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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Disco, how many steps/miles do you walk every day?    06/24/24  (10)
Gay couple leaves adopted baby in car to die    06/24/24  (2)
RATE Heidi & Leni Klum In Bikinis In Italy (PICS)    06/24/24  (4)
JEWS are obviously destroying the West to avenge for "Holocaust" but no one....    06/24/24  (2)
Cowgod pls advise a sad movie to watch    06/24/24  (12)
Cowgod sucks, the likes of which have never been seen before, IMHO    06/24/24  (5)
Rate Biden's new Associate Communications Director    06/24/24  (6)
Bboom is having gay sex rn: kissing, sucking, licking shit...all of it.    06/24/24  (3)
Vance is the VP pick btw    06/24/24  (15)
Parentmos bigger difference 0 to 1 kids or 1 to 2 kids?    06/24/24  (55)
you ever just willingly piss all over a covered bed or couch    06/24/24  (9)
Japanese game franchises you've heard of but know nothing about    06/24/24  (22)
Govt is like a naggy GF who spends all your money & spreads her legs for randoms    06/24/24  (4)
good morning    06/24/24  (1)
Bring back R12 and R22 for air conditioners. Carrier TRUMP    06/24/24  (3)
Sega Stars: Joe Miller    06/24/24  (1)
Obese miserable middle aged man giving you life advice    06/24/24  (11)
rumor is it may be Vivek (link)    06/24/24  (26)
My pregnant wife fell in the ocean while we were in Bali last week    06/24/24  (26)
Rate this UMiami Law grad and LSAT tutor    06/24/24  (7)
Home Gym Bros: Where To Buy Cardio Equipment?    06/24/24  (12)
SOL is about to go to ZERO soon, you’ve been warned    06/24/24  (2)
Moon and Sun are the same size    06/24/24  (13)
Top is in for all markets in 2024, get ready to get fucked hard    06/24/24  (5)
Does anyone else get sweaty/out of breath during BM? Lightheaded?    06/24/24  (3)
My wife was finally turned on. Just not by me. (NYT)    06/24/24  (21)
i cant believe this is what life is    06/24/24  (1)
wait so ,.,,,,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,....,.
,.,.,.,. aka correction tp is jewish irl
   06/24/24  (1)
kms very very soon    06/24/24  (2)
Problem with right wing politics is and remains the same    06/24/24  (9)
I’m sitting on a park bench and pigeons have been circling me for half an hour    06/24/24  (7)
Most underrated SNES game - Terranigma    06/24/24  (39)
This was one of England's biggest rap records in 1987:    06/24/24  (1)
Hawaii had a Jewish Female Republican governor from 2002 to 2010    06/24/24  (12)
Miserable, creepy sadist bitterly complaining about wife/kids daily    06/24/24  (2)
brits are a bunch of godforsaken northern savages    06/24/24  (6)
ARISE Wagecucks! Time to login to strive for your rat faced masters!    06/24/24  (87)
Threw down rat packs in my garage/yard yesterday. Eager to check them.    06/24/24  (1)
Do you know what you’re doing?    06/24/24  (9)
"Dis here be DayShawn house. Lulu stay here fo buttsex," be sayin da Realta    06/24/24  (7)
Things that are done: the 2010's, Tucker's career, Crypto, xoxo, DrakeMallard    06/24/24  (2)
Truth is no vehicle is worth over $400    06/24/24  (3)
How Cr would it be to move to MIAMI and become an lsat instructor for middling    06/24/24  (5)
Moving to Hobart in August. Taking questions.    06/24/24  (6)
Good morning brothers!    06/24/24  (3)
Boarding flight to XO Beijing in 5 mins…sayonara birdshits!!!    06/24/24  (21)
Disco you're just sick from toxic amerikkkan food! TT will tell u    06/24/24  (3)
3 rich Prajeets get prison sentence for exploiting domestic workers in EU.    06/24/24  (5)
Toyota makes $15,000 trucks?    06/24/24  (11)
MPA how are you doing    06/24/24  (3)
*cue Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings as you prepare for another Monday*    06/24/24  (3)
Just drove home for several hours only listening to beach house and washed out    06/24/24  (3)
What is Bedwetter Male and is it Better than Sigma Male sirs.??    06/24/24  (5)
i read too much latter Jung and blew my fucking brain out bad    06/24/24  (1)
When you get the message hang up the phone    06/24/24  (2)
False advertising alert: Rapper 'Juvenile' is literally 50    06/24/24  (3)
Leave mainlining alone! He's better than you and has a hot girlfriend    06/24/24  (19)
Stop giving into whore western amerikkkan "women"    06/24/24  (8)
Law is largely a value-extracting profession    06/24/24  (1)
generative vs reactive poasters    06/24/24  (42)
Sports fraud must be dead..don't hear xo talking about current Omaha fraud    06/24/24  (1)
just came so many times dust came out    06/24/24  (2)
Being weird didn't get you anywhere..did it? Just pure misery    06/24/24  (7)
DIET STARTS TOMORROW    06/24/24  (15)
Why are HOMELESS people walking around with PIT BULLS unleashed?    06/24/24  (22)
The Economist: India’s electronics industry is surging    06/24/24  (1)
Lupita wepa cumbia    06/24/24  (2)
Is there a "diet" for intense bitterness and envy?    06/24/24  (1)
The numbers are all lies and all fake    06/24/24  (1)
Big War in North in Israel come Aug/Sept, you heard it here first    06/24/24  (16)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    06/24/24  (1)
You can just all shut the fuck up about all of the bullshit    06/24/24  (3)
People getting plugged left and right by skittish female "cops" in Amerika    06/24/24  (7)
Story about how CHINK POLICE refused to help American    06/24/24  (1)
i am gravely concerned about society    06/24/24  (29)
did i dream former Israel POTUS saying they would "drain america like a calf    06/24/24  (8)
Israel pushing for war with Iran as last fatal extraction from the US    06/24/24  (1)
Rate this Alpha Birdshit cop wasting a Nigga on his Front Porch    06/24/24  (11)
Who will sink US Navy Carrier First: Gorgeous Houthis or Gorgeous PLA Navy?    06/24/24  (1)
cocaine is how everyone stays thin?    06/24/24  (2)
🚨CRYPTO🚨    06/24/24  (2)
SOL is going to MOON soon (TT Just Sold All His SOL)    06/24/24  (6)
Scorching temperatures have stretched for seven consecutive days    06/24/24  (8)
Ughh, another poll shows Trump making huge inroads with young voters    06/24/24  (1)
What is the genetic defect in people who see tennis balls as being yellow?    06/24/24  (3)
Seattle to begin hiring illegal aliens on the police force as cops    06/24/24  (20)
remember Jeb's truly weird mixed race beaner son 'George P.'    06/24/24  (2)
So kikes bring goyim here to have them scapegoated and sacrificed, goods stolen    06/24/24  (3)
How many poasters enjoying my repetitive spam about Mike & Seth    06/24/24  (19)
getting btfo by the collective unconscious and demiurge rn    06/24/24  (1)
i have a tiny cock and love sucking real men's big cocks    06/24/24  (19)
smart contracts lmfao    06/24/24  (2)
Redditor "unlocks the power of the Cell processor" (PS3), it exceeds 4090 perfor    06/24/24  (4)
Barron Trump meeting JD Vance's weird hillbilly-punjabi turd spawn    06/24/24  (3)
JD Vance but he only speaks in high pitched falsetto    06/24/24  (1)
R9 > ronaldinho >>>>>cr7    06/24/24  (1)
Tiny Asian bro delivers life-altering beating to larger Indian man (vid)    06/24/24  (6)
Samsung TV always turns on to NUMB3RS    06/24/24  (3)
Lets say your rich: would you move back to your home country?    06/24/24  (21)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    06/24/24  (185)
Build Back Balder    06/24/24  (1)
JD Vance is 5'7? Absolutely disqualifying for VP slot    06/24/24  (1)
Rate this 90's photo    06/24/24  (7)
normie: 'omg, I spent 3 hours not thing-doing or friend-doing. I'm such a loner!    06/24/24  (1)
FUCK! Rapper "Foolio" gunned down, fatally!    06/24/24  (35)
Take my hand and let's go meet a man named Jesus    06/24/24  (1)
MMA fighter Johnny Walker is GOAT at getting knocked the fuck out    06/24/24  (1)
Had a 10 hour fuck session with a hot 25 yo Jewess last night, taking qs    06/23/24  (79)
You could make a fortune in data privacy    06/23/24  (1)
xo is what the red states would look like after a civil war    06/23/24  (1)
Porter Airlines orders 25 more Embraer 195-E2s    06/23/24  (1)
Friends, my obesity has absolutely gotten out of control.    06/23/24  (168)
the real orcs were the ones who posted dead orc videos on a dying lolyer forum    06/23/24  (5)
People who want "friends", why?    06/23/24  (26)
Nothing feels better than creatine and squats and steak    06/23/24  (7)
Babe wake up Jewish media is manufacturing consent to invade Lebanon (link)    06/23/24  (20)
OYT, update on BCF pls    06/23/24  (14)
SGOV dividend dates    06/23/24  (4)
Will ((Hollywood)) adapt to streamers / youtubers / tiktokers    06/23/24  (5)
Berserk is probably the only anime worth watching    06/23/24  (2)
Until today I never realized the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was a real thing    06/23/24  (1)
At what point does someone transition from guy who owns some properties to    06/23/24  (6)
489 deleted text messages between my GF and someone named "FastMoney Goon"    06/23/24  (5)
Biopsy results came back yesterday; dx: pancreatic cancer    06/23/24  (122)
bedbound from playing 1 pickup basketball game for first time in years    06/23/24  (2)
Oh no, ANUDDAH SHOAH!! Vietnamese cafe owner tells Jewish family to leave    06/23/24  (3)
After tonight I’m never going to do a bad dietary thing again    06/23/24  (1)
songs where the drums are the hook/riff    06/23/24  (12)
A Staten Island Brunch (180) Behind the Scenes interview    06/23/24  (100)
I Broke Up With Her Because She’s White (NYT)    06/23/24  (21)
stfu MiG    06/23/24  (4)
There are all kinds of degenerate NEET women in Europe/Scandinavia    06/23/24  (24)
Ay Jimmy! You talkin' bout your girls? They were dressed for a ballgame    06/23/24  (14)
Tim Dillon donates $50,000,000 to Trump    06/23/24  (3)
it's simple we kill the lawyer forum    06/23/24  (5)
When rach fixes the server there's going to be a MASSIVE AutoAdmit Revival    06/23/24  (13)
RATE my Sunday (TSINAH)    06/23/24  (24)
Dude Wipes: so your asshole doesn't stink    06/23/24  (2)
chinese-korean on flight to US, plans to apply for asylum    06/23/24  (1)
BLTs are the most underrated home meal.    06/23/24  (62)
Terranigma review    06/23/24  (12)
Will Ozempic change American society?    06/23/24  (50)
Faggot "dads" fry their kid in a hot car    06/23/24  (1)
RATE this AI reconstruction of a Hitler speech    06/23/24  (1)
Irish people are descended from Ancient Egyptian royalty.    06/23/24  (2)
I've been taking some nice, high-volume pisses today    06/23/24  (3)
74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot    06/23/24  (20)
religious experience is superior to psychedelic experience    06/23/24  (1)
reminder: snoot tp is not chad enough to get breakfast from waffle house    06/23/24  (15)

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