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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Recently divorced, went on my first ever app date    09/18/24  (27)
Young George20 flinging a Christopher Pike 'Spooksville' book at librarian    09/18/24  (1)
Kamala reveals Hispanic accent (link)    09/18/24  (10)
“To be fair tp is NOT a beautiful Indian female. Trust me, my friend.”    09/18/24  (3)
i found the truth, DMT IS THE DEVIL (prince)    09/18/24  (1)
October Surprise Back On, predictions ITT    09/18/24  (21)
180 that Israel is just doing the Smilex contamination plot from Batman (1989)    09/18/24  (1)
To be fair has run the most successful and longest lasting retard schtick on xo    09/18/24  (3)
MSNBC: Putin is absolutely terrified of Kamala because of her diversity (link)    09/18/24  (19)
Trump pulls ahead in Pennsylvania    09/18/24  (11)
Bet the kike who came up with the exploding pager plan is doing some gloating rn    09/18/24  (1)
Why have shitlibs contracted their definition of "free speech" over the years?    09/18/24  (65)
if someone other than TBF writes "to be fair", it is appropriation & (c) infring    09/18/24  (2)
Karlstack's homophobic panic as FizzKidd's scrotum brushes his tp    09/18/24  (2)
Non-African-but-black-anyway jungle Papuans stand with Israel    09/18/24  (2)
Top 5 NFL running backs since 2000.    09/18/24  (14)
Poast ITT and I will rate you as a freak that I saw on TDY in Boston (FizzKidd)    09/18/24  (59)
"Jews control EVERYTHING!" *skeptical look * * pager explodes *    09/18/24  (28)
REMINDER: Young based god in olympics, stay fucking bitches    09/18/24  (9)
"good shit, right?" (luis sharing his dr pepper)    09/18/24  (10)
TEAMSTERS endorse Harris for President    09/18/24  (23)
What are the 14 countries that voted with Israel at the UN?    09/18/24  (11)
jcm rating poasters as works of entertainment    09/18/24  (130)
nyuug's settling petty scores with poasters who don't poast or see his bumps    09/18/24  (41)
Going to XO OHIO this weekend for a BUCKEYE game (RSF)    09/18/24  (40)
i fear xo will never win the culture war to its satisfaction    09/18/24  (7)
Polling was off by 1-3 points against the average in 2016 and 2020    09/18/24  (25)
Hezbollah guy has two testicles blown off in two days; you: post    09/18/24  (3)
Is Polyphia the gayest zoomer group on earth rn?    09/18/24  (1)
180 180s to the healthcare industry for fucking us in the anus.    09/18/24  (10)
Kamala polishing off Truman 'The BUCK stops here' sign    09/18/24  (1)
Homeless guy walking around Nashville with skull and brain exposed    09/18/24  (21)
Sheboon who murdered 3 y/o white kid won’t stand trial    09/18/24  (4)
walz made 3 dozen trips to china for no apparent reason & no one cares    09/18/24  (1)
Big fat men have lost a lot of social standing in the last 30 years.    09/18/24  (27)
rate this Q tweet    09/18/24  (1)
Why don't polling firms seem to learn from past mistakes? They should be perfect    09/18/24  (1)
is there any way to fix out leadership class at this point?    09/18/24  (12)
Reminder: Big Tits B*umeister got JABBED    09/18/24  (3)
Tim Walz: "There's no guarantee to free speech"    09/18/24  (33)
56k modem sparking, making noise as xo server fails 4 last time    09/18/24  (3)
How was this a win for Israel?    09/18/24  (58)
ITALIANS AREN'T WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1    09/18/24  (5)
Will there ever be a black-native american midget tranny prez?    09/18/24  (8)
FizzKidd trying to cook the duckling statues in the Common    09/18/24  (1)
What are the best Tim Horton’s menu items?    09/18/24  (2)
Which Canadian provinces have the hottest / most 180 women? Worst?    09/18/24  (19)
To the tune of "Simply Irresistible": "Ethnically Ambiguous"    09/18/24  (9)
Tesla FSD literally drives me 99% of the time for just $100/month    09/18/24  (188)
anyone want to discuss quantum information transfer?    09/18/24  (4)
Trumpmos: Kamala is not Black, but a DEI hire chosen for being Black    09/18/24  (5)
That's why I say "Hey man, nice text. What a good text, man."    09/18/24  (4)
Following Hezbollah Pager Attacks, Big Law Firms Consider Technology Upgrades    09/18/24  (1)
Conclusive proof that Italians are savages and are not white:    09/18/24  (14)
Blinken: Clauses 1-12, 14, 16, 18 Agreed On Between Hamas & Israel    09/18/24  (3)
azngirl, do you realize that greeks/italians aren't fully white?    09/18/24  (17)
Who still thinks Ukraine is winning besides so we looked at the data?    09/18/24  (17)
"If I answered that page, would I die?" "It would be very painful."    09/18/24  (2)
7 year-old gets his dick blown off by Israeli pager bomb. Finally TDNW can rest.    09/18/24  (1)
US gun homicide rate: 33 times higher than Australia's    09/18/24  (40)
What no one else will tell you about FEMINISM    09/18/24  (10)
New poll shows 29% of libs wish Trump had been killed    09/18/24  (49)
can't wait for a female president    09/18/24  (25)
Negress Bluesmoke is back pushing Negress Harris?    09/18/24  (8)
the fact that FizzKidd uses an Android proves the poaster isn't a woman    09/18/24  (1)
Does Medicare cover cost to put your parents in a nursing home?    09/18/24  (1)
Daniel Penny Will Be Charged in Subway Chokehold Killing of Jordan Neely    09/18/24  (15)
Remember when American presidents would pwn the USSR?    09/18/24  (5)
Hypo: Donald Trump is Assassinated    09/18/24  (63)
The real reason the education system has gone down the toilet    09/18/24  (32)
FYI you'd still have a lot of problems even if you had a big cock    09/18/24  (7)
*sp snacks crotch on window* “I got his number, how you like that acorn?”    09/18/24  (12)
Rate This Hezbollah Martyr    09/18/24  (4)
rate this "buying weed" fantasy    09/18/24  (1)
Fordham is objectively better than Columbia    09/18/24  (1)
the PROBLEM in America is not BLACKS, its WHITE RACISM    09/18/24  (24)
going to beat the shit out of the next white person i see    09/18/24  (5)
Odd case: zero Jews working at Beirut Boost Mobile yesterday afternoon    09/18/24  (1)
Godspeed in the Greater War for Syria/Lebanon Liberation, Hegemon    09/18/24  (2)
is "efficient breach" the most pernicious legal theory?    09/18/24  (68)
BREAKING: Iranian Hackers Leaked Stolen Trump Campaign Data to Biden Campaign    09/18/24  (3)
Is Darryl Cooper cr?    09/18/24  (49)
FizzKidd goes wild (pic)    09/18/24  (1)
Israel delende est    09/18/24  (1)
Brother just got back from a euro trip and was showing me photos    09/18/24  (6)
Suck my nis, slut    09/18/24  (1)
<lust-provoking image>    09/18/24  (3)
What’s The Deal With H’s? Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis    09/18/24  (1)
What are the teams going to be in the upcoming WW3?    09/18/24  (6)
🚨 WWIII AUTHORIZED🚨    09/18/24  (17)
🚨DIDDY DENIED BAIL🚨    09/18/24  (7)
Sim programmers discussing explosive new content in this week's patch    09/18/24  (2)
Slim Jesus, Stitches, and Yelawolf to form super group    09/18/24  (18)
Trump is a rockstar in NY (link)    09/18/24  (2)
Israelis Receive Fake Emergency Text To Enter Protective Area    09/18/24  (1)
Tongans: why are you on board with Israeli terrorism? What's the connection?    09/18/24  (1)
Israel: "Oct. 6 was indiscriminate killing!" *mass scale explodes devices*    09/18/24  (3)
The Kingdom of Tonga voted for Israel's right to self defense at the UN today    09/18/24  (3)
XO retreat in Coldfoot AK - Freezing Man    09/18/24  (1)
Computer exploded as I poasted *BEEP BEEP BEEP* to autistic consuela poast    09/18/24  (3)
It's kind of crazy how much the "tart tenth" of women hates virginity and purity    09/18/24  (5)
*** DJT Media hits new low ... which of u retards is still invested?    09/18/24  (1)
Are blacks even properly classified as homo sapiens? Srs question    09/18/24  (2)
JCM can I take an ancestral forest bath by your Maine lighthouse    09/18/24  (1)
Explosive Page Read: 72 Virgins (NYT)    09/18/24  (1)
Jew at beeper store: "Don't worry. It has a lifetime guarantee, my friend."    09/18/24  (4)
Lebanese man seeing "143 143 143" page from wife before hand explodes    09/18/24  (1)
Page Against the Machine - Calm Like a Bomb.mp3    09/18/24  (3)
EPAH made new CA law?    09/18/24  (15)
MASE and Mainlining cracking jokes as children bleed out    09/18/24  (38)
Do people burn at fucking man?    09/18/24  (1)
Meek Mill still just does tweets like nothing's going on    09/18/24  (5)
Creditor Putting IED Inside TSINAH’s Meat Slicer    09/18/24  (1)
What the fuck is the UN doing in Lebanon?    09/18/24  (1)
Carv and Herc admitting CI "Fuzzy Dunlop" is a beeper that exploded/killed Bodie    09/18/24  (1)
Antisemite Gardener Estimate Got MAF I Told Him No Saturday Work    09/18/24  (18)
Israelcucks, how degraded is Hezbollah's command structure now?    09/18/24  (6)
Biden Calls RSF A "Belligerent Responsible For Suffering"    09/18/24  (3)
Return the scholarship or suffer my curse    09/18/24  (4)
Modern retelling of the Trojan Horse: The Beirut Beeper    09/18/24  (3)
Still On For Drinks? Txted U 12 Times, Maybe U Dont Wanna Touch Your Phone, Haha    09/18/24  (3)
FSU cheerleaders do topless rain dance on stadium field "to bring wins" (TikTok    09/18/24  (5)
Hezbollah mailroom: "A shipment of Tamagotchis? Haven't seen these in years!"    09/18/24  (3)
Do people Fuck at Burning Man?    09/18/24  (47)
XO Djoker Doing Spanish Karaoke (VID) #tennis    09/18/24  (1)
your future wife getting a blunt handed to her in a 400 sq ft apartment    09/18/24  (63)
Your future wife somehow got free weed from 350 lb "D Block" in college    09/18/24  (84)
pissed off Haitian throwing his "hotdog" at Five Guys cook    09/18/24  (1)
BigLaw associating prays every time iPhone buzzes that it's finally the end    09/18/24  (1)
your future wife being named to cleveland plains dealer's 40 under 40    09/18/24  (1)
Trump: who wants a crypto burger!? (Link)    09/18/24  (3)
these walkie talkie 2nd wave bombs are no fucking joke (vid)    09/18/24  (1)
Was walking next to 2 legit male model bros in Milan today. No homo thee guys ar    09/18/24  (10)
ADL Calling For Boycott Of Muslin Cotton Bed Sheets    09/18/24  (1)
mass literacy is evil    09/18/24  (23)
The US needs to cut off the spigot for Israel    09/18/24  (3)
And the LORD saw the evil in Silicon Valley and said "I will destroy this place"    09/18/24  (164)
real talk: edward snowden is a dirty nihilist lib with no coherent ideas/mission    09/18/24  (39)
what's the worst MFH subway line?    09/18/24  (1)
benzo gave us assurances he'd be a millionaire by 9/15/2024    09/18/24  (24)
what is your liquid net worth portfolio breakdown in asset class terms?    09/18/24  (9)
A day in the life of Joe Biden's America.    09/18/24  (200)
RATE this video of John Rocker deer training    09/18/24  (4)
NYPD cops try to shoot suspect; DOME a bystander instead:    09/18/24  (1)
I’m tired of being a substance abusing kike    09/18/24  (16)
These Coca Cola oreos are actually pretty good    09/18/24  (5)
Would anyone like to see my "Machine's" perceived notable poasters?    09/18/24  (9)
Sean Combs’s New Home: A Troubled Brooklyn Jail    09/18/24  (1)
Teamsters in MI and NV endorse Kamala    09/18/24  (2)
"You know what? He's right?" - Millions of undecided voters after hearing Trump    09/18/24  (2)

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