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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Snoot did you nuke the murder boner helicopter thread?    03/09/25  (3)
What's it like being a 37+ first time dad?    03/09/25  (90)
If you had the secret knowledge you could die happy tomorrow.    03/09/25  (4)
Rate this weekend’s dumb argument with my wife    03/09/25  (28)
PSA: Catholicism has been taken over by Jews. That's why Conservative Inc. pushe    03/09/25  (2)
Cointards finally got a pro-crypto president and crypto immediately goes to zero    03/09/25  (1)
ngl, Secret Knowledge (™ not tp) seems Satanic    03/09/25  (4)
are other sites like WallStreetOasis, etc as dead as XO?    03/09/25  (12)
Israeli stock analyst w/ track record of -25% annual return says TSLA will MOON:    03/09/25  (5)
Rate my master bedroom (married multimillionaire with 4 kids)    03/09/25  (42)
did they send a helicopter for that poster's gay dad again    03/09/25  (3)
what is your go-to escape from the horrors of reality    03/09/25  (21)
We're getting to the bottom of the Secret Knowledge (™?) itt    03/09/25  (1)
This is it the Big Enchilada I'm revealing the Secret Knowledge™    03/09/25  (5)
Really think Trump is doing the Jew thing against the Jews    03/09/25  (3)
Legendary poster taking Q's for a little while :-)    03/09/25  (5)
Thousands of years of existence intertwined with the Secret Knowledge    03/09/25  (2)
Your entire life could be spent in communication of the Secret Knowledge    03/09/25  (2)
TD Cowen Analyst: "TSLA downgraded to a 'sell' with a $130 target." (VIDEO)    03/09/25  (29)
Entry level in-house jobs pay $300-350k base now. lol.    03/09/25  (35)
Who has a better lot in life? Tommy T or disco fries?    03/09/25  (1)
Ok here it is I'm writing here revealing all the Secret Knowledge™    03/09/25  (5)
He's literally the greatest president in US history    03/09/25  (1)
so why exactly is Trump crashing the economy?    03/09/25  (2)
getting ready to talk all things TSLA 2nite w my fam, specifically why I believe    03/09/25  (2)
Next Canadian PM on statehood - video    03/09/25  (26)
another week of underutilizing my intelligence at a dead end job here we goo    03/09/25  (5)
JP Morgan Analyst Downgrades TSLA to: "LOL @ TBF's life"    03/09/25  (1)
Teslamos stuck at home, shitboxes concealed in garage    03/09/25  (2)
The only thing that might keep TSLA stock above $100 = 401k plans    03/09/25  (5)
Asked GF if I’m “the best lover she’s ever had.” Big mistake.    03/09/25  (42)
If I saw TBF irl I'd yell "Ari sends his regards!"    03/09/25  (1)
ITT: I type a sentence and you guess the xo poaster    03/09/25  (12)
remember those next-gen meatless burgers? LOL. WTF happened?    03/09/25  (6)
Chatgpt, please write a short essay connecting 9/11 to Zelda Wind Waker    03/09/25  (15)
Disco fries: oh no I'm so poor. ALSO Disco fries: I'm rich    03/09/25  (8)
Air India flight forced to return over clogged toilets    03/09/25  (16)
TSLA at $400: haha libs! TSLA at $300: haha libs! TSLA at $200: haha libs! (TBF)    03/09/25  (1)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/09/25  (136)
Are prostate orgasms flame?    03/09/25  (10)
“So rong suckas!” TBF cackled as he sped away in his Cybertruck    03/09/25  (2)
Paramilitary Muhammad: are you nervous you’ll be deported soon?    03/09/25  (26)
Sure Trump's treasury secretary managed billions for Soros over 35 yrs but    03/09/25  (1)
How much does your wife spend per year?    03/09/25  (8)
I lived rent free in TBF's head last week and it was filled with Torah teachings    03/09/25  (1)
If Soros protege (supported Obama/Hillary) says he's Republican, he's Republican    03/09/25  (12)
I just think the treasury secretary should be the former CIO of Soros hedge fund    03/09/25  (1)
MASE was silent this weekend, safe to assume he was out being a little slut?    03/09/25  (1)
“I’m deliberately causing a recession. Suckers. “ (Donald Trump)    03/09/25  (7)
this politics shit is retarded    03/09/25  (1)
Rate this Florida State coed - sfw    03/09/25  (10)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/09/25  (20)
US votes against hope at the UN. Even Ukraine & Russia voted for. US: no hope    03/09/25  (2)
Nobody talks about the 2016 Turkish coup attempt    03/09/25  (1)
I think I’m going to just open my own law firm. I don’t see any other way.    03/09/25  (6)
beautiful jewish woman    03/09/25  (1)
Any other pickleballMo's on this tweet boart?    03/09/25  (2)
Rate This AGWJG Couple (PIC)    03/09/25  (5)
lol that Palestinian student from Columbia has been disappeared    03/09/25  (1)
EPAH - how come u haven't kept us updated on FL cases, lots of lulzy stuff    03/09/25  (1)
HS cheerleaders used to have bikini carwash fundraisers all the time nbd    03/09/25  (5)
All of the original members of Badfinger are now DEAD:    03/09/25  (4)
I work for Walmart, taking questions    03/09/25  (5)
Women are truly incapable of having a serious thought    03/09/25  (23)
The State of 32X Fandom    03/09/25  (8)
would i be stupid to take a job that requires a commute from MFH to east hanover    03/09/25  (23)
I'll never love my half asian "children" like I would if they were white    03/09/25  (37)
Stupid sun stays out all day now    03/09/25  (1)
I have no training. No tradition. No heritage. No place.    03/09/25  (2)
WaPo: "Washington DC Isn't Sleeping Anymore" (LINK)    03/09/25  (45)
"Do you really like it here?" she said while uncuffing her bra in front of you &    03/09/25  (3)
would you make a good Bull for couples into hotwifing?    03/09/25  (3)
*your son eating cat food* "Dad, why can't we be nocoiners?"    03/09/25  (57)
...as if it's a natural reaction to Israel's (nonexistent) "genocide" in Gaza...    03/09/25  (6)
So now they’re saying Trump WANTS the markets to crash LJL    03/09/25  (4)
Asian girl fucked doggy with “NO ASIAN BOYS - BIG WHITE COCK ONLY” on her as    03/09/25  (1)
Trump's Jewish Hostage Negotiator Says US Isn't An Agent Of Israel    03/09/25  (1)
The Cryptocurrency Scam and the Future of Inflationary Bailouts    03/09/25  (51)
Trump targets Perkins Coie in new Executive order    03/09/25  (38)
imagine being white, earning an elite law degree, and then marrying an Indian    03/09/25  (7)
🚨 since ur all being yuge faggots. Drop ur SOL address itt. Airdropping xo co    03/09/25  (69)
Holy Shit, look at the size of JD Vance's face in this clip (link)    03/09/25  (1)
Just saw footage of John Denver concert at Red Rocks 1974    03/09/25  (3)
Get this slimy little toad creep out of here    03/09/25  (1)
animeboi tp - were you dropped on your head as a child?    03/09/25  (1)
Fine, I Lost the Gen (OYT)    03/09/25  (94)
Rogan podcast with Bret Weinstein is excellent    03/09/25  (51)
fuck my dick this yellow shit is tight    03/09/25  (99)
Ukrainians ambush 100 Russians trying to infiltrate their lines - link    03/09/25  (11)
Stock market crashing again    03/09/25  (18)
Fairbanks, Alaska is 7.5% black. How? Why?    03/09/25  (3)
Trump to GOP in economic airplane: "They expect to find one of us in the wreckag    03/09/25  (4)
Have you ever done PCP until the dolphins started talking to you telepathically    03/09/25  (1)
the browns extending myles garrett might be the most pathetic thing a sports fra    03/09/25  (4)
Over 90 bros come here to talk about the Studebaker Commander    03/09/25  (1)
12yo you, seeing you now & fighting back tears- "why doesnt he fight back"    03/09/25  (286)
Fishing seems to have gotten steadily worse in my lifetime    03/09/25  (13)
Air India flight had to return to Chicago after all toilets clogged    03/09/25  (5)
Why doesn't Elon show off his son "Saxon Musk"? - link    03/09/25  (13)
geedood person cum ITT (Mainlining)    03/09/25  (6)
Getting a McLaren Artura (CSLG)    03/09/25  (41)
Student loans seem to be a total chaotic mess right now    03/09/25  (49)
Russian army retake Sudzha. Hahols are out of Kursk.    03/09/25  (10)
it's carney!    03/09/25  (1)
Forced to pick a date Rock music died, it’s gotta be 4/5/94 Cobain    03/09/25  (103)
Over 40 bros come here to share and debate workout regimens    03/09/25  (102)
Futures -1%, crypto -5%+ today, lol at Trump 2.0    03/09/25  (6)
They constantly SCREW and SUE everybody!    03/09/25  (29)
About to order the forthcoming BMW i4 M50    03/09/25  (56)
re: your eschatological mutterings while loitering at a downtown public library    03/09/25  (4)
"Is Ari in the room with you now?" asks TBF's court-appointed shrink    03/09/25  (10)
Trump’s handling of Ukraine-Russia 100% vindicates libs on Russiagate    03/09/25  (15)
Do Israelis ever self reflect on why they are universally hated?    03/09/25  (14)
ETH    03/09/25  (2)
Rate Post-Partum Gisele, 44, In A Leopard Bathing Suit (PICS)    03/09/25  (2)
What % of blacks would be happier under slavery?    03/09/25  (17)
I want ukraine to win I just don't want to pay for it. Is that crazy    03/09/25  (6)
is autism a disorder, or is it the future?    03/09/25  (9)
Want RIGOR? Define a STAR ALGEBRA that ensures c-algebraic structure    03/09/25  (10)
got my test results. I legit have low IQ.    03/09/25  (10)
Post Malone left his fiance and mother of his kid for some ASIAN PUSSY    03/09/25  (24)
Leave biglol as 6th year to join an early stage AI start-up?    03/09/25  (12)
The Trumpmo obsession with a dumb autistic foreigner is stunning    03/09/25  (2)
Ai makes it much harder to be effectively scammed/blackmailed.    03/09/25  (2)
Trump will soon BEND THE KNEE to his Dark Master Zelensky - link    03/09/25  (1)
do people still do that "low carb" shit    03/09/25  (1)
Do gays ever break down in “battle raps” about how much black dick they’ve    03/09/25  (55)
Underwear is like $10/pair now    03/09/25  (10)
SDNY judge Ho won't dismiss Adams case; asks Clement to argue for continuation    03/09/25  (51)
Elon Musk's Mom seems like Cruella Deville but more insane    03/09/25  (1)
Went to my first MMA session today. Got knocked out by an experienced female    03/09/25  (4)
Is long island still on fire    03/09/25  (2)
S&P futures down again - tired of winning?    03/09/25  (2)
78 yo mother was just screamed at and had trash hurled at her for driving Tesla    03/09/25  (5)
should i change firms? (zurich)    03/09/25  (15)
Walter Lewin sent pics of his 80 year old wiener to 18 y/o online student    03/09/25  (1)
Destroying trade treaties & military alliances w/ western allies to harm Russia    03/09/25  (1)
The WLMAS spammer is especially triggered when you attack Voodoo Child, odd    03/09/25  (5)
why are you gay as shit?    03/09/25  (1)
Women should be removed from public life    03/09/25  (6)
PREDICT TSLA PRICE ON MARCH 15, 2025    03/09/25  (3)
BIZ IDEA: Strip disco fries and sealclubber naked and make them fight to death    03/09/25  (4)
people reading history of US in 2020s will just assume you were gay    03/09/25  (6)
can someone explain the swastikas painted on teslas in the other thread?    03/09/25  (1)
Heard a wild speech from the Maid of Honor last night at wedding    03/09/25  (19)
SS admin predicts I have 33 more years to live. How to make the most of it?    03/09/25  (5)
i've decided to change firms    03/09/25  (1)
Someone explain this high level flame disco fries is running    03/09/25  (7)
LOL @ cons boycotting Bud Light *spray paints a privately owned Tesla*    03/09/25  (16)
The Courting of the Shrew    03/09/25  (1)

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