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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
You can build a cathedral with your savings from Yarvin Kia!    06/27/24  (2)
Rate the incredible QOL in Texas! Great file photo included! (Link)    06/27/24  (17)
Anyone ever worked with former SCOTUS clerks?    06/27/24  (14)
average white girl has “normal” standards, only 0.024% guys meet them    06/27/24  (22)
To me, one of the most impressive things science does is being able to predict    06/27/24  (15)
VTI vs QQQ. Which index fund to park your money in?    06/27/24  (1)
SCOTUS rejects Sackler family settlement in loss for Trump administration    06/27/24  (1)
Reminder ...POTUS debates officially IRL Idiocracy "Brought to you by CNN"    06/27/24  (1)
Scouting Report: What the 2020 Debates Reveal About a Biden-Trump Matchup(NYT)    06/27/24  (2)
"It's Time To Accelerate Into Savings At Nick Land Chevrolet!"    06/27/24  (2)
WFH secret plot to move to St. Augustine, host ghost pirate tours at night    06/27/24  (5)
Why do muds, Irish, Italians, Slavs, celebrate 4th of July? They weren't here.    06/27/24  (8)
HYPO: You're a hyper-specialized lawfag in a rapidly declining empire. What do    06/27/24  (6)
Libs if you give Trump even ONE tough question tonight it’s proof of CNN’s b    06/27/24  (2)
Where do we all stand on Eisenhower? Great president? Or Architect of Ruin?    06/27/24  (24)
Special ops bros laying a political IED for Biden - link    06/27/24  (1)
Prediction: TBF will hyperventilate like a fag about the worthless debate    06/27/24  (1)
TT Investing: put my 52k of CRYPTO into MICRON semiconducter stock    06/27/24  (28)
mpox or "mansex pox"    06/27/24  (2)
Supreme Court in 6-3 decision: “ fuck your online free speech”    06/27/24  (51)
Debate microphones rigged to explode if anyone says 'Danny Casolaro'    06/27/24  (1)
Cons will tonight’s debate be RIGGED?    06/27/24  (8)
Lab friend is reading the Critique of Purina Wisdom    06/27/24  (2)
Never even heard of the NBA No. 1 draft pick “zaccahrie risacher”    06/27/24  (1)
So come on down to Deleuze Toyota--our prices are INSANE    06/27/24  (14)
ITT: this is why music keeps getting shittier and shittier.    06/27/24  (3)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/27/24  (32)
Matt Stafford’s wife cucked him with his backup QB at Georgia    06/27/24  (80)
What does "within one year of January 1, 2022" mean to you?    06/27/24  (54)
Even if Trump wins the debate Biden will just "ballot harvest" a billion votes    06/27/24  (2)
Hey, I'm working until I croak because there's nothing else to do with life!    06/27/24  (9)
Cons are really mad about Trump’s mic being muted. Why?    06/27/24  (14)
Libs you ruined it for yourselves    06/27/24  (6)
Bill "Maher' admits live to Jerry Seinfeld that he weights 152 lbs "today"(vid)    06/27/24  (10)
Debates change no one’s mind    06/27/24  (3)
Back off with the fraud, fraud 😠    06/27/24  (2)
Fraud    06/27/24  (13)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    06/27/24  (6)
Any tolerance for pedophilia at all will basically be death rattle of America    06/27/24  (9)
Wait The "Nonpartisan" Presidential Debate Commission Is Just Poof Gone?    06/27/24  (2)
Cons does this count as election interference?    06/27/24  (2)
he jerks his hot gay dick all over your mouth and lips.    06/27/24  (8)
which poaster is quetzalcoatl's top guy tp?    06/27/24  (26)
Never worked for an employer who offered health plan compatible with an HSA    06/27/24  (6)
Where should I start with David Lynch in my 40s?(luis)    06/27/24  (32)
"Interstates" freeways are disgusting...Buc-ee's is the interstate Disneyworld    06/27/24  (12)
Shark bite type connector that permanently links two penises    06/27/24  (1)
You’ll step in with a smile and a solution when challenges arise.    06/27/24  (2)
Tow truck fag come at me & enjoy skull shatter via wrench fag    06/27/24  (11)
Biden’s America: Rite Aid and Walgreens both file for bankruptcy, close stores    06/27/24  (1)
Has there ever been another big company that transformed as Netflix did?    06/27/24  (92)
Interstates and freeways are gross, they are loud, attract, generates, poor air    06/27/24  (7)
Living off "Interstate" freeways is disastrous for your health    06/27/24  (19)
rate some of the responses I got to this flame reddit post about Project 2025    06/27/24  (15)
Rate my current view    06/27/24  (17)
The "internet" is mostly fraud shit..give retards a platform whom didn't earn it    06/27/24  (4)
Old of counsel lawyer at my firm has this Indian's 180 attitude - video    06/27/24  (2)
"Souking Off" (your future wife's Middle East travel vlog)    06/27/24  (4)
Mossad replicant long con    06/27/24  (3)
Golf Bros: won my first round of POTUS cup today    06/27/24  (11)
Guy pranks his mom with fake Trump donation    06/27/24  (4)
fuckin blown away    06/27/24  (1)
Fetterman Handsome Mets Bibi in Israel...    06/27/24  (5)
Rate this polyamorous throuple    06/27/24  (1)
dumb bitch tp do you have something to say    06/27/24  (1)
New German citizens must now pledge that Israel has the right to exist    06/27/24  (2)
odd that xo is not aware of the "oxford study" meme    06/27/24  (1)
actually proud of something i created, shit is nuts    06/27/24  (3)
If all the pedophiles are gays who is raping all these underage girls?    06/27/24  (1)
RATE Tucker Carlson's response to Australian reporter's question re: whites (lin    06/27/24  (6)
Wet back Dry back    06/27/24  (2)
WWIII one step closer.    06/27/24  (1)
rate this text from my work wife 😑    06/27/24  (44)
didn't know tucker is based on nicotine    06/27/24  (14)
saw my neurologist the other day and mentioned headaches, he offered opioids    06/27/24  (6)
NBA draft class looks like a bunch of pussified zoomers    06/27/24  (13)
Challenging myself to put at least 4 things up my butt today    06/27/24  (6)
Clark Howard is ABSOLUTELY the Best Current Content on YouTube    06/27/24  (1)
A "blitZi" is a 5 millisecond subliminal message and you watch 10,000 per day    06/27/24  (2)
Jews are just BETTER than you. There, I said it.    06/27/24  (66)
hypo: your wife is a 'skin job'    06/27/24  (4)
Doobs got shot like a dog in Alaska    06/27/24  (3)
Marquette's Tyler Kolek can't read, and he's white    06/27/24  (2)
What Is The Credited MATTRESS??    06/27/24  (32)
Friend makes $300k. Owns his own condo. Cant get a girlfriend.    06/27/24  (22)
any of you guys been rawdogging your long-haul flights?    06/27/24  (3)
Bout that time of year to fill bath with box wine & load up 2 hour Sade mixtape    06/27/24  (17)
Tel Aviv Fag "Pride" Parade Cancelled Out Of Respect For Hostages    06/27/24  (1)
Just finished Shadow of the Erdtree (Elden Ring DLC). Ask me anything    06/27/24  (3)
Best Castlevania?    06/27/24  (4)
What losing Consoles did you actually like    06/27/24  (6)
New Lakers coach in Niggergate scandal    06/27/24  (9)
everyone here is my friend    06/27/24  (1)
OldHLSDude has passed    06/27/24  (67)
Xbox Series X still hasn’t outsold Saturn X|S still behind N64    06/27/24  (20)
Indian bone flute riff plays as you stare at case of Steel Reserve in Buc-ees    06/27/24  (9)
First black president was down low brotha married to MTF transexual?    06/27/24  (2)
good morning    06/27/24  (3)
History Channel Bingo    06/27/24  (2)
Will Biden's polling bump from debate be > or = to 5%?    06/27/24  (9)
Fetterman visits Israel and meets Netanyahu in a hoodie (link)    06/27/24  (5)
AOC Issues Statement: "Tug that tiny penis for mami, cumboy"    06/27/24  (3)
Worth it to get on HGH only and not cycle any gear    06/27/24  (7)
Good Hitler Morning (historychannel.com)    06/27/24  (1)
Brotherhood of Nod (Command & Conquer: Fentanyl Sun)    06/27/24  (5)
Malenkov's "Secret Gulag" was guarded by Cretaceous period life (History Channel    06/27/24  (2)
MPA was "Duel Masters" any good as a TCG    06/27/24  (8)
The Jetsons and the Flintstones share the same cinematic universe    06/27/24  (1)
Trotsky autistically glaring at TV screen after end credits of The Jetsons roll    06/27/24  (3)
How handsome is CMB    06/27/24  (3)
just had a lucid nightmare that I was on a msg bort for bald lawyers for 15 yrs    06/27/24  (36)
Happy voter! Pipe has arrive! Do not recount,or election will not b So Nice haha    06/27/24  (2)
how many men will you kiss today?    06/27/24  (2)
US Ambassador to Egypt Herro Mustafa Garg    06/27/24  (7)
🎵If you like shitty poasting, and peeing down public drains 🎶    06/27/24  (2)
WARNING: Gay men talking about tops has nothing to do with Beyblade    06/27/24  (10)
Dark Souls 2: Shortage of the First Zyn    06/27/24  (6)
It's amazing the lack of INNOVATION in AIR CONDITIONING industry    06/27/24  (49)
i'M BANKING for your Forbidden interest rates    06/27/24  (6)
Many of the Assange doc drops aren't even accessible anymore iirc    06/27/24  (2)
Richard Gere arrested for smuggling Nazi propaganda through Berlin airport (TMZ)    06/27/24  (3)
"The sovereign is the one who derides the exemption." (J-J-Julia Schmitt)    06/27/24  (3)
Rapping "My penis is SMALL and I'm not very TALL" like Run-DMC    06/27/24  (1)
"Coal in the stocking" actually lost German tradition of Krampus defecating in    06/27/24  (5)
Anyone remember a thread about the decline of American jews?    06/27/24  (1)
This Russian doctor owns a chain of prostate health clinics in Miami-Dade county    06/27/24  (2)
Badgers killed my coworkers    06/27/24  (7)
Guy Debord brand Erectile Dysfunction products    06/27/24  (2)
GTA VI mission where you have to pass counterfeit $20 at convenience store    06/27/24  (3)
"The Squad" sounds off on Gooners in the Progressive left (link)    06/27/24  (2)
*Tommy hands you a phone, CallerID: TRAIN DEPARTMENT* "It's for you"    06/27/24  (2)
"Yeah just gaslight and psychospiritually abuse him for two years straight"    06/27/24  (11)
Karlstack, son of Ham, grandson of Shem, great grandson of Japeth    06/27/24  (2)
Blade Runner except he has to wear a mask indoors    06/27/24  (1)
George Jetson eats cabbage pill for breakfast, stuck in traffic, space squeegie    06/27/24  (11)
putting a fulton extraction device on a mid30s email girl at a rooftop bar    06/27/24  (3)
Jordan Peterson using the machine from From Beyond to talk to Pinocchio    06/27/24  (1)
"But Meemaw, I am Pagliacci!"    06/27/24  (1)
fat 'female comedians' who look like the bucees mascot but unlikable    06/27/24  (1)
Mall Date | Chi-Chi’s Dinner | JC Penny’s Dressing Room Handjob    06/27/24  (3)
Hey. Don't fuck up today.    06/27/24  (4)
"No, Chief Justice, I don't know who keeps peeing in the SC sink", Alito drolled    06/27/24  (8)
"Your precious bussy, gratefully accepted. We shall breed it!"    06/27/24  (1)
Special Agent E. Girl I'm sorry I just don't want to do terror attacks    06/27/24  (2)
George Jetson earns PhD in computer science, UNIBLAB malfunctions, loses job    06/27/24  (7)
Remember when boomers put Paul Simon in Africa on repeat for 8 years?    06/27/24  (8)
you simply cannot give in to cancel cultu...brb firing my writer & friend.    06/27/24  (52)
"Meet George Jeetson". *sky toilet dumps poo icicles like A-10 bombing run*    06/27/24  (2)
Why Are UK State Dinner Knives & Forks Backwards? (PICS)    06/27/24  (14)
Fast Times at Kurilbyat Oblast    06/27/24  (6)

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