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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
TT have yu been to Iraq? Thinking of going in a few months    03/13/25  (7)
China's Mobile Execution Vans - Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind    03/13/25  (1)
Bald man take a look at your life Now you work for Jews    03/13/25  (7)
Weird how that girl from Stranger Things is now a grown woman with tits    03/13/25  (40)
can i ask you something really personal?    03/13/25  (4)
Two female teachers FIRED after asking students if they would like a 'FOURSOME'    03/13/25  (18)
PLEASE help these victims of the Palisades fire (Gofundme)    03/13/25  (122)
RIP Airport Lounges (2005-2025)    03/13/25  (52)
JD & Usha: "Furk this bullshit, we're taking our talents back to India"    03/13/25  (3)
🚨 Autoadmit meme coin is now live on pumpfun 🚨    03/13/25  (46)
Poll: is Aaron Judge the greatest baseball player of all time?    03/13/25  (82)
Hats off to Danny McBride for a MASTERFUL season premier of Righteous Gemstones    03/13/25  (1)
did anyone call ohtani out for the 50/50 statpad game?    03/13/25  (3)
The two rock and roll bands that got fucked the hardest by the record industry    03/13/25  (13)
Take any phrase an remove "lowkey"    03/13/25  (1)
Was watching Reba just now. Barbra Jean had an XBox controller (orig) on table.    03/13/25  (3)
Aussie Autoadmit: "G'day Mate, you're Jewish" "Top of the Morning, I'm Gay"    03/13/25  (4)
Howard Lutnick looks smarmy as fuck    03/13/25  (4)
the usa better off if putin or fauci dies?    03/13/25  (9)
anheuser-busch introduces new beer--chick heavy    03/13/25  (5)
mitt romney will vote for biden over trump    03/13/25  (38)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a parent asks you to switch with their kid    03/13/25  (192)
What % of the pop is pedos?    03/13/25  (9)
Does your wife think dishwashers are magic?    03/13/25  (2)
The interesting thing is I wouldn't know how to pay for a prostitute in america    03/13/25  (15)
why are white people obsessed with race?    03/13/25  (26)
should i shell out $500 for this 18 year old sugar baby?    03/13/25  (30)
White Texas cuck marries fat coalburning Florida slut who paid the toll (DailyMa    03/13/25  (29)
evam39 did you tell your coworker 2 enjoy her tent? Or homeless shelter?    03/13/25  (2)
24 year-old teacher made cuck husband eat student's load (WaPo)    03/13/25  (1)
Rate this 25 y/o female teacher who SEXUALLY TRAUMATIZED her 17 y/o male student    03/13/25  (108)
Stack that ca$h evan39! Fuck these lowlife lying cheating frauds    03/13/25  (5)
Illinois teacher arrested for sex w/ 11 yr old boy student    03/13/25  (9)
26 y/o blonde teacher in hot water for sexually abusing 15 y/o boy (pic)    03/13/25  (5)
When will this teacher rape end? Poor 16 year old virgins are under attack.    03/13/25  (8)
Groceries are really cheap in Texas! How is Disco broke? Multimillionaire?    03/13/25  (14)
Female teacher, sex with teen boy...these aren't even special anymore.    03/12/25  (3)
This teacher is especially sick. Tried to get teen girl for threesome with husba    03/12/25  (6)
Slut teacher raped 15 year old boy and has the gall to claim he's no victim    03/12/25  (10)
Hot slut gym teacher abuses male students and brings husband to TEARS!    03/12/25  (4)
Real time inflation index plummeting    03/12/25  (8)
This slut teacher sexually abused a 14 year old boy in his CLASSROOM! SICKO    03/12/25  (3)
I caught Chad having sex with fem co-worker in grocery store bathroom (evan39)    03/12/25  (10)
LOL - majority of Federal Employees being cut are in red states?    03/12/25  (3)
Money for nothing! Slimepit pussy for freeeeeee tree 🌳 heeeeee    03/12/25  (4)
rate the latest hs math teacher to 'rape' her students    03/12/25  (33)
TT why are u fucking around with that million when u can use it 2 have it all?    03/12/25  (1)
LMAO @ these sexy texts between hot af blonde teacher and 13 y/o student "victim    03/12/25  (8)
Boy, 14, says he's traumatized after female teacher, 46, locked him in her class    03/12/25  (4)
***** TRANNY PEDO ARRESTED. LIBS???? *****    03/12/25  (4)
WHO actually cares about a "government shutdown"?    03/12/25  (18)
Husband of teacher who raped 13 y/o student defends her. Concerned dad IRATE    03/12/25  (2)
those hot pedophile teachers - they've existed for a while now    03/12/25  (11)
UNFORTUNATE FACT: 2.2% of us are pedophiles/child molesters.    03/12/25  (33)
Lol    03/12/25  (2)
ESCORTMOS get ITT    03/12/25  (23)
Study: female cops mix up Taser and gun in 40% of draws.    03/12/25  (14)
Buddy just came back from a 180 hooker bachelor party in Jaco, Costa Rica    03/12/25  (14)
Tom Cotton is compromised    03/12/25  (2)
Rank the following Hair Metal Bands: Tuff, Trixter, Tiger Tailz, Dangerous Toys    03/12/25  (6)
XO's most erotic moniker    03/12/25  (1)
i want disco fries to smother me with his big fat nude butt    03/12/25  (21)
Imagine how stupid/desperate you'd have to be to work for this administration    03/12/25  (6)
Catch the big Cal-Stanford game? (In NC, in the ACC)    03/12/25  (1)
Just paid for threesome with 2 latinas in their 20s    03/12/25  (48)
Just got a full 1 hr Asian massage + happy ending for $150    03/12/25  (12)
Celebrate Internat'l Women's Day by having my Sugar Baby swallow my cum?    03/12/25  (7)
Imagine freaking out over your client's fat cock    03/12/25  (1)
Trump wants no taxes on anyone making less than 150k per year    03/12/25  (26)
Watch stupid fuck Bondi tell DOJ to keep working without pay indefinitely    03/12/25  (1)
i never want to interact with a female over 25 again    03/12/25  (1)
Republicans were DUMB AS FUCK to think Democrats would fund their shitshow    03/12/25  (1)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a boy begs to switch with you (Spaceporn)    03/12/25  (1)
How much should I pay for these AZN seeking girls?    03/12/25  (86)
Summon Seeking Arrangement mastermen    03/12/25  (18)
Rate this immigrant in Paris.    03/12/25  (2)
Joe Pesci officially dead. :(    03/12/25  (3)
SEEKING UPDATE PART 2    03/12/25  (131)
Medellin vs Bogota for whores?    03/12/25  (22)
What's it like being a 37+ first time dad?    03/12/25  (97)
Just Created a Seeking Profile and HOLEE FUK    03/12/25  (195)
Penis Six Nine let’s talk about your wife’s sister    03/12/25  (7)
Paying for whores/sugar babies, etc.    03/12/25  (91)
Just smashed a 24 yo hooker, taking q's    03/12/25  (113)
White Husband dad of 3 gets BLACKED in Vegas by whore, ODs (DM)    03/12/25  (74)
Can't stop ogling fat girls wherever I go    03/12/25  (5)
all proles need to be annihiliated    03/12/25  (1)
Why is nyuug spazzing out rn? Isn’t it mid-morning on a weekday over there?    03/12/25  (5)
It's inevitable I will worship a musclebear's asshole tonight    03/12/25  (1)
Let's take a moment now to acknowledge my homosexuality    03/12/25  (1)
My wife says that I’m a crazy person    03/12/25  (1)
what are all libs who are underwater on their old teslas doing to boycott?    03/12/25  (1)
COME ON DOWN TO DONALD TRUMP TESLA (link)    03/12/25  (2)
Beavers seem like sub-optimal pets - video    03/12/25  (1)
So lots of people casually abuse Alcohol like it’s no big deal?    03/12/25  (17)
Pee masons    03/12/25  (3)
YOU ARE CHINESE    03/12/25  (3)
Actress Nathalie Fay arrested for punching her boyfriend in the mouth    03/12/25  (2)
i smell so good    03/12/25  (10)
Dupa, Rutgers SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS    03/12/25  (3)
me an lex saying things in public that severely damage our reputations    03/12/25  (5)
"at least 3 trannies can't be marines anymore" (trump voter losing medicaid)    03/12/25  (16)
screamed "Nazi" at a Tesla driver at a stoplight. Felt surprisingly good.    03/12/25  (8)
fell in love with a skater boi again (tbf)    03/12/25  (1)
Trump to replace Code of Federal Regulations with Ferengi Rules of Acquisition    03/12/25  (6)
most people in the DC area should be gassed. nothing changes until it happens    03/12/25  (4)
OYT: let me show you how to text sugar babies (hvac)    03/12/25  (26)
I'm getting more pussy at 40 then ever before in my life    03/12/25  (66)
I wish to sample Oriential Pussy. How to safely do so?    03/12/25  (60)
Sugar baby on TikTok posts about her Sugar daddy lolyer and outs him    03/12/25  (135)
Tried to get a sugar baby, couldn't bring myself to do it    03/12/25  (84)
Just banged a subjective 9    03/12/25  (51)
So beta not to tell your ex that u're fucking nubile 18-22 yo's off SEEKING.com    03/12/25  (28)
Should I try out Seeking Arrangements on my next work trip instead of Tinder?    03/12/25  (35)
Making 400K as a single man in urban area: I basically just buy whatever I want    03/12/25  (96)
Ranking best cities for sex tourism    03/12/25  (58)
I don't get the whole idea of 'paying for prostitutes'    03/12/25  (66)
should I spend $500 on a hooker tonight?    03/12/25  (31)
how does one proposition a prostitute irl    03/12/25  (63)
How to not get busted sexing an escort?    03/12/25  (22)
TT Rate This Turd Girl Astronaut    03/12/25  (1)
Rick Scott's car has Star of David flag paint job like Dukes of Hazzard    03/12/25  (1)
pull my penis    03/12/25  (1)
Trump: 'I don't care about anything but Jew stuff now. Next question.'    03/12/25  (2)
Cute, naked men in doggstyle position......AMIRITE?    03/12/25  (1)
can we enter a COMPACT to entirely IGNORE nyuug?    03/12/25  (363)
Just did my first criminal court hearing, wow lmao    03/12/25  (20)
how perfectly correlated do you think alcohol consumption is to cultural success    03/12/25  (1)
Worst hit songs of the 21st century thus far    03/12/25  (4)
spaceporn volunteering to separate child from parents on plane    03/12/25  (2)
Prediction: Trump will be indicted, allowed to go free and keep passport    03/12/25  (7)
proles like to throw their weight around, physically, literally    03/12/25  (1)
xo rick pitino    03/12/25  (11)
Seems like everyone is cavorting with prostitutes except for me    03/12/25  (6)
Xoxo: the most prestigious hooker-fuckin advice forum for balds on earth    03/12/25  (9)
Should I pay off my side chick's $5k credit card debt?    03/12/25  (90)
Your tiny penis side-by-side with a log of shit up an Asian man's anus    03/12/25  (8)
The older I get the more cr prostitution seems    03/12/25  (70)
Why are all these Instagram models visiting Dubai?    03/12/25  (37)
Decided I'm going to get an escort with tax refund    03/12/25  (2)
Trump addressing 'hoeflation' w/ Lutnick    03/12/25  (1)
When did escorts become so expensive    03/12/25  (31)
how much do you think it would cost to fuck this OF girl?    03/12/25  (47)
"Michael's" is such a shitty useless store    03/12/25  (16)
what is the origin of blacks saying "word"    03/12/25  (24)
Homo bros, what's in your ass for 2025?    03/12/25  (1)

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