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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
At this point, Elon's only hope is government bailots/waste    03/10/25  (3)
*** Official March College Basketball Thread ***    03/10/25  (3)
FREE TORY LANEZ    03/10/25  (1)
Creampied pussy lips    03/10/25  (1)
Why did Trump lie about Honda moving Civic production to Indiana?    03/10/25  (1)
Shitlaw boss telling jury it’s Opposite Day in closing    03/10/25  (1)
I read some sufi mysticism. It's not wrong    03/10/25  (1)
Bands whose hits were their worst songs.    03/10/25  (39)
Hey Trumpmos, maybe don't vote in a senile boomer who was never smart to begin w    03/10/25  (1)
S&P futures down 1%, thought for sure there would be a bounce    03/10/25  (4)
XO is mostly just lib spam now    03/10/25  (18)
Remember when Krugman called for a market crash after Trump won in 2016?    03/10/25  (1)
Christ would destroy this country    03/10/25  (2)
what ETFs should I pick up tomorrow?    03/10/25  (3)
THIS THAT 9/11 MUSIC RIGHT HERE MAN    03/10/25  (1)
Dear Libs, TSLA might be crashing but the fact is Starlink is irreplaceable    03/10/25  (3)
passed half dozen car-b-cued Teslas in flames on way home    03/10/25  (2)
Holy shit, S&P down another 1% aftermarket    03/10/25  (1)
Only 2 faggot board Trumpmos have admitted they regret their votes so far    03/10/25  (1)
THE GREAT TARIFF CRASH OF 2025 (March 3, 2025 - March 3, 2025)    03/10/25  (78)
TSLA down another 7 after hours!! 180    03/10/25  (7)
Heard a wild speech from the Maid of Honor last night at wedding    03/10/25  (22)
Hey Elon, the entire fucking world hates you even more than Israel, lol    03/10/25  (2)
an economy based on 'pwning' Elon Musk    03/10/25  (2)
At MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA these prices are lower than your 401(k) balance    03/10/25  (2)
GREENLAND might not be for sale but over 500 cars are at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    03/10/25  (21)
💩 $TSLA 💩    03/10/25  (5)
Why is Twitter still down    03/10/25  (6)
Market crashes, a dumb Trumpmo cries    03/10/25  (2)
Wow nobody wants to buy shit Teslas, guess I'll invest in TSLA stock! *farts cum    03/10/25  (6)
“I’m deliberately causing a recession. Suckers. “ (Donald Trump)    03/10/25  (13)
Could TSLA crash below 100 by end of April?    03/10/25  (5)
Trump plan is create mass male unemployment to drive enlistments for Iran war    03/10/25  (1)
Israel will suck out what it needs from America, once Greater Israel is installe    03/10/25  (2)
Pretty 180 to piss on a board lib's ancestor's grave as they roast in hell, cr?    03/10/25  (1)
The second XO poast ever accused the first poaster of being a Jew    03/10/25  (1)
TSLA 185 waiting room    03/10/25  (6)
"We're going to have an economy like no one has ever seen before!"    03/10/25  (14)
Do Israelis ever self reflect on why they are universally hated?    03/10/25  (20)
Trump 2.0: the most jewish and gay cabinet in history    03/10/25  (4)
BIGGER DROP: TSLA stock or the ski slope that is TBF's jewish schnoz?    03/10/25  (2)
NYC bros, come ITT    03/10/25  (17)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/10/25  (161)
Cons, be sure to keep quiet and say nothing bad about the guy destroying America    03/10/25  (1)
Bruce Willis and Wendy Williams fucking like the first time every time    03/10/25  (1)
My goodness is $TSLA undervalued    03/10/25  (4)
InfoWars reporter murdered last night    03/10/25  (8)
Collective punishment of libs is a perfectly legitimate use of state power    03/10/25  (16)
Didn’t know they had remade Friends    03/10/25  (2)
how would you exterminate the homeless    03/10/25  (20)
Many retail MAGAs that bought at $400 will panic sell    03/10/25  (6)
LOL @ TBF    03/10/25  (3)
Hey DrakeMallard, ur fucking worthless subhuman trash, a maggot's life > yours    03/10/25  (2)
🚨🚨🚨 FUTURES CRASHING 🚨🚨🚨    03/10/25  (107)
TSLA suffers steepest 1 day drop in 5 years... odd bc TBF talked shit yesterday    03/10/25  (11)
Poll: have you ever met a legitimately cool person IRL?    03/10/25  (4)
Infowars.com researcher makes $150k/yr    03/10/25  (1)
Tesla is gonna be fine. Musk might be turning people off but they make good cars    03/10/25  (4)
Musk says Tesla will start producing 'ED-209' type robots for consumer market    03/10/25  (5)
That crust around the rim of the cough syrup bottle: smoke it.    03/10/25  (4)
'You have nice ocean, veddy, veddy fresh, but you will feel one day...'    03/10/25  (3)
you're all gay    03/10/25  (5)
is xo’s output included in GPT’s wisdom?    03/10/25  (4)
I am going to jerk off and blow a huge load of wang out of my dickhole 2nite    03/10/25  (1)
you cannot resuscitate the torpid bliss and effortlessness of childhood    03/10/25  (3)
Rating poasters as Candy Ride misfires    03/10/25  (1)
exiting all open positions, putting everything into $MMAW    03/10/25  (1)
ITT: We predict what TSLA will be trading at in 2030.    03/10/25  (54)
nice to know that poasters are always thinking of (((me)))    03/10/25  (15)
naked faggot dance party    03/10/25  (1)
House maintenance is utter flame: wife paid $400 for a plumber to change faucet    03/10/25  (29)
Why do these weight loss drug ads warn about “swelling in genitalia areas”?    03/10/25  (1)
Libs have crossed over into domestic terrorism with Tesla's at this point right?    03/10/25  (16)
What is the Biggest US city without a single prestigious university? Chicago?    03/10/25  (37)
Marty Hart's main problem was he didn't have boys    03/10/25  (1)
ETH now in the 1700s    03/10/25  (1)
all that super potent weed has melted libs' 'brains'    03/10/25  (1)
Largest universities without a prestigious state?    03/10/25  (2)
dangerous, violent seditious libs never not projecting about bogus 'Jan 6'    03/10/25  (1)
Largest states without a prestigious university?    03/10/25  (34)
Rate this weekend’s dumb argument with my wife    03/10/25  (39)
luis: "here's the haft-sin for Nawruz" me: "Make it a full sin"    03/10/25  (2)
you guys are some of the biggest pussies and faggots imaginable    03/10/25  (4)
libs are starting to chimp out again, just like '17-'20    03/10/25  (6)
libs inviting Luigi Mangione to '22 SOTU    03/10/25  (4)
Trump cutting $250M in medical research funding bc some students dont like Israe    03/10/25  (5)
median DNC voter is that guy who camped out in woods tried to shoot Trump    03/10/25  (1)
I like to touch MTA stairway handrails and then lick my fingers.    03/10/25  (1)
is anybody doing anything cool or interesting and not mentally ill    03/10/25  (9)
purple-haired gook 'human capital' blowing up your Tesla    03/10/25  (1)
Kelly to Newsom: "Hold my beer, Champ. See you in 2028"    03/10/25  (7)
Rand Paul to Trump: “Knock it off you stupid fuck”    03/10/25  (1)
nude ass    03/10/25  (5)
🚨 🚨 I REGRET MY VOTE FOR TRUMP    03/10/25  (4)
EPAH is still harboring multiple BLM terrorists in his home    03/10/25  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 UR FUTURE IS CRASHING 🚨🚨🚨    03/10/25  (1)
Chabadniks are scamming both Russia and the US to enrich Israel    03/10/25  (2)
MAGA women now INSISTING on beef tallow lube    03/10/25  (2)
Wow Jewish lib pumos, guess you're right, Elon got WRECKED today    03/10/25  (20)
The Righteous Gemstones is 180^180    03/10/25  (6)
Cons: Describe your economic outlook for the near term    03/10/25  (14)
i want disco fries to smother me with his big fat nude butt    03/10/25  (15)
Trump making stocks more affordable    03/10/25  (4)
So this is what xo has been freaking out about for the past month? (pic)    03/10/25  (84)
Hmmm its an EVERYTHING route    03/10/25  (1)
Disco Fries - Following Your Ex GFs Yet?    03/10/25  (27)
"Stop being so mean to Elon, HE HAS AUTISM!" (Elon's ugly skank mom)    03/10/25  (1)
They are never getting deported.    03/10/25  (3)
So now libs hate electric cars?    03/10/25  (1)
Trump inherited a booming stock market, decreasing inflation & unemployment rate    03/10/25  (1)
Trump supporters are conspiracy theory friendly but refuse to engage    03/10/25  (28)
I don't understand the XO lib mentality    03/10/25  (3)
Trump pwns himself re the NLRB    03/10/25  (10)
women coworkers bawling, randomly selling assets    03/10/25  (5)
🚨🚨Trump crypto reserve details:    03/10/25  (21)
Atlantic: why are right wingers so self deprecating? (Link)    03/10/25  (2)
talk to your kids about disco fries    03/10/25  (2)
Someone explain this high level flame disco fries is running    03/10/25  (8)
libs, are you going to violently 'riot' again ala 2020 like the low-rent niggers    03/10/25  (4)
would i be stupid to take a job that requires a commute from MFH to east hanover    03/10/25  (32)
disco fries stole my life savings    03/10/25  (4)
Michael Gallup retires from the NFL to go into opinion polling.    03/10/25  (1)
Reminder 70% agreed with Trump's SOTU    03/10/25  (5)
SOL sub-$100 watch party!    03/10/25  (1)
I think I've had it with XO    03/10/25  (3)
women over like 29 just disgust me    03/10/25  (3)
Kojak (1973)    03/10/25  (1)
Next, Russia will take out one of Trump’s political enemies as a favor to Trum    03/10/25  (1)
Everything's fine and will be alright    03/10/25  (5)
Cretins and crooks    03/10/25  (1)
Disco fries signing your name at the library checkout counter    03/10/25  (1)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/10/25  (25)
Disco fries calls my house in the night and hangs up    03/10/25  (2)
Tucker interviews Saruman - link    03/10/25  (1)
Disco fries took out a personal ad pretending he was me    03/10/25  (1)
the left behaving like feral trash niggers again, blowing up Teslas. nothing new    03/10/25  (4)
Libs are celebrating as though Trump doesn’t still have positive approval    03/10/25  (5)
Disco fries took pictures of my mailbox and mailed them to me    03/10/25  (2)
Disco fries left a week's worth of groceries on my door step    03/10/25  (1)
Disco fries forged my signature in a funeral guest book    03/10/25  (1)
Benzo what stocks or options should I be buying    03/10/25  (2)
Disco fries came to my office and took my sack lunch out of the fridge    03/10/25  (1)
Tesla will never trade above $400/share again in our lifetimes    03/10/25  (11)

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