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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Boston trip was some sort of sexual awakening (FizzKidd)    09/25/24  (142)
NYT: “In a First Among Christians, Young Men More Religious Than Young Women    09/25/24  (11)
My working wife has never received a raise and makes less than when she started    09/25/24  (31)
simp crew is really firing on all cylinders lately    09/25/24  (15)
MPA is clearly heading to MPM victory. step up your game, slackers    09/25/24  (3)
Why hasn't somebody reported CSLG to CA bar for paying referral fees to docs    09/25/24  (55)
College Football "NIL" nightmare just slid more into the toilet with UNLV QB    09/25/24  (20)
Orange Retard: IRAN IS TRYING TO KILL ME, WAR WITH IRAN NOW    09/25/24  (12)
Dem internals have Harris down 4 POINTS in PA    09/25/24  (28)
I hate my children. Both of them.    09/25/24  (25)
I have a small prick    09/25/24  (6)
No matter how bad my internet is xo always fully loads in seconds    09/25/24  (1)
2024 SAT scores released, charted by race (link)    09/25/24  (23)
Rate this Gunneratttt post    09/25/24  (43)
Which do you prefer out of: euchre, spades, whist, hearts    09/25/24  (8)
Zuckerberg has hired a Republican strategist to repair his image w/right wingers    09/25/24  (3)
Anyone actually use ChatGPT or Claude for work?    09/25/24  (3)
Trump campaign 'strategist' EXPLODES, call interns 'stupid f----ts' (DM)    09/25/24  (67)
Any bros want to go to the WNBA game with me?    09/25/24  (10)
The browncope here is off the fucking charts these days    09/25/24  (4)
In bid to attract millennial&zoomer audience, Playboy rebrands to Gayboy    09/25/24  (6)
Why are there no white cornerbacks?    09/25/24  (19)
Hint: "Western Civilization" was just Jews/Birdshits exploiting others    09/25/24  (35)
Is humanity finally getting over its 200-year obsession with nationalism?    09/25/24  (15)
Catholic church launches "Prayboy", azn youth-focused magazine    09/25/24  (5)
Twice as many men registered as Democrats than Republicans in 2023    09/25/24  (17)
As an (Ex) Muslim, Islam is the biggest threat to civilization period    09/25/24  (45)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/25/24  (66)
What's this about PE hiring junior bankers? J Dimon is pissed.    09/25/24  (9)
Young Donald TRUMP operating a pottery wheel (video)    09/25/24  (18)
Check out the braking force on this Swedish tank    09/25/24  (1)
Brothers how do I learn about kayaks    09/25/24  (10)
Is it still worth it to study Computer Science in college?    09/25/24  (22)
Minnesota’s state flag is depression in flag form    09/25/24  (28)
Why not just tax 3rd residential properties to the moon?    09/25/24  (7)
Cast iron pans are such flame    09/25/24  (54)
I mean, I like bussy as much as the next guy    09/25/24  (2)
BUT HE SAID PUSSY!!!!!!!!    09/25/24  (9)
"I said, What's cooler than being cool?" "CHILL LUIS"    09/25/24  (8)
The joy of feeling a big smelly nigger cum in your ass is indescribable    09/25/24  (10)
Caroline Ellison gets 2 years in prison    09/25/24  (33)
Lebanon Is As Safe As Ever, Great Time To Come, My Friend (TripAdvisor Forums)    09/25/24  (7)
FTX founder SBF will receive NO JAIL time (link)    09/25/24  (20)
Is Buenos Aires as 180 as it looks?    09/25/24  (41)
Nutella checking in!    09/25/24  (39)
Cons think SBF will be given time served at sentencing next month?    09/25/24  (3)
Gujarat trip was some sort of sexual awakening    09/25/24  (7)
Trumpmos do you still think SBF will walk because he’s Jewish & donated to pol    09/25/24  (2)
Hilarious that people here think SBF will actually be “charged” with “crim    09/25/24  (10)
FTX PREDICTION: SBF will get some kind of bailout and they'll make a ton of $$$    09/25/24  (17)
Kamala Harris BTFO with the power of WESTLAW    09/25/24  (10)
Metamorphosis by Shindo but the main character is FizzKidd    09/25/24  (2)
Pope Francis sides with Lebanon over Israel    09/25/24  (1)
ChatGPT's top 5 majors to study in 2024    09/25/24  (3)
key Harris supporter and cabinet member: let's "extinguish" Trump    09/25/24  (3)
Trumpmos: Ghaaa, why won’t Kamala do an interview    09/25/24  (3)
Hitler's translated speeches are going viral in troubling TikTok trend (link)    09/25/24  (6)
"Cool flame, Xiaowang. Wanna bring it to the online lawyer message board?"    09/25/24  (3)
Can anyone who isn't an insane shitlib explain why the Iraq War wasn't justified    09/25/24  (29)
Who said Europe doesn't innovate anymore? New Suicide Pod invented    09/25/24  (3)
Anyone else use Dude Wipes instead of toilet paper?    09/25/24  (10)
"Are you better off than you were before mass miscegination?"    09/25/24  (4)
What's with all of these fucking September weddings?    09/25/24  (1)
"Marriage" in america is total fucking flame=thoughts?    09/25/24  (1)
MBA shrew penciled me in for a bar date tonight and it went great    09/25/24  (56)
Israel still waiting on Apaches and bunker busters from December    09/25/24  (2)
Just saw Slayer/Lamb of God/Mastodon at Riot Fest. 1 of 3 Slayer reunion shows.    09/25/24  (6)
Living in Florida with nonstop hurricanes is fucking retarded    09/25/24  (36)
Judge Boyd is quickly becoming one of my favorite judges    09/25/24  (3)
taking ?'s on Phimosis    09/25/24  (27)
r/marriedredpill is the saddest placed on the internet    09/25/24  (179)
Asians = elves, blacks = orcs, hispanics = ??? whites = humans    09/25/24  (3)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/25/24  (26)
Chances Fizzkid is elaborate nutella flame?    09/25/24  (1)
Is this “bankman fried” fella going to end up in prison    09/25/24  (5)
MPA analyzes your date with mid-30s shrew ASMR (YouTube)    09/25/24  (3)
That SBF is not in jail much less strung up in February 2023 is insane    09/25/24  (13)
Why is SBF not in jail?    09/25/24  (24)
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall    09/25/24  (1)
you’re a nervous XO first year about to wear Sorting hat of clique theory    09/25/24  (6)
SBF will get off, and they will convict George Santos for saying he's "Jew-ish"    09/25/24  (7)
Trumpmos do you still think SBF will walk because he’s Jewish & donated to pol    09/25/24  (3)
SBF is going to WALK    09/25/24  (23)
Is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2's soundtrack the GOAT POTUS soundtrack?    09/25/24  (2)
falling for BPD girls at age 36 tp    09/25/24  (18)
UK map ASMR (link)    09/25/24  (2)
Can't bring myself to care about work    09/25/24  (11)
Girl ghosted me after I told her how many girls I've been with?    09/25/24  (6)
how to get PRACTICAL LAW access for free?    09/25/24  (1)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/25/24  (34)
Trump is winning hispanic voters by 8 points. It’s over he won    09/25/24  (2)
alpha as fuck SEC megabro seeks hikikomori twink for scat games/humiliation    09/25/24  (3)
Both My Abortions Were Necessary. Only One Gets Sympathy.    09/25/24  (2)
Libs like Meaty Penis has been RADIO SILENT this week    09/25/24  (1)
Trump’s leaving rally as soon as the Venmo payment hits $$$    09/25/24  (1)
I have woken up every day for the last 11 years and masturbated to Jen Carfagno    09/25/24  (3)
Jen Carfagno is the only white woman to get hotter as she aged, had kids    09/25/24  (2)
Five Thousand Years Ago, Africa Had A Major Civilization We Forgot    09/25/24  (3)
NYC sucks, Chicago sucks, SF sucks, LA sucks    09/25/24  (14)
Israeli Bulldozers Flatten Mile After Mile in the West Bank    09/25/24  (1)
Hezbollah guy literally says "hello my friend" in propaganda video    09/25/24  (1)
So Puffy and BANKMAN fraud are actually sharing a cell right now lol    09/25/24  (15)
Local church sponsoring "Race Pray" targeting azn girls    09/25/24  (1)
CNN Article About What Cities Will Look Like With Rising Sea Levels    09/25/24  (19)
Axl Rose asked Nirvana to perform at his wedding. Kurt said no.    09/25/24  (10)
Muhammad Hamidullah (b. Moishe Hadani) invented shariah-compliant usury    09/25/24  (2)
A perfect mistress. A sexual awakening. A tale of two dykes in this NYT best sel    09/25/24  (2)
What was the first gay porn you ever looked at?    09/25/24  (3)
smoking about $40-50 of weed daily now    09/25/24  (5)
FizzKidd: "That was the turning point. That was one lonely night."    09/25/24  (1)
Nutella uses echolocation to identify hidden wine taverns    09/25/24  (139)
Just paid $46 for a shitty burrito bowel and a queer    09/25/24  (6)
5 hours of small talk and she's keeping her calendar open    09/25/24  (10)
It doesn't matter how many men don't believe you. It only matters how many do    09/25/24  (4)
My pussy? Asexual.    09/25/24  (2)
How is yardage calculated on a hook and ladder?    09/25/24  (11)
Nutella muting conference call to beat chained up sun bear with stick    09/25/24  (206)
Find that someone who looks at you the way Tim Walz looks at Alex Soros (link    09/25/24  (1)
Lex, Fizz, and MPA's weekend like a Love, Actually rom-com anthology for autists    09/25/24  (15)
listen, i’m just a cucumber, i’m not even conscious    09/25/24  (26)
Breezewood truck stop trip was some sort of sexual awakening    09/25/24  (2)
What is your favorite type of lesbian?    09/25/24  (21)
Doonesbury guy spent "many sleepless nights" poring over white papers    09/25/24  (1)
"The White Race is doomed" mused HATP as he munched on box's jewish balloon knot    09/25/24  (22)
Alternate reality where Al Gore was an alpha womanizer who said things like    09/25/24  (7)
Jewish weather machine sending hurricane to FL to rig election    09/25/24  (1)
Convoy deletion Vol. 781901 (those cheeky Galicians!)    09/25/24  (3)
Trump is so bad that we almost got Hillary, got Biden, and will get Kamala    09/25/24  (2)
Have totally ignored AI until now. Can I use it to write employee evaluations?    09/25/24  (18)
HAtp's poasting makes a lot more sense once you realize he's an incel    09/25/24  (2)
US Navy can no longer deploy even 1 carrier battler group    09/25/24  (38)
What does Al Gore do now?    09/25/24  (4)
Do you, FizzKidd, take this yellow fever jewish moid to be your lawfully wedded    09/25/24  (19)
CNN: Mongolian Hoard Assaulting Great Wall of China; Breach Imminent    09/25/24  (5)
IP HONEYTRAP -- DONT CLICK    09/25/24  (4)
r/misogonydating seems like a 180 personals site    09/25/24  (2)
big rigs honking from the parking lot when Doobs' name called at LS graduation    09/25/24  (118)
Just saw a group of early 20's girls WALK OUT on a $400 tab    09/25/24  (11)
Do gays ever “scissor” with their assholes?    09/25/24  (8)
steez should i move back to australia after 10 years in usa?    09/25/24  (1)
mba shrew giving lex PowerPoint on where their relationship is headed    09/25/24  (3)
liptstick lesbians scissoring & giggling after a long barry's class    09/25/24  (1)
Air Marshall Dan from Bridesmaids, pager up his ass explodes    09/25/24  (2)
MPA free from bad marriage, Luis beat cancer. 180 wins for so this year    09/25/24  (18)
jcm I want you to know I am the Captain and you are my First Officer    09/25/24  (3)
bloodacre wearing an "I've got the DAWG in me" tshirt on firm away day    09/25/24  (2)
Most traveling is pointless    09/25/24  (111)
Dawg Sessions: A Multi-Decadal Literary Exploratory Study in an American Subgenr    09/25/24  (1)
need RSF to rate the firm Condon & Forsyth    09/25/24  (2)
{tuneful summer away camp chant} Fuck Dawg! // Imma Ruck Dawg! // Imma Buck Daw    09/25/24  (1)

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