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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
nothing has made me more anti-israel than listening to pro-israel people    09/30/24  (53)
RATE this slide from management training i’m going through this week    09/30/24  (3)
Any company that does Stock Repurchases is by definition price gouging    09/30/24  (47)
What did the Sumerians do all day?    09/30/24  (14)
Newsom signs bill banning legacy and donor admissions to Stanford    09/30/24  (51)
sex with men has massively improved the quality of my sex    09/30/24  (1)
NYT Editorial Board: "The Only Patriotic Choice for President"    09/30/24  (54)
I am the best poster on this board holy shit    09/30/24  (15)
A man needs a cock in his ass    09/30/24  (5)
microdosing vagina has massively improved the quality of my sax    09/30/24  (1)
microdosing viagra has massively improved the quality of my sex    09/30/24  (6)
thoughts on this based brat?    09/30/24  (1)
we'll actually a lot more attractive and phenotypically symmetric than expected    09/30/24  (5)
Trump is currently poised to win in a landslide HTH    09/30/24  (21)
A man needs a challenge in his life    09/30/24  (20)
come ITT and do your best job arguing for Israel's recent actions    09/30/24  (16)
Representing a guy rn who will get 40yrs prison. Death penalty 100x more humane    09/30/24  (81)
'meritocracy' arguments are not based, they're extremely asian    09/30/24  (20)
Ancient Middle East had a wet tropical climate and sea levels were much higher    09/30/24  (13)
The phenotypes on this bort are absolutely horrendous    09/30/24  (9)
Listen for the voice of God    09/30/24  (6)
christianity is true lmao    09/30/24  (7)
The United States has a free press    09/30/24  (1)
I cannot make heads or tails of the NL WILD card race    09/30/24  (55)
Pentagon Sends Additional Troops to the Middle East    09/30/24  (1)
PA > red, NC > blue is a very real possibility    09/30/24  (22)
"we need more pics or video of her to be sure and--hello?! who just joined?"    09/30/24  (1)
Rate this Zelda deku tree lego set    09/30/24  (24)
Basically none of this makes sense and requests for clarity or relief have gone    09/30/24  (1)
Would Stalin tp fuck Jelly Roll's ass before he ate Livy Dunn's pussy?    09/30/24  (6)
Rate this fun "Emergency Alert" that my iphone just got    09/30/24  (10)
Doctor: "You have a cataract." Asian patient: "No I have a Rincoln Continental.    09/30/24  (13)
So help me god I will post cowgod’s IMDb profile if he keeps this shit up.    09/30/24  (8)
Rate this hot blonde who got caught stealing man's phone charger on flight (link    09/30/24  (188)
Concerning: Young model (obj 10) has nudes and sex tapes leaked    09/30/24  (12)
Allysin Chaynes.    09/30/24  (5)
JD Vance fka James David Vance fka J.D. Hamel fka James Donald Bowman    09/30/24  (2)
Kamala run up on stage at VP announce...Ahh thank ya babies, i still doin incall    09/30/24  (9)
Brown hair + blue eyes or blond hair + brown eyes = NIGGER    09/30/24  (8)
Niggers discuss this plan to maximize work hours    09/30/24  (9)
"it's time to put the 'lit' back into litigation"    09/30/24  (1)
the supermarket is unbelievably important    09/30/24  (6)
LOL trump hucking Crypto    09/30/24  (1)
things that will die with Boomers ITT    09/30/24  (31)
BREAKING: Israel tells US it's launching limited ground incursion into Lebanon    09/30/24  (7)
cop pulled me over, came to window, I laughed and said 'always a pumo'    09/30/24  (16)
why did cowgod out himself    09/30/24  (6)
I am shocked that Jewish Jafar tp is engaging in blackpilling us on the GOP    09/30/24  (31)
prostitution is not a career    09/30/24  (9)
It seems moral to disrupt the supply chain for "sacral goods" if you disagree    09/30/24  (1)
Ron DeSantis has allocated 5% of Hurricane aid to bible study project (link)    09/30/24  (3)
Lib politics pretty much ruined everything    09/30/24  (2)
someone throw this septic queer "animeboi" into a wood-chipper feet first    09/30/24  (6)
wow, xo has so many edgy board 'personas'    09/30/24  (3)
Hitler rejecting Rabbi Shmuley propaganda as "too antisemitic"    09/30/24  (13)
More prestigious formatting? 9.6(a)(i)? or 9.6(i)(a)?    09/30/24  (9)
Young Buck - Say It To My Face plays as gunnerattt launches into incoherent scre    09/30/24  (2)
NFL bans the Shooter McGavin celebration (link)    09/30/24  (1)
reminder: eugenics is just the study of eugenes    09/30/24  (7)
nothing has made me hate this board more than the people who post here    09/30/24  (2)
MASE is what boner police could've aspired to if he didn't go full Potato Retard    09/30/24  (10)
Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson kicked out of UK and Canada lol    09/30/24  (6)
POPE: Stop murdering people you immoral filthy jews (link)    09/30/24  (3)
🚨OFFICIAL 10/1/24 JD VANCE JD V. WALZ DEBATE THREAD🚨    09/30/24  (6)
Full Potato Retard by Stanley Kubrick tp    09/30/24  (4)
*casually shops for a job at the Job Store, yawning pushing cart around aiessly*    09/30/24  (5)
Robert Downey Jr. in blackface: "Never go full Potato Retard"    09/30/24  (4)
Lib friend canceled dinner party after straight couple showed up    09/30/24  (61)
lib friend furious gays can't abort    09/30/24  (177)
fex here. its pronounced fexths    09/30/24  (3)
lib friend mad at mom for not aborting him    09/30/24  (111)
I know a man with a positively disastrous phenotype who's going to Cravath    09/30/24  (1)
get this fag MSNBC slop out of here    09/30/24  (1)
Zoomer comedy reboot "Dysgenic Women"    09/30/24  (1)
Tim Walz will wipe the floor with JD Vance tomorrow btw    09/30/24  (4)
TYRONE vs COPS is on sale on Steam    09/30/24  (16)
Newest Karlstack article: The truth about cowgod/TheImmigrant    09/30/24  (1)
who is the ''Moo Deng'' of autoadmit?    09/30/24  (1)
anything kikes hate more than white masculinity?    09/30/24  (1)
is there anything better than sluts    09/30/24  (2)
I accept my virtual simulation of a life tp    09/30/24  (5)
tfw you cum inside her, she keeps going and drains you    09/30/24  (4)
Tight teen bubblegum pink aryan pussy tp    09/30/24  (1)
Happy feast of St. Jerome!    09/30/24  (1)
I don't know what this is but this genuinely sucks    09/30/24  (4)
obnoxious ugly faggot tp    09/30/24  (1)
Race realist rapper "Diss Gene"    09/30/24  (1)
Another "whoa looks like young adult men don't give a fuck anymore" WSJ article    09/30/24  (26)
TDNW watching his wife get fucked by a girthy Arab cock while he rubs his clitdi    09/30/24  (10)
Can we please stop talking about Israel for literally one picosecond for once    09/30/24  (1)
Does “eugene xo” still post here?    09/30/24  (3)
Heh, she wants it. The mush. Heh.    09/30/24  (1)
The names "Eugene" and "Eugenia" to be outlawed    09/30/24  (2)
Go to your By You page and Ctrl+F "(1)"    09/30/24  (11)
what does JD Vance like more: dressing in drag or losing elections?    09/30/24  (1)
the fight for human capital and talent will define the 21st century    09/30/24  (14)
low T shitlib son ratted his dad out for J6 bullshit (video)    09/30/24  (2)
U know, for an obnoxious, ugly, faggot, JD Vance is very judgmental    09/30/24  (1)
"What? Huh? Jews have nothing to do with porn"    09/30/24  (24)
hey whok, you just got raped ITT    09/30/24  (1)
🇨🇳 DHS WHISTLEBLOWER: long connection b/w Tim Walz & China communist party    09/30/24  (8)
Israel should be an open borders 'meritocracy', not an ethnostate    09/30/24  (1)
Remember how Biden saved millions of lives by forcing kids to wear masks?    09/30/24  (32)
coding on a virtual machine is pure hell    09/30/24  (3)
incredible long-read on the subversive uses of (((pornography)))    09/30/24  (48)
You're sitting at your desk. A not insubstantial black penis pokes head around c    09/30/24  (4)
Only one Highwayman is left.    09/30/24  (25)
The United States Has Not Been a True Friend to Israel    09/30/24  (8)
I'm a nazi but come on guys, israel is 180 and has a right to exist    09/30/24  (18)
For ever $1 of your income, 6% goes to Israel, 5% goes to jewish scams, 4% goes    09/30/24  (1)
FBI agent, face shadowed, "Nobody could imagine this prostitution ring was 1 guy    09/30/24  (176)
wow    09/30/24  (1)
anders breivik statement on the decline of console gaming in Norway    09/30/24  (20)
Trumpmo after hurricane: We need to spend less on Ukraine. U: OK, and Israel?    09/30/24  (2)
I no rike a regacy admission    09/30/24  (1)
Still in shock Hoda is leaving Today    09/30/24  (1)
according to polling averages Florida may go blue, Trump is ahead within the mar    09/30/24  (2)
daily reminder: it's Jewish/nonwhite nepotism, not IQ/merit    09/30/24  (4)
Jews taking kids on boat tours to watch all the Palestinian kids blown to pieces    09/30/24  (13)
Florida Rep: 'Property insurance risk must be spread nationally'    09/30/24  (75)
Biden on hurricane: "We've given everything we have" ($8.7B to Israel last week)    09/30/24  (4)
Israel, responding to Vance's pleas, returns $10bn in aid to help N. Carolina    09/30/24  (1)
matching with Bumble 4 asians in their 40s & not even feeling like replying    09/30/24  (8)
Jews are leading the field in PhD level 'masculinity research'    09/30/24  (1)
rate the flexibility of this norwegian teen on summer vacation (pic)    09/30/24  (20)
Women, conversely, are flooding the labor market, thanks in part to more remote    09/30/24  (4)
Presented with a more-equal playing field, young women are seizing the opportuni    09/30/24  (6)
So irsael used a giant bomb that is like a nuke without fission and is warring    09/30/24  (52)
to the tune of Love Shack -- "GIRL DADS! Oh, GRRRL DADS! YA BBY GIRL DADS OH    09/30/24  (1)
The US has officially invaded Lebanon    09/30/24  (4)
are libs just stupid & weak let others tell them how to live how to think    09/30/24  (1)
Glorious China launches first nuclear submarine. DIE BIRDSHITS    09/30/24  (38)
Israel keeps running footage of the same weapons depot strike    09/30/24  (1)
Can we get an over under on what COVID actually *does* to the body    09/30/24  (1)
I remember fire drills at the office and so glad i dont do that anymore    09/30/24  (2)
Hating Israel is the new DEI    09/30/24  (4)
you're OLD. mario 64 came out 34 years ago    09/30/24  (1)
Mossad Informant Shook Nasrallah's Hand, Imbedded Nano-Tracker In His Skin (Link    09/30/24  (31)
No greater honor than NYUUG bumping one of your 5+ year old threads.    09/30/24  (2)
Dikembe Mutombo blocking Barbaro's shots in HELL    09/30/24  (1)
Dead w Jerry sing the National Anthem at Candlestick Park in 1993    09/30/24  (2)
IP HONEYTRAP -- DONT CLICK    09/30/24  (6)
GA Governor Kemp: Biden absent during Hurricane recovery    09/30/24  (1)
I caught a big fish today. I named it whokebe. Full story.    09/30/24  (28)
Micron is down 30% this month. This seems like an IQ test    09/30/24  (20)
Another anal leakage (TSINAH)    09/30/24  (13)
Kamala Harris vows to decriminalize prostitution    09/30/24  (49)
Look at this traitorous jew    09/30/24  (1)

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