    09/25/24  (1)
Boston trip was some sort of sexual awakening (FizzKidd)    09/25/24  (103)
Brothers how do I learn about kayaks    09/25/24  (2)
Nick Fuentes: "Trump is a grave threat to this country"    09/25/24  (55)
his cock is so huge (pic)    09/25/24  (4)
MBA shrew penciled me in for a bar date tonight and it went great    09/25/24  (27)
People forget Israel owned Gaza City 10 months after the 1948 war    09/25/24  (1)
good morning    09/25/24  (3)
Is there any more cucked "job" title than political STAFFER    09/25/24  (4)
Woman gets fucked by her pittbull, then hangs her kids with its leash    09/25/24  (73)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/25/24  (57)
Just a small amount of ozempic and then this hell on earth    09/25/24  (1)
Lebanon Is As Safe As Ever, Great Time To Come, My Friend (TripAdvisor Forums)    09/25/24  (4)
friend of mine called to borrow $1k earlier (zurich)    09/25/24  (58)
Trump campaign 'strategist' EXPLODES, call interns 'stupid f----ts' (DM)    09/25/24  (66)
fertile Chick-fil-A ass nationalism    09/25/24  (1)
listen, i’m just a cucumber, i’m not even conscious    09/25/24  (25)
As an (Ex) Muslim, Islam is the biggest threat to civilization period    09/25/24  (29)
James Carville placed third in regional IFNB "Premium Poles" amateur category    09/25/24  (1)
I'm only a nonce for baby Hitler photos. Check the law its not illegal. Heh.    09/25/24  (1)
ITT: I explain why Israel shouldn't go back to 1967 borders.    09/25/24  (67)
XO Houthis just struck US Navy's only replishment oil tanker in Mideast    09/25/24  (5)
Israel should just firebomb Gaza    09/25/24  (8)
Israel should Dresden gaza    09/25/24  (2)
psa: Israel should permanently occupy Gaza    09/25/24  (6)
Israel should march all the Palestinians to the Syrian border    09/25/24  (5)
Israel should certainly be commended for Making a desert shit box habitable    09/25/24  (7)
mpa reading lex's date description at d&d table with olde english accent    09/25/24  (5)
Israel should nuke Palestine with a really big nuke.    09/25/24  (2)
Israel should pull a Russia and bulldoze every filthy sandnigger country    09/25/24  (2)
Israel should just write off the kidnapped women and genocide the Palestianians    09/25/24  (2)
Israel should wipe out Hamas and all of its supporters    09/25/24  (7)
Israel should send in some biological weapons soon    09/25/24  (3)
Israel should just bomb the shit out of Gaza and be done with it    09/25/24  (5)
Israel should bomb the hezbollah funerals too    09/25/24  (3)
the bridge thing sucks but Israel should still nuke the entire Gaza strip    09/25/24  (2)
Kamala campaign imploding    09/25/24  (19)
Living in Florida with nonstop hurricanes is fucking retarded    09/25/24  (9)
Israel should just kill all these sand niggers asap over next few weeks and    09/25/24  (1)
Earls wife puts out her ideal requirements for a man    09/25/24  (6)
Just saw a group of early 20's girls WALK OUT on a $400 tab    09/25/24  (4)
My PHYSICAL silver is PRINTING useless paper fiat gains    09/25/24  (1)
I hate everyone here except cucumers & BOM    09/25/24  (9)
Controversial take: Only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants should be in power    09/25/24  (36)
Happy Wednesday friends! 🥳    09/25/24  (2)
It seems likely that Kamala has had affairs, too, doesn't it?    09/25/24  (6)
Captain Trips was some sort of supernatural awakening (Randall Flagg)    09/25/24  (1)
Is it possible to have a sexual UN-awakening?    09/25/24  (2)
Is PS5 Pro The Last Console?    09/25/24  (9)
Are cavies prole?    09/25/24  (2)
Have a 2nd date this weekend with doctor I went to HS with    09/25/24  (1)
Howc is it relevant that the woman who killed her kids fucked a dog? Motive?    09/25/24  (10)
Evan39 thought@ on cuttie-twink "Mayor Pete" ?    09/25/24  (4)
Boomers took the presidency in 1993, when their oldest members were 48    09/25/24  (5)
Bizarre 1932 William Faulkner short-story about androids becoming drunk & louche    09/25/24  (2)
MPA shot FizzKidd down, lex is macking a shrew … Karlstack, you know what to d    09/25/24  (1)
MPA free from bad marriage, Luis beat cancer. 180 wins for so this year    09/25/24  (17)
cowgod can you give us a rundown on the gunnerattt "wall of text" phenotype    09/25/24  (8)
"It was, Senator, a multi-year exploration of the inherent homoeroticism in viol    09/25/24  (5)
Brett Favre’s dick diagnosed with Parkinson’s    09/25/24  (1)
Newman's Own: Shitty Salad dressing donating profits to Shitty Charities    09/25/24  (3)
We wonder why Jews are shitlib. But why are Asians so utterly shitlib?    09/25/24  (21)
the Admiral Kuznetsov is finally joining the fight in Ukraine (link)    09/25/24  (7)
Asian men aren't competitive with other races until 70+    09/25/24  (2)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/25/24  (308)
Did they Jill David Koresh because he was a prophet?    09/25/24  (1)
Asian men aren't competitive with other races until 30+    09/25/24  (27)
Still LOLing at the waitress picking up on the pedophilia it was so obvious    09/25/24  (9)
brand new russian ICBM blew up in its silo (link)    09/25/24  (17)
Behind PUAs, feminists, and MGTOWs, the birth rate is collapsing    09/25/24  (39)
US Navy can no longer deploy even 1 carrier battler group    09/25/24  (6)
have you ever ended an email with "Onward!"    09/25/24  (5)
angry black woman loses her mind over sandwich dispute (video)    09/25/24  (11)
boomer listening to Running Against the Wind paying 1970s taxes    09/25/24  (6)
Reading, PA: 1980, 82% white 10% latino; 2020 19% white 69% latino    09/25/24  (8)
Why is a declining birthrate such a bad thing?    09/25/24  (2)
Still loling @ brits calling shitpits "XL Bully dogs"    09/25/24  (5)
LOL @ Israel, the most beta nation on the planet    09/25/24  (16)
How POOR is $105k a year in MFH    09/25/24  (31)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    09/25/24  (36)
look shortmo asians, yr depressing me. my asian kid is also short.    09/25/24  (8)
Any bros want to go to the WNBA game with me?    09/25/24  (2)
Is the US becoming more or less of a meritocracy?    09/25/24  (35)
Where do rate JD Vance as a VP candidate    09/25/24  (12)
Bill Clinton kinda comes across as a dick in all the Hillary meltdown stories    09/25/24  (249)
Seriously though, how are we going to fight the ascendant matriarchy?    09/25/24  (79)
SBF's partner in crime Caroline Ellison gets 2 years in prison    09/25/24  (4)
Contemplating the thoughts & opinions of women is intrinsically homosexual    09/25/24  (3)
Josh Allen has the best story of any QB    09/25/24  (32)
nyuug needs to team up with a suicide pod    09/25/24  (1)
Asians not defined as diverse by google. Asians and whites need to team up    09/25/24  (144)
can karlstack save Canada?    09/25/24  (11)
Niggas are also oblivious to BEEPING sound from Forklifts    09/25/24  (23)
"Asians can't Innovate!" the Powergoy typed on his Chink made Phone    09/25/24  (34)
Quit talking shit! No fucker is shitting on my parade moving forward    09/25/24  (4)
179 , does that maek sense    09/25/24  (4)
No bigger goytrap than satellite radio    09/25/24  (1)
Criminal illegal immigrant libs cheerfully allowed to kill a girl in Maryland    09/25/24  (3)
Tranny pussy inflation is outta control (link)    09/25/24  (1)
How do white people feel about the idea of white privilege?    09/25/24  (50)
"Thank god we have the Africans to take us to Mars"    09/25/24  (1)
lol, so amazing libs cannot comprehend the minority low iq    09/25/24  (168)
youtube channel made of half-remembered vignettes from ur personal childhood    09/25/24  (1)
Rate annual conference of the Association of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of India    09/25/24  (3)
are libs still winning the war on noticing?    09/25/24  (1)
How long before Ricky catches a rape charge?    09/25/24  (2)
Camels are long distance pack animals that give you milk and hair    09/25/24  (1)
For their mental and emotional wellbeing, young women should not post here    09/25/24  (3)
you’re a nervous XO first year about to wear Sorting hat of clique theory    09/25/24  (3)
Why do white women always kill their kids?    09/25/24  (10)
Scotland: zero tolerance for shitpits    09/25/24  (1)
If birdshits knew anything they would have used camels instead of horses    09/25/24  (1)
Another woman caught fucking her dog    09/25/24  (107)
What is the MOST DANGEROUS project-house in the United States?    09/25/24  (7)
It's impossible for whites to unify when they include people like Biden    09/25/24  (2)
Penn Suspends Amy Wax, Law Professor Accused of Making Racist Statements    09/25/24  (24)
Army's Top Enlisted Leader Removed Diversity Consideration for Top Enlisted Role    09/25/24  (2)
Realistically, Trump BS aside, wat truly is the CR to "'rig" POTUS election?    09/25/24  (1)
Anglos and other British protestants created everything good. So weird ha ha    09/25/24  (28)
Evan39 "Safeway" in AmeriKKKKKKKKKKA is a joke ripoff    09/25/24  (1)
rate this $75 blunt wrap order i just made    09/25/24  (3)
Somebody please end the shitlib menace    09/25/24  (14)
Dos Gringos - World War III    09/25/24  (1)
Alexa, please place an order for a Sarco suicide pod.    09/25/24  (7)
rate this United Nations 2000 report on "Replacement Migration"    09/25/24  (3)
Money pussy and health are all that matters htfh    09/25/24  (2)
POLL: Trump making solid gains with young voters    09/25/24  (1)
Mayor Pete is by far the MOST QUALIFIED person to run this country    09/25/24  (1)
Israel bows up Hasbullah with explosive planted in ice cream container (link)    09/25/24  (2)
Chad looks at me like I'm an ugly freak (evan39)    09/25/24  (5)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/25/24  (29)
Bbooom ITT (Confe$$sion) :(    09/25/24  (2)
Carly Fiorina: Chinks are uncreative robots (not flame):    09/25/24  (77)
Pete Buttigieg on 2024 and the ‘Crank Realignment’    09/25/24  (1)
Israel dropped 1,500 JDAMs and destroyed 1-2 actual Hezbollah missiles?    09/25/24  (2)
The Choice 2024: Harris vs. Trump (full documentary) | FRONTLINE    09/25/24  (3)
Who cares what Chad thinks, evan39?    09/25/24  (2)
TSINAH: "i really love arguing" *gets 155 on LSAT* *pays sticker at FSU*    09/25/24  (222)
did somebody leave the sashimi fridge open or wha--oh hey rina    09/25/24  (7)
Just traveled to lex's small town for work, retard    09/25/24  (6)
Are cavities prole?    09/25/24  (17)
Why should some Florida redneck care what nationlity EPAH is?    09/25/24  (1)
Hint: "Western Civilization" was just Jews/Birdshits exploiting others    09/25/24  (30)
Jews: How's the whole "it's bad when white people do it but OK when we do it" th    09/25/24  (15)
Connor Oberst to take over head coaching duties for Nebraska football    09/25/24  (18)
I shall not find myself so apt to die.    09/25/24  (1)
I, am a son of HADES! I FUCK CONCORD IN HER ASS!    09/25/24  (1)
Most "nations" are really just line birdshits drew on a map after WWI    09/25/24  (5)
I have simpler tastes. I like to kill my enemies, take their gold    09/25/24  (1)
The 'Mahchine' cannot be denied anymore, Evan ;)    09/25/24  (12)

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