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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
lol    03/13/25  (2)
Dinesh D’Souza’s dotter is a smokeshow with a 6’4” white chad congressma    03/13/25  (43)
'A-yo, dawg. You want sprinkles on your ice cream cone or what, nigga?'    03/13/25  (1)
My female Zoomer boss is wearing a miniskirt today not flame    03/13/25  (1)
PI guys: anyone litigate a case where woman's scalp ripped off?    03/13/25  (22)
50% of Zoomers have never been in a relationship    03/13/25  (30)
Any attempt to purchase food must be brokered by 10 obese mystery meats    03/13/25  (7)
Kid Rock rapping about 'antisemitism' at 60% Jewish Harvard at RNC    03/13/25  (10)
Never been to a Dicks Sporting good that had more than 10 people inside    03/13/25  (2)
"I'm a proud Jew suing Harvard for antisemitism" *RNC crowd goes wild*    03/13/25  (41)
why isn't there an anti-plastics movement    03/13/25  (2)
tommy are you ok are you bankrupt are you ok tommy?    03/13/25  (1)
Columbia University revokes degrees of protesters    03/13/25  (9)
so dems now have to be pro government shutdown but against firing government wor    03/13/25  (4)
Ted Boutroustp: Describe the FEELING of getting gaped by EPAH at CA9 today    03/13/25  (89)
If Dinesh D’Souza can admit he's Indian why can't gunneratttt?    03/13/25  (1)
Poll: Majority of Greenlanders want to join the USA    03/13/25  (6)
Explain why office rents haven't plummeted.    03/13/25  (5)
anyone here never engage in sodomy or have any desire for it at all?    03/13/25  (1)
Victoria Secret models fucking Belicheck hard like a sewing machine    03/13/25  (3)
Xo seems out of touch    03/13/25  (10)
Go blow some cocks on the mainland boy!    03/13/25  (1)
Global axis of evil: Russia, China, Israel, the United States.    03/13/25  (6)
Putin: My war is not against Ukraine, it is a war against International Jewry:    03/13/25  (9)
Elon Musk might be the least likable person I've ever encountered.    03/13/25  (32)
Portugal cancels F-35 orders, will buy European instead - link    03/13/25  (10)
professional HENRY's should rule America imo    03/13/25  (1)
Dems cave on shutdown? - link    03/13/25  (2)
How many years should this animal get?    03/13/25  (3)
BOM, shut the fuck up, retard    03/13/25  (1)
XO has become a middle aged male democrat support group    03/13/25  (2)
2037 was 43 years ago? Or was it?    03/13/25  (1)
This website forum is NOGGED and ZOGGED    03/13/25  (1)
This is what I like fags!    03/13/25  (17)
How is america functioning? Rot fags    03/13/25  (11)
Stack that ca$h evan39! Fuck these lowlife lying cheating frauds    03/13/25  (10)
All american women are 11+ off the charts otherwise #metro enjoy jail&rempry ban    03/13/25  (2)
Groceries are really cheap in Texas! How is Disco broke? Multimillionaire?    03/13/25  (17)
Women are 180 and I love them! Their crazy abuse is fun! Put the cuffs on them    03/13/25  (4)
How close to as shitttyyy is Europe to amerikkka?    03/13/25  (1)
everything's computer and gelcap.    03/13/25  (1)
No discussion of Trump admin blocking DNI appt, bort is 100% ZOGGED    03/13/25  (4)
Whoever creates Racist AI is going to make a billion dollars    03/13/25  (16)
did Zelensky disappear? is he lying low?    03/13/25  (1)
using the word desideratum during Microsoft Teams meeting    03/13/25  (1)
Rate The Most Prole/Prestigious CATEGORIES Of Sports Team Names    03/13/25  (136)
makeup and perfume are proof women are ugly and smell like shit    03/13/25  (1)
i am subjected to an insane 2 yr long smear campaign from wealthy crooks&whores    03/13/25  (1)
RIP Airport Lounges (2005-2025)    03/13/25  (76)
This is all very toxic    03/13/25  (2)
TT you should get ballsy with that million! You could've had it all along! Furk    03/13/25  (3)
70s/80s/90s had unforgettable hits each year, music flatlined 20yrs ago    03/13/25  (1)
The days before they found Luigi Mangione were exhilarating drama    03/13/25  (1)
Yoga pants are truly the best hack I've saw after makeup etc! Any others?    03/13/25  (6)
What would Trump voters have said if Joe Biden enacted the same tariffs    03/13/25  (1)
Sounds like no income tax below 150k is a done deal - link    03/13/25  (24)
Why don't you start grabbing these fat yoga pants asses?    03/13/25  (1)
Trump just went underwater on the RCP polling average for the first time (LINK):    03/13/25  (3)
Xbox Series 32S Fan Concept    03/13/25  (2)
Everyone I know who is “really into whiskey” is a midwit NPC faggot    03/13/25  (18)
What does my dad do? Oh he's like a tech warlock lawyer scamming people    03/13/25  (3)
Swipe apps are basically dead    03/13/25  (89)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a parent asks you to switch with their kid    03/13/25  (200)
Going to fuck your marriage and your wife    03/13/25  (9)
The world is your oyster! No one can do shit! U cam make anything happen    03/13/25  (4)
Trump should release the documents on CIA bioelectricity theft    03/13/25  (1)
My most controversial opinion is that Russia is 180 and we should be allies    03/13/25  (7)
On Intellectual Honesty    03/13/25  (1)
It's clear now that 2020 was stolen    03/13/25  (52)
WNBA star gets shut down in pickup game against random HelloSir (video)    03/13/25  (10)
FOIA request on CIA bioelectrical enneagram theft    03/13/25  (6)
CIA satans can I have my soul back? you demonic faggots in the capital?    03/13/25  (1)
can i have my money back from these greasy yid scammers yet    03/13/25  (1)
Got fired today (BIGLAW)    03/13/25  (70)
Youth Sports Q: weaker player on elite team VS top player on very good team?    03/13/25  (8)
I like my power soft and my women rock hard    03/13/25  (1)
Everyone I know is a midwit NPC faggot    03/13/25  (2)
“Trumps ceasefire sounds great but won’t work for 50000 reasons” (Putin)    03/13/25  (4)
Cons learning Basic Econ facts by experience    03/13/25  (2)
Epstein files: pedophile blackmail, Israel, bill gates, Clinton, it’s all ther    03/13/25  (4)
The state damaged my soul through unknown technologies and schemed to have    03/13/25  (3)
Boom was violated in the anus by wheelchair repairman with Monkey Pox    03/13/25  (4)
holy fuck xo sucks now    03/13/25  (8)
that was a NASTY 50% tariff on are whiskey    03/13/25  (20)
Protip: eat 200 steel ball bearings right before your MRI    03/13/25  (6)
Massive layoffs at VA starting in June    03/13/25  (40)
Mormon Utah Senator Mike Lee's great grandpa massacred 120 white children &women    03/13/25  (17)
NSCAM    03/13/25  (1)
The yid fag who was calling me "Saddam Hussein" is actually Saddam Hussein btw    03/13/25  (1)
Remember when the kikes had us feuding over which Jewish master to serve?    03/13/25  (4)
Wow. Everything is computer. I wish Shinzo could see this.    03/13/25  (7)
I can't believe kenny is going to be a millionaire in <2 years    03/13/25  (3)
The biggest shit the masses worship&brag about is meaningless low level shit    03/13/25  (1)
Steven Cheung in a Mongoloid Bald Pile of Shit- why is he employed?    03/13/25  (12)
Any retard can get "married" a ring and a piece of paper easily    03/13/25  (1)
New LIMITED EDITION MAGA TESLA with signed Trump autograph (link)    03/13/25  (1)
*laughs right in TBF's jewface re TSLA*    03/13/25  (2)
USAID cuts could be 'death sentence' for Afghan women studying abroad    03/13/25  (6)
Everything disappeared like a flash in a pan and is going quickly south/backward    03/13/25  (1)
Scam Coins Scam Coins Whatcha Gonna do when Trump's Recessions devalues You    03/13/25  (3)
The tariffs will increase production cost of Teslas (that no one wants anyway)    03/13/25  (2)
so if TBF isn't Jewish (LOL) then what religion does he practice?    03/13/25  (2)
God saved Trump from assassin's bullets so he could do Jew stuff & Medicaid cuts    03/13/25  (4)
Not Flame, Per Marco Rubio White House is selling Cars now    03/13/25  (3)
some negros quietly enjoying a nice movie (video)    03/13/25  (9)
GOD divinely wanted Trump to be in office to tank my 401(k) (demented boomer)    03/13/25  (2)
As Trump spurs "Brain Drain" at US universities, China steps in to benefit (CNBC    03/13/25  (1)
forces TBF's mouth open and lets 10 Home Depot Beaners shit in it    03/13/25  (1)
Whats going on in college hockey? Arizona State ranked #2 in nation    03/13/25  (1)
Do people still “vape” or has everyone acknowledged it’s gay as fuck?    03/13/25  (14)
Trump shitting in the mouths of Americans' 401Ks while pursuing STAGFLATION    03/13/25  (1)
NOOOOOOOOOOO not my scam coins too!    03/13/25  (4)
Deep Stater Tom Cotton has BLOCKED release of JFK files (link)    03/13/25  (11)
LOL there's that fag talk again!    03/13/25  (1)
Jack and the Beanstalk except Jack is jewish and the beans are scamcoins    03/13/25  (1)
Pew Wei fortune cookie: 'You will be annoyed by no fewer than 7 niggers today'    03/13/25  (2)
"Magnus Carlsen is playing on a level never seen before!" *gets crushed by phone    03/13/25  (2)
Peter's Luger is the worst steakhouse in the country    03/13/25  (113)
A Tesla is the Fabergé Egg of cars, the team pours their heart & soul into maki    03/13/25  (2)
O nien mein koins....    03/13/25  (2)
your Doordash nig and your Uber nig colliding in traffic tearing reality apart    03/13/25  (3)
2026: Blacks putting rims on used Teslas they bought at firesale prices    03/13/25  (6)
SOL/ETH at its highest point ever. Just wait until the landslide when everyone    03/13/25  (19)
Started caffeine gelcaps in lieu of coffee. 180 so far.    03/13/25  (12)
Can you do a VENN DIAGRAM with: TBF, judaism, and good investment skills?    03/13/25  (1)
Started doing caffeine gelcap suppositories    03/13/25  (1)
On a scale of 1-10, how conservaheroine/redpilled is your wife?    03/13/25  (2)
REMINDER: if TSLA drops below ~150 Musk needs to sell off and LOL @ TBF    03/13/25  (1)
Tiger Fucking Don Jr's Ex Vanessa. 180 That Tiger Is Gonna Be Kai's Step-Dad    03/13/25  (2)
"15 DAYS TO FLATTEN THE CURVE!" (Trump to ur 401k)    03/13/25  (3)
"Christ is King is scientifically NOT OK" - Jewish scientists and Juden Peterste    03/13/25  (2)
My most controversial opinion is that xo is still 180    03/13/25  (6)
i smell so good    03/13/25  (29)
How do I get my refund from German govt for extra 25% BMW dealer charged me?    03/13/25  (1)
Faggotonium: A new element that could power our gay future (NYT)    03/13/25  (1)
LA police on a manhunt for “Box butthold” which is horrifying local simps    03/13/25  (1)
PA police on a manhunt for "Box Demon" who is terrorizing people's homes (vid)    03/13/25  (2)
Can't believe the Dems are letting Walz out of the humbler    03/13/25  (2)
You're being cheated..ripped off before you've even existed! Fight back    03/13/25  (1)
We’re getting rugpulled on the Epstein list aren’t we    03/13/25  (39)
Reuters: EU sanctions on Russian gas having a big effect now - link    03/13/25  (1)
Jonathan Franzen on implicit white America of his novels: 'Après moi le déluge    03/13/25  (1)
AmZN vs GOoG vs NVDA vs Msft    03/13/25  (37)
Kurt Angle Theme but “Tall men! Fine Wine! Delicious meals! Great times!    03/13/25  (7)
do any irl chinks poast here?    03/13/25  (7)
Trump: Stock market declines should only last two weeks, trust me (link)    03/13/25  (1)
Jobs don't require work anymore unless ur lower class    03/13/25  (10)

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