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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Underfollowed story: Colombians absolutely chimping out at US soccer stadiums    07/15/24  (1)
David Frum: Damn shame that kid missed.    07/15/24  (1)
This is the most convincing video yet that assassination attempt was deep state    07/15/24  (73)
FBI: we found nothing on his phone (Discord is typically run a gaming PC)    07/15/24  (14)
how did "jd vance" go from poor LS grad to SV venture capitalist in 3yrs    07/15/24  (3)
Vance a "naked authoritarian" according to Vox    07/15/24  (8)
MAGA co-opting the black power fist    07/15/24  (5)
J.D. Vance has more Indian sons than Tommy T.    07/15/24  (3)
So a right-winger with an AR shoots Trump, and Trumpmos get mad at libs?    07/15/24  (45)
Can’t imagine mentality of Vance giving his kids Indian names    07/15/24  (5)
The secret knowledge is so clear to me right now. Trump has made it clear.    07/15/24  (5)
This choice to put Amber Rose on the stage is unbelievably weird.    07/15/24  (3)
"Why would people who kill heads of state take closeup pics?" asked EPAH    07/15/24  (3)
Vance's shadow government or "Pradeep State"    07/15/24  (3)
JD Vance is 5’7, yet looks taller than Trump wtf    07/15/24  (4)
"Curry Me Home, Country Rhodes" blares at JD Vance rally in Morgantown WVA    07/15/24  (8)
Kikes Ricky and consuela infighting means there’s hope for goyim yet    07/15/24  (1)
lmao - just went to nyt.com    07/15/24  (1)
Amber Rose at RNC is RW version of driverless Jeep parking lot lmaoooo    07/15/24  (1)
Hinckley SS reaction was 1000x more alpha than Trump shooting    07/15/24  (1)
xo is jewish intratribal infighting about jewish intratribal infighting    07/15/24  (3)
literally every aspect of the event is fake    07/15/24  (1)
SHITCAGO is absolutely FUCKED    07/15/24  (2)
Would be much cooler if Trump's assassination pic didn't have that SS girl in it    07/15/24  (3)
Savannah Guthrie has such disdain and disgust for Trump supporters    07/15/24  (1)
Prophecy is Fulfilled, Trump is the coming Edom Moschiach    07/15/24  (1)
Must be weird for someone like Trump to contemplate their impending death    07/15/24  (1)
rate the Trump-Vance campaign jet (pic)    07/15/24  (4)
HS classmate says he donated in Crooks' name "to prank him" (link)    07/15/24  (1)
Suck my bellend, Karen...lick my whole ass    07/15/24  (1)
Local counter-sniper team was inside building where Trump shooter climbed on the    07/15/24  (4)
can't respect Vance b/c his wife is ugly as fuck    07/15/24  (17)
Trump's entrance song is playing - Trump has his ear bandaid on    07/15/24  (2)
Wow    07/15/24  (7)
Video footage of Consuela, MASE, TBF realizing they fell for Jewish cartoon (vid    07/15/24  (1)
This is the unveiling of the Politburo: Tucker, Donalds, Trump, Vance, Johnson    07/15/24  (1)
Discord: it doesn't require a phone number so u don't know who ur talking to    07/15/24  (1)
Trump assassin was a hardcore conservative who used Discord, right EPAH?    07/15/24  (1)
All current-day discussion of "policy" is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic    07/15/24  (21)
There is no way that nyuug is not a flame/shtick account    07/15/24  (25)
I've been Reddit banned for calling Western governor's University a diploma mill    07/15/24  (5)
What caused Nationalism vs Globalism    07/15/24  (31)
On the Trump assassination attempt    07/15/24  (16)
Extremely dumb observation about SPY index funds    07/15/24  (24)
Witnesses report seeing a second shooter with an extremely high clown hairline    07/15/24  (5)
“The Chinese have a foreign policy of building roads and bridges, and feeding    07/15/24  (1)
going to paris this summer, taking Qs    07/15/24  (17)
Why can't white people stand spicy foods?    07/15/24  (49)
Someone on 4chan in 2013 had a crystal ball.    07/15/24  (1)
cock of michael obama == never says anything bad about Bibi    07/15/24  (5)
nyuug is probably in jail right now    07/15/24  (6)
wang nozzle    07/15/24  (1)
WSJ: DOJ decided not to raid Biden’s house, asked his lawyers to look    07/15/24  (3)
What does JD Vance bring to the table? bigger white trash vote?    07/15/24  (66)
Biden on (female) USSS director: "oh, I've heard from him" - link    07/15/24  (1)
Discord, the only app used by Crooks, is unencrypted and crawling with glowies    07/15/24  (1)
Mailer the Biden campaign reluctantly decided to cancel after shooting    07/15/24  (3)
Emulating Mega Man Battle Network on my phone    07/15/24  (1)
Trump dumping shooter’s ashes into a koi pond    07/15/24  (22)
my autoadmit account is subject to hacking, as is yours    07/15/24  (5)
I hate how people at my law firm work all day and night.    07/15/24  (5)
Prole Tell: Kitchen Carts    07/15/24  (5)
Is Dave Ramsey CR in any way at all?    07/15/24  (27)
Going to serve Purple Drank at practice group happy hour tomorrow    07/15/24  (1)
MASE == never says anything bad about Bibi    07/15/24  (1)
To Be Fair == never says anything bad about Bibi    07/15/24  (1)
Fitness Bros: Recommend A Decent Adjustable Bench    07/15/24  (4)
libs of tiktok is outting everyone who wished Trump was assassinated to death    07/15/24  (36)
To Be Fair = Mossad AI bot; it's mad as fuck about Vance and lashing out    07/15/24  (1)
From this photo of the Butler rally, what could SS possibly have been looking at    07/15/24  (1)
"Would u like to accept a collect call from" *robot voice* "Tu B. Faire"    07/15/24  (6)
trump will lose all sympathy when asked if he still supports political violence    07/15/24  (10)
Very wise of Israel to abuse its Christian minority for the last six months.    07/15/24  (1)
“Are you a Zionist?” Biden: “Yes”    07/15/24  (1)
how do i but infowars stock    07/15/24  (1)
Congrats, Vice President askav    07/15/24  (26)
Do you guys know about the Bald Guy who predicted Trump getting shot in the ear?    07/15/24  (2)
Shrew coworker had diarrhea during client meeting    07/15/24  (1)
Askav was not even a good pseudonym for Vance. Asha V = Askav    07/15/24  (7)
Askav needs to give JD Vance a firm and vigorous spanking    07/15/24  (17)
Video of Crooks climbing around on top of the SWAT building in front of crowd    07/15/24  (1)
"Well shit we raid Biden's house weekly and he never says a word"    07/15/24  (5)
RATE This Chick Who Is Israel's Highest Ranked Muslim IDF Soldier (PIC)    07/15/24  (2)
50 to appear at RNC    07/15/24  (2)
“Attorney” Joe Biden explaining decision in Trump’s records case    07/15/24  (3)
what kind of dope is in antifa lol    07/15/24  (1)
askav do you need a goebbels    07/15/24  (13)
askav's xo enemies are really going to regret it when POTUS vance makes him AG    07/15/24  (7)
Cliffs on the J.D. Vance/Askav meme? Thank    07/15/24  (10)
prole askav's limp disappearing as he walks out of trust fund managers office    07/15/24  (5)
askav seething as he hatewatches hillbilly elegy and jerks off to amy adams    07/15/24  (4)
Why don’t professionals take Kenny seriously?    07/15/24  (10)
What’s trumps position on the trumpmo who was actually shot and killed?    07/15/24  (5)
We need askav to come back and UNLOAD all over this 'JD Vance' character    07/15/24  (3)
VP askav ordering a hit on RSF    07/15/24  (3)
VP askav orders USAF to bomb EPAH's house and call it a "fire"    07/15/24  (2)
askav giving dossier on EPAH to every judicial nominee and DOJ appointee    07/15/24  (2)
VP askav ordering Court of Federal Claims to sanction benzo for shitvax fraud    07/15/24  (2)
MLB HR Derby & Not One Thread. LOL Libs Killed Americana & Pro Sports    07/15/24  (2)
BAM! ur POTUS and people loyal to the previous POTUS just tried to kill you    07/15/24  (1)
Remember 3-4 yrs ago askav was huge shitlib?    07/15/24  (24)
Gujarati bros- what CASTE is our new second lady?    07/15/24  (1)
Ben Shapiro just retweeted my joke about having an Asian wife    07/15/24  (20)
Delighted to recall 80s/90s slang for sex was “getting busy”    07/15/24  (1)
Vance: I did business with Peter Thiel in 2016 so he controls me now *shrugs*    07/15/24  (2)
Utah cop accidentally blows a suspect's hand off.    07/15/24  (1)
Nick Fuentes BTFOs JD Vance    07/15/24  (16)
VP: actual Marine; RSF/TDNW: lies about serving in the Marines    07/15/24  (2)
Libs on Vance: he's a straight while man    07/15/24  (1)
my balls feel like concrete    07/15/24  (4)
Biden’s first answer in NBC interview brings up Charlottesville    07/15/24  (4)
JD Vance personally escorting every AIPAC lobbyist out of the US Capitol    07/15/24  (1)
Ok which poaster is waving the Jews for Trump sign    07/15/24  (1)
Another benefit of the JD Vance pick: It may make TDNW kill himself    07/15/24  (14)
Kamala and Vance agree to 'break bread's at naan-partisan VP debate    07/15/24  (11)
"Ok, you be Kamala, and I'll be me" (JD Vance debate prepping with his wife)    07/15/24  (20)
TDNW never posts about politics now because he knows Trump will abandon Ukraine    07/15/24  (44)
What can be, unburdened from what has been    07/15/24  (1)
If Vance had a hot blonde thin wife would people like him more    07/15/24  (4)
Anytime smth good or ok happens, I like to imagine how conseula will blackpill    07/15/24  (10)
J.D. Vance has a son named Vivek    07/15/24  (68)
Are you watching the RNC    07/15/24  (7)
Alex Jones introduced Joe Rogan to Brian Redban and got his career launched    07/15/24  (6)
Trumps ear looks great, truly a miracle    07/15/24  (1)
enlisted Marine being VP must mean they’re really smart    07/15/24  (2)
A Mr. Bean episode where he accidentally almost snipes the president    07/15/24  (1)
“We must lower the temperature” Kasich after stuffing body in freezer    07/15/24  (3)
Alex Jones is significantly younger than Joe Rogan    07/15/24  (2)
Vance is the VP pick btw    07/15/24  (32)
XO Loves MAGA Opportunist Tucker; Lukewarm On MAGA Opportunist Vance. Explain.    07/15/24  (8)
Wife asked me "Are you going to fuck me or what?"    07/15/24  (5)
Rate this video of based J.D. Vance    07/15/24  (11)
Ok, I admit it...I've sucked 1,254 cocks (whok)    07/15/24  (4)
1.6 Americans living in Mexico    07/15/24  (33)
I've watched 11.5 hours of JRE/Alex Jones in the last 18 hours    07/15/24  (47)
When the world ends will you be with a bunch of libs in a shoebox in the sky    07/15/24  (1)
My wife got fingerblasted by a dermatologist (whok)    07/15/24  (3)
What's the deal with Tim Scott?    07/15/24  (2)
Alex Jones is an apocalyptic prophet    07/15/24  (1)
Red Wave Bloodbath 2024    07/15/24  (1)
did the bullet graze the part of your head that picks good running mates?    07/15/24  (11)
why did Autoadmit hate Vance back in the day?    07/15/24  (49)
why don't all rural whites just do: back door into YLS -> memoir -> VC gig    07/15/24  (5)
Everybody in my family is severely mentally ill, on my dads and moms side.    07/15/24  (3)
Trump's priority on Ukraine will be getting credit for a peace deal    07/15/24  (1)
parolee drowns in Hudson after evading police on a bicycle (video)    07/15/24  (6)
Has anyone thought Alex Jones might be sort of crazy    07/15/24  (1)

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