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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Just had encounter with door2door salesman hawking pest control    06/29/24  (8)
what are the most prestigious hobbies?    06/29/24  (36)
I bought 24 beers two days ago, only have 6 left    06/29/24  (16)
Blank bump this if you’re 100% certain that consuela is a Jewish man aka a kik    06/29/24  (10)
Why Do India and China Keep Fighting Over This Desolate Terrain? (NYT)    06/29/24  (7)
Remember Gorgeous Nikki from China? She's in Carib looking Gorgeous    06/29/24  (8)
Consuela, had a quick question    06/29/24  (3)
My Life: Clark Howard Show; Costco's; XO; Screens; Teewinot; Screens    06/29/24  (7)
what the woof    06/29/24  (2)
NY Times editorial board calls on Biden to exit race - link    06/29/24  (86)
Libs were calling it a "stutter" just 5 days ago    06/29/24  (13)
I have such a lovable and cute wife. I don't deserve her.    06/29/24  (1)
Rare FizzKidd political opinion: Biden will win in 2024 (FizzKidd)    06/29/24  (22)
"these words mean these other words" (lawyer)    06/29/24  (15)
Reminder, (((brushing your teeth))) is total flame.    06/29/24  (5)
J.D. Vance has more Indian sons than Tommy T.    06/29/24  (1)
This lib shitshow over Biden is just hilarious    06/29/24  (1)
Wife is burned out and wants to solo travel    06/29/24  (2)
Some govt should start a program to pay people to hunt down and kill xo poasters    06/29/24  (1)
J.D. Vance has a son named Vivek    06/29/24  (62)
Will Biden keep Kamala as his running mate?    06/29/24  (1)
DNC 100% set up Biden to fail, media operatives now doing their thing    06/29/24  (11)
Trump is gonna destroy Biden in the debates    06/29/24  (23)
Hey shitlibs, why is it all of a sudden okay that Biden is "forgetful"?    06/29/24  (3)
critique this conceptualization of communism v fascism    06/29/24  (6)
So let me get this straight about the Chevron decision    06/29/24  (43)
quotes Im getting for radon mitigation system are $2100-$2500    06/29/24  (6)
Protip: BIDEN isn't going to withdraw    06/29/24  (14)
its impossible not to gain 3-5 lbs/year after 35 forever    06/29/24  (48)
Never Heard Of This Teewinot Until Last Week. Anyone Else?    06/29/24  (3)
Training for Teewinot--Will walk 50 miles this week (7.15 miles per day)    06/29/24  (6)
Remember when Consuela wouldn't stfu about "dhimmitude"? LMAO    06/29/24  (3)
Holy shit bros, took my first poz load ever today.    06/29/24  (5)
That's DOCTOR Jill Biden    06/29/24  (3)
Disco, like you, Teewinot Mountain has been high on my list for redemption    06/29/24  (1)
my tight asshole is finally ready for anal    06/29/24  (1)
holy fuck i might get laid off from my holy fuck i hate managing coders job    06/29/24  (25)
Anyone here still read books?    06/29/24  (20)
Obeezy insisting the Biden economy is better than ever while Trump wins in lands    06/29/24  (22)
Great point NiggerBeater42—really appreciated the callback to late 18th centur    06/29/24  (24)
Anyone here into trading card games like Magic, Pokemon, or Yugioh?    06/29/24  (2)
The Great Injera Flame of 2010, fuck you libs    06/29/24  (2)
TT: which azn countries do girls treat u the best in?    06/29/24  (48)
Jill Biden to Rach: "Your Server worked for one whole day! U answered emails onc    06/29/24  (6)
Modern world is gay. We should have had kids in our 20s, not 30s    06/29/24  (4)
Ms. Appleberry sitting on your face while you finger her butthold    06/29/24  (8)
Vigor, which is appealing (video)    06/29/24  (5)
is a wordpress site sufficient for a lawyer or should I spring for custom bs?    06/29/24  (5)
There's a MAJOR reason the DNC has no choice but to pick KAMALA    06/29/24  (62)
the western front war in 60 seconds (video)    06/29/24  (2)
Holy shit bros, took my first golf lesson ever today    06/29/24  (27)
Huge swaths of NYC are indistinguishable from third world countries    06/29/24  (2)
xo consensus on the reigns of Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great    06/29/24  (1)
When Asian girl meets white boy: Reactions to my non-Asian boyfriend    06/29/24  (30)
I’m worried my 12 y/o son is gay    06/29/24  (16)
Really glad that most of the "yank Biden" furor has calmed    06/29/24  (9)
cute blonde chick ok w/ $40k HHI for family of three (video)    06/29/24  (22)
Biden couldn't be himself during debate; he had too many memorized lines (link)    06/29/24  (11)
do you personally own a printer    06/29/24  (48)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/29/24  (63)
AC/DC was the only big 80s hard rock band that didn't go glam / hair / faggy    06/29/24  (13)
Rate this female interaction    06/29/24  (2)
Christina Applegate is married to some Dutch fucker you've never heard of    06/29/24  (1)
Huge explosion in international terminal of Dulles (link)    06/29/24  (2)
Got up at 4am and started drinking    06/29/24  (27)
fatal flaw in Wedding Crashers: Cleary breakfast spread with GC slop maple syrup    06/29/24  (2)
Life in America has never been better    06/29/24  (1)
I've ascended so high up the heavenly ladder there's nowhere to go but down    06/29/24  (1)
Bill Clinton & Al Gore PRAYING before 1994 Crime Bill Signing    06/29/24  (10)
Biden in coordination with Kamal, seeks to hand nomination to Gretchen Whitmer    06/29/24  (1)
This sucks and is gay    06/29/24  (10)
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/29/24  (114)
Mother Nature & Father Time    06/29/24  (1)
Quinn Woodward Poo    06/29/24  (1)
Is Cavan Sullivan the white Freddy Adu.    06/29/24  (26)
lol, Bob Woodward: press should investigate debate disaster.    06/29/24  (23)
when was the last time you listened to music without headphones    06/29/24  (17)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/29/24  (43)
Being an "expert" is a waste of time. Other will fake it and win    06/29/24  (1)
Rhonda Massie's cause of death is currently unknown    06/29/24  (5)
Does anyone here remember when Avicii died in Oman?    06/29/24  (4)
Truly amazing how much shittier women get with age    06/29/24  (41)
Why is Russia just absorbing all these sunken ships with sinking US ships?    06/29/24  (7)
All of John Titor's "predictions" are coming true this year    06/29/24  (3)
Reddit answers to "is 45k a good amount of savings at age 28?" (Europe edition)    06/29/24  (7)
Jewish fraud RSF is taking a break from xo. Hopes we forget his Judaism    06/29/24  (3)
When will they add a stripe for DIAPER to the Pride Flag?    06/29/24  (6)
Many libs were in total denial about Biden    06/29/24  (2)
INDIA WIN THE 2024 MEN'S T20 CRICKET WORLD CUP u mad Birdshitz?    06/29/24  (3)
Delhi Airport roof collapses    06/29/24  (2)
US had Speaker of the House in 1970's who was 5'4    06/29/24  (4)
Why hasn't Tommy killed himself already    06/29/24  (11)
bitter woman arrested for kicking ex-hubby's Amazon packages (video)    06/29/24  (12)
Report: Biden is on the nutella schedule    06/29/24  (2)
Racism can cause brain tumors, not flame (link)    06/29/24  (12)
Watching “Deconstructing Karen” with my black wife    06/29/24  (1)
still dont understand why we need 30yos from ukraine to scoop tuna salad    06/29/24  (1)
If Lebron hadn't NBA he'd be on Death Row, if Biden hadn't POTUS he'd be PATTAYA    06/29/24  (11)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/29/24  (73)
Peak Birdshit Amerikkka in this Pic    06/29/24  (3)
cowgod how can I get into "product management"? I'm a 0.6x Engineer    06/29/24  (5)
WE. FINALLY. BEAT. MEDICARE.    06/29/24  (3)
Holy shit lmaooo @ Jill Biden's assessment of Joe's performance    06/29/24  (46)
Don’t let them memoryhole that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen    06/29/24  (19)
Peak Birdshit Amerikkka: President Clinton Signs The Crime Bill    06/29/24  (1)
Kim Jung Un pancakes guy w/ the printing press used to print his scathing op-ed    06/29/24  (2)
Trump puts last infinity stone in gauntlet & snaps 20 million illegals away    06/29/24  (3)
Axios: the problem is that Joe was over-prepared! (link or no link?)    06/29/24  (2)
Klay thompson to the Mavs, thats gay as fuck    06/29/24  (4)
Great Moments in Birdshit History: Biden meeting with AG Janet Reno    06/29/24  (1)
The Maternal Matrix is more fundamental than the Patriarchy    06/29/24  (1)
I really hoap there's a Civil War in US, Canada, UK, Aus, France, Germany....    06/29/24  (3)
Why are weddings such horrific fraud-lie events full of evil?    06/29/24  (1)
"Haha American Bitches, how does my old ass taste?" - Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.    06/29/24  (1)
I know I’ll be called gay for this and rightfully so because I am tp    06/29/24  (11)
Post-debate polling wtf    06/29/24  (7)
Supreme Court in 6-3 decision: “ fuck your online free speech”    06/29/24  (59)
black law student MAF he struggled thru Admin Law class only for Chevron to end    06/29/24  (1)
RSF the Lufthansa A359 Hitler Express in Fuhrer Class ... was pure shit!!    06/29/24  (4)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/29/24  (103)
Pedo beatdown FPV    06/29/24  (2)
Wife got a beach house for the week. Asked me to come. I said no.    06/29/24  (30)
Biden had every advantage they asked for and still performed terribly    06/29/24  (2)
Get over it birdshits the future is TURD    06/29/24  (14)
Why are libs so IRATE that Chevron was overturned?    06/29/24  (2)
Going to play 18 and stare at 19 y/o cart girl asses and tits    06/29/24  (21)
where is the best post debate analysis    06/29/24  (12)
North Korea publicly executes 22 year old bro for watching K-pop    06/29/24  (6)
Wtf is wrong with you?    06/29/24  (1)
Bill Ackman comes out as full Trumpmo    06/29/24  (26)
Can’t wait to start HATING FAGS again on Monday    06/29/24  (1)
No point in caring about politics, budget, deficit, loans. We're powerless    06/29/24  (1)
Fact: Lusting for Vagina is GAY as furk    06/29/24  (1)
disco fries could amputate a couple of limbs to lose weight    06/29/24  (1)
I quit drinking a month ago. Extraordinary improvement in my turds    06/29/24  (5)
your sourfaced shrew ex dropkicking amazon packages all over your front porch    06/29/24  (2)
Tribe on Chevron: “what about the SCHOLARS”    06/29/24  (5)
Alexander Vindman absolutely EVISCERATES Trump on Russia/Ukraine War (link)    06/29/24  (5)
Trump using a Feces detector to pick his VP (pic)    06/29/24  (1)
AZNgirl confused whether she can date Vivek Vance    06/29/24  (1)
JD Vance's turd family is a dealbreaker. he's just too compromised.    06/29/24  (1)
"Vivek Vance is my name, pleasure to meet you my fellow Birdshit!"    06/29/24  (1)
Titanic bros mass-raping women on the way down    06/29/24  (3)
subject: see me (correctiontp)    06/29/24  (1)
dumb ukranian bitches who are always on your cock    06/29/24  (2)
Feels like the facade just came crashing down    06/29/24  (4)
180    06/29/24  (1)
what is it with GOYIMS and ALCOHOL    06/29/24  (140)
Rate this GORGEOUS ChinaGirl    06/29/24  (6)

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