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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
2 Thai Bouncers KILL a British BIRDSHIT Ape to DET in THAILAND    03/27/25  (16)
My hazel eyes are more green than brown, am i white?    03/27/25  (6)
Remember Biden’s “81 million votes” lol    03/27/25  (11)
hard truth: ppl raised w/o trad. american culture & values are kind of weird    03/27/25  (1)
what’s up with non-americans & their ridiculous consumer goods?    03/27/25  (10)
Grok gapes Musk - link    03/27/25  (3)
Can’t wait to cram libs in ovens and crank the heat    03/27/25  (7)
America is probably 40-50% hispanic now    03/27/25  (5)
I want to smash a libs head with a fire extinguisher like in “Irreversible”    03/26/25  (3)
Absolutely amazing how often ChatGPT and others are just plain wrong    03/26/25  (35)
80% of US B-2 bombers enroute to Diego Garcia. Shits about to go down    03/26/25  (1)
meaty, fish-scented pissflaps    03/26/25  (55)
shut the fuck up nobody cares bitch bois    03/26/25  (2)
how much to get dropped into delta force CQB stack 5 sec before breach    03/26/25  (4)
What will America be like when it is 75%+ Latino?    03/26/25  (31)
I'm happy to announce I am moving in with the Disco Fries Family in SoCal    03/26/25  (10)
Reminder: nyuug wouldn't be with our whitey    03/26/25  (1)
brown eyes = not white    03/26/25  (76)
Ana de Armas = Top Smokeshow    03/26/25  (12)
New York lawmakers: "Hi Tesla, EAT SHIT"    03/26/25  (1)
I'm going to Dallas this weekend. Boom/evan/mainlining?    03/26/25  (22)
BUT HER DELETED EMAILS!    03/26/25  (3)
didja see the former head of NPR get gaped with her own words?    03/26/25  (20)
Benzo and TBF to compete in first annual "Loser-Off" in Vegas    03/26/25  (4)
nowags are fucked no matter what; if they go back to China,    03/26/25  (8)
Is there any way we avoid a dystopian future?    03/26/25  (45)
It's gonna be 180 when Karlstack's journ. "career" ends and he's bottoming on OF    03/26/25  (1)
Americans think the Signal Leak Scandal is a Nothingburger (POLL)    03/26/25  (3)
TSINAH have you hit up King Books?    03/26/25  (1)
is poutine underrated or overrated    03/26/25  (30)
Ricky and luis to compete in first annual "Chill-Off" in Vegas    03/26/25  (1)
RSF and TBF to compete in first annual "Jew-Off" in Vegas    03/26/25  (2)
Kristie Norm is thiiiis close to doing a gangbang porno: (VID):    03/26/25  (1)
Lazerhawk - Feel the Rush blaring as Ricky sparks j in Modesto trailer park    03/26/25  (3)
Crazy talk, but has anyone just gotten tired of making money & winnin    03/26/25  (1)
"whose panties are these?" *ivanka & kai perk up* "size XS" *ivanka scowls    03/26/25  (23)
What are your favorite synthwave hits?    03/26/25  (8)
i like when its midnight and the day's conflicts replay in my head on repeat    03/26/25  (3)
I bet Ivanka hates Kai Trump    03/26/25  (24)
trump's biggest weakness has been on immigration    03/26/25  (30)
Illinois teacher arrested for sex w/ 11 yr old boy student    03/26/25  (13)
Montell Jordan voice: Thiiiiiisss is how we Jewwwwwww iiiittt”    03/26/25  (28)
disco fries moves to California, son immediately cuts off his penis    03/26/25  (2)
180. Another Arab hamas rat “student” (Tufts) arrested by ICE (vid)    03/26/25  (7)
Another con pedo gets busted raping kids    03/26/25  (1)
Ray Kroc was a Konniving Kike Kocksucker    03/26/25  (2)
rate this psycho Jewess doctor who tormented her ex's new gf    03/26/25  (3)
Trump: "I DINDU NOTHING ... I wasn't on the signal chat"    03/26/25  (1)
ITT: Face dox yourself but run the image through ChatGPT to Studio Ghibli it 1st    03/26/25  (75)
You can get a BA from UPenn State (Philadelphia campus) online    03/26/25  (1)
Don weighted pull-ups increasing weight by 1 lb per day    03/26/25  (3)
is there an Indianapolis of the West to which I can move    03/26/25  (1)
Estrada what have you been up to dood?    03/26/25  (1)
Every night I dream of moving to California    03/26/25  (7)
the most prestigious luka doncic discussion board in the world    03/26/25  (11)
Top 50 Nick Fuentes Pedophile Scandals (Karlstack)    03/26/25  (134)
The Pathetic, Cowardly Collapse of Big Law - Paul Rosenzweig    03/26/25  (6)
Computer: Work, play and more    03/26/25  (7)
Why are white people much better than other races?    03/26/25  (95)
Computerized butt wiping instrumentation    03/26/25  (4)
Homosexual Computer    03/26/25  (1)
Writing fiction has really been helping my (previously dire) mental health    03/26/25  (12)
Dragoncock Rising: an IFNB Tale -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/26/25  (9)
should i move to tempe, AZ    03/26/25  (3)
What do shitlibs think about actuaries?    03/26/25  (4)
Luis, pretty sure I’m having a kid    03/26/25  (2)
Lutnick was sworn in on the Holy Bible    03/26/25  (4)
Any albums where every single track is a banger?    03/26/25  (23)
Should I move to Long Beach, CA    03/26/25  (13)
is SoCal for retards    03/26/25  (9)
Death penalty for antisemites makes libs seethe so I'm all in favor    03/26/25  (1)
hypo: 100mm/yr job in nyc/hawaii/dc/la/chicago    03/26/25  (15)
Max IQ to believe that the Houthi Signal thing was an actual leak & not a flex?    03/26/25  (65)
Satan never stopped believing in Ricky    03/26/25  (5)
ITT: MPA’s girlfriend’s sex talk    03/26/25  (2)
Taco slop on a giant cheez-it is the only thing holding us together (Paul Krugma    03/26/25  (7)
Should I move to Florida    03/26/25  (1)
signal thing was just a flex even though the operation actually happened lmao    03/26/25  (2)
can you take roofies nightly (for 'sleep'), asking for a friend    03/26/25  (1)
Ashley St. Clair is proof that after a certain point all Hot Chicks be crazy    03/26/25  (8)
Dating update: MPA still with Xerxes, fizzkidd still w some dork, lex single    03/26/25  (11)
National Security Adviser had his Venom contacts set to 'public':    03/26/25  (1)
Running list of cities in California I am maybe moving to    03/26/25  (50)
The "Signal" quotes seem like they did this on purpose    03/26/25  (19)
LOL, lonely azn men    03/26/25  (10)
ITT: Give me an image and/or a prompt to feed to SORA    03/26/25  (1)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/26/25  (483)
nyuug programmed his anal beads to vibrate whenever xo mentions koreans    03/26/25  (1)
one of the koreans doxxed rsf and proved he shit talks everyone with alts (link)    03/26/25  (108)
“I love jews now” *burns queers for Palestine shirt* (tbf after election)    03/26/25  (10)
Leaving at 5 is the secret hack to take a perfect short vacation.    03/26/25  (1)
Daily Wire is going out of business i wonder why    03/26/25  (1)
Every night I dreamt of moving away from California    03/26/25  (10)
ITT: Actual photograph of GunneratTTT    03/26/25  (6)
Another one: video shows Turkish Ph.D student detained by Feds (link)    03/26/25  (17)
Have you ever seen an ortho jew rock out on guitar 🎸    03/26/25  (1)
Will the GOP become a White Nationalist party in the next 20yrs?    03/26/25  (38)
LMAO, Ron DeSantis talking shit about GOP candidate in FL who will underperform    03/26/25  (2)
cowsit will be made to answer for his libelous assaults on my character    03/26/25  (14)
Ricky is leaking chat logs from the Cowgod group chat to the Atlantic    03/26/25  (6)
Wasn't it Jews who demanded these people be let in in the first place?    03/26/25  (2)
Protip: worship Dembella, the voodoo God of the "Child's Play" movies - video    03/26/25  (3)
Is a girl having kids out of wedlock even "bad" anymore?    03/26/25  (37)
"I'm the most antisemitic person here" TBF said to crowd at his synagogue    03/26/25  (1)
The Torah is Empirically Bound to Reality and the Living Word of God    03/26/25  (3)
MAGA: Tufts students now being arrested and deported (video)    03/26/25  (9)
seems insane that european whites ever left europe to begin with for america    03/26/25  (48)
"Dear Atlantic Reporter: we are currently clean on OPSEC” (Pete Hegseth)    03/26/25  (1)
HEART OF A LION    03/26/25  (2)
The EU is the next superpower that will takeover the world    03/26/25  (127)
44. Ruined.    03/26/25  (1)
i can't, my mishkan    03/26/25  (3)
DUMBER and MORE RETARDED: Pete Hegseth or gunneratttt    03/26/25  (1)
Just put $250 on Duke and Gators each to make Final 4our    03/26/25  (3)
Tucker Carlson’s dad died. He was kind of a badass    03/26/25  (20)
Why did the Lakers switch their purple color to blue?    03/26/25  (4)
Thank you to the inventor of gym shorts that lift & separate girls’ ass cheeks    03/26/25  (35)
ITT: Actual photograph of GunneratTTT (real photo this time)    03/26/25  (1)
"March Madness" is so gay with this transfer portal bullshit    03/26/25  (29)
The State of Jaguar Fandom    03/26/25  (1)
doobs lurking in ur groupchat “just in case” u share war plans    03/26/25  (3)
97% positive i just got my wife pregnant    03/26/25  (5)
I love watching Trump betray tbf every day    03/26/25  (1)
"lol yeah the holocaust totally happened" (dbg seducing wide eyed 11 yo)    03/26/25  (94)
"Italian Four Cheese Cheez-its"    03/26/25  (5)
I'm going to name my first-born son enemadood    03/26/25  (173)
crazy that trumps largest donor is largest direct beneficiary of auto tariffs    03/26/25  (2)
Hegseth tweeting launch codes after confusing drink he roofied for his own    03/26/25  (15)
BREAKING: Trump says that signal leak was the result of DEI    03/26/25  (2)
i think cheeze its have nicotine in them    03/26/25  (5)
getting roofied isn't a real thing    03/26/25  (13)
I dare you to name a better AMERICAN snack than cheez it    03/26/25  (20)
Eastern Orthodoxy is a dead church    03/26/25  (32)
DOGE figuring out that most societal/gov. leaches are Trumpmos    03/26/25  (1)
Point/Counterpoint: Boom is gay / Boom takes it in the butt heterosexually    03/26/25  (1)
yo doodikoff check this out    03/26/25  (1)
what's your favorite thing    03/26/25  (3)
"holy shit" (putin watching trump on fox news)    03/26/25  (6)
Trump: "we're going to have to have Greenland" - link    03/26/25  (31)
The Gujarati Anthony Gonzalez circa Oceans Niagara    03/26/25  (13)
Pro Tip: Only buy NVIDIA GPU's    03/26/25  (122)
TBF attached a hand-written note to a judge stating, "You're pathetic!"    03/26/25  (6)
seems like Nvidia RTX 50 series was a wet fart    03/26/25  (54)
TBF getting himself disbarred is actually 180 bc it makes lib judge MAF    03/26/25  (1)
you gotta keep 'em ventilated    03/26/25  (92)
At MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA these prices are lower than your 401(k) balance    03/26/25  (11)
Trump wrecking my standard of living is actually 180 bc it makes libs MAF    03/26/25  (13)
Only Irish people are truly white. All other northern europeans are asian mutts.    03/26/25  (43)
My wife is so selfish and dumb    03/26/25  (11)

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