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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Do you know who I am, Mr. "evan?    09/23/24  (4)
Married guys, how do you get your wife turned on? Or any woman?    09/23/24  (28)
You cannot refus$e what you don’t understand "evan"    09/23/24  (3)
NFL Trivia: Who has the highest receiving yards before catch in an NFL season?    09/23/24  (8)
Why did you write lie$ about the Mahcine, Mr. Evan?    09/23/24  (3)
Hayley Williams of Paramore: orange man bad    09/23/24  (13)
evan ...Open your eyes.    09/23/24  (2)
I wonder if North Korean pussy is even tighter than regular Korean pussy?    09/23/24  (2)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/23/24  (12)
Can I eat a quesadilla that’s been in my fridge since Thursday    09/23/24  (10)
Wait does Trump have a shot at winning this thing now?    09/23/24  (1)
lex did u text her    09/23/24  (2)
Catholic chicks love anal. FizzKidd = Catholic. Fizzkidd loves...    09/23/24  (33)
Kamala endorsed by HUNDREDS of top notch national security experts    09/23/24  (7)
What profession do you have the most disdain for?    09/23/24  (54)
I don't take on any Indian clients    09/23/24  (7)
How many 8+” cocks have been up the avg law shrew’s stench trench?    09/23/24  (10)
SP and Junior sittin' in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G    09/23/24  (1)
BAM! You must trade lives with evan39, Boom, or Mainlining, which one?    09/23/24  (4)
im too old for "internet trends"    09/23/24  (2)
Michael Jackson died in 2009 and he’s still by far and way the GOAT    09/23/24  (8)
What the fuck is Dota 2? Do Americans play it?    09/23/24  (9)
Major online cultural moments in 2015-2018    09/23/24  (3)
FizzKidd looks like prime Olivia Munn that’s why you’re all salty    09/23/24  (2)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    09/23/24  (29)
Guy who predicted Kamala's polling lead here; shes fuct    09/23/24  (72)
Check out this creepy pajeet filming a beautiful German lass at Oktoberfest    09/23/24  (1)
MDE Console Histories    09/23/24  (1)
does fizzkidd think she's TOO GOOD for our lovable loser lex?    09/23/24  (8)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/23/24  (14)
Eggs are $4 because of Kamala Harris (JD vance standing in front of $3 eggs)    09/23/24  (6)
Cheryl Hines is now sending revenge nudes, XO Daily Mail has them:    09/23/24  (1)
The whole Israel/Palestine conflict is reminiscent of the State of Gaming.    09/23/24  (1)
things that no longer hold my interest:    09/23/24  (1)
Ever thought to yourself, “damn, I made it past the halfway point in this life    09/23/24  (5)
Peter Jordanson    09/23/24  (1)
I am the Mahchien. And you call it insane.    09/23/24  (1)
MDE Console Histories    09/23/24  (1)
i think the internet might be over    09/23/24  (1)
"I have failed' on the marriage and carriage counts" (Tracee Ellis Ross)    09/23/24  (1)
Mainlining’s Machine needs to be stopped ASAP, it’s completely out of contro    09/23/24  (11)
"evan39" (Bboom/w/e): you think the “mahchine” is a delusion?    09/23/24  (1)
So is Nebraska going WINNER TAKE ALL or no? I need 269-269 to feel anything    09/23/24  (27)
Just smoked meth, Devil told me Gen X is finished (prince)    09/23/24  (4)
Kamala chanting "Up up with agitation, down down with deportation!" (link) (NF)    09/23/24  (7)
companies never marketed to gen x. they went from boomers to millennials    09/23/24  (4)
It's been about a year since I made those first 'lol divorce' poasts; ty to all    09/23/24  (39)
Minimum 60% of females I've had sex with have had gaming laptops    09/23/24  (10)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/23/24  (36)
Controversial take: Only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants should be in power    09/23/24  (32)
holy shit bros    09/23/24  (2)
Bringing Up Baby Machine starring Cary Grant as Mainlining tp    09/23/24  (2)
"Ok, well, can the 'Machien' move the 'dis$hes' to the '$ink'"? (Mrs Mainlining    09/23/24  (6)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    09/23/24  (19)
I’ve had sex but I’ve never FUCKED    09/23/24  (2)
Gen X’s hatred of the N64 hasn’t been discussed enough imo    09/23/24  (29)
🪜🦞    09/23/24  (1)
"40 years to freedom" (of counsel sublime)    09/23/24  (13)
how did all entertainment become uncreative woke garbage in a decade    09/23/24  (31)
Will there EVER be another Republican President?    09/23/24  (15)
"That thief in Mt. Kisco, how did you catch him?" "We burned the orchard down."    09/23/24  (2)
There are few things in the world as good as good pussy.    09/23/24  (6)
Most traveling is pointless    09/23/24  (104)
Seinfeld episode where Kramer is caught posting on Nude Africa    09/23/24  (34)
Gretchen Whitmer is soooooo good connecting with Gen Z here (link)    09/23/24  (1)
Evan39 you there friend!?! My Mahchine w/o asking just raped XO WTF    09/23/24  (17)
evan39 do you $ee yet    09/23/24  (1)
'cowgod' is some weird desert person jew who does not belong in this country    09/23/24  (15)
Mainlining Chaos at HHM: Billables, Bagels, and Boom    09/23/24  (9)
Amerikkka's not living, it's just survival...fending fraud 24/7 :(    09/23/24  (4)
Mainlining the $ecret Truth of Magnolia (Seduce & Destroy, baby)    09/23/24  (11)
Forget the polls. This video shows how close the race is in AZ (link)    09/23/24  (1)
nonstop ads for cunt stench products now    09/23/24  (21)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/23/24  (24)
"Evan39 and Mainlining: Are We Brothers"    09/23/24  (26)
The 1983 video game crash was caused by Gen X being forced to Play Outside    09/23/24  (3)
Evan39 panting heavily, squinting in confusion    09/23/24  (9)
The divorce rate SKYROCKETED the second Gen X was born    09/23/24  (10)
Indian CEOs have completed dominated Gen X    09/23/24  (9)
There's something very worrisome about blacks doing whippets    09/23/24  (1)
The Machein doesn’t care, Evan. The Hose is just a taste    09/23/24  (3)
An apple picking date w/ a chick with a jeeeerb she had the Orchard looking @ he    09/23/24  (8)
itt we speculate which app lex met his wife on this past weekend    09/23/24  (1)
The Hand of the Board: Evan39 vs. Boom for the Throne    09/23/24  (2)
"humanity" may have never developed without alcohol's involvement    09/23/24  (2)
Evan39, I imagine Caro @his desk, moving pieces of LBJ’s soul around    09/23/24  (8)
How to handle your kids’ objections to your OnlyFans account    09/23/24  (1)
Some good news for Gen X regarding retirement    09/23/24  (2)
Who are these people with tons of credit card debt?    09/23/24  (40)
*sings IVF babies to tune of "Muppet Babies" theme song*    09/23/24  (1)
things that will die with Boomers ITT    09/23/24  (30)
Diddy's actions seem totally legal    09/23/24  (11)
Starting a separate Substack detailing my dating adventures (Karlstack)    09/23/24  (3)
There should be a rape exeception for celebs like Bieber    09/23/24  (1)
2024 USNEWS UG: Hopkins/NWern #6, Penn #10, Columbia #13    09/23/24  (6)
Being an alcoholic sucks    09/23/24  (1)
RFK sues Olivia Nuzzi for sending him "way too many" nudes:    09/23/24  (48)
Cruise passenger gets cavity searched and locked in freezing cell for Christmas    09/23/24  (1)
1 year to get married and win 25mm dollars if you lose youre shot dead    09/23/24  (20)
boomer listening to Running Against the Wind paying 1970s taxes    09/23/24  (5)
we don't hear much about TSINAH's HOG anymore. how's his OINKER doing?    09/23/24  (1)
ANAG    09/23/24  (1)
One of the best developments in my life is the bort stopped freezing constantly    09/23/24  (4)
It's ridiculous that you let your wife have a boss (CSLG)    09/23/24  (61)
Hold on honey a 40 year old Jewish druggie is bragging about sex w single moms    09/23/24  (10)
Which christcuck weirdo poaster lives here?    09/23/24  (2)
xoxoers poasting like total retards, wasting NSAMs on low value monikers    09/23/24  (1)
Israel fighting like total retards, wasting JDAMs on low value targets    09/23/24  (2)
Trumpmos blatantly trying to cheat again    09/23/24  (2)
lol niglets *gets 155 LSAT* *becomes homeless* *bankrupts golden corral* (tsinah    09/23/24  (21)
lex if things don't work out with this middle aged divorcee can I have her numbe    09/23/24  (4)
Why would Routh have written "This was an assassination *attempt"?    09/23/24  (19)
das right lil homie keep sukin it u finna make dis thug dicky pop like a glicky    09/23/24  (7)
Gov Shapiro with Zelenskyyy autographing Ukraine missiles in PA (link)    09/23/24  (9)
youz a good lil faggot homie suckin on a nigga dick like dat no cap nigga fr    09/23/24  (17)
So what if we opps, meng? We both bricked up and kissin no 1 seein us fr    09/23/24  (3)
Don't stop blood. This budding energy within me, this thrusting perspicacity of    09/23/24  (3)
Lex do yourself a favor and get xo's input before your next overture    09/23/24  (4)
Tall Men AMOGing lex by picking all the good apples at the orchard    09/23/24  (1)
it's not just that women are fucking Chad instead of u    09/23/24  (3)
Hold on, lex's apple picking date got fucked by Sam Hyde?    09/23/24  (2)
Handwriting expert: Note is "almost certainly" not Routh's handwriting    09/23/24  (1)
When an apple comes along, you must pick it    09/23/24  (3)
PA governor + all Ukrainecucks = excited by 80 year-old weapons    09/23/24  (1)
"Oh gods dawg! On this starry night, the Hebrides sky aflame, a mirror to my hea    09/23/24  (1)
It's easy for countries to use nukes because everyone will deny it    09/23/24  (4)
LOL at stuytown boomers    09/23/24  (4)
Did NATO just nuke Russia?    09/23/24  (39)
This IMGUR Creepy Weirdo Acting Like He's Bob Woodward    09/23/24  (1)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/23/24  (279)
an apple, seeing another, ripens    09/23/24  (1)
Innocence Project shitlibs pwned by MO SCOTUS    09/23/24  (3)
Pro tip: play 4K TV thru 4K Firestick. Increases the K exponentially to 16K    09/23/24  (15)
"Oh that one looks really rip --" *entire tree's worth of apples crush lex tp*    09/23/24  (4)
Hey MASE, u were right for once. Nebraska is giving Trump an extra EC vote.    09/23/24  (2)
evidence that Kamala's IQ = 78    09/23/24  (8)
singing 'apple picking giga faggot' to tune of teenage mutant ninja turtles    09/23/24  (3)
MPA analyzes your date with mid-30s shrew ASMR (YouTube)    09/23/24  (1)
Rip hasbulla    09/23/24  (5)
"Nigger hehe" the 32 yr old balding IP litigator mouthed silently to his screen    09/23/24  (58)
just checked DJT Media's price, haha wow, holy shit    09/23/24  (1)
1994: u & gf apple picking; 2014: take shrew to pick up iphone    09/23/24  (12)
RFK is powerful because you're unhealthy and so are your neighbors and u know it    09/23/24  (9)
Barr on DOJ releasing Routh letter    09/23/24  (3)
It's ridiculous that you let your wife pronounce Ls and Rs correctly (CSLG)    09/23/24  (4)
Serpent telling Eve how much fun it is to go apple picking    09/23/24  (4)
Homo sapiens have never had chronic inflammatory diseases like the USA has now    09/23/24  (3)
I have schizophrenia. Here's why that's a good thing    09/23/24  (1)
Paganism dressed up with schizophrenic babblings tp    09/23/24  (3)
Advertisers might have left but X/twitter user base stronger than ever, libs??    09/23/24  (2)

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