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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/03/24  (69)
Starting to think libs may not be calculating illuminati geniuses after all    07/03/24  (4)
The ‘Philly Girl’ Shielding Biden From the Bad News (NYT)    07/03/24  (3)
Reporter reveals seedy underground world of NYC's 'pegging' craze (nyt)    07/03/24  (1)
I think I hear rats in my attic    07/03/24  (3)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/03/24  (101)
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly. (NYT)    07/03/24  (5)
With Kamala Harris looking unelectable, Dems are considering the 'nuclear option    07/03/24  (141)
cold hard truth: Andrew Anglin is a better writer, higher IQ, than anyone on xo    07/03/24  (15)
Heir Apparent or Afterthought? The Frustrations of Kamala Harris. (NYT)    07/03/24  (57)
gunneratttt spent the entire night dreaming about defending cslg online    07/03/24  (5)
Ukraine actually bragging about using IRIS-Ts on drones - link    07/03/24  (2)
Joe Biden walks out to the DNC stage, smiles, asks microphone tech for a menu    07/03/24  (1)
Lex, MASE, gunnerattt, and HATP sitting bobsled style in bathtub full of cum    07/03/24  (17)
CSLG, can I buy the "Karma's a bitch" sign from you?    07/03/24  (8)
Christianity is suicide    07/03/24  (1)
Farting so loud the Democratic leadership voices concerns over your fitness    07/03/24  (1)
Main purpose of 401k or cash balance deferrals    07/03/24  (1)
NYT headlines that always describe people doing something 'quietly'    07/03/24  (4)
NYT 2024: How the 'unelectable' Kamala Harris pulled off a landslide    07/03/24  (12)
Koala Harris and Joey Biden    07/03/24  (10)
DidnIsrael ever thank Hamas for exemplary treatment of hostages (incl Isr. soldi    07/03/24  (33)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/03/24  (22)
how many olympic gold medals has xo won collectively?    07/03/24  (1)
LOL @ The Goy Financial Wisdom, "Get 3 Estimates, Pick The Middle One"    07/03/24  (21)
Biden’s Team Scrambles to Contain First Democratic Defections (NYT)    07/03/24  (3)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    07/03/24  (11)
when do democrats get to the stage where they beg rfk voters?    07/03/24  (7)
Kamala Harris now leading Biden in the betting markets    07/03/24  (5)
'I JUST SAVED 4 DOLLARS FOR 20 HOURS EFFORT,' the Estimate Bull bellowed    07/03/24  (1)
74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot    07/03/24  (48)
Old fucks who don't know when to step down and ruin everything    07/03/24  (11)
bloodacre defending clsg is lmao pathetic    07/03/24  (28)
Rate these knockers    07/03/24  (9)
Libs really hate “project 2025” but it seems 180    07/03/24  (17)
What’s rent like in MFH these days    07/03/24  (25)
Reddit lib 180 turn on Biden is hilarious    07/03/24  (1)
"The Anti-Semitism Behind Efforts to Censor Blacked.com" (NYT)    07/03/24  (17)
Holy Shit, Biden drops below 50% on PredictIt now....    07/03/24  (21)
Anyone here refer to his GF/wife's snatch as her "cooter"?    07/03/24  (20)
any changes or are realtors still asking for 6% of selling price?    07/03/24  (17)
Joementum    07/03/24  (1)
GF is 170 but uses adjectives instead of adverbs. Wut do    07/03/24  (6)
Has anyone in history gone from billionaire to completely broke?    07/03/24  (16)
Psycho Karen pulling kombucha scoby from cooter    07/03/24  (3)
Vivek suggests "going green" by using hands instead of TP in WH:    07/03/24  (1)
Vivek Ramaswamy releases policy details of "PAJEET 2025" (link)    07/03/24  (1)
Biden about to get GAPED in NYT-Sienna Poll    07/03/24  (1)
burned out on law, pls recommend me a new career    07/03/24  (10)
Is ai bad at gymnastics vids bc there’s not enough training data    07/03/24  (1)
"hagfish" is what Karen calls her cooter    07/03/24  (4)
List terrible posters with acorn penis    07/03/24  (2)
New Dem Strategy: Compare Biden to Yoda or Warren Buffett    07/03/24  (10)
Kamala impression of her jewish mother in law    07/03/24  (7)
Do you think you just fell out of the coconut tree? *CACKLES*    07/03/24  (1)
"Weekend at Biden's" (wapo)    07/03/24  (2)
correction tp is a closet lib    07/03/24  (23)
"they" don't want you to know but silica packets = miracle weight loss drug    07/03/24  (1)
Biden is senile! Also, he runs a complex international crime syndicate.    07/03/24  (25)
In a Staring Contest With Democratic Voters, Joe Biden Hasn’t Blinked (NYT)    07/03/24  (11)
It's incredible how we have a whole Ass crew now.    07/03/24  (1)
Who Is This Imgur.Com Poaster; Never Seen This Moniker Until Last Week    07/03/24  (5)
Pretty cool that 40% of Americans would vote for Lewy Body Dimentia over Trump    07/03/24  (1)
Why do ppl HATE XO CHINA so much?    07/03/24  (28)
who are the best horrorcrore rappers in India right now?    07/03/24  (1)
Is Panda Express the best Chinese restaurant?    07/03/24  (7)
Biden wakes up, tells Jill he's ready for the big debate    07/03/24  (2)
Neighbor of mine hosting huge 7/4 party but plays 100% Bloodhound Gang    07/03/24  (5)
Disco Fries arrives at closed Karma Sushi with family, pulls a Clark Griswold    07/03/24  (9)
Does your town have a rainbow crossing?    07/03/24  (1)
If it's KAMALA - who is the white male VP to balance the ticket?    07/03/24  (12)
Fox News caught editing another clip to try to make Biden look senile    07/03/24  (47)
“Kamala is...we talked...look, she’s a real clever piece of chocolate. Real    07/03/24  (10)
Pay for Lawyers is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A. (NYT)    07/03/24  (84)
i did something immoral and i feel soooo bad about it    07/03/24  (2)
Remember WompWompGate? And the OK symbol as a white supremacist symbol? And    07/03/24  (4)
Kamala now higher odds than Biden on predictit    07/03/24  (1)
NYT: The First Amendment is Out of Control (not flame)    07/03/24  (39)
Elite business school in Vietnam has a height requirement (link)    07/03/24  (3)
Cons what if Biden isn’t confused and senile at the September debates?    07/03/24  (17)
Who are the 140+ iq posters?    07/03/24  (1)
WOMP WOMP LIBS    07/03/24  (3)
Pharmacists are Ruined and are Low Income    07/03/24  (4)
Performance art    07/03/24  (1)
Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention (NYT)    07/03/24  (15)
describe life in CALLICOON    07/03/24  (1)
Bogota vs Medellin?    07/03/24  (14)
Real talk - GARY HART should replace Biden    07/03/24  (5)
Shitcons how will you explain Biden not being senile tonight?    07/03/24  (47)
Any relatively unknown dirt on KAMALA? Other than being retarded    07/03/24  (35)
Trump sounding more and more senile by the day    07/03/24  (2)
🚨🚨🚨KARMA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/03/24  (2)
"But his debate" is going to be the new "but her e-mails"    07/03/24  (5)
Gorgeous Rishi getting out the vote with tattooed Onlyfans whore    07/03/24  (4)
how the fuck do men date 30yos    07/03/24  (18)
If CSLG was a good person he would have gotten benzo a job a long time ago    07/03/24  (61)
Pharmacist Consoles    07/03/24  (5)
Young Annalena Baerbock (ai) - sfw    07/03/24  (8)
This topix thread about gay lot lizards suggests Doobs has been at it since 2011    07/03/24  (6)
Baltimore from harbour up Charles St to Mt Vernon and midtown is all 180    07/03/24  (1)
Who the fuck is Doug Burgum and why is he leading for VP lol    07/03/24  (7)
Kamala’s “do not come” quote is just too perfect    07/03/24  (1)
Clark AND Reese named to women’s Olympic team    07/03/24  (4)
TTT law school | reddit poaster | employment lawyer    07/03/24  (1)
Found TDNW's reddit account    07/03/24  (2)
Deborah Birx: Every cow in America should be tested for "bird flu" weekly    07/03/24  (1)
Law firms are always rising and falling in Amerikkka    07/03/24  (6)
Two state solution: West Bank becomes a papal state    07/03/24  (2)
You have to be stupid as fuck not to see the hand of Obama in this    07/03/24  (5)
explain the animus between Jon Stewart and Tucker here (link)    07/03/24  (6)
Kamala appointed "Commander in Chief" during private closed-door ceremony    07/03/24  (1)
V8 juice is consumed exclusively by pedophiles    07/03/24  (2)
good morning    07/03/24  (1)
Evan39, grabbing ankles, telling Bboom to re-lube his turd cutter    07/03/24  (2)
Reminder: Lisa Rowe posted whoroscope's nude pictures    07/03/24  (44)
happy Friday friends    07/03/24  (8)
i genuinely hate women    07/03/24  (8)
Reminder: Kamala polled ~0% in 2020 primaries    07/03/24  (24)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome (NYT)    07/03/24  (27)
Texaco sues National Resources Defense Council    07/03/24  (1)
I am real. I have inner turmoil. But that just means my IRL is IRL and extant.    07/03/24  (1)
My 18 month old took a tumble and is now too chicken shit to walk    07/03/24  (1)
Democrats Go Public W Panic About Biden Amid Fears of an Electoral Debacle(NYT)    07/03/24  (8)
"I'm with the guy who gave us Operation Warp Speed" (MASE with bleeding anus)    07/03/24  (1)
Hard truth: Trump already served as POTUS and gave us COVID lockdowns. Pure SHIT    07/03/24  (1)
PS5 Outsold Xbox 5 To 1 As Xbox Sold Less Than 1 Million Units Last Quarter    07/03/24  (21)
so did midnight cowboy ever land the WOC of his dreams or what    07/03/24  (1)
$80.50 to renew drivers license    07/03/24  (3)
The credited approach to a BBQ is eating 1 hotdog, 1 burger and 1 steak minimum    07/03/24  (1)
I'm off from work today so....    07/03/24  (1)
A man, a plan, a canal -- Panama    07/03/24  (2)
So Im eating a donut from the gas station when....    07/03/24  (1)
Enjoy it while you can bros.    07/03/24  (1)
God has a sense of humor    07/03/24  (1)
That Thinkpads still have that little clit thing is 180 as fuck    07/03/24  (1)
Just renewed by drivers licenese and it asked if I wanted to register to vote    07/03/24  (1)
a CBDC is coming in July btw    07/03/24  (7)
Andrew Anglin: "Fuck the Jewish economy." XO: "SO PROFOUND"    07/03/24  (1)
Wish the far right had a Lex Fridman? Meet Andrew Anglin.    07/03/24  (1)
Andrew Anglin: This Economy Can Only Crash Now (No Survivors)    07/03/24  (233)
"But Kamala just fucked her way into office" said the Hillary Clinton supporter    07/03/24  (5)
do you consider yourself a 'man of letters'?    07/03/24  (5)
who's smarter: rsf or tsinah?    07/03/24  (10)
Rate my REVISED 180 Gorgeous CHINA Itinerary    07/03/24  (46)
ironically David Letterman is not generally considered a man of letters    07/03/24  (1)
I’m a lawyer. I miss time with my wife and kids. I’m not there. I am absent.    07/03/24  (1)
Anyone watch the movie Brazil? Was it good?    07/03/24  (19)
alt timeline: scandal free Gary Hart and John DeLorean on '84 DNC ticket    07/03/24  (2)

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