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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Having to peacock in silly hat to pick up day laborers at Home Depot    06/20/24  (20)
Wow twenty whole dollars in Cali..ljl at restaurants closing over this    06/20/24  (1)
called a plumber yesterday, they are "not taking new customers" like a doctor    06/20/24  (18)
Running 'dread game' on my plumber    06/20/24  (3)
xo poaster: "I'll pay you a small fortune!" plumber: "And this gives you power o    06/20/24  (3)
Trump likely does have genius level intellect    06/20/24  (75)
Plumber wants me to pay 12% "Hunter Biden tip" on invoice    06/20/24  (3)
'based and plungermaxxing!' (plumbers high-fiving after hanging up on lawyer)    06/20/24  (3)
dressing up like sexy long leg woman bugs bunny style to trick plumber into work    06/20/24  (3)
Sad that amerikkka is just a place you pay high dollar to be abused    06/20/24  (2)
called a plumber today to try and get work done, he hung up on me    06/20/24  (55)
xo has become a complete fucking wasteland. I'm retiring.    06/20/24  (36)
Wait, why *do* so many poasters fail to get married and have kids?    06/20/24  (9)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/20/24  (3)
the power of a “thnank”    06/20/24  (1)
Disco did you get your bloody stool worked out?    06/20/24  (3)
Meet the "Egyptian" (((Business Tycoon))) Accused of Charging Gazans To Flee    06/20/24  (1)
If I'd just invested $10,000 in NVDIA in 2010 I could retire    06/20/24  (5)
autist geolocates a pic from a plane in ten minutes (link)    06/20/24  (11)
Golfer Tony Finau (age 34, 0 major wins) has $51 million career earnings    06/20/24  (8)
good morning    06/20/24  (3)
Clark Howard gets to live in Los Angeles, teaches other not to spend $$$    06/20/24  (2)
Had a 10 hour fuck session with a hot 25 yo Jewess last night, taking qs    06/20/24  (75)
How much child porn (and snuff films) were found on government servers?    06/20/24  (2)
have like 6 women obsessed with me rn i could not give a single fuck about    06/20/24  (14)
Craziest aspect of German law- politicians can sue citizens for insulting them    06/20/24  (29)
les quatre cents cooze    06/20/24  (1)
Is it a thing for middle aged lawyers to get 18-YO girls to be a Muse?    06/20/24  (6)
Just Stop Oil shitlibs attack Taylor Swift's private jet    06/20/24  (2)
Single MILF co-workers with porn star bodies and multi-racial children    06/20/24  (5)
Alaska Airlines Completes Move to San Francisco Terminal 1    06/20/24  (1)
interesting article about Crimean history (link)    06/20/24  (2)
"Boss told me to say nigger online" "Funny, he told me something similar"    06/20/24  (8)
“I’m refusing no loads, Jerry! NO LOADS!”    06/20/24  (1)
would you move to Hartford CT for a good job?    06/20/24  (14)
CrossFit national champs visit WH, Biden "kicked ass" in closed door workout    06/20/24  (11)
mangled brown genitals tp    06/20/24  (4)
glowniggers in your feed    06/20/24  (2)
RICKY. Just straight up screenshot your By You and imgur link me    06/20/24  (22)
Danny D converts to Judaism and gets circumcised (AVN Media)    06/20/24  (2)
Bboom's penis and the dog. Interlinked. Penis and dog. Interlinked. Interlin    06/20/24  (6)
I get HUNDREDS of HOT loads daily    06/20/24  (3)
PON DE FLOOR    06/20/24  (3)
i am ready to disincarnate    06/20/24  (1)
Received 1st dose of Testosterone Undecanoate Replacement Therapy. Taking ?s ITT    06/20/24  (65)
Taking ?s on living a gun-free country with one of the lowest gun fatality rates    06/20/24  (63)
Rate this woman who just randomly gave away her inheritance    06/20/24  (4)
MASS-SHOOTING in CALIFORNIA - Democrats, explain:    06/20/24  (7)
Do you still think that it is possible to MAEK IT in this country?    06/20/24  (3)
Biden Tries to Set Expectations, and Floats Excuses, for His Debate With Trump    06/20/24  (1)
Rate this DIVERSE and EQUITABLE Juneteenth celebration in CA    06/20/24  (1)
RATE current view (RSF)    06/20/24  (50)
I'm size 30 waist but fat as shit.. FUCK    06/20/24  (3)
Stringing gold chain through star of David wearing like pimp nigga arnd neck    06/20/24  (1)
Monogamy is a terrible deal for a man    06/20/24  (2)
Three Teens GUNNED down to DET in Oakland in 1 Week, incl a NOWAG    06/20/24  (5)
I can't believe how stupid cops are    06/20/24  (4)
RATE Suri Cruise, 18, At Prom (PICS)    06/20/24  (33)
Tommy do you like the Bollywood movie "Jism" (2003)?    06/20/24  (4)
Disco! Dollar tree $1.25 5 packs top Ramen..still should be $1 or less but oh    06/20/24  (3)
my soul is gone    06/20/24  (8)
Disco they're frauding unon prices but still can get 5 packs ramen $1.25 dollar    06/20/24  (2)
I'm only spending $16,616 annualized in Vietnam    06/20/24  (16)
XO poaster ROASTED on Twitter:    06/20/24  (34)
Never saw True Detective ssn 1, should I download and binge watch rn?    06/20/24  (1)
Marrieds, how do you cope with only fucking ONE PUSSY?    06/20/24  (36)
"Test this, doctor!" hooted the sheboon as she shit in whok's mouth    06/20/24  (4)
The extent of the change across the West in 8 short months is crazy    06/20/24  (3)
Rate my Latina-U.S.G/F/ citizen comments about    06/20/24  (7)
Irrevocably Brown (your future child, and that child’s early decision applicat    06/20/24  (4)
Thoughts on this offer? (Lynn Conway)    06/20/24  (24)
What is your wife’s record for # of days before cracking screen on new phone?    06/20/24  (40)
A Trans Guy’s Guide to Picking Up a Trans Girl (link)    06/20/24  (1)
might kill myself tonight    06/20/24  (1)
Best part of Werner Herzog's bear documentary (link)    06/20/24  (7)
Anyone done a WIRE TRANSFER from COINBASE?    06/20/24  (8)
Take that monkey shit off, you embarrassing us    06/20/24  (3)
No amount of money is worth being around these goy vermin anymore    06/20/24  (1)
USA fighter jets haven't advanced in over 10 years    06/20/24  (2)
Google to censor web searches for 'Juneteenth Shooting' after racist backlash    06/20/24  (2)
rate this video of the civilians we're supposed to care about    06/20/24  (1)
Biden blew $40 billion on internet to nowhere and nobody cares?    06/20/24  (14)
russians are getting smoked in their own backyard now (video)    06/20/24  (6)
xo2006: SCOTUS appeal filed. xo2024: correction tp is a jewish pedophile.    06/20/24  (1)
"Eating pussy" has become a ridiculous emperor has no clothes situation    06/20/24  (113)
I can't hang tonight guys I told my girlfriend I'd take her out" Belichick winks    06/20/24  (1)
the Gracchi brothers were pretty much just aspiring thieves    06/20/24  (5)
Brad Pitt at 60    06/20/24  (1)
Does EXERCISE actually work for DEPRESSION or is this flame?    06/20/24  (68)
I WANT BENTLEY I WANT MONEY    06/20/24  (9)
YOUR FUTURE WIFE    06/20/24  (10)
occasionally take Your bitch to the telly and be a dick and cum slanger    06/20/24  (1)
Nigga, tell me what you know 'bout Frank, Nito, and Young Guido?    06/20/24  (1)
Lets say your rich: would you move back to your home country?    06/20/24  (18)
Imagine “growing old” with a woman    06/20/24  (5)
Y'all non-snorters, non-smokers, non-sippers Get the fuck up out of here, bitch    06/20/24  (3)
McDonalds to launch casual dining chain, "Ronald's", in 6 cities    06/20/24  (186)
why would you put your dick in our popcorn    06/20/24  (2)
Who decide all men need to wear white shoes in the summer?    06/20/24  (1)
Cigs are $25 each in Gaza holy shit    06/20/24  (11)
Would love to shoot and fillet brown people with hegemon tp    06/20/24  (21)
GOP: we are a Christian nation which worships the divinity of Israel    06/20/24  (2)
Cheerleader titties    06/20/24  (18)
SAND NIGGERS = SHIT    06/20/24  (5)
KILL ALL SAND NIGGERS    06/20/24  (3)
I know why media created for children is terrible now    06/20/24  (40)
would love to wake up to news a bunch of sand niggers got turned to glass    06/20/24  (2)
i'll braid water before i worry about a bunch of dead sand niggers    06/20/24  (9)
here's the deal. libs vote for trump in 2024, cons vote for biden in 2028    06/20/24  (3)
trump aced cognitive test administered by doctor whose name he can't remember    06/20/24  (4)
California 1099 taxes qurstion    06/20/24  (23)
550 Dead in Israeli Airstrike    06/20/24  (3)
Cliffs?    06/20/24  (3)
cinema peaked when Pacino screamed DONT WASTE MY MOTHERFUCKING TIME in Heat    06/20/24  (44)
xo poaster sets up a "kissing booth" for men and their big, dumb penises (link)    06/20/24  (3)
FoxNews: The race is over, Trump will win! FoxNews Poll: Biden leading.    06/20/24  (1)
Antisemitea DeSantis & Newsom move to ban smartphones in schools (politico)    06/20/24  (1)
Audio of Challenger astronauts screaming after explosion    06/20/24  (6)
so maggie haberman is just earth's designated trump expert or something?    06/20/24  (1)
whiny jewish faggots    06/19/24  (5)
Shrews apoplectic AI is going to replace their nagging & nasty stinkboxes    06/19/24  (16)
MASE's lib heel poasting is like a BPD woman spitting venom @ u after splitting    06/19/24  (1)
TRUMP: If you hate Israel then vote Democrat    06/19/24  (1)
Black SF firefighter tries to kill azn FF. Azn gets fired, black keeps his job    06/19/24  (40)
I will begrudgingly vote for Biden because Im a one issue voter now: fuck Israel    06/19/24  (2)
saddest funeral songs    06/19/24  (2)
correction tp makes Jeffrey Epstein look like a sexually abstinent christian    06/19/24  (11)
What options are there for small diesel trucks available in the US? @drunkard    06/19/24  (2)
my boss has a HEAVY stutter and its driving me insane    06/19/24  (1)
Mainlining I'm soon going to o schedule a meet up..you will show or not    06/19/24  (6)
HARVARD undergrad alums--what was it like socially, academically?    06/19/24  (26)
ATTN: jewish pedophiles now banned, the following posters must leave: correction    06/19/24  (1)
Ever take a normal shit (standard solid log) that smelled like terrible diarrhea    06/19/24  (3)
Do ALL guys have a SPANKING KINK?    06/19/24  (14)
NO JEWS, to the tune of "no scrubs"    06/19/24  (1)
"I consider Jeffrey Epstein my role model" - correction tp    06/19/24  (1)
Jeffrey Epstein and Roseanne Barr had a baby named "correction" tp    06/19/24  (46)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    06/19/24  (56)
"... and that's why they all need to go back... Hi who just joined?"    06/19/24  (5)
correction tp: how come ur childless but attend elementary school plays?    06/19/24  (1)
WestJet cancels some 40 flights in anticipation of strike by mechanics    06/19/24  (1)
need some hard bodies and hard cocks    06/19/24  (2)
Guys I'm retiring from AutoAdmit.com (HATP)    06/19/24  (4)

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