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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
E-BIKE EXPERTS: should I get one?    07/05/24  (26)
Almost 40% of my income goes directly to taxes. Is that typical?    07/05/24  (43)
Deep state is mulling over some truly diabolical options right now.    07/05/24  (12)
French guy in inglorious basterds said too much about the family he was hiding    07/05/24  (15)
Hot girls in LA just get snatched up and become sugar babies    07/05/24  (22)
"No, u don't understand. I handle COMPLEX litigation!"    07/05/24  (7)
I’m at a campground now and there’s a family with a screaming baby    07/05/24  (2)
The Jewish Saint Hubertus tp    07/05/24  (1)
Rumor is Becky's new boyfriend is some kind of dermatologist, but for blood    07/05/24  (1)
OJ Simpson apologists (Niggers) honestly believe he was innocent    07/05/24  (7)
Recommend a good Windows laptop for work/business    07/05/24  (39)
which poaster is "average/ordinary/typical citizen/person"?    07/05/24  (14)
If I have to listen to faggy “Teewinot” shit on here for the next year I swe    07/05/24  (3)
Guns are so 180    07/05/24  (9)
Biden speaks: "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as    07/05/24  (5)
when the oligarchs decide to back trump, how will they deactivate NPC's TDS?    07/05/24  (1)
George Sloppytopalous, the blowjob king of Washington    07/05/24  (1)
Elsa spiderman pop open tha Zoloft can Abilify so fly SSRI Zog lie hustlin CVS    07/05/24  (5)
Got my first MRI since colorectal cancer diagnosis. Awaiting results    07/05/24  (50)
Diary of Aella, entry date 7/5/2024. Earwax secretions...elevated?    07/05/24  (1)
My wife got fingerblasted by a dermatologist (whok)    07/05/24  (1)
I am buying my neighbor's used panty derived pheromonal signature on Merck dot c    07/05/24  (3)
"President Biden, welcome to the prime-time interview, my friend."    07/05/24  (9)
I'm retrospect, Biden will be my favorite Dem POTUS ever.    07/05/24  (1)
should I watch Godfather Part 2 tonight?    07/05/24  (19)
Biden's dog bit US Secret Service agents 24 times    07/05/24  (2)
It would be terrifying to be a Democrat politician.    07/05/24  (1)
Is Biden's dog, Commander, still running shit inside the household?    07/05/24  (1)
“Or perhaps he’s wondering why you’d paint yourself orange, before appeari    07/05/24  (3)
Biden is done you guys don't get it    07/05/24  (2)
in house callback ding is the modern day art school rejection    07/05/24  (2)
Homonium: A new element discovered by Dr. Evan39    07/05/24  (1)
Please pray for my schizophrenia    07/05/24  (1)
irony is that nobody remembers any of the Austrians who did get into art school    07/05/24  (6)
Mark Warner cummin for Biden. It's over.    07/05/24  (1)
*dukes of hazard music over cnn freeze frame* "them boys is in a lick of trouble    07/05/24  (1)
My Nextdoor is filled with complaints about fireworks scaring “fur babies”    07/05/24  (15)
OldHLSDood, have you found a big titted 25 yo physical therapist yet?    07/05/24  (1)
is there a cr documentary or schizo 4chan thread etc on Scalia being assassinate    07/05/24  (3)
This is what an old sick and dying dood with nodementia looks like    07/05/24  (1)
Told my wife about doobs's ginger pussy    07/05/24  (4)
Libs would be OK with deep state offing Biden    07/05/24  (1)
Plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap    07/05/24  (2)
There are towns in New England where the median age is like 55+    07/05/24  (9)
sex is the most vile bodily act    07/05/24  (5)
disco fries I see you are gaining weight friend-is this intentional for teewinot    07/05/24  (4)
Sad fact: Biden at 81 is still way more articulate than the average person    07/05/24  (1)
I think I need to take it easy on catholicism    07/05/24  (3)
Is it gay for a grown ass man to sleep naked but with a big t shirt on?    07/05/24  (2)
Poasters- do you ever actually have sex?    07/05/24  (21)
How cr to throwaway a wet works gun in storm drain after using?    07/05/24  (2)
please God send me a Russian Orthodox wife    07/05/24  (17)
Do you have any faith in "humanity"? Be honest    07/05/24  (11)
took shrooms before bed last night and had Rosemarys Baby type dreams    07/05/24  (1)
Is Biden ok? I feel bad for him:( looks like he'd be fun to have dinner with    07/05/24  (20)
Rate this Norm Macdonald quote about Chris Kattan    07/05/24  (88)
Kamala's turdskin relatives compare her to a retarded autistic horse    07/05/24  (1)
DailyMail: Apple confirms game changer device is coming!!!!    07/05/24  (1)
Joe Biden's underwear: "Oh nooooo! He still unloads!!!"    07/05/24  (1)
Only way it’s not Kamala is if for some reason she doesn’t “want” to do    07/05/24  (1)
78% of slave owners were jews    07/05/24  (6)
Board Legends: Rowan, to be fair, 174, SP, Karen, TSINAH, and of course MASE    07/05/24  (8)
I remember walking around in 1990. Could go days wo seeing a single minority.    07/05/24  (2)
Disco, do u know whats waiting beyond that beach? Teewinot! Take it! It's yours!    07/05/24  (2)
lmao Biden still has his mouth open in the interview clips    07/05/24  (3)
Bill Cosby returns to doing stand-up; makes rape joke    07/05/24  (14)
evan39 anyone worth living doesn't need "medical insurance" only shit genetics    07/05/24  (3)
please God send me a Jewish Orthodox wife    07/05/24  (1)
The Master - The Secret (2012) ("The Secret...is Laughter")    07/05/24  (5)
evan39 check this out friend! Social security is a joke&medicare! All prole frau    07/05/24  (2)
I Spent 5 Years Designing 5GFW Systems For The US Government And All I Got Was T    07/05/24  (1)
HAPPY FRIDAY, NIGGERS!    07/05/24  (724)
Biden Meeting With The NASA Security Council    07/05/24  (5)
Wow haha    07/05/24  (3)
Friends I am heading to most remote Area of U.S. tomorrow    07/05/24  (5)
Most Americans are a bunch of nasty evil 😈 paranoid weirdo freaks    07/05/24  (1)
How did people exchange currency before like 1850?    07/05/24  (24)
NorCal TURDSKIN saved by BIRDSHITS on hiking trail    07/05/24  (2)
Bbooom I have a "$uprise" for you :)    07/05/24  (5)
The Austrian painter was very talented    07/05/24  (1)
Going to play Earthworm Jim on my Sega Genesis    07/05/24  (2)
The jewish man cries out as a victim    07/05/24  (1)
Hey Dumb Fuck Trump supporters: Once SNL goes on the air, he's DONE.    07/05/24  (261)
LOL, excerpt from Biden's interview with Stephanapolous - video    07/05/24  (12)
did known jewish pedophile "correction" tp rebrand as "you can't do that"?    07/05/24  (1)
Srs q: what is the point of women    07/05/24  (25)
I'm doing HFT on the law forum    07/05/24  (3)
Trump to Heritage Foundation: ur insane, fuck off!    07/05/24  (2)
Cincinnati Guido Crew check in here    07/05/24  (2)
where can i watch this Biden interview    07/05/24  (2)
How much would it cost to have Kate Upton beat me unconscious with her tits?    07/05/24  (4)
are you mentally normal?    07/05/24  (14)
average/ordinary/typical nigger who lives in Ohio    07/05/24  (4)
8 balla impala my prez is Kamala shot calla Femussy no need wallets gonna bleed    07/05/24  (4)
Board FYI "soup can lid slasher" a.k.a. avg/ordinary citizen is a verified NIGGE    07/05/24  (5)
Actually I think we *shouldnt* treat nigger psychopaths better than normal peopl    07/05/24  (1)
Next Conservative leader will be WOC, crypto-Jew, or Turd    07/05/24  (12)
just bought a golf bag for the range    07/05/24  (99)
If civilization is pressing in on you, climb Handies & spend an hour summit    07/05/24  (1)
New Biden footage    07/05/24  (2)
FDR On 12/7/41: I Just Had A Bad Night    07/05/24  (1)
Prairie Meadows Megathread 7/5    07/05/24  (7)
Social security is a joke agency    07/05/24  (3)
I like crime    07/05/24  (1)
Holiday over and the weekend party 🥳 just getting started ljl    07/05/24  (1)
All fucked up..it's "Wednesday"&might as well be Friday    07/05/24  (7)
Indians are so great they were conquered by a tea company    07/05/24  (5)
Amerikkka is a joke..has shit and inefficient social "security"&medicar
e program
   07/05/24  (1)
"Wait, you can't do that!" "I do what I please, I'm a Poaster. I poast."    07/05/24  (6)
What are the clues that tell you a poaster is Spaceporn?    07/05/24  (2)
kamala crackling after you reveal your sad little thumbtack dick to her    07/05/24  (1)
Spaceplawn. Son have herpe on ass. How he get? And you have on you penis. Exprai    07/05/24  (2)
Candy Ride, meet me at the cigar bar in Cape Coral    07/05/24  (5)
You’re not as cute as you think you are    07/05/24  (4)
It's unreal how badly the GOP fucked up this Supreme Court vacancy    07/05/24  (382)
LIFEHACK drink excess liquor in dark room and think about people who wronged you    07/05/24  (27)
so basically, if you want good health don't listen to doctors    07/05/24  (9)
Anyone else earning their McMasters in sports betting analytics @ Hamburger U    07/05/24  (1)
Have we heard an update from cancerguytp lately?    07/05/24  (5)
Biden announces he will be going to sleep by 8PM everyday    07/05/24  (85)
80-poast ‘replace [x] with [y]’ thread with 0 replies or bumps tp    07/05/24  (16)
steve bannon is either satan of a messenger of God    07/05/24  (3)
xo, a mental institution for lawyers, oddly quiet on Trump’s comments on menta    07/05/24  (4)
GC pumping out mediocre Hawk Tuah girl porn    07/05/24  (1)
do you like to laugh? are you laughing? i fucking love laugh    07/05/24  (4)
Wife has gained 100 lbs since Covid lockdowns. Going to file for divorce    07/05/24  (44)
do you enjoy being CONQUERED, DOMINATED, and HUMILIATED by other men?    07/05/24  (8)
The Australian slang word for British people is "Pom"    07/05/24  (1)
lol boomer shitheads in The Villages afraid they'll lose their "homes"    07/05/24  (3)
What's the proper term for someone from the UK?    07/05/24  (4)
"we're here to sell tea" indians: "sir, run our country, please"    07/05/24  (1)
How did Wild West whores avoid getting pregnant?    07/05/24  (7)
how do i become a harvard symbologist like in the Da Vinci Code    07/05/24  (4)
If Trump gets another SCOTUS appointment or tow, libs will snap.    07/05/24  (9)
“Did you watch any of the debate after?” Biden: *pause* “I don’t remembe    07/05/24  (1)
The hourglass of your life is almost empty & all you do is post    07/05/24  (6)
biden visits wisconsin cemetery, seeks to cement stalwart constituency    07/05/24  (3)
Fani Willis making Kamala look like Learned Hand    07/05/24  (1)
i'm somewhat of a stacy tp    07/05/24  (4)
The theology of the Da Vinci Code is absolutely abysmal    07/05/24  (2)
a poaster? a poaster for a wife?    07/05/24  (2)
Kamala doesn’t seem so stupid here    07/05/24  (4)
The drugs you fags take are getting to your brain if you think Kamala could win    07/05/24  (1)
Need more occultists    07/05/24  (1)
You can affect people and change their minds with your poasts    07/05/24  (6)

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