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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The failed 'turning points' of Trump's campaign implosion:    07/15/24  (503)
trump will lose all sympathy when asked if he still supports political violence    07/15/24  (6)
Crooks does not look like the corpse photo    07/15/24  (3)
Secret Service head wouldn’t clear sniper to shoot assassin (link)    07/15/24  (61)
photos of Congress members who proposed stripping Trump of SS protection    07/15/24  (10)
Trump just put every foreign leader in the humbler, lol@ "Zelensky"    07/15/24  (1)
Secret Service blames local police    07/15/24  (20)
“My personality is fine. Makeover complete.” (nyuug after losing ponytail)    07/15/24  (1)
bro, we need to 'unify' with these Jews who wanted us all dead 5 minutes ago    07/15/24  (2)
Is DUMBO the best area in NYC?    07/15/24  (12)
Terrorists in France Have Killed Like 200 PPL Or 2 Days of Gun Violence in USA    07/15/24  (6)
Y/N: Should Secret Service continue to investigate mail fraud and cybercrime?    07/15/24  (2)
Trump must denounce the 'political violence' only being perpetrated against him    07/15/24  (1)
The Evil Design of Japan's Death Penalty    07/15/24  (4)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    07/15/24  (97)
Say Trump gets impeached, wins 2020, can he run in 2024 and have a three terms?    07/15/24  (4)
Just remember: As soon as widespread white nationalism takes    07/15/24  (24)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    07/15/24  (193)
The ramp on the Ark is now up    07/15/24  (2)
"many men" - Google Trends    07/15/24  (18)
*Secret Service updates Terms of Contract limiting liability to 100 yds    07/15/24  (1)
tbf is mormon now?    07/15/24  (1)
Shooter was only 20 year old with no social media footprint?    07/15/24  (33)
STICKY: 🚨 A brief message from XO's two founders    07/15/24  (4)
trump's a bad ass, but why does the assassination attempt feel like a work?    07/15/24  (4)
Is to be fair tp suddenly Christian now?    07/15/24  (4)
tbf coming back today is how you know the guilty verdict hit him hard    07/15/24  (7)
Mr. Jinx informing you that he is a girlboss    07/15/24  (5)
Trump should use RNC speech to call for lethal reprisals against the left/jews    07/15/24  (3)
it's all just so gay    07/15/24  (1)
biden as he fills his diaper: "we've gotta be better" trump: "make me, pence"    07/15/24  (1)
rate me (pic)    07/15/24  (2)
We did everything possible to murder Donald Trump, now he must call for UNITY (n    07/15/24  (1)
A Beverly hills 90210 is det!! A Richard Simmons is det..a Trump is stronger    07/15/24  (5)
boart snipers how hard was that shot?    07/15/24  (110)
Shinzo Abe flinging Zyn can like ninja star to deflect bullet from Trump    07/15/24  (7)
Joe Biden is the least radical pol left in the Dem party    07/15/24  (1)
Post shooting Trump golf report (link)    07/15/24  (3)
will Cheatle do an eye-rolling snarky 'I did nothing wrong' at congress hearings    07/15/24  (4)
how does SS not have an agent atop every one of those buildings?    07/15/24  (45)
Taking my TALENT to Ulan Batar, Mongolia end of this month    07/15/24  (3)
The signs were on the wall (link)    07/15/24  (2)
it's awkward how stupid all of you are    07/15/24  (2)
How to Evaluate a "False Flag" Claim: Or, The Assrape of Fallen Reddit Ricky    07/15/24  (16)
Consuela, so for the record the pandemic was staged globally but this was real?    07/15/24  (30)
Trump must use this moment to galvanize public against the Jews    07/15/24  (6)
people are rolling w/ Trump assassination like it's just more 'LOL, Drumpf'    07/15/24  (6)
its crazy that people work for other people's companies    07/15/24  (39)
it's a mystery, wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside an adult diaper    07/15/24  (1)
Trump walking out to Many Men -- 50 Cent    07/15/24  (15)
EPAH why are libs such huge fucking failures at everything?    07/15/24  (1)
Been seeing quite a few of those fake breast gel pads around lately    07/15/24  (1)
pennsylvania now a battleground state    07/15/24  (2)
the unguarded roof seems weirder and weirder to me    07/15/24  (51)
1 potential sniper perch in otherwise open field is left unguarded    07/15/24  (1)
50 cent ft. xoxohth.com - many fags.mp3    07/15/24  (1)
when does Trump get Secret Service protection?    07/15/24  (36)
Hypo: Donald Trump is Assassinated    07/15/24  (44)
Consuela (kike) really seems to like this zionist vaccine salesman shill Trump    07/15/24  (1)
Nothing ever happens    07/15/24  (6)
asked wife if she is hiding any sneaky links in coat, she got suspiciously quiet    07/15/24  (1)
megabrain kike Ricky's alt hypothesis: exploding blood packets in Trump's ears    07/15/24  (4)
Thanks to Christians, the boart has Jewish Schizo brain    07/15/24  (1)
INDIA has enough Middle Class Wealth now, it just has to fix it's CITIES    07/15/24  (1)
Taco Bell's NEW Battle Box, where disputes are resolve civilly and crunchily    07/15/24  (1)
Completely unverifiable 4chan greentext states SS had no authorization to shoot    07/15/24  (1)
So many other big things happened during all of this horror    07/15/24  (5)
Snyder's pretzels have reached a low point in quality    07/15/24  (1)
Absolutely Devastating rebuttal to a bitch boi    07/15/24  (3)
180 all the Christian Zionists will be back in Power!    07/15/24  (1)
*FBI Director peels out in Saudi-bought lambo, licence plate N0 M0T1V    07/15/24  (65)
lol Korea is fucked, nyuug is prob gonna run back to the US soon    07/15/24  (61)
anyone else here fascinated with ancient rome?    07/15/24  (90)
EVEN those of us who have not forgotten the past seem condemned to repeat it, at    07/15/24  (2)
Come bump this thread if you believe that an AR15 bullet grazed Trumps ear    07/15/24  (3)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/15/24  (101)
Realizing that Trump hasn’t been seen on camera since Saturday evening    07/15/24  (4)
Was trump also shot in the chest?    07/15/24  (6)
For the record, that wasn't a False Flag - it was Hoax    07/15/24  (1)
it's so fucking absurd nyuug claims to live in a first world country. not close.    07/15/24  (75)
Trust the plan Goy, Trump is gonna take out the Deep State this time    07/15/24  (4)
Best CPAP pressure settings?    07/15/24  (2)
Ruling on $7.2M fees motion dropping July 8 🤞🤞    07/15/24  (88)
"Toilet Seat" Sciatic Neuropathy, a Neurology whitepaper (1999)    07/15/24  (1)
how important is assassin-deflection game as potus?    07/15/24  (8)
btw how TTT is the secret service protection if some random person can get    07/15/24  (8)
soon...the south will rise again...dont say you werent warned,    07/15/24  (48)
Fatal flaw in True Detective: Marty’s face all beat up in hospital at the end    07/15/24  (1)
No bigger fuckup than trying to assassiate a head of state and failing    07/15/24  (2)
Is the Secret Service full of anti trump guys like the FBI is?    07/15/24  (10)
Why the fuck is the secret service director a woman    07/15/24  (70)
Trump becomes POTUS-elect but is assassinated at his inauguration by the elites    07/15/24  (5)
is nyuug still claiming that korea is a first world country?    07/15/24  (41)
love how genuinely freaked out Brits/Euros are by these stories    07/15/24  (3)
"The answer is to keep believing the Jewish books" - xo retard    07/15/24  (1)
All true patriots now is the time to pee on the restroom floor    07/15/24  (6)
Trump:I Was Saved By God. The God Of Abraham, The God Of Isaac, The God Of Jacob    07/15/24  (1)
"Everything is a false flag conspiracy, except for this assassination attempt"    07/15/24  (1)
I did not want to be carried out. I've seen people being carried, &it's not good    07/15/24  (1)
Taking ?s on living a gun-free country with one of the lowest gun fatality rates    07/15/24  (76)
FBI: Why'd u do it? FR bomber: "Islam." FBI: *slams desk* Don't make me ask agai    07/15/24  (219)
sometimes i'll just stare at an image of a camel like "wtf even is that"    07/15/24  (10)
"Jesus saved me" - Trump (NYT)    07/15/24  (1)
FBI still searching for a motive I guess    07/15/24  (2)
They will look on me, the one they have pierced    07/15/24  (1)
A fascinating observation: American politics converging on European politics    07/15/24  (106)
My moderate take: third world political violence/assassinations is TTT    07/15/24  (15)
The DEFINITIVE List of NYUUG Predictions ITT (v2):    07/15/24  (111)
In Shift to ‘Unity,’ Trump to Name RFK Jr. VP (NYT)    07/15/24  (2)
Who is like unto the Beast?!?!    07/15/24  (2)
How do guys get new GFs so quickly?    07/15/24  (22)
HuffPo: Sorry Liberals, A Violent Response To Trump Is As Logical As Any (link)    07/15/24  (22)
NASA: It was local officials' fault about the whole Challenger thing    07/15/24  (1)
ITT: things America has in common with first world countires    07/15/24  (34)
What if trump got shot in the belt buckle and his pants fell down    07/15/24  (13)
America is barely even a first world country    07/15/24  (38)
Shannon Doherty and Richard Simmons refuse to ride elevator to hell with DJT    07/15/24  (3)
korea=peaceful first world impeachment+transition.TRUMP impeachment=LOLLERCAUST    07/15/24  (33)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/15/24  (45)
I can't found GROUND coffee in 180 CHINA    07/15/24  (3)
Trump is obviously the coming Messiah    07/15/24  (1)
Imagine if Trump got got, VIVEK takes his place then Biden quits for KAMALA    07/15/24  (1)
Where were you when you heard the news that they tried to kill emperor Trump?    07/15/24  (1)
Conseula, is Zionist Deepthroater Trump gonna take down the Deep State cabal now    07/15/24  (1)
Lib icon “Destiny” having an epic meltdown over the Trump assassination on t    07/15/24  (16)
Trump rewrote RNC speech to focus on unity not Biden    07/15/24  (15)
I have a 3.7 GPA and a 169 LSAT. Best law school for me?    07/15/24  (31)
Secret Service: It's local polices fault. Local Police: It's HS security's fault    07/15/24  (4)
Seal Team Six blames Paul Blart for Afghani raid's failure (link)    07/15/24  (2)
The 90210&charmed girls&others died:( other things happened! All very sad    07/15/24  (1)
How bad is my back going to suffer if I use a treadmill in flip flops    07/15/24  (5)
how many xanax is Cheatle on right now    07/15/24  (1)
Richard Simmons died at the wrong time and hasn't gotten press it appears    07/14/24  (3)
Sleepless in Cheattle    07/14/24  (1)
my zoom background tomorrow will be the trump iwo jima pic    07/14/24  (1)
Larry David's Dotter In A White Tank Top, Braless & Showing Nip (PIC)    07/14/24  (4)
Consensus on how former potus/leading candidate just got his ear shot off?    07/14/24  (2)
"five foot three and an attitude" (new CSLG billboard)    07/14/24  (5)
𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮 🦍🎺🎉    07/14/24  (39)
🚨 Artie Lange DEAD 🚨    07/14/24  (3)
You realize it's rare for anyone to have even 1 actual "friend"?    07/14/24  (9)
We should have known Ricky would turn sooner or later    07/14/24  (1)
Poaster who announced Anthony Bourdain's suicide on xo taking questions    07/14/24  (1)
Witnesses report seeing a second shooter with an extremely high clown hairline    07/14/24  (4)
wonder what the beta male lawyers with ugly wives think about the shooting    07/14/24  (4)
MUST WATCH: Biblical prophet predicted details of Trump assassination attempt    07/14/24  (1)
Trump dumping shooter’s ashes into a koi pond    07/14/24  (6)
Reddit Ricky tp    07/14/24  (1)
the cia has never killed a president and certainly not a former president    07/14/24  (5)

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