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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
How's GameFAQs taking the debate fallout    06/28/24  (6)
Does anyone listen to the All In Podcast?    06/28/24  (7)
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/28/24  (43)
Unless you have a long commute listening to podcasts seems lame as fuck    06/28/24  (1)
Rate this Indian club in Pattaya    06/28/24  (20)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/28/24  (31)
Drugs found pursuant to that certain dog, dated...    06/28/24  (1)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/28/24  (32)
The moment when my anus grips so hard it lifts the dildo off its suction cup    06/28/24  (1)
tick tock homeless "people"    06/28/24  (1)
DANANG is the best Foodie City on planet Earth    06/28/24  (40)
New England Uber drivers will now have $65,000k minimum wage    06/28/24  (47)
UK women prison guards fucking the inmates    06/28/24  (1)
Alexander Vindman absolutely EVISCERATES Trump on Russia/Ukraine War (link)    06/28/24  (1)
Trump cannot win    06/28/24  (36)
Fag fraud 🤥 thugs    06/28/24  (2)
Tommy Robinson outs obeezy! (video)    06/28/24  (1)
"There shall be peace between Foolio and Yungeen Ace before Biden quits race"    06/28/24  (1)
Just finished Shadow of the Erdtree (Elden Ring DLC). Ask me anything    06/28/24  (35)
do you personally own a printer    06/28/24  (8)
we bought the certain dog, the most incredible thing youve ever seen    06/28/24  (26)
Sim Glitch: Autoadmit.com is still loading somehow    06/28/24  (12)
Need EPAH’s take on Halle Berry’s rating circa the Flintstones movie, TYIA.    06/28/24  (2)
Vibrator Boring? Try a Taser on your Ladyparts (Teen Vogue)    06/28/24  (2)
Had no idea who Kyle MacLachlan was when watching Flintstones as a kid 😂    06/28/24  (2)
Interesting timing: Zelensky announces “preparing plan to end the war”    06/28/24  (31)
Reminder: Obeezy was tongue tied for 17 hours after Biden Trump debate    06/28/24  (8)
Tommy Bleachedskin tp    06/28/24  (1)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/28/24  (33)
Sex with females makes you weak and pliable    06/28/24  (7)
Chevron's inability to recognize the risk of a corrupt bureaucracy was insane    06/28/24  (3)
America is garbage should have got some shit together&quickly fled    06/28/24  (1)
per tradition if POTUS is unable to perform his duties a wood effigy may replace    06/28/24  (3)
Rate this Duke basketball players' former babysitter turned GF/groomer    06/28/24  (35)
How do circuit splits work when regulations are overturned or upheld?    06/28/24  (5)
The Gabriel Aubry of Admiralty Law tp    06/28/24  (2)
all HS cheerleaders are issued a ceremonial thigh derringer    06/28/24  (2)
Rate Elie Mystal's thoughts on SCOTUS overturning Chevron    06/28/24  (2)
Kamala's got this one line down PAT - video    06/28/24  (1)
Azngirl Tokyo governor candidate strips and asks voters to add her on LINE    06/28/24  (1)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/28/24  (60)
Kurt Vonnegut on the WW2 Dresden fire bombing is impossible to forget    06/28/24  (3)
imagine the fun of a second trump term    06/28/24  (27)
Folks, THIS will be your next POTUS! (Link)    06/28/24  (2)
1L just got easier without the chevron stuff    06/28/24  (4)
*Dayvan Cowboy plays as Dunedain cowboy & U awake on Aslan’s country shores*    06/28/24  (2)
When you REALLY think about it, the debate actually HELPED Biden (here's why)    06/28/24  (1)
Billy Pilgrim Did Nothing Wrong    06/28/24  (1)
is it Joever? or is he back, Jack?    06/28/24  (1)
lol. biden told them to get fucked and now they don’t know wtf to do.    06/28/24  (8)
trump's golf swing is mesmerizing (link)    06/28/24  (10)
JD Vance answering Senate phone "Thank you for calling American Congress..."    06/28/24  (4)
ITT: Comms strategy sesh for board libs ONLY    06/28/24  (32)
Caretakers running old clips of Biden to Obeezy in the state retard ward    06/28/24  (1)
Wasn't trump supposed to announce his VP pick last night?    06/28/24  (17)
Eat my nasty stinkhole    06/28/24  (7)
For the record: Obeezy's reaction to the debate is Biden will win by landslide    06/28/24  (1)
After that debate, Im With Her    06/28/24  (3)
Shareblue download is out. They're ridin' with Biden.    06/28/24  (6)
90's woman led action film "SlimeCop"    06/28/24  (4)
debate topics: best dog ever, golf handicaps, who is the worst POTUS in history    06/28/24  (23)
Chevron is DEAD    06/28/24  (91)
At Biden Mazda we won't quit on bringing you the lowest prices    06/28/24  (1)
Biden Obv Can’t Break 100, But Trump Club Championships Seem Flame    06/28/24  (1)
Ricky, poast UFC 303 takes    06/28/24  (5)
Good NY Times article on Chevron overruling implications - link    06/28/24  (2)
lol, Dana Bash caught flashing hand signals to Dementia Joe last night    06/28/24  (5)
Obama's post debate reaction    06/28/24  (10)
Obeezy insisting the Biden economy is better than ever while Trump wins in lands    06/28/24  (16)
Happily voted for Obama twice, can't wait to see Biden lose    06/28/24  (4)
there are no groups worth being part of    06/28/24  (4)
Hypo: $10M to be dropped on Kamchatka Peninsula with open jar of peanut butter    06/28/24  (20)
Glenn Youngkin will be VP    06/28/24  (5)
Gonna just start paying my loans in full (PSLF-mo here)    06/28/24  (2)
lol Cons. Biden just had COVID last night.    06/28/24  (1)
Youngkin will be VP choice    06/28/24  (1)
This Twitter guy says all past rulings on administrative matters stand - link    06/28/24  (11)
LOL at Drudge headline and pic: "CRUEL JILL CLINGS TO POWER"    06/28/24  (1)
If swapping Biden was the plan all along, why let him debate?    06/28/24  (34)
What can I expect POST Divorce?    06/28/24  (88)
Debate was actually worse than expected    06/28/24  (3)
Yesterday was day 1 of libs delicious tears 2024. Only up from here.    06/28/24  (9)
Robert Hur and WSJ author of article about Joe's brain: haha, holy shit, wow.    06/28/24  (1)
*FIGHT SONG increasing in volume as Hilary emerges at DNC*    06/28/24  (13)
i'm looking for a man in midlaw. 5'6". shitskin. brown eyes.    06/28/24  (2)
doodikoff unable to get past first chapter of Ender's Game    06/28/24  (13)
"If I had a son, he'd look like Vivek Ramaswamy" -- J.D. Vance    06/28/24  (9)
Debate viewership only 47.9 million viewers    06/28/24  (1)
Hypo: $5M to swim from MFH to New Haven right now.    06/28/24  (5)
Jews killed Thomas Massie’s wife    06/28/24  (1)
Last night's debate was just one big cheap fake    06/28/24  (1)
Outwardly resembles a medium-sized Volga roach tp    06/28/24  (1)
Do you think Trump got shitfaced in celebration last night?    06/28/24  (18)
Klain and Obama having a sit down with Biden today    06/28/24  (11)
just bought a golf bag for the range    06/28/24  (81)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    06/28/24  (96)
The winner of last night's debate was just announced (link)    06/28/24  (2)
Biden: "I don't debate as well as I used to...but I know how to do this job"    06/28/24  (6)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    06/28/24  (396)
Admiral Stockdale watching debate from heaven: "Haha, wow..."    06/28/24  (10)
Vivikah Fox and Vivek Ramaswamy    06/28/24  (2)
wow, can't believe they're letting luis out of prison after this    06/28/24  (8)
Lab Friend Angrily Barking At Trump's Certain Dog    06/28/24  (7)
TURD Doctor who Drove Tesla off CLIFF with Family Inside gets NOJAIL    06/28/24  (4)
The only person that can inherit Biden's campaign money is Kamala Harris    06/28/24  (12)
SCOTUS vacates all J6 convictions, calls it a "mostly peaceful process"    06/28/24  (4)
Biden debate highlight reel - link    06/28/24  (1)
Biden's debate perf wasn't THAT bad    06/28/24  (2)
Audio released from BHO meeting with the big guy (link)    06/28/24  (1)
Where were you the day you realized the Beastie Boys were jewish    06/28/24  (5)
Dem hedge fund kike spills some inside details re: DNC shitshow today    06/28/24  (1)
Obama, Bill Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer holding down pillow on Joe's face.    06/28/24  (19)
Nothing phased Trump all night like when Biden said he was a 6 hdcp. A 180 momen    06/28/24  (8)
“Das rill Biden” overheard today on street holllly shit    06/28/24  (1)
Booked my ticket, arriving in 180 GORGEOUS CHINA on Fourth of July!    06/28/24  (19)
Panic on the streets of Scranton, panic on the streets of Wilmington    06/28/24  (3)
LIBS: Any update on "Threads"?    06/28/24  (22)
Need TBF's thoughts on the PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE    06/28/24  (1)
Imagine letting a nigger join your family. Absolutely disgusting shit, guys    06/28/24  (1)
lmao at anyone 30+ y/o who cares about "fitness"    06/28/24  (221)
remember when TBF hysterically hyperventilated at Biden's SOTU speech? lmao    06/28/24  (15)
Bin Laden watched the film Antz in his Abbottabad compound    06/28/24  (1)
Got written up at biglaw today for not having lid on coffee cup    06/28/24  (6)
Ketanji Brown Jackson sides with J6 insurrectionists (link)    06/28/24  (5)
Who's replacing Biden: Whitmer, Newsom, Big Mike, or Kamala?    06/28/24  (4)
Why is Biden’s voice suddenly better today?    06/28/24  (1)
Trump missed opportunity to point out Biden would expire after a round of golf    06/28/24  (2)
Just got a text from Gavin Newsome    06/28/24  (1)
I’ve seen corpses in funeral caskets that looked more alive than Biden    06/28/24  (2)
evan39 when are the poors going to start ending them all?    06/28/24  (5)
Only safe PSLF jobs right are military if Trump wins    06/28/24  (5)
INDIANS are so furking Strange    06/28/24  (2)
Damn...there goes PSLF    06/28/24  (13)
DC Waits Nervously to See if Airline Attorney Continues Biden Donations    06/28/24  (1)
Imagine Biden from last night answer emergency 3am call    06/28/24  (1)
biden in talks to license ‘dangerous donald’ trademark from hrc ‘16 campai    06/28/24  (1)
Listen to Paris Hilton’s voice change    06/28/24  (3)
"how should i decide between these in house opps" said no lit associate ever    06/28/24  (19)
400 trillion to be fucked in ass    06/28/24  (1)
Depressed 38 yo bald lawyers struggling to relive childhoods through NES memorie    06/28/24  (7)
AITA for refusing to let my sister's kids stay with me after she passed away? I    06/28/24  (110)
Pillar of the Christian World, Megachurch Pastor Molested Some Girls    06/28/24  (1)
Which feels more intuitive: Reincarnation, Earth or Resurrection in Heaven?    06/28/24  (3)
Deep state is mulling over some truly diabolical options right now.    06/28/24  (7)
jordan peterson, alex jones, and the coming 2.0 hive mind consciousness with a    06/28/24  (1)
74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot    06/28/24  (37)
Globohomo likely ordered Dementia Joe out: who's the replacement?    06/28/24  (71)

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