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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
am I living in the twilight zone for thinking Trump's going to win    09/17/24  (5)
Clicking dead links from a 10-year-old thread    09/17/24  (3)
Do people Fuck at Burning Man?    09/17/24  (9)
180 are country redneck xo poster showing his support for palestine    09/17/24  (1)
"no we stop being pro life when the cell globs morph into hungry venezuelans"    09/17/24  (4)
Trump reaches new high in 538 odds    09/17/24  (43)
ITT: Predict the new wars for 2025 if Trump loses    09/17/24  (5)
Sport rules that should be changed    09/17/24  (23)
The Arab/Israel conflict has a certain Roadrunner/Wile E. Coyote dynamic to it    09/17/24  (4)
Seinfeld scene about exploding pagers (season 2)    09/17/24  (4)
Friendly Reminder: The lies you tell yourself 👀 are the most dangerous    09/17/24  (1)
jcm rating poasters as works of entertainment    09/17/24  (64)
Real talk: If you own a 'phone' or keep one near your body, you're retarded    09/17/24  (3)
Arrested Development gag where it turns out the Bluths sold pagers to Lebanon    09/17/24  (2)
New Israeli lithium batteries last for the rest of your life    09/17/24  (14)
"The pager is blowing their nuts off." "Give them two pagers."    09/17/24  (4)
You ever watch a white boomer interact with a brown service worker    09/17/24  (11)
The Economist model has Trump with his biggest lead ever    09/17/24  (2)
Harris vs. Trump Polls: Kamala’s Debate Bounce Emerges    09/17/24  (2)
500 Hezbollah Fighters Brainstorming New Excuses to Leave Party Early    09/17/24  (2)
we're going to see record low turnout this election and that will benefit Trump    09/17/24  (3)
given the stakes for Trump, seems weird he's not trying harder    09/17/24  (5)
180 Israel makes every Hezbollah fighter's pager explode (link)    09/17/24  (108)
should i get a Dell or Mac Air?    09/17/24  (4)
I would vote for Trump if he lowered the coconut shrimp prices at Costco 2 bucks    09/17/24  (3)
LOL that megapoasters absent for years will "check in" then poast 8 hr/day    09/17/24  (17)
Nintendo won the gen?    09/17/24  (7)
Going to go out on a limb and say Trump wins    09/17/24  (10)
"we trust jews now!" (xo poaster citing nate silver's outlier projection)    09/17/24  (1)
POLL: Is Israel a terrorist state?    09/17/24  (8)
"All the kids are brown (alll the kids are brown), and/or fucking gay.."    09/17/24  (176)
Apparently Rome the city never noticed the decline of the empire    09/17/24  (2)
Tesla Nightmare - LJL at morons driving these deathtraps    09/17/24  (97)
The nation will be tarnished forever if Kamala actually wins    09/17/24  (7)
eric adams on diddy's sex slave ring: "nobody's perfect" (nypost)    09/17/24  (2)
Saudi TV: 500+ Hezbollah members lost all vision in beeper attack    09/17/24  (1)
if it's 270-268 for Trump then an elector will be bribed/killed hth    09/17/24  (1)
Finally, a daily compilation of the rus KIA    09/17/24  (1)
watched The Firm for the first time last night. haha wow holy shit    09/17/24  (8)
MSM: women who dress like sluts deserve to be raped (link)    09/17/24  (1)
Today was the largest mass-circumcision event since Genesis 31.    09/17/24  (2)
TRUMP: everyone gets 2 free buffets and $50 free slot play at Trump Casino    09/17/24  (1)
TRUMP: I will make sure nobody drives slow in the left lane ever again!    09/17/24  (3)
TRUMP: every American will get $10,000 Trumpbuck payments weekly when I'm POTUS    09/17/24  (1)
Actual Romans got conquered by "Byzantines" and hated their shitchristianity    09/17/24  (1)
TRUMP: I will make sure that it never rains on weekends when I am POTUS    09/17/24  (1)
DONNA ADELSON TRIAL: Jury Selection and Review    09/17/24  (20)
TRUMP: I will cut your CAR INSURANCE in half, eat shit Flo!    09/17/24  (7)
The Militant Penis Amputations    09/17/24  (7)
good morning    09/17/24  (9)
People who claim "Rome" lasted until the 15th century are the biggest losers    09/17/24  (32)
Rashida Jones now instructing all staff to go back to sticky buns.    09/17/24  (4)
How many 8+” cocks have been up the avg law shrew’s stench trench?    09/17/24  (8)
Wow try saying or typing "the politicth of perthuasion" - cant do it w/o lisping    09/17/24  (1)
Sad to see my kids grow up    09/17/24  (22)
So an entire generation of Hezbollah terrorists are now infertile?    09/17/24  (16)
Microsoft lays off 650 Xbox workers    09/17/24  (11)
we're costco guys. these kirkland brand pagers get a big...BOOOOOOOM.    09/17/24  (8)
There's no fucking way Kamala is winning    09/17/24  (18)
extremely based Fuentes rant    09/17/24  (4)
2 jobs in "america" entertainment & ditch digging    09/17/24  (1)
Parks & Rec ep where Aubrey Plaza and Rashida Jones lez out for Amazon execs    09/17/24  (8)
TT's trolling for Kamala is truly pathetic    09/17/24  (4)
‘There’s no way that will work,’ Bond laughed at Q.    09/17/24  (4)
Pagers supplied by secretive Mossad division known only as 'JQ Branch'    09/17/24  (1)
Wile E. Coyote looking at pager attacks, holding up sign that says 'haha wow hol    09/17/24  (1)
Biden was a pretty good President all things said and done.    09/17/24  (4)
but the cats weren't *in Springfield.* they were in other Ohio towns.    09/17/24  (1)
Is Rashida Jones the closest thing to a 10 face?    09/17/24  (39)
For the record, how many bi-racials is Rashida Jones?    09/17/24  (2)
Rashida Jones quit Twitter the day Johnsmeyer retired    09/17/24  (7)
Prediction: KAMALA is pulling ahead and it won't be close    09/17/24  (3)
DEAL Team 6 member bites down on soft tooth, dies    09/17/24  (2)
Do you Birdshits realize how FOOLISH Trump makes the US look?    09/17/24  (64)
Under Siege 2 (1995) exploding pager scene    09/17/24  (6)
Last Chance to get on the KAMALA BULLET TRAIN to National Renewal & Prosperity    09/17/24  (4)
call me mossad because im blowing up your phone again haha. tapas 2nite?    09/17/24  (19)
KAMALA is being interviewed by National Association of NIGGA Journalists    09/17/24  (2)
TRUMP: "I WILL REINSTATE SALT DEDUCTION (which I got rid of)!"    09/17/24  (13)
Real Talk: RSF Prob Doesn't Know If He's Halachically Jewish, Prob Doesn't Care    09/17/24  (107)
FBI: "Why'd you shoot?" Blue-haired freak: "Because Trump threatens democracy."    09/17/24  (1)
Tennis Rules That Should Be Changed #tennis    09/17/24  (5)
*beep beep… beep beep … beep beep*    09/17/24  (1)
Israel deploying Haitian agents to eat Hezbollah carrier pigeons    09/17/24  (1)
Rashida Tlaib now instructing all staff to go back to sticky notes.    09/17/24  (6)
How did a GOAT song like Kiss From a Rose make it to the Batman Forever soundtra    09/17/24  (23)
Better movie, The Cell or Cube?    09/17/24  (5)
WSJ: Xbox lost the console war    09/17/24  (3)
SEAL Team 1 member died after deploying chute in wrong body position    09/17/24  (11)
SEAL Team 2 former member and another ex-SEAL found dead next to heroin syringes    09/17/24  (12)
SEAL Team 3 member died after gust of wind deploys reserve chute inside plane    09/17/24  (11)
SEAL Team 4 commander died after shooting self in despair during deployment    09/17/24  (14)
SEAL Team 5 members die after drowning in base swimming pool    09/17/24  (15)
SEAL Team 6 member jailed after posing as an online dietitian to get nudes    09/17/24  (21)
SEAL Team 7 member dead after shooting self in head to impress girl from bar    09/17/24  (27)
SEAL Team 8 commander dead from fall after rope snapped    09/17/24  (54)
SEAL Team 9 does not exist    09/17/24  (12)
SEAL Team 10 member committed suicide after testing positive for cocaine    09/17/24  (12)
GOP Senate votes against protecting IVF.    09/17/24  (1)
montage of bumble 5s tossing MPA's mix tape into nyc trashcans    09/17/24  (10)
Board olds, describe the hype/marketing which accompanied "Batman Forever" (1995    09/17/24  (9)
20 years ago: the intense marketing push for Batman Forever    09/17/24  (20)
Hey guys, can you stop researching which polls were accurate in 2020?    09/17/24  (1)
Iran’s ambassador in Lebanon wounded by exploding pager    09/17/24  (38)
U.S. still "liveable" friends?    09/17/24  (19)
How can you say NES had No Games? Ever play MONOPOLY?    09/17/24  (28)
I sell you 2800 pagers, my friend!    09/17/24  (5)
Report: Mossad hacked pagers to make them say HI THERE in Peter Gabriel voice b4    09/17/24  (2)
Vance: “I lied about Haitians eating dogs. Nyuug still does though.”    09/17/24  (9)
"civil" "rights" that should be changed    09/17/24  (1)
How did the HOAX assassin get the AK-47? don't we have gun control the Trumpmo    09/17/24  (1)
“If you don’t respond, Ari will blow up your phone” *associate starts to s    09/17/24  (3)
Speaker Johnson Expels All Congressional Pages From Capitol Hill (The Hill)    09/17/24  (2)
Schrodinger's Cat both eaten and uneaten in Haitian's stomach    09/17/24  (14)
When you look at the big picture, Trump is doing great    09/17/24  (1)
ITT: I give you a hypo and you must choose a city to live in    09/17/24  (103)
first date unprotected bathroom anal    09/17/24  (12)
Drinks tonight? Trying 1 more time, hoping your pager didnt explode, haha    09/17/24  (7)
My mixed family suggested this website - really liking it here so far    09/17/24  (1)
The Mutilating Penispager Attack    09/17/24  (6)
"pencils down" "pass your scantrons to the left and embrace alcoholism"    09/17/24  (4)
Ortho Jews: Kosher Flip Phones | Hezbo Terrorists: Exploding Pagers    09/17/24  (1)
NY Post Front Page: Terrorist W/ Balls Blown Off, Headline: JIMMY PAGED    09/17/24  (2)
"BEEP! Check that pager, it's alerting you to the EXPLOSIVE DEALS at Marco Rubio    09/17/24  (14)
OMG Becky I caught him reading the Visigothic Code under his weighted blanket    09/17/24  (5)
Nixon was right when he said "(((they))) have a strange brilliance to them"    09/17/24  (3)
*pager explodes* “We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended    09/17/24  (12)
pager pager muhammed jihad    09/17/24  (2)
It's pretty hilarious and telling that TT was treated like subhuman scum in Iran    09/17/24  (1)
ITT we speculate what was texted to the pagers to make them explode    09/17/24  (28)
"They're not even real women" ur loving gfs tears visible in glow of ur browser    09/17/24  (22)
Going to XO OHIO this weekend for a BUCKEYE game (RSF)    09/17/24  (11)
evan39, how much do you wish this was UR grocery store???    09/17/24  (1)
Georgia BANS same-sex marriage, sex-change surgery, pride events,& the fag flag    09/17/24  (1)
Ya Becky, he looks pudgy, but his FUNCTIONAL strength is way above average.. so    09/17/24  (4)
''Oh my God Becky he owns the 37th-largest substack in the ‘‘News’’
   09/17/24  (2)
Nippon, why did you give up on Rolling Rock?    09/17/24  (1)
"OMG Becky! He snidely derides all restaurant food as Sysco Slop! so hot"    09/17/24  (25)
On the topic of Drinking    09/17/24  (8)
Rating poasters as islamist terror organizations    09/17/24  (1)
idk Becky, he's moreso looking for a Sarah Connor biker gf    09/17/24  (3)
imagine being a terrorist in lebanon with an unexploded pager    09/17/24  (3)
standing outside a beirut phone booth with a pager in my hand    09/17/24  (3)
real talk: edward snowden is a dirty nihilist lib with no coherent ideas/mission    09/17/24  (5)
Why are so many young people wearing pajama pants outside?    09/17/24  (7)
MPA what is your IQ?    09/17/24  (66)
The Hezbollah pager fiasco may be the funniest mass casualty event in 50 years    09/17/24  (21)
Any poasters wanna have an XO Freak Off?    09/17/24  (3)
CA Appellate Panel: OK for DA toxicology testimony - EVERYONE impaired at 0.05%    09/17/24  (4)

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