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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Dont worry TBF, Elon doubles down on the Jewish question    01/09/25  (13)
DOGE efficiency plan: Americans do menial jobs, Indian h1b's, $$$ for Israel    01/09/25  (1)
Can you suggest some other sexual&other stuff worth getting into?(Boom)    01/09/25  (1)
Trump is going to get rid of carried interest    01/09/25  (104)
In-house bros: how chill are your days on average?    01/09/25  (14)
Libs surveing smoldering, ruined America: "Well, we did it."    01/09/25  (502)
Trump proposes "hard cap" on immigration of 16 million/year (link)    01/09/25  (4)
Trumpmos noting on twitter that CA can "just use ocean water" to put out fires.    01/09/25  (27)
Joe Paterno: "Sandusky stuck his finger in your butt? So what?"    01/09/25  (23)
realizing i'll be a millionaire in 2024, feel nothing (benzo)    01/09/25  (146)
Who is xo rooting for in Notre Dame v. U Penn tonight?    01/09/25  (46)
Israelcucks, explain?    01/09/25  (1)
Real Truth: Sandusky used to buttfuck and suck Paterno, too    01/09/25  (6)
surveying smoldering ruins of L.A. "you're all paid up. thanls"    01/09/25  (1)
Drumpf: CA should have just raked and dampened the ground    01/09/25  (32)
anyone else enjoy homosexuality?    01/09/25  (7)
Reminder: Jerry Sandusky fucked boys assholes and no one cared    01/09/25  (60)
"Im pregnent" "OMG congrads!"    01/09/25  (1)
Salesforce: “We’re never hiring software engineers again due to AI”    01/09/25  (2)
Take this used up ran through trash woman and pretend she's gold    01/09/25  (12)
Southern California hellscape    01/09/25  (16)
Elon Musk pivoting away from h1b issue, FINALLY! Guess what to!!!!!    01/09/25  (1)
autoadmit is not a security risk; but xoxohth is?    01/09/25  (4)
Libs just keep on LOSING and Trump keeps on ROLLING    01/09/25  (1)
jaray battle for survival and America day 1    01/09/25  (3)
Everyone just forgot that Vivek/Elon called them retards?    01/09/25  (1)
More blown the fuck out: TBF at disbarment hearing or MASE at MPM?    01/09/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 MPM DAY 6: (((NON-FRAUDULENT))) CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND 🚨🚨🚨    01/09/25  (26)
what was the LA mayor supposed to do?    01/09/25  (18)
Bboom writing headlines for the Denver Post    01/09/25  (11)
My mushy boners aren't even 30% hard, can't fuck (whok)    01/09/25  (16)
Wife wants to hire a female hooker to fuck us both in the ass with a strap on    01/09/25  (3)
Bulls legend Scottie Pippen now offering crypto advice (link)    01/09/25  (1)
watching the bitterness & cynicism creeping into MPA is a horror unto itself    01/09/25  (21)
Pond hockey update    01/09/25  (28)
Day 1,842 Squancher imprisonment update: No change    01/09/25  (11)
There is a troll at V&E They call him Ryan Sun He’s been the ruin of many    01/09/25  (8)
Can’t stop lolling at this video of James Woods crying on CNN    01/09/25  (30)
Whoa so Ryan Sun posts here? What a dork.    01/09/25  (4)
The House of the Ryan Sun    01/09/25  (3)
Fire on the mountain run boys run Spaceporn’s in the house of the Ryan Sun    01/09/25  (4)
Spartacus remake starring Ryan Sun    01/09/25  (11)
Paul Vasiloff, Ryan Sun getting Biden pardons    01/09/25  (11)
Blank bump to support banning of Nippon ie Ryan Sun    01/09/25  (2)
"Ryan Sun, Esquire is Nippon Professional Baseball" is Christopher Spinelli    01/09/25  (4)
America: best infrastructure in the WORLD    01/09/25  (4)
SP guessing all 3 contestants are 'Ryan Sun' on To Tell the Truth.    01/09/25  (3)
Nippon is Ryan Sun, Esquire at Vinson & Elkins    01/09/25  (2)
The really crazy thing is Ryan Sun is more closely related to SPs son than SP is    01/09/25  (4)
Hey TBF, I'm really sorry    01/09/25  (1)
Benzo's SHitvax Case Going Into Its Third POTUS Administration    01/09/25  (19)
I struck a nerve with TBF, he's going fucking insane on alts today    01/09/25  (4)
What did Trump tell Obama here that was funny?    01/09/25  (18)
Rate claire blowing out her own asshole ITT    01/09/25  (49)
Important Documentary on Japan during WWII- 180 film work    01/09/25  (2)
Trump's America: 8% mortgages, crypto/stocks crashing, h1b floodgate    01/09/25  (14)
Is TBF still zappin the TBF threads?    01/09/25  (18)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    01/09/25  (58)
REMINDER: half of the "people" who post on here aren't even 6' tall    01/09/25  (4)
Autoadmit: a bunch of 5'6 Jews twirling like masochistic dervishes over height    01/09/25  (3)
The whole TBF disbarment story is EXTREMELY FUCKED UP    01/09/25  (2)
HEY! SPACEPORN! Leave those kids alone *electric guitar riff*    01/09/25  (116)
The thing short guys will never understand about tall guys    01/09/25  (2)
My wife was raped but refuses to press charges bc the assailant was 6’3”    01/09/25  (8)
Cooked some chicken in a slow cooker, it's amazing how much water there is    01/09/25  (6)
Celebs who lost houses in fire seem to be 90s/00s celebs; why no recent stars?    01/09/25  (8)
GWB went bald    01/09/25  (7)
Professor flunks student for using AI. Who's in the right here? (Vid)    01/09/25  (8)
doodikoff being an MPM finalist is an indictment of how shitty xo has becum    01/09/25  (11)
My "wife" basically committed suicide from grief    01/09/25  (2)
discreet summary of tbf disbarment?    01/09/25  (5)
Aluminum Tubes    01/09/25  (5)
“Daddy I miss you!” wails disbarred atty Andrew Zappin’s ex wife’s son    01/09/25  (25)
Could Trumpmos possibly be ANY stupider?    01/09/25  (7)
Magazine article about FISHING in the NYC area:    01/09/25  (1)
Objectively, the entire country needs to burn down and be reset    01/09/25  (16)
Why not just drop a massive fire resistant tarp over Cali fires?    01/09/25  (6)
how can we sleep when our beds are burning    01/09/25  (10)
A black head coach will be coaching in the CFB Nat Title game    01/09/25  (1)
Pacific Palisades will be a massive toxic zone for the next 5 years    01/09/25  (1)
TBF/Zappin saga ends in DISBARMENT (you won't believe for who!)    01/09/25  (65)
Claire, in full SS Dominatrix outfit, flicking your tool with a riding crop    01/09/25  (31)
The only "war" I would sign up for is a jihad against libslop-Americans    01/09/25  (3)
Remember how “spaceporn” would show up here and spam some random guys irl na    01/09/25  (5)
Zap zap zappin' on the nuthouse door    01/09/25  (52)
Describe "the talk" Claire Comfort received from Weil in 2017    01/09/25  (29)
Pumowife wants to separate and move out.    01/09/25  (111)
TBF is Zappin and everyone knows it.    01/09/25  (62)
Demons on Saturnian plains in mass array to amplify grimwaves across the void    01/09/25  (6)
Literally all of your problems as a man can be solved by rape    01/09/25  (51)
Hey Agent Jenki- I mean To Be Fair, how’s your “redneck rebellion” coming    01/09/25  (14)
TOTAL NIGGER RAPE!    01/09/25  (1)
"To be fair, no court will believe you," Claire coos as she licks sweat off your    01/09/25  (31)
Claire, in a SS leather suit, explaining her love of Jews on the train platform    01/09/25  (5)
Total Nigger Rape    01/09/25  (1)
Can a debt collector report a debt if the contract had no repayment terms?    01/09/25  (12)
The counterpart of the shitlib is the Trumpenprole    01/09/25  (1)
We should cut the LA Mayor some slack, she was just trying to go back to Africa    01/09/25  (1)
PRO-Tip, just bump zappin threads when TBF brings out all his alts    01/09/25  (6)
REMINDER: POZ FAGGOT Benzo claims 93k scandal never happened    01/09/25  (199)
Socialism is superior    01/09/25  (1)
TBF says he's not A.Z.    01/09/25  (2)
what are some good (non-gay and non-criminal) ways to make a quick buck?    01/09/25  (1)
Armenians are rolling around Pasadena strapped with firearms looking for looters    01/09/25  (1)
Feels like there is a lot of pent up rage about to fucking EXPLODE    01/09/25  (1)
Fuck you bloody saar fuck you bitch bastard fuck you fuck    01/09/25  (23)
American women are like the shitty scamcars hyped up and sold at used car lots    01/09/25  (24)
Very excited spaceporn has emerged from his dormant stage    01/09/25  (46)
Yeah so AI is going to liquidate a cool quarter of the job market    01/09/25  (1)
antifa girl aborting her black baby to save it from institutional    01/09/25  (52)
Shitlib murders his family to spare them having to live under Drumpf    01/09/25  (19)
i used my large stable of alts to beat MASE in MPM (cucumbers)    01/09/25  (8)
Trump looks at smoldering America, “so anyway, gimme money”    01/09/25  (5)
Can you just volunteer for jury duty everyday as your "job"?    01/09/25  (5)
Let's see Paul Allen's epistemic grounding mechanism    01/09/25  (2)
Pumowife wants to sportfuck One Thousand Niggers.    01/09/25  (1)
Great woman. Great people.    01/09/25  (1)
to be fair is a toxic mix of stupidity and mental illness    01/09/25  (3)
lol that libs blame politics for hurricanes but not forest fires    01/09/25  (7)
it’s kind of 180 rich lib enclaves keep turning to ash    01/09/25  (1)
TBF will Elon/Trump reform H1B or should I accept living in pajeetland?    01/09/25  (6)
Total Brahmin Favela ("TBF")    01/09/25  (24)
CA should just rq build a Dutch style system of moats & locks to contain fire    01/09/25  (2)
LAFD DEI hire confuses accelerant/retardant tanks; immolates hundreds (vid)    01/09/25  (2)
Palisades homeowner turns away firefighters for having "not enough women":    01/09/25  (1)
How would the AI-dominated "post-labor" world look for UMC whites    01/09/25  (5)
what’s the matter with kansas, he smirked, while being lit on fire    01/09/25  (20)
Why is daycare so expensive?    01/09/25  (60)
i dont want to be a prole or a midwit but i am, now what?    01/09/25  (1)
Could we genetically engineer mice to be smart enough to fly mini planes?    01/09/25  (1)
“AI sucks” is such an unbelievably midwit tell    01/09/25  (29)
"Niggers are the club that Capital uses to break your spirit"    01/09/25  (2)
under heavy siege by interdimensional entities/jew asuras working thru demiurge    01/09/25  (6)
"sorry, this is the pair bond store."    01/09/25  (4)
Coordinated archon assault on Earthplane via weather manip and BTC price    01/09/25  (5)
January is totally engulfed in dark energy is one of the worst months of year    01/09/25  (5)
Vatican: "Longbutt is a cultural and epigenetic accretion, nevertheless real."    01/09/25  (14)
Some people think cucumbers taste better than MASE    01/09/25  (4)
Pfizer collects another pro athlete’s scalp    01/09/25  (1)
"ChatGPT coming after people with skills now" RSF: "oh sweet im still safe"    01/09/25  (45)
Why is gaycare so expensive?    01/09/25  (5)
Houses could easily be fireproof. Metal roof, aluminum siding. Etc. It is 2025    01/09/25  (13)
China now running circles around the US in advanced robotics    01/09/25  (9)
Wife accepted $25 from friend for taking their kid to the movies. How prole?    01/09/25  (26)
"write like nobody's reading." rsf: "i think i can manage that"    01/09/25  (82)
GREENLAND might not be for sale but over 500 cars are at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    01/09/25  (10)
Mandate of Heaven: Lost    01/09/25  (2)
From MPM Crowd Pleaser to Cock Seizer: The DrakeMallard Story    01/09/25  (21)

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