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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
French election results: Conservative 34, Shitlib 28, Macron 20, Moderate 10    06/30/24  (12)
Today's Doonesbury provides bleak look inside the Trump Campaign    06/30/24  (7)
Patrick Bet-David: I have almost $200 million in cash    06/30/24  (1)
Scumbags have so many extraneous Consoles    06/30/24  (3)
Wife might be miscarrying. This sucks. Spotting the last two days    06/30/24  (26)
MSM should signal if the pol is using teleprompter.    06/30/24  (1)
If you don't have half a million dollars in physical metals you're insane    06/30/24  (7)
What are the French voting on? What is a snap election and why is turnout high?    06/30/24  (20)
What are some underrated Panda Express items    06/30/24  (3)
Imagine how made Kamala will be when she's passed over as Biden replacement    06/30/24  (13)
dont cry dont raise your eyes its only balding lawyers    06/30/24  (2)
if biden withdraws from the race he also needs to resign the presidency    06/30/24  (2)
Bill O’Reilly claiming Biden team has decided to drop out and will announce so    06/30/24  (5)
why is jew (((consuela))) spreading anti-vax propaganda on this site?    06/30/24  (1)
Top 10 companies in US (1994 versus 2023)    06/30/24  (21)
Anyone gonna be in Japan in October?    06/30/24  (1)
alzabo works remotely    06/30/24  (20)
Latin America is more cucked & shitlib than most Dem states in USA:    06/30/24  (8)
Scientists in Japan Give Robots a Fleshy Face and a Smile    06/30/24  (1)
if ur not gay and autistic then wtf went wrong    06/30/24  (2)
Hope CCP invades INDIA and takes PAJEETLAND over    06/30/24  (5)
Rep. Massie defies Israel; his wife dies suddenly    06/30/24  (9)
Better one-liner over past 10 years than "We finally beat Medicare"    06/30/24  (1)
BREAKING: Biden to head to Camp David to discuss the possibility of dropping out    06/30/24  (56)
Should I take some more weed gummies    06/30/24  (5)
Indigenous Princess shows me rural Venezuela 🇻🇪    06/30/24  (1)
The female anus is designed for penis insertion    06/30/24  (1)
Coke is 180    06/30/24  (18)
Post-debate poll shows Trump LANDSLIDE    06/30/24  (16)
rate my Sunday afternoon    06/30/24  (5)
Got up at 4am and started drinking    06/30/24  (33)
Hello, I am Homo the Computer    06/30/24  (3)
Are the French right so based that they’re like “let’s let Putin invade us    06/30/24  (1)
Allen Collins was 23 yrs old when Lynard Skynard opened for The Rolling Stones    06/30/24  (10)
Wife got a beach house for the week. Asked me to come. I said no.    06/30/24  (46)
OYT how is your Hair doing    06/30/24  (14)
Think I'm gonna buy a ROLEX    06/30/24  (24)
It is HER turn.    06/30/24  (16)
International arrest warrant issued in manhunt for escaped French inmate ‘The    06/30/24  (1)
You've been given a full-sized, adult diaper. Explain what you would do w/ it    06/30/24  (1)
You've been given a full-grown, adult elephant. Explain what you would do w/ it    06/30/24  (5)
Boarding flight to XO Beijing in 5 mins…sayonara birdshits!!!    06/30/24  (40)
Visited an Episcopal service. Asked the priest about one of the icons mounted up    06/30/24  (9)
Drag star Miss Carriage enters stage pushing a pram    06/30/24  (2)
Rate my Saturday night    06/30/24  (10)
Tulsi says Amerikkka does "not need a draft" (Real Time w Bill Maher clip)    06/30/24  (1)
Sacramento firefighter brags about 'killing' obese people, gets 6 month paid vac    06/30/24  (1)
I live a very prole existence. Nothing elite or exceptional about me.    06/30/24  (1)
Je partirai pas -- Si si tu partiras    06/30/24  (12)
I bought 24 beers two days ago, only have 6 left    06/30/24  (21)
Quinn Woodward Poo    06/30/24  (2)
reminder: niggers ruin everything    06/30/24  (1)
Why isn’t Trump running away with it on PredictIt?    06/30/24  (20)
Private call with top national DNC members promoted Biden, allowed no questions    06/30/24  (13)
If he had to take it today, would Biden pass a Drivers License test?    06/30/24  (6)
at current fertility rates, less than 2 million South Koreans will exist in 2100    06/30/24  (6)
USA TODAY: "Who Won The Debate? Both Candidates Struggled."    06/30/24  (7)
Wat happened to Mr. Bbooom :(?    06/30/24  (1)
I ljl@ Tommy Turdfucks random alcohol    06/30/24  (41)
"Don't mess with that guy bro he's a bald lawyer, he's got nothing to lose."    06/30/24  (6)
Me & alzabo injecting IV Ketamine in an open cow pasture at 1:22am    06/30/24  (19)
Bboom is locked up in county for dog fucking    06/30/24  (1)
Next year I'm going to use my bonus to buy a vintage AutoAdmit arcade cabinet    06/30/24  (3)
Cons seem really mad at the idea that Biden might NOT be replaced    06/30/24  (4)
Jill keeps household staff away from Biden in the residence    06/30/24  (25)
Reminder: Obeezy was tongue tied for 17 hours after Biden Trump debate    06/30/24  (21)
It's completely INSANE when u spread some bitches legs and just hoap for the bes    06/30/24  (3)
You subscription to the AutoAdmit Poasting System has expired. Renew?    06/30/24  (2)
Birdshits are STILL Oppressing Turds (pic)    06/30/24  (5)
President Kamala Devi Harris (D-Tamil Nadu)    06/30/24  (2)
Why are Sri Lankans more CIVILIED than Pajeet Indians?    06/30/24  (10)
Pilate asking zoomer Christ if he's "king of the mews"    06/30/24  (1)
Wife might be Sierra Mist carrying. This sucks. Boiling the last two days    06/30/24  (1)
Do Dems think people don’t know Biden was reading teleprompter at NC rally?    06/30/24  (7)
Rizztianity    06/30/24  (2)
its unfortunate you can't make more money doing theology    06/30/24  (23)
Dam Slovakia. Hurts.    06/30/24  (4)
TT str8 guzzling peach schnapps, Guinness, Alize, and HP inkjet cartridges    06/30/24  (9)
All the rich people on this website and we don't even send Rach a Christmas gift    06/30/24  (3)
Reminder: Comedian Matt Rife sucked dick for fame    06/30/24  (8)
Black bear at picnic    06/30/24  (5)
Had 300ml of bourbon, half a bottle of wine, and four beers last night    06/30/24  (34)
美国去死吧    06/30/24  (13)
Can someone bump thread about BIGLAW associate who killed self in like 2016?    06/30/24  (2)
Fucking matrix agents froze my bank accounts cause I poasted about mens rights    06/30/24  (2)
Private chat with top Group 2 members promoted Emilio, allowed no questions (lin    06/30/24  (3)
Prayed for cancer treatment tp at church today    06/30/24  (3)
What's the difference between Mt. Teewinot and Disco Fries?    06/30/24  (22)
50% of NBA head coaches are black    06/30/24  (9)
Sidley responds to article about partner's suicide    06/30/24  (42)
Hillary is coming back.    06/30/24  (5)
Can't take it anymore. Bought a one-way ticket to Da Nang    06/30/24  (1)
"The SJW movement is a new religion incorporating itself into an existing one"    06/30/24  (1)
The Kirkland team passed away actually. We'll be your counsel going forward.    06/30/24  (35)
I'm afraid you've exceeded your brief    06/30/24  (4)
SLOVAKIAAAAAA    06/30/24  (7)
Jan 20, 2025. 11:50am. Washington, D.C. From backstage, a loud cackle erupts.    06/30/24  (1)
Hillary and Podesta currently spirit cooking to get rid of Biden    06/30/24  (2)
Most prestigious dead languages to be able to read?    06/30/24  (3)
Reject Kant, Embrace Maximus    06/30/24  (1)
Now watch this drive.    06/30/24  (4)
Zero WASPs in Biden's administration    06/30/24  (1)
操你个鸟屎    06/30/24  (1)
how do i motivate myself to start lifting again    06/30/24  (16)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/30/24  (45)
Joe Biden in the fight of his life against my son’s 3rd grade homework    06/30/24  (1)
why was Tom Cruise's hair jet black in Top Gun, but brown in every other movie    06/30/24  (4)
He hasn't DISAVOWED! He's obviously making a credible threat!    06/30/24  (8)
Top NBA centers will all be French in a few years    06/30/24  (1)
i have come to the limit of my natural understanding    06/30/24  (1)
Westerners are obsessed with Engineering    06/30/24  (12)
'migrants' are not going to pay your SS, they're going to smother you w/ pillows    06/30/24  (3)
Im making credible threats against all the specific targets    06/30/24  (3)
Rapefugees harass French tranny, mistaking it for a woman    06/30/24  (12)
Credible Threat    06/30/24  (4)
US military supply chain totally DEPENDENT on CHINA, CCP can shut at anytime    06/30/24  (1)
what happened to that weird nuru massage pumo    06/30/24  (11)
Ricky’s surprisingly earnest Harley Quinn/Mr Krabs fanfiction    06/30/24  (1)
credible threat    06/30/24  (1)
76ers acquire Lauri Markkanen    06/30/24  (1)
Cash balance plans discuss    06/30/24  (2)
i just clicked a Twitter link for the first time in months    06/30/24  (3)
Luckily for me I never post about my BIG PLAN to further the MOVEMENT so feds    06/30/24  (1)
this shit's not going to stop till we start throwing these people out of windows    06/30/24  (21)
Is the movement succeeding or nah?    06/30/24  (4)
david bently hart phenotype    06/30/24  (2)
He had a Nazi tattoo on his leg. The Russian army fixed it.    06/30/24  (2)
AC/DC was the only big 80s hard rock band that didn't go glam / hair / faggy    06/30/24  (32)
Biden debating 12 years ago - video    06/30/24  (15)
Femboy might be having a period. This sucks. Spotting the last two days    06/30/24  (1)
My grandparents were in the Holocaust so that means I get all the money!! heh    06/30/24  (1)
all the denominations are dumb for their own unique reasons    06/30/24  (7)
Training for Teewinot--Will walk 50 miles this week (7.15 miles per day)    06/30/24  (10)
why did fat fuck disco fries lie about having cancer?    06/30/24  (46)
Where is this annoying lawyer's accent from? (vid) Erika Kullberg    06/30/24  (9)
just saw FBI guys in shades chloroform little kid looking up at an eagle    06/30/24  (46)
Yet another video added to the library of orcs accepting their fate    06/30/24  (2)
the quiet place movies are dumb as fuck and trigger my autism    06/30/24  (25)
Its funny to watch Catholics becoming Protestants in real time    06/30/24  (21)
If Nazis had won, humanity would have fusion, superhuman AI, space colonies    06/30/24  (4)
when i grow up i want to be a suburban house wife    06/30/24  (1)
The Defenestration of ZOG    06/30/24  (1)
Motorcycles and Mayhem in Ukraine’s East (NYT)    06/30/24  (13)
me, cowgod, oyt and lex all starting our lives at 38, tp    06/30/24  (21)
My name is FizzKidd, and I am addicted to screens    06/30/24  (10)
Honestly, if I was CHINA I wldnt let in a filthy Turd "American" like me    06/30/24  (14)
wouldnt it be cool if Elites one day let us have a voice somehow picking leaders    06/30/24  (6)
no more "Mr. Nice Elites🐐" the middle class about to be disciplined    06/30/24  (7)
top gun maverick made $1.5billion & Elites🐐 are still punishing us for that    06/30/24  (3)
if u think the same ppl who rigged an election in 2020 won't do the same in 2024    06/30/24  (5)

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