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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
How long would Asia last if the Jews turned their full power on them?    03/10/25  (15)
Dark Winds Season 3 premiere thread    03/10/25  (1)
balls-to-the-wall woman respecting built this nation    03/10/25  (4)
Went to my first MMA session today. Got knocked out by an experienced female    03/10/25  (10)
Posted before/after pic of Bobby Sands on /r/Keto & said it was me, nobody knew    03/10/25  (3)
Tommy do you have an alibi that you were not in Costa Rica on March 6?    03/10/25  (4)
Reminder Obama is white and whiter than 99.999999999999% of Americans    03/10/25  (78)
"im just not a sexual person ok" (disco fries to confused hooker)    03/10/25  (1)
Underwear is like $10/pair now    03/10/25  (14)
so is Germany literally gonna be Muslim and brown in a few decades?    03/10/25  (34)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/10/25  (23)
Are you willing to let America die as a majority white nation?    03/10/25  (6)
Trump supporters are conspiracy theory friendly but refuse to engage    03/10/25  (3)
Watching "White Lotus." Why does xoxo hype this rancid jewslop?    03/10/25  (47)
With rising horror, you realize the firm's name is an anagram for A JINXIAN PLOT    03/10/25  (43)
Vaccines cause retardation and melting organs    03/10/25  (3)
Rogan podcast with Bret Weinstein is excellent    03/10/25  (52)
Jinx first man to receive female hand transplant after "accident    03/10/25  (4)
Mr. Jinx puting Windows 95 on your computer while you're at work    03/10/25  (4)
mr. jinx is straining burning mans spirit of tolerance and acceptance    03/10/25  (4)
Birdshits will NEVER control Immigration cause end of day Business Wins    03/10/25  (1)
Mr. Jinx telling ur boss he's worried that you will 'pump and dump' him    03/10/25  (3)
Mr. Jinx’s favorite song is Deee-Lite, “Groove is in the heart”    03/10/25  (3)
Mainlining is Bossier City, LA nice for a midwest town?    03/10/25  (2)
Mr Jinx sternly asks your son if he knows about 'tickle karma'    03/10/25  (11)
Yet more venues refuse to stage Mr. Jinx's 'Adagio for Strings AND Buttplugs':    03/10/25  (5)
Disturbing online 'Jinxmaxxing' trend among zoomers alarms officials:    03/10/25  (3)
Kraftwerk - Europe Endless.mp3    03/10/25  (84)
geedood person cum ITT (Mainlining)    03/10/25  (8)
NYU gets 120,000 applicants a year, jfc    03/10/25  (16)
Chatgpt, please write a short essay connecting 9/11 to Zelda Wind Waker    03/10/25  (16)
Mr. Jinx's 'cockbuster' Uncut Gents    03/10/25  (5)
Mr. Jinx telling schoolkids he can't wear clothes due to 'long covid'    03/10/25  (4)
Getting lectured on prejudice by a whiny white guy in 2025    03/10/25  (4)
Mr. Jinx took the rope we gave him to hang himself with and shoved it up his ass    03/10/25  (3)
mr jinx accusing your son of grooming him    03/10/25  (5)
Mr. Jinx in a right-wing e-thot costume seducing Elon Musk:    03/10/25  (3)
The Fall Of Minneapolis - documentary on the George Floyd hoax (link)    03/10/25  (48)
Got letter from NLRB; Mr Jinx named me foreman of the “Faggot’s Union”    03/10/25  (2)
Fuck it just ordered 2025 T200 irons from Titleist.com    03/10/25  (1)
*steps foot inside Korean-owned sushi joint* "IRRASSHAIMASE!!!!!!!!!!!!&
   03/10/25  (2)
Old man was drawing dead in poker    03/10/25  (5)
If you enjoy being "alive" your fucking dumb    03/10/25  (10)
I had no knowledge of what was to come. Nor did I care.    03/10/25  (1)
I've heard rumors of the Return of Chaden    03/10/25  (1)
Disco fries: oh no I'm so poor. ALSO Disco fries: I'm rich    03/10/25  (9)
*jizzes*    03/10/25  (1)
Shitlib myth #73472: blacks have "strong family values"    03/10/25  (12)
   03/10/25  (1)
rate this model's naked TITS on the catwalk    03/10/25  (3)
Top 1% SMV (Sexual Market Value) Male here. Taking ?s on being 1% SMV ITT    03/10/25  (143)
Aw-wee-oo! Killer Tofu!    03/10/25  (3)
"white" people don't have brown eyes    03/10/25  (12)
History bros: did Rome have a fifth column of barbarian-sympathizing traitors?    03/10/25  (39)
Indian State to gift FREE COW if Women have Third Child    03/10/25  (1)
Great News: Israeli Tourist GANGRAPED in India!    03/10/25  (25)
GoT Charles Dance    03/10/25  (2)
Is there any way we avoid a dystopian future?    03/10/25  (37)
How bad to get pregnant out of wedlock?    03/10/25  (25)
HBO removes Gone With the Wind from library after George Floyd death    03/10/25  (48)
Zelensky to get billions in oligarch cash - link    03/10/25  (1)
bitches    03/10/25  (1)
Daily Mail: he chased azn pussy, now he’s broke & rotting in Philippines    03/10/25  (13)
Girl in military for 4 yrs, never deployed. $3800/mo for 100% disability (link)    03/10/25  (77)
The Lord Mayor of Sheffield Magid Magid a/k/a Magid Mah and Magic Magid    03/10/25  (1)
11yo NYUUG on trampoline screaming, attempting to go blue-eyed super saiyan    03/10/25  (6)
Forced to pick a date Rock music died, it’s gotta be 4/5/94 Cobain    03/10/25  (105)
Why did the Biden Admin refuse to adequately supply Ukraine w/ artillery shells    03/10/25  (5)
25% of Wal-Mart's Imports are now from INDIA    03/10/25  (5)
There should be Belfast style murals of Rittenhouse all over Wisconsin    03/10/25  (11)
In Michigan some muslims realize they are retarded pieces of shit (link)    03/10/25  (1)
"I'm a proud Jew suing Harvard for antisemitism" *RNC crowd goes wild*    03/10/25  (40)
Rate this video of Andrew Tate beating a 15-yo girl with a belt    03/10/25  (37)
starting to get feelings for my training twink    03/10/25  (2)
UNFORTUNATE FACT: 2.2% of us are pedophiles/child molesters.    03/10/25  (26)
LJL at obama being black. he was raised by a white family ffs.    03/10/25  (7)
MONARCH Programming, Astral Travel, Clones, Shapeshifting, & Consciousness    03/10/25  (1)
G~d is lonely and patient    03/10/25  (1)
Will the GOP become a Zionist party in the next 20yrs?    03/10/25  (1)
Trayvon Martin today would be 2 years older than his murderer was    03/10/25  (3)
Next Canadian PM on statehood - video    03/10/25  (28)
when will Germany finally take over the world?    03/10/25  (33)
brown eyes = not white    03/10/25  (69)
Will the GOP become a White Nationalist party in the next 20yrs?    03/10/25  (32)
shitlib struggles with realization black stereotypes true    03/10/25  (101)
the Jeju plane crash encapuslates Gook incompetence    03/10/25  (6)
God was revealed to me in the event of Secret Knowledge™    03/10/25  (1)
trump's biggest weakness has been on immigration    03/10/25  (26)
The talk of annexing parts of Canada is really off putting.    03/10/25  (6)
🚨 Autoadmit meme coin is now live on pumpfun 🚨    03/10/25  (43)
The Battle of the Dead Men is one of the nuttier episodes of ww1    03/10/25  (1)
Watching women LARP as tech execs and CEOs is the most retarded faggot shit    03/10/25  (1)
Most minorities are unintelligent    03/10/25  (18)
Getting a McLaren Artura (CSLG)    03/10/25  (42)
how come people in blue states live 5-10 yrs longer on avg. than red staters?    03/10/25  (3)
nyuug "1500 girls and no rape charges" tp    03/09/25  (3)
the united states of america has a third world infrastructure.    03/09/25  (116)
Trump: we must have recession because Trumpmos are drug addicts!    03/09/25  (6)
how did all entertainment become uncreative woke garbage in a decade    03/09/25  (45)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/09/25  (24)
Libs: What constitutes a superior culture?    03/09/25  (30)
What % of blacks would be happier under slavery?    03/09/25  (18)
XOXO opinion on weekend vacation to Phoenix? SLC? Las Vegas?    03/09/25  (1)
does green bay have any black residents other than packers employees    03/09/25  (1)
Is there anything so obnoxious and contemptible as the niggard    03/09/25  (2)
The only thing that might keep TSLA stock above $100 = 401k plans    03/09/25  (7)
Elon Musk CLAIMS WITHOUT EVIDENCE that George Soros is behind Tesla attacks!    03/09/25  (12)
how long til Zuckerberg overtakes Musk as richest autist?    03/09/25  (1)
just signed up for 7-eleven points    03/09/25  (1)
PSA: Catholicism has been taken over by Jews. That's why Conservative Inc. pushe    03/09/25  (5)
MORE WORTHLESS: TSLA stock or TBF's law degree?    03/09/25  (1)
TD Cowen Analyst: "TSLA downgraded to a 'sell' with a $130 target." (VIDEO)    03/09/25  (30)
HS cheerleaders used to have bikini carwash fundraisers all the time nbd    03/09/25  (6)
BOM is mentally retarded. 🥴    03/09/25  (11)
Standing in line to see Perrod tonight and there's a light on. Heavy loads.    03/09/25  (191)
ITT: I sum up Lord Halford's victory over Facemo.    03/09/25  (50)
what is your go-to escape from the horrors of reality    03/09/25  (22)
I work for Walmart, taking questions    03/09/25  (9)
Threads that make me laugh.    03/09/25  (453)
Rate my master bedroom (married multimillionaire with 4 kids)    03/09/25  (46)
Snoot did you nuke the murder boner helicopter thread?    03/09/25  (4)
How is Matt Rife popular? I couldn't even muster a courtesy laugh    03/09/25  (5)
You are a teenager of the 90s    03/09/25  (1)
What's it like being a 37+ first time dad?    03/09/25  (93)
did they send a helicopter for that poster's gay dad again    03/09/25  (4)
Cointards finally got a pro-crypto president and crypto immediately goes to zero    03/09/25  (2)
Crashing this market. With no survivors    03/09/25  (2)
Rate this weekend’s dumb argument with my wife    03/09/25  (30)
My autistic gay son Theeb cries and wets himself when John Denver is on radio    03/09/25  (5)
Asked GF if I’m “the best lover she’s ever had.” Big mistake.    03/09/25  (43)
If you had the secret knowledge you could die happy tomorrow.    03/09/25  (4)
ngl, Secret Knowledge (™ not tp) seems Satanic    03/09/25  (4)
are other sites like WallStreetOasis, etc as dead as XO?    03/09/25  (12)
Israeli stock analyst w/ track record of -25% annual return says TSLA will MOON:    03/09/25  (5)
We're getting to the bottom of the Secret Knowledge (™?) itt    03/09/25  (1)
This is it the Big Enchilada I'm revealing the Secret Knowledge™    03/09/25  (5)
Really think Trump is doing the Jew thing against the Jews    03/09/25  (3)
Legendary poster taking Q's for a little while :-)    03/09/25  (5)
Thousands of years of existence intertwined with the Secret Knowledge    03/09/25  (2)
Your entire life could be spent in communication of the Secret Knowledge    03/09/25  (2)
Entry level in-house jobs pay $300-350k base now. lol.    03/09/25  (35)
Who has a better lot in life? Tommy T or disco fries?    03/09/25  (1)
Ok here it is I'm writing here revealing all the Secret Knowledge™    03/09/25  (5)
He's literally the greatest president in US history    03/09/25  (1)
so why exactly is Trump crashing the economy?    03/09/25  (2)
getting ready to talk all things TSLA 2nite w my fam, specifically why I believe    03/09/25  (2)
another week of underutilizing my intelligence at a dead end job here we goo    03/09/25  (5)
JP Morgan Analyst Downgrades TSLA to: "LOL @ TBF's life"    03/09/25  (1)
Teslamos stuck at home, shitboxes concealed in garage    03/09/25  (2)
If I saw TBF irl I'd yell "Ari sends his regards!"    03/09/25  (1)

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