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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Orthodoxy has failed by allowing marriage with Catholic scum    06/26/24  (5)
how can black people smoke so much weed    06/26/24  (5)
America sucks hard, and we should never forgive her for what she did to Europe,    06/26/24  (6)
So, libs simply the wrong mass psychosis theme this time for election year?    06/26/24  (1)
my triumphant return to Eastern Orthodoxy    06/26/24  (2)
I’m pretty certain that Google is going to get destroyed by the AI revolution    06/26/24  (17)
good morning    06/26/24  (3)
Badgers killed my coworkers    06/26/24  (3)
JD Vance, Will Smith, Robert Redford Interstellar bookcase meetup (link):    06/26/24  (4)
CNN Breaking News: Donald Trump has selected Vivek Ramaswamy as VP Nominee    06/26/24  (1)
Why Are UK State Dinner Knives & Forks Backwards? (PICS)    06/26/24  (1)
"I like pussy & boob videos," Doobs blurts out in closing argument    06/26/24  (71)
Board Jewish poasters (RSF, CSLG, correction) are out of control lately    06/26/24  (4)
Asking WestLaw rep why search for “straight gay black guys” has 0 results    06/26/24  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 MARKETS CRASHING 🚨🚨🚨    06/26/24  (2)
PREDICT the result of the BOWMAN LATIMER race    06/26/24  (21)
worst things i’ve ever done involved women    06/26/24  (1)
New sitcom "My Wife's Computer Job" premiering on CBS this Thursday (link)    06/26/24  (14)
Vanessa Carlton tweeting "Whoppa wit da Choppa"    06/26/24  (3)
Real inflation is over 500% do you see this as sustainable?    06/26/24  (12)
How much does real web scrubbing cost?    06/26/24  (1)
Senator: "Your username on AutoAdmit was TKD."    06/26/24  (2)
I saw millions crushed by the weight of the screen    06/26/24  (8)
Should I masturbate, eat a banana, or go to bed?    06/26/24  (7)
Pro-disarmament libs think dialing 911 is some magic genie lamp    06/26/24  (6)
Bring the goy here, poison him, and sell off his life wholesale    06/26/24  (2)
Thank (orange) God that Lowrent Broebert can keep giving handjobs in Congress    06/26/24  (1)
beautiful brown women    06/26/24  (2)
Upgrading my PC, giving up on Handsome (FizzKidd)    06/26/24  (63)
gorgeous Sunak has a 75% approval rating (link)    06/26/24  (3)
Badger is an extremely mean and violent animal    06/26/24  (3)
China tells Putin to open his shit pipe if he wants make deal on gas pipe    06/26/24  (2)
Article: Birdshit admits Gorgeous CHINA has become a high trust polite society!    06/26/24  (1)
Think the Hawk Tuah girl prefers BBC?    06/26/24  (8)
Insane Facebook AI slop twitter account has been crushing it (link)    06/26/24  (41)
jewish people are just like you and me    06/26/24  (7)
Korean man hit in the head with Brooklyn Crusher pees his pants while dying (lin    06/26/24  (2)
Boarding flight to XO Beijing in 5 mins…sayonara birdshits!!!    06/26/24  (33)
when OldHLSDude had his dying thread i read it while listening to eternal father    06/26/24  (2)
Call me Rachmiel.    06/26/24  (70)
Idea: live like a traveling salesman but without the income    06/26/24  (1)
nyuug what are you driving these days?    06/26/24  (2)
A fun and zany little game of "Torture the Goy"    06/26/24  (1)
The most prestigious Indian-American travel journal board in the world.    06/26/24  (14)
And then, for three beautiful, perfect days, I believed myself to be Alex Trebek    06/26/24  (3)
nyuug sucking dick for a new set of rear brake pads    06/26/24  (1)
Predict the bitcoin ATH within the next 10 years    06/26/24  (6)
Seattle, 2024    06/26/24  (16)
Pitbull strategy: the weakarm    06/26/24  (17)
real talk: Consuela is XO's best poster    06/26/24  (17)
For first 500 years we had writing, we didn't even record the names of kings    06/26/24  (31)
Lob friend rsvp’ed no for potluck dinner party    06/26/24  (9)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    06/26/24  (30)
Hey Dad, I finally got my ass pumped full of cum by a black man! (EPAH Jr.)    06/26/24  (1)
its a chung world now and u are just a pasty pajeet    06/26/24  (1)
New Nature Index re Research Univ: CHINA now 7 of top 10 Universities!    06/26/24  (4)
Nothing DUMBER than people who geek out on ancient Egypt    06/26/24  (16)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    06/26/24  (20)
let's all pretend "Deep State" doesn't mean "jews in your government"    06/26/24  (3)
do UHNW people maintain huge insurance policies?    06/26/24  (1)
OldHLSDude has passed    06/26/24  (50)
Look how easy it is to dominate and control people like benzo    06/26/24  (7)
SV "private bordello" hookers had codename for Elon Musk: "Warthog" (link)    06/26/24  (2)
Should Justin Timberlake have been arrested?    06/26/24  (1)
How do we get filthy AIPAC/Israel money out of US politics post Citizens United?    06/26/24  (13)
Israel produces zero culture. No movies, books or music. Indonesia is better    06/26/24  (57)
100s OF KIKE LEFTISTS AGREE! Congress Should Disinvite Netanyahu    06/26/24  (3)
Hypo: Karlstack not sure which Twitter account is mine, afraid to guess    06/26/24  (2)
Hypo: I can predict the outcome of benzo's shitvaxx trial with 100% accuracy    06/26/24  (2)
ray dalio: we're all fucked    06/26/24  (57)
"I quit smoking ten years ago" (EPAH with skin like TT at age 105)    06/26/24  (1)
RSF deleting pics of his feet to free up space on his iPhone    06/26/24  (1)
EPAH whispering to pediatrician about climate change and overpopulation    06/26/24  (1)
So we've had unprecedent interest rate hikes and Biden still lost inflation war?    06/26/24  (9)
Hypo: I can make a 45 minute YouTube video about EPAH, get 1k views    06/26/24  (1)
Hypo: I use people on other forums as human test subjects before I poast    06/26/24  (1)
To be fair moniker activated to slow my roll    06/26/24  (1)
ITT Gentile art v kike art    06/26/24  (1)
Hypo: zip file full of EPAH info shared with guy who films Seattle gas stations    06/26/24  (1)
"oppose bitch bois" moniker disappearing from xo as I poast about EPAH    06/26/24  (1)
Hypo: I get banned from xo and poast EPAH's personal info all over the internet    06/26/24  (1)
Pic - XO’s “Group 2” outed    06/26/24  (3)
Hypo: EPAH home video of ex-wife abusing kids posted all over social media    06/26/24  (1)
EPAH on the phone to Rach: he said my name    06/26/24  (1)
Lazy libs have done 0.00 to protect the environment or stop Clarence Thomas    06/26/24  (2)
Hey EPAH when are you going to call Rach you importent loser faggot shithead?    06/26/24  (1)
visual representation of board bitch bois attempting to talk shit    06/26/24  (5)
See how he changes monikers when you talk about pedophiles adopting children    06/26/24  (1)
"Look, Jesus himself said [whatever I believe]!" (benzo, EPAH and Karlstack)    06/26/24  (1)
AI asked to draw an image of "Disco Fries' son"    06/26/24  (1)
Philosophy PhD walks into Seattle gas station, explains what's happening    06/26/24  (1)
99.9999% libs have no idea how to prove heliocentrism, can't do it    06/26/24  (1)
"Aquinas really helped me understand Aristotle" said the nurse wiping my ass    06/26/24  (1)
how often do you fuck your gf / wife    06/26/24  (5)
BREAKING: Vivek to be announced as VP    06/26/24  (39)
"You really need to read Plato" bellowed the wagecuck writing checks to Israel    06/26/24  (1)
Gay “parents” returning from piss orgies at 4 AM, proceeding to molest kids    06/26/24  (13)
Parallel Universe Karen having dinner with kids then wishing us heartfelt goodni    06/26/24  (1)
LOL bitch bois, Anti-Trumper wins GOP primary to replace Mitt Romney    06/26/24  (1)
just bought a golf bag for the range    06/26/24  (21)
Someone dox the kike faggot who throttles the board so we can crowdfund a hit on    06/26/24  (35)
is the menswear critic on twitter mafoofan?    06/26/24  (49)
Want to see what an autistic demon looks like?    06/26/24  (3)
Rating poasters as Seattle Hookers    06/26/24  (2)
Clint Eastwood wasn't exaggerating about stacking dead Koreans like cordwood    06/26/24  (1)
Dogtooth (2009) is unsparing look at DBG's home life    06/26/24  (1)
Remember all of those kids and even a dog that got the monkey pox    06/26/24  (20)
πŸ™ˆπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨MONKEYPOX IS BACKπŸš¨πŸš¨πŸš¨πŸ™ˆ    06/26/24  (14)
Finland rolling out bird vax; CDC: what’s that?    06/26/24  (1)
the rape of the sabine women    06/26/24  (10)
Is NYUUG mentally ill? I honestly believe he's still a virgin. None of his shit    06/26/24  (51)
Boebert won lol    06/26/24  (2)
Rating poasters as their most likely cause of death    06/26/24  (139)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    06/26/24  (25)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/26/24  (20)
San Francisco redditor discusses his MONKEYPOX diagnosis    06/26/24  (42)
lamo taylor swift pulled a trump & used twitter to try to get her enemies killed    06/25/24  (4)
Judge Napolitano    06/25/24  (3)
lol rate this short twitter vid, why is this so funny    06/25/24  (3)
Anyone here NOT vaccinate their kids?    06/25/24  (5)
Uruguay is "white"...is it really though?    06/25/24  (4)
Franklin & Marshall is a credited central Pa LAC    06/25/24  (1)
disco, rate my dinner tonight, roasted broccoli and burgers    06/25/24  (8)
Trenton, NJ is the most underrated city in the US    06/25/24  (17)
i stand with karlstack against the evil forces of xo & academia    06/25/24  (12)
Karlstack redemption arc    06/25/24  (1)
LL Clique J - Cowgod Said Knock You Out    06/25/24  (1)
Karlstack trying to change the XO narrative about him - link    06/25/24  (29)
suck my peter    06/25/24  (1)
Day 2 of no drink done. Anyone else doing a dry June?    06/25/24  (47)
OldHLSdood's hip now on display bw TRex skull and Homo erectus doll    06/25/24  (2)
Sleepy geno tp here. New poster, first day. This is my story    06/25/24  (1)
Would you live in this 3-bedroom apt with two friends?    06/25/24  (3)
ricky (100% irish) has started calling white chicks 'blanca'    06/25/24  (1)
karlstack: where r u living now? working on anything big?    06/25/24  (10)
Shittier Poaster: Karlstack or the Jewish Pedophile correction tp?    06/25/24  (4)
Jamaal Bowman vs. AIPAC results    06/25/24  (13)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    06/25/24  (18)
i picture ricky w/ eyes that can't stabilize & endless arm/body shakes&fast talk    06/25/24  (4)
I am OOO traveling on Mars; please pardon delayed responses    06/25/24  (1)
ITT: List of ways Karlstack can rehabilitate his 0/10 XO reputation    06/25/24  (2)
Indian lawyer files an “objection” accusing judge of racism every time she l    06/25/24  (194)
Robot Boner    06/25/24  (1)
Johnsmeyer now plying his trade on Blind.com:    06/25/24  (3)
Hog Tying disco fries as a rodeo sport    06/25/24  (2)
oldhlsdude please live-post up to the moment of your death, ty    06/25/24  (1)
Hopefully you had Limit orders in at $7800 for BTC    06/25/24  (4)
New forensic testing clears Chris Benoit in murders (Longread)    06/25/24  (13)
dupa and the cummerbund misunderstanding    06/25/24  (1)
Biden admin pressures medical groups to drop trans surgery age minimums    06/25/24  (7)

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