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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I'm just gonna say it FF8 is chronically and severely underrated.    03/21/25  (12)
The math is just different when you are rich    03/21/25  (32)
S&P 500: DOWN. TSLA: UP. lmao libs    03/21/25  (2)
Arena of single women in 30s all discovering their exes were Narcissists (vid)    03/21/25  (6)
Taking ST BARTH Qs for 20min (RSF)    03/21/25  (66)
Been listening to starboy for the past 9 hours    03/21/25  (28)
The math is just different when you are gay    03/21/25  (1)
the phenotype is the message    03/21/25  (4)
Does Elon’s foreskin cover the entire glans, or is there a little pink peaking    03/21/25  (2)
change who I used to be be, a reason to start over new/and the reason is phenoty    03/21/25  (1)
Why does Jewish religion make them bad people    03/21/25  (1)
Senior Living Facilities for Millennials will be 100% VR Goggles    03/21/25  (3)
Ukrainian lines really are starting to collapse    03/21/25  (6)
The Three Stages of Integration Into the Neoliberal Order    03/21/25  (2)
this "country" is a perverse nightmare of rape and exploitation    03/21/25  (1)
Some sonofabitch doesn't want to buy stocks    03/21/25  (1)
Any other SLURPERS slurping this dip???    03/21/25  (7)
Theology is retarded    03/21/25  (1)
The EU is the next superpower that will takeover the world    03/21/25  (58)
I’m a vibe poaster    03/21/25  (4)
The CIA works with Mossad to rule the US as a state within a state    03/21/25  (3)
Court ORDERS Trump to keep trannies in the military    03/21/25  (83)
Yes, there will disruption as we pivot back to a 17th century mercantile system    03/21/25  (5)
Scumbaguettes love murderers    03/21/25  (8)
WSJ: The Competition to Get Into Law School Is Brutal This Year    03/21/25  (102)
"the law" is completely useless when your soul can be raped and stolen    03/21/25  (1)
If you talk to people here you can assume you are being blackmailed    03/21/25  (1)
this is a den of crooks    03/21/25  (1)
Skadden associate quits over Trump-Musk shenanigans - link    03/21/25  (4)
the FBI needs to tear this dump apart    03/21/25  (8)
what % of xo poa were shifty guards at mid-majors who had a deep run at tourney?    03/21/25  (2)
5th straight losing week on the dow. are we winning yet?    03/21/25  (1)
8 months till crisp autumn days    03/21/25  (3)
Redditors fleeing stock market for Collateral Burrito Backed Securities    03/21/25  (1)
DoorDash now allows you to take loan to order food from them. 1808000    03/21/25  (57)
This is a den of crooks and murderers    03/21/25  (1)
Dan Bongino seems like a true-believing dedicated nutjob patriot    03/21/25  (4)
The Trump political org is a bunch of criminals, the election was stolen    03/21/25  (1)
SEC opening investigation into fired federal employees manupulating TSLA stock    03/21/25  (1)
Elon, please free me from the chains that bind me to this life on earth    03/21/25  (1)
🇮🇹🍋 LIMONCELLO IS DELICIOUS 🍋🇮🇹    03/21/25  (1)
Are there any Doctors of Jurisprudence who post here? I have a legal question    03/21/25  (1)
Skadden Associate publicly quits over Trump's persecution of Perkins Coie (link)    03/21/25  (25)
LIBS! Stop making the tin roofs on cybertrucks fly off while in use!    03/21/25  (1)
Are the Tesla attacks really a coordinated campaign or just MAF libs everywhere?    03/21/25  (6)
Cowgod, what is your "EDC" handheld retro Gaming Console?    03/21/25  (18)
Musk begs Tesla employees not to sell their stock    03/21/25  (11)
Why do teen girls Laugh when I walk by 😔    03/21/25  (2)
People are going to boycot Musk's stupid robots just like they do his cars    03/21/25  (2)
Trump's America: Party City closing    03/21/25  (3)
London is Burning (CNN)    03/21/25  (1)
Olivia Rodrigo, 1 min at office, correctly pointing at secretary you J/O to    03/21/25  (9)
There's A Jewish Boy Wearing A Kippah With Trump Signing DoEd EO (VID)    03/21/25  (9)
PSLF: Pepperoni Slice Loan Foregiveness    03/21/25  (1)
Wow stock keep getting shitttier- what do (((numbers))) merchants know?    03/21/25  (3)
Red states have the shittiest education and health outcomes, on par w/ 3rd world    03/21/25  (7)
Libs: EAT MY SHIT. Faggot quotemo: EAT MY SHIT.    03/21/25  (4)
The niggerball posters are almost as bad as the sports cuck posters.    03/21/25  (8)
Crashing this market. With no survivors    03/21/25  (6)
Housing affordability continues to get WORSE    03/21/25  (18)
Pull down my pants and violate my krap pipe (cucumbers)    03/21/25  (7)
"Even my financed Burrito?" TBF asked the repo men. "Especially your burrito."    03/21/25  (17)
Paul Weiss "reluctantly" appearing on behalf of jews suing Ivy League schools    03/21/25  (2)
Trump's new Allies- Russia & N Korea- meet to divide the spoils    03/21/25  (5)
Imagine being a "swing" Trump voter who is now OUTRAGED at GOP town halls ljl    03/21/25  (3)
S&P 500 has another 20% to fall    03/21/25  (3)
watching all these grown men hysterical about niggerball is not flame disturbing    03/21/25  (7)
Breaking: Trump to RESIGN Presidency at 2pm Today because of Stock Market Declin    03/21/25  (2)
Severence spin-off idea: The outtie is a huge MAGA Trumpmo, and innie is shitlib    03/21/25  (1)
HAPPY FRIDAY, NIGGERS!    03/21/25  (779)
Australia in 20 years: "Throw another Benchod on the Barbie, Saar"    03/21/25  (4)
Do you think Putin regrets not taking Kiev in Feb 2022 when he had the chance?    03/21/25  (3)
California hags need to stfu    03/21/25  (1)
No way feds could prosecute for spray-painting a Tesla    03/21/25  (6)
Paul, Weiss BENDS THE KNEE    03/21/25  (14)
Trump’s economy is Making GULC’s Evening Part Time Program Great Again    03/21/25  (2)
Texas has doubled in population in my lifetime. It hasn’t been good.    03/21/25  (79)
the stock market is fine you weird freaks    03/21/25  (2)
Dem congresswoman boo’d off the stage at Berkeley town hall (video)    03/21/25  (21)
Paul, Weiss entering appearance on behalf of DOJ in Perkins Coie case (link)    03/21/25  (1)
Paul Weiss caved. Columbia caved. And 12 hours of basketball starts in 90 mins    03/21/25  (1)
Another full day of college basketball. God, i love march madness    03/21/25  (9)
Trump to GOP in economic airplane: "They expect to find one of us in the wreckag    03/21/25  (9)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/21/25  (422)
Are you for Trump.shuttering the education department?    03/21/25  (58)
TRUMPS FAA: Another day, another plane crash, this time in Toronto    03/21/25  (2)
Was the fall of Rome this fucking hysterical when it was actually happening?    03/21/25  (1)
Finally heard the Best Man give a good speech at a wedding    03/21/25  (5)
I don’t get the appeal of Kylie Jenner    03/21/25  (7)
Ryan White. Generation X    03/21/25  (6)
the virginia529 ads are really spiking the football    03/21/25  (5)
Tesla-hater digs in his own ass to smear it on a Cybertruck. (video)    03/21/25  (7)
Market Crashing, thanks Trumpkins!    03/21/25  (18)
how much would someone have to pay you to stand outside of madison square garden    03/21/25  (23)
Indian judge found with $18 MILLION cash at home, CSLG MAF    03/21/25  (11)
Hey libs here’s a little peek into your immediate future    03/21/25  (5)
Damn this is some cold racist shit from Trump    03/21/25  (18)
how come Trumpmos never complain about police unions?    03/21/25  (12)
who's your cinderella team today (3/21)    03/21/25  (1)
Tiger is dating Vanessa Trump    03/21/25  (3)
Trumpmos - could u have ur leader not wreck the economy for one week maybe?    03/21/25  (1)
Financemos: Is there a way to short Paul, Weiss stock?    03/21/25  (1)
Trump looks at smoldering America, “so anyway, gimme money”    03/21/25  (27)
Stocks get knocked down. But they get up again. Trump’s never gonna keep them    03/21/25  (1)
I miss my uncle Charles, yall.    03/21/25  (4)
Nobody has ever explained why the Jayhawk logo is such a mincing faggot    03/21/25  (3)
Had a dream that Mario and Luigi weren't really Italian, but rather Persian    03/21/25  (5)
If you still own a Tesla your insurance is about to go up    03/21/25  (34)
The Magic Christian by Terry Southern    03/21/25  (1)
Remember when a bunch of billionaires voporized themselves by the Titanic?    03/21/25  (2)
Problem: Gay homo butt sex. Solution: Concrete    03/21/25  (3)
israel pulled a coup in our country    03/21/25  (1)
Which Gay Western Man?    03/21/25  (1)
Stephen J. Gould applied to CockSize    03/21/25  (4)
The collapse of Autism’s mental real estate was obvious    03/21/25  (1)
We need common sense Quran-based reforms in this country    03/21/25  (3)
Rate Elon’s tranny son    03/21/25  (9)
JCM and Fulano comparing slime pits in a Ross fitting room    03/21/25  (5)
One of the most impressive Ukrainian drone strikes - video    03/21/25  (4)
lol'ing hard at "Clemson" right now    03/21/25  (5)
Buddy of mine wears TWO PAIRS of allen edmonds at one time    03/21/25  (74)
Worldwide Tesla sales rebounded bigly in February    03/21/25  (2)
Peterman narrowed his beady eyes. "Yeah, I know how to do that. Cost you extra."    03/21/25  (136)
A lot of these migrants seem like they're just criminals    03/21/25  (3)
March Madness is the greatest thing ever    03/21/25  (14)
when was the last time you saw a 7-foot tall person irl not at a bball game    03/21/25  (4)
Protein is flame, you don’t need to eat it    03/21/25  (12)
Cucumbers applying chapstick every 5 min to prep for Friday cocksucking festival    03/21/25  (9)
College football coach arrested for hacking photos at over 100 schools    03/21/25  (6)
Summon The Box    03/21/25  (1)
So "smartest man on earth" Chris Langan just makes banal politics posts all day?    03/21/25  (4)
has a good Stephen Miller impression been done yet? Ripe for the picking    03/21/25  (1)
what was the last final fantasy game you played?    03/21/25  (81)
Trump announces something truly excellent. #MAGA    03/21/25  (5)
Some of those that buy Teslas... are the same that crash Cessnas    03/21/25  (11)
this is a den of murderers and profoundly evil people    03/21/25  (1)
I like to put his fingers in my mouth after they go deep in my asshole    03/21/25  (4)
Who else is going to be pounding hot joe in 8 hrs or so    03/21/25  (5)
Ukraine tells Trump to get fucked, hits Russian oil refinery    03/21/25  (1)
Many Goyim Online Reviews: "Broke But I Threw Away The Box So I Can't Return"    03/21/25  (1)
Is there a compilation somewhere of insane lib “My kid just said/asked…” f    03/21/25  (9)
POTUS of “CELEBRITY ROASTS”    03/21/25  (5)
China tells Trudeau to fuck off; executes (to death) 4 canucks (BBC)    03/21/25  (14)
Shitlib myth #73472: blacks have "strong family values"    03/21/25  (17)
wife in hospital, might miscarry. btw free weed, get my app, just made $600K (CS    03/21/25  (34)
Does Russia have any hardcore free market capitalists like Rand Paul?    03/21/25  (3)
Nobody cares whether the Cybertruck is shitty, libs. It's irrelevant.    03/21/25  (8)
Trump congratulates Putin on Shutting Down Heathrow Airport (link)    03/21/25  (2)
“Generation X” is western term for middle-aged slaves, too cowardly to overt    03/21/25  (9)

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