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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Tonight I totally failed at cooking—“Fiesta Steak”    06/25/24  (41)
ray dalio: we're all fucked    06/25/24  (10)
*puts entire generations in front of a screen* "I heard these generate money."    06/25/24  (7)
Do you have wet or dry ear wax?    06/25/24  (16)
I saw millions crushed by the weight of the screen    06/25/24  (7)
Just how USELESS is law school in preparing for BIGLAW?    06/25/24  (24)
It''s new show. "Grelp Hunters". Catch it on Gabor. No, it's on Febuc. Uh, Tubor    06/25/24  (5)
What losing Consoles did you actually like    06/25/24  (2)
Post stereotypical wasp, cavalier, and scots irish phenotypes    06/25/24  (6)
For first 500 years we had writing, we didn't even record the names of kings    06/25/24  (18)
the rape of the sabine women    06/25/24  (8)
Rate these "sexy elven women" from the new stable diffusion 3.0    06/25/24  (2)
Best style of pizza?    06/25/24  (55)
cowgod, did u attend the mlb game at rickwood field?    06/25/24  (4)
can't wait till tsinah botches a "citizens arrest" and catches a homicide charge    06/25/24  (1)
USA should launch nukes at enemies like lawn sprinkler. One big array then a    06/25/24  (1)
OldHLSDude has passed    06/25/24  (19)
Az-tech priest standing on Apple Ziggurat: Cut his heart out&feed it to ChatGPT    06/25/24  (1)
This video can't be real, can it?    06/25/24  (26)
boor will u post before+after pics of turkish hairsurgery    06/25/24  (3)
Call me Rachmiel.    06/25/24  (66)
Google search results for "Assange" turns up nothing >48 hours old    06/25/24  (1)
Why are HOMELESS people walking around with PIT BULLS unleashed?    06/25/24  (41)
JD Vance, Will Smith, Robert Redford Interstellar bookcase meetup (link):    06/25/24  (1)
Assange plea deal stirs up bitter memories in Morocco    06/25/24  (1)
Going to play 18 and stare at 19 y/o cart girl asses and tits    06/25/24  (16)
Jews, Italians and Irish are not white people, XO needs to stop    06/25/24  (10)
Assange's wife tells supporters he needs $90/mo for FiOS    06/25/24  (1)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    06/25/24  (16)
Why do people spend 10s of $1000s on fancy closet shelving? Wayfair is same shit    06/25/24  (6)
Worse: east coast hit with 400 nukes or Internet being disabled for all USA?    06/25/24  (1)
unicycling back in silence from the lesswrong meetup    06/25/24  (12)
Guild navigator 2nd cousin: Folds space; Shrew GF: Needs space    06/25/24  (5)
Lob Associate getting triggered by "Surf & Turf" menu at firm retreat    06/25/24  (7)
What's stopping Russia from blowing up satellites and cutting Internet cables?    06/25/24  (1)
Glen Bell, founder of Taco Bell, had a 7.5 inch penis and 3 balls    06/25/24  (1)
"how much twerking will these lentils pay for?" (guy padding resume in uganda)    06/25/24  (1)
R. Kelly - Fiesta plays as disco fries covers burned steak in unripened avocado    06/25/24  (6)
can i get on the waitlist for a black organ donor's penis?    06/25/24  (3)
gibberish what's the latest fuck report    06/25/24  (5)
Moved in with GF for shelter-in-place. Discovered lingerie she's never worn    06/25/24  (15)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/25/24  (58)
For sale: wedding dress, never worn    06/25/24  (7)
Wow an unprecedented HEAT WAVE    06/25/24  (1)
Mandela effect? Natural American Spirits were called Native American Spirits    06/25/24  (2)
Just lost 50k on Ian Miles Cheong's NAMBOKcoim (NBK$)    06/25/24  (4)
Norman Finklestein "sounds off" on gooning (vid)    06/25/24  (10)
Surprised there was never a good chariot racing game    06/25/24  (17)
Poll: how many thousands/millions are you spending on 🔥 fireworks 🎇🎆    06/25/24  (1)
How are the poor living with fraudflation..no more stimulus cash&no free phones?    06/25/24  (13)
Today in totally normal and ok behavior for Julian Assange    06/25/24  (1)
Any Devfags know the best industry OCR Parser?    06/25/24  (1)
Shove some $5 McDonald's up ur arse    06/25/24  (2)
Most gun owners are good people    06/25/24  (9)
Hey prole fag get the biggie bag    06/25/24  (1)
The subhuman goyim wouldnt let me rape them this weekend. Christianity is a lie.    06/25/24  (4)
Leb friend asking philosophy classmate if he's ever read kafta    06/25/24  (3)
What would we do without Western culture? The arches, the pasta, the opera    06/25/24  (2)
Pelvic floor failures are no laughing matter    06/25/24  (12)
Amazing how "poors" cum up with $ for dope/cigs/booze/gambling/fast food etc..    06/25/24  (2)
Wife took over kitchen and made me dinner tonight (pic)    06/25/24  (4)
My Health Is Slowly Declining...And I Have No Answers For 4 Years (My Post Covid    06/25/24  (2)
My Love Language is casual online racism    06/25/24  (2)
It’s insane how Costco’s just encourages you to consume more and more    06/25/24  (30)
i picture ricky w/ eyes that can't stabilize & endless arm/body shakes&fast talk    06/25/24  (1)
I squanched him once, I squanched him twice, I bought my son in the land of rice    06/25/24  (46)
Whats Singapore like? Is it worth visiting?    06/25/24  (12)
Eating lunch at motherfucking PICCADILLY cafeteria right now fuck libs    06/25/24  (7)
Reluctantly squanched at the age of 9, Spaceporn pumping and thrusting in time    06/25/24  (148)
Dolphin dive high five.    06/25/24  (1)
Did FF7 Remake trilogy's middling sales vindicate N64 owners?    06/25/24  (5)
"I'll have the steak. Medium-well please. With a slice of cheese."    06/25/24  (24)
the rape of the supine peterman    06/25/24  (3)
Delta One Lounge Ready to Open at JFK    06/25/24  (3)
*Disco Fries congratulating himself on a healthy breakfast of 3 eggs mcmuffin*    06/25/24  (8)
ozempic + stomach staple = belt and suspenders?    06/25/24  (3)
Depressed --> obese --> more depressed --> Ozempic --> "I'm normal now"    06/25/24  (2)
Haiti - only non-Muslim failed state? Sand niggers still dominate the ranking    06/25/24  (4)
Snuck out on my family vacation    06/25/24  (1)
so it's antisemitic to mention Israel is committing genocide?    06/25/24  (7)
why did fat fuck disco fries lie about having cancer?    06/25/24  (43)
Black friend thought "Guardians of the Galaxy" was about grandmas in space    06/25/24  (41)
Steak threading is my fav topic on XO    06/25/24  (1)
this frumpy 87 iq dog woman outraged other women are better at fucking marrieds    06/25/24  (5)
CNN is just two jews debating whether Israel is Great or just Good    06/25/24  (2)
"Fuck capitalism" the Redditor tapped on his iPhone while waiting for Doordash    06/25/24  (7)
Debt collector keeps texting wrong guy. Can I bring a TCPA suit?    06/25/24  (16)
It's not fair than colleges look at grades and SAT scores but not gooning    06/25/24  (2)
The false salvation of marijuana    06/25/24  (2)
Colonization of the Americas was financed by debts no one ever paid. Eat shit.    06/25/24  (4)
Harvard adds Bill Ackman, Karlstack, and Shmuley Boteach to selection committee    06/25/24  (5)
Anyone else here just *stop paying taxes? Any consequences so far?    06/25/24  (6)
Whenever OldHLSDude passes out or sleeps Imagine plays on repeat    06/25/24  (2)
devil's lettuce    06/25/24  (9)
Is ISRAEL a demonic state?    06/25/24  (1)
Harvard fires Claudine Gay, hires oily Canadian who can barely spell his name    06/25/24  (2)
60 second voice mail w/question for you but caller never explains the question    06/25/24  (5)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/25/24  (6)
Biden is about to go buckwild fucking the economy during his 2nd term    06/25/24  (9)
Yale job ad: Wanted: based conservative with a PhD who can teach anything    06/25/24  (1)
Caleb Hammer raising one eyebrow as disco fries noisily messes himself    06/25/24  (4)
WaPo: White supremacist bigots disrupt Idaho town's pride event (link)    06/25/24  (17)
ITT a list of Marxist courses at a typical LAC (Occidental College)    06/25/24  (48)
I am a WASP and I support Vivek over Vance    06/25/24  (59)
Autoadmit, a once functioning web discussion board for disaffected lawyers has b    06/25/24  (3)
"Come on down to BOWMAN BUICK for PROGESSIVE SAVINGS!"    06/25/24  (2)
disco fries keeps inviting me to the International Order of Odd Fellows    06/25/24  (3)
Reminder if you never paid taxes in the first place you would never had to    06/25/24  (1)
If you have a conscience or a heart this is all truly gut wrenching..much worse    06/25/24  (1)
Discro Fries thinks the Dutch are "German"    06/25/24  (3)
"England" was ruled by foreign kings for 2000 years and no one cared. Ever.    06/25/24  (5)
Jordan Peterson sitting alone in a Wendy's crying    06/25/24  (5)
PREDICT the result of the BOWMAN LATIMER race    06/25/24  (17)
Ur wife @ ur funeral: "Fat around the waist like a tire. Bald like a tire."    06/25/24  (2)
More WASPY: Willard “Mittens” Romney or J.D. Vance?    06/25/24  (4)
I don't think most people realize just how rich your average Amerikkkan is    06/25/24  (8)
Is Cavan Sullivan the white Freddy Adu.    06/25/24  (1)
Vanessa Carlton tweeting "Whoppa wit da Choppa"    06/25/24  (2)
The "ownership" mentality in amerikkka is a joke..u don't "own" anything    06/25/24  (3)
I have to join team Swift the masses are truly retarded..veddy sad    06/25/24  (1)
Rate this rich as fuck Jewess and her cuck ex-lawyer partner    06/25/24  (3)
🤔 hey there, whatcha doin? 🧑‍🦼 DURRRR BITCH BOI THINGS    06/25/24  (18)
Predict the bitcoin ATH within the next 10 years    06/25/24  (2)
Funny they pulled this fraud off with small market Kansas City "team" ljl    06/25/24  (1)
Remember when Wiscnsn libs protested solidarity with arab spring    06/25/24  (108)
I still LOL that U.S. had a covert muslim POTUS for 8 years    06/25/24  (27)
They will drop prices 3rd quarter then Jack them up 4th quarter to scam you    06/25/24  (1)
"Inflation" is a lie it's all Jew greedflation prices dropping yuge for the 4th    06/25/24  (1)
Not a damn thing has changed..it's all a perversion&it's all greedflation    06/25/24  (1)
Spain went bankrupt in the 16th century and it came out BETTER for it    06/25/24  (1)
ChatGPT 4o is really good    06/25/24  (3)
"my name is Ricky and I'm here to say, I rep SaaS solutions in a major way"    06/25/24  (5)
Copped $1,000 worth of BTC yesterday at ~$59k    06/25/24  (1)
if i was teleported to medieval england, i would just chill in deep forest    06/25/24  (10)
Oh man, you should really check out Melville sometime. Billy Budd is overlooked    06/25/24  (1)
Update on the Mike Fart-GJR story?    06/25/24  (4)
really dislike women more and more    06/25/24  (1)
Your favorite book is still a piece of shit, full of bad info, totally useless    06/25/24  (1)
All-day gay sexathon    06/25/24  (1)
TDNW: "Yeah I'm X Military, was in charge of poasting content related to Orcs an    06/25/24  (1)
PAJEETS won't STOP until they CONTROL every powerful position in WEST    06/25/24  (4)
Here's the thing: if Putin takes Ukraine he'll be unstoppable    06/25/24  (1)
NES Games with made up word names like Astanyax and Faxanadu    06/25/24  (1)
Trump pushed vaxx, lockdowns, kike embassy and no wall end of the day    06/25/24  (1)
Sucks that Europe got taken over by Africans. They used to be enlightened philos    06/25/24  (2)
Hey TDNW. what more can we do to protect all that wheat from Russia?    06/25/24  (1)
BJ Penn's schizo right wing Instagram page is absolutely 1800000    06/25/24  (2)
so the VP may be a fat-faced never-Trumper married to a smelly turd?    06/25/24  (7)
Why isn't AI bot Cock of Michael Obama shitting up the board today?    06/25/24  (1)
I am a TURD and I support Hitler over Pol Pot    06/25/24  (3)

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