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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/28/24  (66)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/28/24  (76)
lol, Dana Bash caught flashing tits to Chingada Madre last night    06/28/24  (1)
Something is wrong with me health wise for sure    06/28/24  (29)
what's a good hobby for a mentally ill 35 year old coder    06/28/24  (1)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/28/24  (38)
lol, Dana Bash caught flashing hand signals to Dementia Joe last night    06/28/24  (8)
the only winner last night was sexy stinky Kamala    06/28/24  (2)
holy fuck i might get laid off from my holy fuck i hate managing coders job    06/28/24  (11)
its impossible not to gain 3-5 lbs/year after 35 forever    06/28/24  (21)
I really wish the golf debate would've continued for like 10 minutes    06/28/24  (15)
DNC 100% set up Biden to fail, media operatives now doing their thing    06/28/24  (10)
managing coders is literally babysitting autists with no communication skills    06/28/24  (1)
we should take bets on how long until biden actually dies    06/28/24  (6)
Biden, injected with fresh drugs, hits back about his debate performance    06/28/24  (1)
Hamascucks invade baseball game, get standing ovation from fans (link)    06/28/24  (2)
Did AutoAdmit hit its diversity targets this month? It’s almost July.    06/28/24  (5)
everyone here is my friend    06/28/24  (12)
Kagan dissent, p. 2: Chevron has "become part of the warp and woof of modern gov    06/28/24  (14)
Every American school has like a dozen "global centers" intnl franchise campu$e$    06/28/24  (4)
Rate this Indian club in Pattaya    06/28/24  (32)
ITT: Comms strategy sesh for board libs ONLY    06/28/24  (41)
WTF at this footage of Biden IMMEDIATELY AFTER the debate    06/28/24  (2)
xo, a mental institution for lawyers, oddly quiet on Trump’s comments on menta    06/28/24  (3)
So perfectly okay for hot girls to show pubic hair on Insta now? (Pic)    06/28/24  (2)
I wish you would step back from that screen, my friend    06/28/24  (40)
Rob halford- fuck my mangina violently, brother    06/28/24  (6)
1st Post-Debate General Election Poll: πŸŸ₯ Trump 50% 🟦 Biden 42%    06/28/24  (1)
lol holy shit jfc, MSM is going to ignore the reality we all witnessed.    06/28/24  (12)
I'm making Discos Steak for my family for Sunday supper    06/28/24  (18)
why did fat fuck disco fries lie about having cancer?    06/28/24  (45)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/28/24  (49)
Rate this Elie Mystal tweet re: debate    06/28/24  (6)
Trump gets big bump from debate - poll    06/28/24  (2)
Unless you have a long commute listening to podcasts seems lame as fuck    06/28/24  (3)
Do you think Trump got shitfaced in celebration last night?    06/28/24  (23)
Lawrence Lessig: Legally, we just need to find someone else named "Joe Biden".    06/28/24  (11)
Chevron is DEAD    06/28/24  (94)
post your voting history in MPM itt    06/28/24  (2)
Rate this Duke basketball players' former babysitter turned GF/groomer    06/28/24  (36)
dat snoot is like a mini version of disco fries    06/28/24  (5)
The memory holing of the Biden debate panic is underway    06/28/24  (6)
if dementia joe stays in will there be another debate? Yes/No    06/28/24  (2)
TT Investing: put my 52k of CRYPTO into MICRON semiconducter stock    06/28/24  (37)
that was the nadir of America    06/28/24  (5)
Libs you’re fucking dead after Trump wins again. You hear me? Dead.    06/28/24  (23)
Biden Obv Can’t Break 100, But Trump Club Championships Seem Flame    06/28/24  (2)
Luis have you tried a Panda Express burrito yet? Had one and was thinking of you    06/28/24  (3)
"Your health is failing, Joe. Your firstborn son is dead and your crack addicted    06/28/24  (3)
Just got fundraising text from Gavin Newsom (pic)    06/28/24  (2)
CNN anchor calls Michelle Obama “Big Mike” on air    06/28/24  (10)
Dementia Joe is BACK, folks! Yesterday never happened!    06/28/24  (2)
No Discussion Of “Weak Palestinian” On XO    06/28/24  (15)
why hasn't israel drone striked paralegal mohammad yet?    06/28/24  (6)
Boomers recognizing and announcing each event in forest gump    06/28/24  (1)
Lab Friend Angrily Barking At Trump's Certain Dog    06/28/24  (8)
XO Oriental Poasters Hoping To Eat A Certain Dog    06/28/24  (11)
My Certain Dog Running MPM 2024    06/28/24  (2)
Debate? What debate? Hey, did you know Trump is a felon?    06/28/24  (1)
Fat people excuses    06/28/24  (41)
I am going to commit a hate crime during Pride Month    06/28/24  (1)
after Trump is re-elected there needs to be a backbreaking purge of shitlibism    06/28/24  (83)
Trump touches hand to lib brain bug: "it's afraid"    06/28/24  (148)
Does anyone listen to the All In Podcast?    06/28/24  (21)
Biden did ok, way better than McCain or W or even Romney    06/28/24  (6)
Wife's friend was disappointed her Bumble date had a small dick    06/28/24  (3)
Chinese speaking NIGGAS are like CELEBS in 180 Gorgeous CHINA    06/28/24  (8)
Ricky, poast UFC 303 takes    06/28/24  (6)
lib media "calls a lid" on idea of biden stepping down    06/28/24  (1)
Bill Ackman comes out as full Trumpmo    06/28/24  (18)
Great point NiggerBeater42—really appreciated the callback to late 18th centur    06/28/24  (22)
Libs now suggesting CNN rigged debate in favor of Trump (link)    06/28/24  (3)
Newsom/Spencer '24    06/28/24  (1)
Jews didn’t like Biden’s wavering on Israel loyalty    06/28/24  (5)
If you search "NIGGER" in X it defaults to "NIGER"    06/28/24  (1)
How dumb are the jurors in the Karen Read trial? She's clearly being framed    06/28/24  (6)
New England Uber drivers will now have $65,000k minimum wage    06/28/24  (51)
tick tock homeless "people"    06/28/24  (2)
Wasn't trump supposed to announce his VP pick last night?    06/28/24  (24)
If you've never called a black guy a NIGGER to his face you haven't really lived    06/28/24  (10)
Moishe! China Joe is kaput, we need a new Shabbos Goy to “run for POTUS”!    06/28/24  (1)
Rhonda Massie's cause of death is currently unknown    06/28/24  (3)
Alexander Vindman absolutely EVISCERATES Trump on Russia/Ukraine War (link)    06/28/24  (4)
haha no one grabbed this moniker??    06/28/24  (2)
How are saatva mattresses?    06/28/24  (3)
The Double Cheeseburger has 2 slices of cheese, whereas the McDouble only has 1    06/28/24  (4)
Trump announces mysterious figure “Pmurt” as VP pick (WaPo)    06/28/24  (1)
it's pretty funny how much africans hate american niggers    06/28/24  (1)
man libs are going really insane today    06/28/24  (3)
No doubt Dem donors will move heavily to the House and Senate races now    06/28/24  (1)
where will the lib spin cycle settle into equilibrium    06/28/24  (1)
Dems should try to cut a deal with Trump    06/28/24  (2)
JD Vance answering Senate phone "Thank you for calling American Congress..."    06/28/24  (5)
"blood on my knife or shit on my dick -- YOU PICK" (bloodacre talking to his dad    06/28/24  (1)
Biden waking you up at 3am "Boy if you don't dilate your neo pussy I fuckin will    06/28/24  (7)
"This investment will pay dividends for America" *Biden dilates your neopussy*    06/28/24  (4)
niggers = shit    06/28/24  (1)
Mr Gorbachev, dilate my neo pussy!    06/28/24  (2)
DANANG is the best Foodie City on planet Earth    06/28/24  (42)
I was in the pool for 4 hours yesterday. I still smell like chlorine.    06/28/24  (1)
any black posters need to borrow some money? come ITT and post your venmo    06/28/24  (1)
"Yes, I'm a fag. How can I help you?" -- askav    06/28/24  (14)
Reminder: Obeezy was tongue tied for 17 hours after Biden Trump debate    06/28/24  (9)
Vibrator Boring? Try a Taser on your Ladyparts (Teen Vogue)    06/28/24  (3)
How's GameFAQs taking the debate fallout    06/28/24  (7)
Chevron's inability to recognize the risk of a corrupt bureaucracy was insane    06/28/24  (4)
Trump cannot win    06/28/24  (38)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/28/24  (34)
Drugs found pursuant to that certain dog, dated...    06/28/24  (1)
The moment when my anus grips so hard it lifts the dildo off its suction cup    06/28/24  (1)
UK women prison guards fucking the inmates    06/28/24  (1)
Fag fraud πŸ€₯ thugs    06/28/24  (2)
Tommy Robinson outs obeezy! (video)    06/28/24  (1)
"There shall be peace between Foolio and Yungeen Ace before Biden quits race"    06/28/24  (1)
Just finished Shadow of the Erdtree (Elden Ring DLC). Ask me anything    06/28/24  (35)
do you personally own a printer    06/28/24  (8)
we bought the certain dog, the most incredible thing youve ever seen    06/28/24  (26)
Sim Glitch: Autoadmit.com is still loading somehow    06/28/24  (12)
Need EPAH’s take on Halle Berry’s rating circa the Flintstones movie, TYIA.    06/28/24  (2)
Had no idea who Kyle MacLachlan was when watching Flintstones as a kid πŸ˜‚    06/28/24  (2)
Interesting timing: Zelensky announces “preparing plan to end the war”    06/28/24  (31)
Tommy Bleachedskin tp    06/28/24  (1)
Sex with females makes you weak and pliable    06/28/24  (7)
America is garbage should have got some shit together&quickly fled    06/28/24  (1)
per tradition if POTUS is unable to perform his duties a wood effigy may replace    06/28/24  (3)
How do circuit splits work when regulations are overturned or upheld?    06/28/24  (5)
The Gabriel Aubry of Admiralty Law tp    06/28/24  (2)
all HS cheerleaders are issued a ceremonial thigh derringer    06/28/24  (2)
Rate Elie Mystal's thoughts on SCOTUS overturning Chevron    06/28/24  (2)
Kamala's got this one line down PAT - video    06/28/24  (1)
Azngirl Tokyo governor candidate strips and asks voters to add her on LINE    06/28/24  (1)
Kurt Vonnegut on the WW2 Dresden fire bombing is impossible to forget    06/28/24  (3)
imagine the fun of a second trump term    06/28/24  (27)
Folks, THIS will be your next POTUS! (Link)    06/28/24  (2)
1L just got easier without the chevron stuff    06/28/24  (4)
*Dayvan Cowboy plays as Dunedain cowboy & U awake on Aslan’s country shores*    06/28/24  (2)
When you REALLY think about it, the debate actually HELPED Biden (here's why)    06/28/24  (1)
Billy Pilgrim Did Nothing Wrong    06/28/24  (1)
is it Joever? or is he back, Jack?    06/28/24  (1)
lol. biden told them to get fucked and now they don’t know wtf to do.    06/28/24  (8)
trump's golf swing is mesmerizing (link)    06/28/24  (10)
Caretakers running old clips of Biden to Obeezy in the state retard ward    06/28/24  (1)
Eat my nasty stinkhole    06/28/24  (7)
For the record: Obeezy's reaction to the debate is Biden will win by landslide    06/28/24  (1)
After that debate, Im With Her    06/28/24  (3)
Shareblue download is out. They're ridin' with Biden.    06/28/24  (6)
90's woman led action film "SlimeCop"    06/28/24  (4)
debate topics: best dog ever, golf handicaps, who is the worst POTUS in history    06/28/24  (23)

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