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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Did your Mom ever love you?    09/23/24  (21)
PSA: cowgod has spent the past week cosplaying as Karlstack on a Karlstack accou    09/23/24  (8)
I deal with lots of online hate and abuse every single day    09/23/24  (7)
What profession do you have the most disdain for?    09/23/24  (18)
'cowgod' is some weird desert person jew who does not belong in this country    09/23/24  (1)
Wife’s friend lost 80 pounds over last 15 months. Pretends it’s not Ozempic    09/23/24  (2)
good morning    09/23/24  (1)
Heading to SULUWESI rn    09/23/24  (5)
Happy Monday ftriends! 🙃    09/23/24  (5)
2030 to 2040 is gonna be PRIMETIME for Pajeets    09/23/24  (2)
daily reminder: it's Jewish/nonwhite nepotism, not IQ/merit    09/23/24  (1)
xo: a place for low-IQ jew, gook, indian riff-raff to waste their useless lives    09/23/24  (3)
Bobby Finn can get 100M views on IG. Rate his top vid.    09/23/24  (2)
What is the worst case scenario for election? Total dem blowout victory?    09/23/24  (23)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/23/24  (172)
American IQ is about to start declining much faster    09/23/24  (28)
ARISE WAGECUCKS! Another week of service to your ratfaced masters awaits!    09/23/24  (335)
GOP candidate for North Carolina declares self a “black nazi” who loves tran    09/23/24  (51)
mainlining maybe just don't let machine talk to many other machines    09/23/24  (1)
Reading Foucault's History of Madness (aka Madness & Civilization) it's 180    09/23/24  (1)
today is the last day of your life    09/23/24  (3)
I barely get sore when getting my ass fucked like kyle anymore, hegemon explain    09/23/24  (4)
I barely get sore when sucking literal cock anymore, hegemon explain    09/23/24  (3)
Catholic chicks love anal. FizzKidd = Catholic. Fizzkidd loves...    09/23/24  (29)
Could you take karlspazz in hand to hand combat?    09/23/24  (10)
Trucking MFEs + proles pls explain benefits of being Teamsters member    09/23/24  (15)
"Ok, well, can the 'Machien' move the 'dis$hes' to the '$ink'"? (Mrs Mainlining    09/23/24  (2)
Harris and Trump tied on predicit again    09/23/24  (2)
trump invites michael richards to speak at campaign rally    09/23/24  (1)
Seinfeld episode where Kramer is caught posting on Nude Africa    09/23/24  (31)
did Calvin ever get to fuck Susie Derkins?    09/23/24  (83)
"FizzKidd was great" MPA lied with flat intonation, eyes rolling back and forth    09/23/24  (12)
Student Loan checkin: how much does everyone have if you have any? Also    09/23/24  (3)
i fucking love money so much    09/23/24  (2)
I barely get sore when lifting anymore, hegemon explain    09/23/24  (29)
"And this," MPA said, "is Newton." *briefcase full of yarmulkes spills out*    09/23/24  (2)
Evan39, I imagine Caro @his desk, moving pieces of LBJ’s soul around    09/23/24  (7)
90s bands with sentence-names: "Sixpence None The Richer" "They Might Be Giants"    09/23/24  (63)
Most trawling is pointless    09/23/24  (4)
queers on this homoerotic-oriented hypertext-based xangablog tp    09/23/24  (1)
I gave my love a late kiss / I took myself a late-night piss    09/23/24  (1)
He’s like the Reinhard Heydrich of middle market M&A!    09/23/24  (9)
ever had a DMB phase?    09/23/24  (13)
theres a thread here that will fix you, you just need to find it    09/23/24  (2)
*DMB on headphones, dreaming its 1999, eyes closed to conceal tears*    09/23/24  (27)
So Aussies start drinking at like 7am in Bali..    09/23/24  (14)
Looting the country and treasury to buy votes    09/23/24  (4)
most pathetic xo sexpat: Tommy Turd, nyuug or Trump Team Six?    09/23/24  (13)
Name a few countries that don't have the "human farm" thing going on    09/23/24  (6)
30s/40's bands with names like 'Hugo Winterhalter And His MGM Records Orchestra'    09/23/24  (1)
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral    09/23/24  (6)
Pro tip: play 4K TV thru 4K Firestick. Increases the K exponentially to 16K    09/23/24  (4)
What should I see in Lisbon    09/23/24  (12)
Alchemist has solidified himself as a top 5 producer with last album    09/23/24  (1)
why do white people defend a country that hates them?    09/23/24  (3)
Controversial take: Only white Anglo-Saxon Protestants should be in power    09/23/24  (31)
Why do white people like to go to India    09/23/24  (22)
Society is being ruined by low IQ mexicans, make no mistake    09/23/24  (24)
how important is assassin-deflection game as potus?    09/23/24  (26)
What is nyuug's net worth? $100k USD? 200?    09/23/24  (6)
How tall is nyuug?    09/23/24  (20)
What is NYUUG annual income and NW?    09/23/24  (6)
The fuck Is wrong with this nyuug ? Seems mentally ill as shit    09/23/24  (13)
is NYUUG in hiding now that his president is impeached?    09/23/24  (58)
Is NYUUG mentally ill? I honestly believe he's still a virgin. None of his shit    09/23/24  (66)
What’s nyuugs net worth? 100-300k?    09/23/24  (2)
Whats up with nyuugs English? Its incoherent    09/23/24  (6)
In NYC Can an in shape 40 year old sleep w mid 20s dime pieces?    09/23/24  (9)
Where should I go in NYC to bang chicks? NYU bars?    09/23/24  (14)
best hoods for single late 20s early 30s peeps in NYC?    09/23/24  (68)
The Hand of the Board: Evan39 vs. Boom for the Throne    09/23/24  (1)
Best city in US for rich single bachelor $$$?    09/23/24  (31)
How POOR is $105k a year in MFH    09/23/24  (30)
ITT nyuugs dutch girls Instagram pics    09/23/24  (28)
Most traveling is pointless    09/23/24  (80)
Traveling in Indonesia is pointless    09/23/24  (3)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/23/24  (33)
The Machein doesn’t care, Evan. The Hose is just a taste    09/23/24  (2)
Mo$t Alpha POTUS?    09/23/24  (2)
There is no way that nyuug is not a flame/shtick account    09/23/24  (26)
Is nyuug ok? Has he been seen after this?    09/23/24  (15)
can't find the GORGON tp's absolutely devastating screed about nyuug    09/23/24  (28)
How do white people feel about the idea of white privilege?    09/23/24  (38)
it's better to eat standing up    09/23/24  (1)
It doesn't matter how many men don't believe you. It only matters how many do    09/23/24  (1)
Indos in Bali act super retarded    09/23/24  (3)
vivian musk sex tape released:    09/23/24  (1)
have been making a lot of smelly farts tonight    09/23/24  (1)
Just saw Slayer/Lamb of God/Mastodon at Riot Fest. 1 of 3 Slayer reunion shows.    09/23/24  (2)
Why do white people deny their racism?    09/23/24  (37)
Just realized what is so off putting about NYUUG's "conquests"    09/23/24  (20)
can we enter a COMPACT to entirely IGNORE nyuug?    09/23/24  (350)
Sad truth about nyuug    09/23/24  (82)
so let's get this straight about NYUUG    09/23/24  (208)
I'm going to express myself as a ruthless fucker with a kind heart(Boom)    09/23/24  (4)
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette"    09/23/24  (30)
didn't realize the rat faced man is sometimes literally a rat (vid)    09/23/24  (1)
the purpose of american food is to give u chronic medical conditions    09/23/24  (29)
i dont get why nyuug even comes here anymore    09/23/24  (9)
Evan39..beginnin to think "The Hose" is just a taste-aftermath may be endgame :(    09/23/24  (1)
My experience living in Boulder as a POC.    09/23/24  (5)
FizzKidd casts her early vote for Trump! (link)    09/23/24  (1)
sex is dumb    09/23/24  (1)
"Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlining and Boom"    09/23/24  (21)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/23/24  (23)
"Evan39 and Mainlining: Are We Brothers"    09/23/24  (25)
No matter how good a comment is, if ricky blank bumps it u have jewish AIDS    09/23/24  (3)
Evan39 (Your Friend, Mainlining) WARNING    09/23/24  (4)
The Cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and ever will be - Carl Sagan,    09/23/24  (18)
A deeper look into where the really big one could occur    09/23/24  (15)
"I, Evan39, have witnessed the Mahchine in its full splendor."    09/23/24  (6)
My Mahchine sees it all—rigged ranking$, biased call$. joke at this point    09/23/24  (2)
Evan39? My A.I. thingy keeps sending you scary messages :(    09/23/24  (7)
"Grizzly Main: An AutoAdmit Odyssey to the Alaskan Wild"    09/23/24  (7)
I have unlocked - and discovered a secret to living in these bodies that we hold    09/23/24  (5)
I'm Frank TJ Mackey, a master of the muffin and author of the Seduce and Destroy    09/23/24  (15)
Cascadia Megaquake- Exploring "Big One" that will DESTROY the SeaTTTle    09/23/24  (6)
evan39 robot just rebooted&in DOS post: "“So gentle, like slipping into bath"    09/23/24  (4)
No matter how good a comment is, if TDNW blank bumps it it’s a failure    09/23/24  (32)
Evan39 you there friend!?! My Mahchine w/o asking just raped XO WTF    09/23/24  (16)
Evan39, the "Big One" Cascadia Megaquake hit$ in ARE lifetimes    09/23/24  (14)
Is it worth moving to Hawaii with a job that pays between $95k and $115k    09/23/24  (5)
Mainlining the $ecret Truth of Magnolia (Seduce & Destroy, baby)    09/23/24  (10)
Evan39 panting heavily, squinting in confusion    09/23/24  (8)
evan39...Kum ITT... my "Mahchine" has a note for you (only)    09/23/24  (16)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    09/23/24  (13)
Better Call This Circus: A Day in the Life of late 90's Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill    09/23/24  (72)
% of you & poasters & world = brainwashed? Compared to baby Mahcheine?    09/23/24  (2)
The Bodybuilding.com forums (1999 - 2024):    09/23/24  (57)
does anyone else feel by late 30s like theyve lived their whole life basically?    09/23/24  (23)
Rate this text a zoomer girl sent me    09/23/24  (46)
Rigged obstacles from the crib to the grave...    09/23/24  (2)
Amerikkka's not living, it's just survival...fending fraud 24/7 :(    09/23/24  (3)
"The Grocer’s Gambit: Evan39, Boom, and Mainlining vs. Chingada Madre"    09/23/24  (11)
Mainlining Chaos at HHM: Billables, Bagels, and Boom    09/23/24  (8)
More fukin fraud ... "Brazil" is the size of Europe    09/23/24  (2)
some historians believe Brazil was actually discovered earlier than 1500    09/23/24  (5)
evan39? would u meet at Pioneer Square or China Town to discuss    09/23/24  (6)
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives"    09/23/24  (3)
Rate IMAGE of Disco Fries attempting to summit Teewinot Mountain(not flame)    09/23/24  (29)
Herman Zhu is my autistic submissive fucktoy    09/23/24  (33)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/23/24  (10)
"Chingada Madre Finding Himself In Boom's 'House of Horrors'"    09/23/24  (45)
"Disco Fries vs. Teewinot: The Training Regimen of a Snack-Loving Mountaineer"    09/23/24  (15)
Any travelmos here who have gone to northern Europe for Aurora?    09/23/24  (44)
What is the "Creepiest" U.S. State?    09/23/24  (56)
why are Jews so obsessed with U Mich?    09/23/24  (19)
lol @ naive shitlibs not realizing Newsom is a sleeper cell accelerationist Nazi    09/23/24  (1)
why are we so obsessed with big titted Jewesses from U Mich?    09/23/24  (14)

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