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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
if it were the 70s, Trump/Vance would do guest spots on Muppet Show and Hee-Haw    07/21/24  (2)
Black day for humanity    07/21/24  (1)
nick fuentes retardation, narcissism has set the antisemetic movement back years    07/21/24  (26)
may i ask you what your pronouns are?    07/21/24  (4)
Why Americans Aren’t Having Babies (WSJ)    07/21/24  (64)
what are some catchy & good ultra cheap horror movie ideas?    07/21/24  (12)
reminder: when GOP blathers about 'law & order'/moar cops this is what they mean    07/21/24  (13)
good morning    07/21/24  (3)
Tsinah clowning on Cslg after cslg disrespected him years ago is 180    07/21/24  (161)
My friend is walking into CSLG's firm RIGHT NOW    07/21/24  (12)
Dinner 2n    07/21/24  (10)
WSJ: Crooks’ blind mother had little insight    07/21/24  (2)
RATE this beast of a burger I made yesterday (TSINAH)    07/21/24  (33)
Taking Qs briefly before going OUT in XO St. Tropez (RSF)    07/21/24  (8)
having kids is amazing. I pity anyone who thinks otherwise    07/21/24  (12)
Dark energy? Sun energy? What do you want.    07/21/24  (2)
Lost Emilio 3 weeks ago at Wall Drug. Waiting at end of Santa Monica Pier now    07/21/24  (29)
the Matrix should have been a b movie flop how did they pull it off    07/21/24  (23)
I’m going to order psychedelic mushrooms from this website    07/21/24  (47)
Woo success my wife is thin and hot again!    07/21/24  (1)
Shabbos Kestenbaum would be a great Wrestler name    07/21/24  (24)
Zappin & Cannon, LLP    07/21/24  (49)
Quickly becoming a “Single Issue Masturbator”    07/21/24  (1)
Kid Rock rapping about 'antisemitism' at 60% Jewish Harvard at RNC    07/21/24  (4)
Former potential WEF associate    07/21/24  (1)
Need a WEF gig    07/21/24  (1)
“Chang’s! Chang’s! Gimme my Chang’s” people were pounding table @ PF C    07/21/24  (13)
DASS A TLASHY ACCENT *slurps dog meat through grotesque buckteeth*    07/21/24  (3)
are there any video game sound tracks you listen to often?    07/21/24  (54)
Which presidents did not have the "presidential look"?    07/21/24  (31)
early morning crew check-in    07/21/24  (27)
Campus wide-email telling you how silly karlstack is    07/21/24  (1)
pizza in the morning    07/21/24  (2)
Karlstack: “yes, I’m a scared little pussy”    07/21/24  (11)
Camera pans to reveal it’s Barron singing Nessum dorma    07/21/24  (9)
No puedo. Yo tengo autismo    07/21/24  (43)
Quickly becoming a "Single Tissue Masturbator"    07/21/24  (2)
sorry for being so creepy haha. tapas?    07/21/24  (1)
Some Asian guys walked past a Solidcore yesterday and thought it was software    07/21/24  (1)
Toby Keith--Should've Been A Catboy.mp3    07/21/24  (1)
prince & the jew power generation - little fed brunet.mp3    07/21/24  (2)
Fwd: URGENT: re new matter: See attached. Response due Monday. Thx.    07/21/24  (419)
"If my eyes offend thee, I'll pluck them out, haha"    07/21/24  (4)
Tough, vicious time to be a sensitive young man in America    07/21/24  (4)
Anyone see the horror movie Creep (2014)?    07/21/24  (2)
does anyone admit to ever having watched "black mirror" these days    07/21/24  (2)
Sam Hyde on a podcast telling askav what sex feels like    07/21/24  (1)
sam hyde sucking on vape as askav pitches him sketches    07/21/24  (7)
my gen x uncle just got divorced and has a hot millennial slampiece    07/21/24  (1)
biz idea: emergency blackface kit for any police interactions    07/21/24  (2)
if u haven't started studying for the bar you should probably do so tomorrow    07/21/24  (1)
really tired of blacks using "in the community" to mean "among niggers"    07/21/24  (2)
why was Barron not at the convention? was he de-encrypting Crooks' overseas bank    07/21/24  (2)
Iron Sheikh must speak at the DNC to offset the Hulkster's Trumpamania decree    07/21/24  (12)
the uncompensated emotional labor of refraining from striking women    07/21/24  (2)
'26 WH Correspondents' Dinner: Glen Close in full Mamaw makeup roasting JD Vance    07/21/24  (2)
American royalty v Spanish royalty    07/21/24  (7)
So Nick Fuentes is TBF? Or Nick Fuentes is actually gay and TBF is his gay lover    07/21/24  (1)
didn't catch Trump's RNC entrance music was AC/DC Back in Black    07/21/24  (1)
Bar exam is coming up soon - how are all our bar-takers holding up?    07/21/24  (3)
Le Tigre waving Hi Point yeet cannon G-1 out of Cybertruck, screaming Cantonese    07/21/24  (6)
"Babe can you stop menstruating onto my crack spoons?"    07/21/24  (1)
FizzKidd blushing as baba screeches in Cantonese about Newport smell in bathroom    07/21/24  (8)
are the women on 'only fans' sexually 'trafficking' themselves? are they victims    07/21/24  (7)
Should have worked for the WEF    07/21/24  (1)
is JD Vance growing? he's taller than Trump in most recent pics.    07/21/24  (3)
Objective Ranking of POTUS Years as Entertainment    07/21/24  (114)
FBI wants you to know Crooks' last internet search was for 'porn'    07/21/24  (11)
Jewish 'mohel' *hawk tua-ing* on baby's penis before 'suction circumcising' it    07/21/24  (2)
Being Sober is weird    07/21/24  (10)
TT is the main protag of this planet    07/21/24  (15)
Shit that idiots who work in Offices always say    07/21/24  (26)
Zuck molts, shapeshifts into tattooed zigger    07/21/24  (4)
Tucker: 'I live my life like it's eternally 1985.'    07/21/24  (1)
Libs will need to pull off Tiger Woods levels of cheating to defeat Trump in '24    07/21/24  (4)
When the hangout has sex with men for money    07/21/24  (1)
JD Vance's 'spotify' playlists were published by journos, concerningly awful    07/21/24  (3)
so Joe "Biden" is still there    07/21/24  (6)
Psycho Nazi S&M chick on "The Boys" is a real hunny    07/21/24  (6)
"To be fair? More like To be DUMB lmao", Ricky howled from a Tel Aviv desk    07/21/24  (2)
Joe Biden in 2007 casually implying Barack Obama is gay (video)    07/21/24  (9)
"nothing the potus does is illegal. also, biden can't talk to tech companies."    07/21/24  (5)
NSAM suggested Fuentes' de facto trade was "You won't breed, but u can say w/e"    07/21/24  (1)
JD Vance/Peter Thiel erotic fiction links?    07/21/24  (3)
Get off here you reddit/quora digest pieces of shit    07/21/24  (12)
Vote truk just arrive    07/21/24  (66)
When the sex with men for money isn't about the money anymore    07/21/24  (2)
Benzo do you enjoy "The Boys"    07/21/24  (1)
trump mischaracterizes teleprompter glass shard for fascism as bullet for democr    07/21/24  (1)
sealclubber is an abortion survivor (whose mom was a seal)    07/21/24  (5)
"Save our democracy!" *lib-led administrative state wrecks u for Wrong Belief*    07/21/24  (1)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    07/21/24  (168)
"Wypipo doan season dey food!" *pours on 1/2 lb of garlic salt*    07/21/24  (17)
Hell of a season, ducks    07/21/24  (18)
Less and less for more and more and lower quality in america    07/21/24  (2)
Even the fattest ugliest amerikkkan women have massive diamonds on fingers    07/21/24  (7)
American "dream"? More Ile American nightmare    07/21/24  (1)
How much is Afghan girls robotic team charging for speaking fee? Need a keynote    07/21/24  (1)
Trump lost re-election by a wide margin of 4am suitcases and vote truks    07/21/24  (10)
LMFAO - The Iron Sheik's twitter page is just him calling Hulk Hogan shit    07/21/24  (15)
maXXXine looks awesome (a24)    07/21/24  (16)
Finding one strand of hair several inches longer than all the rest    07/21/24  (5)
Do you get #Soyed if you eat lots of edamame    07/21/24  (2)
Michael Cernovick arrested for fighting with his cock (link)    07/21/24  (1)
Was reading up on Consuela. He’s a psychopath frfr isn’t he.    07/21/24  (2)
Spic teen steals old man’s phone, runs into bus (video)    07/21/24  (2)
luis keeps trying to get me to watch la bamba with him    07/21/24  (2)
Fully remote work is hell    07/21/24  (35)
Libs are STILL SEETHING over Hulk Hogan's speech last night    07/21/24  (3)
Lmao holy shit they're actually calling for Hillary as the nominee again    07/21/24  (9)
Oh my God, zoom in, that's Steve-O up on the Butler water tower    07/21/24  (2)
Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the Butler Barrage. Welcome to Jackass    07/21/24  (2)
Spice Girls    07/21/24  (2)
Zuckerberg soundlessly mouthing "Ambrosia truk jus arrive"    07/21/24  (10)
every single food item in any convenience store is poison. every single thing    07/21/24  (1)
Quickly becoming a "Single Issue Voter" (TBF)    07/21/24  (83)
WEFcore aka BizConSwag    07/21/24  (2)
jews convincing you 'hawk tua' is avatar for white people, Usha typical Indian    07/21/24  (3)
Hawk Tuah refuses to do OnlyFans:    07/21/24  (44)
Dead of night and it's still 96* out    07/21/24  (1)
Does anyone care about the Olympics?    07/21/24  (1)
nasty, nasty Jews    07/21/24  (1)
Someone left a Moldovan dime on the pool table    07/21/24  (3)
"The crazy part," said Peterman as he came up for air, "is I dont need the money    07/21/24  (80)
Emilio how many of our xo bros are actually bots    07/21/24  (13)
Haven't seen a reference to awful "Hawk Tuah" in nearly a week    07/21/24  (4)
*MY* all-consuming racial inferiority complex: the xoxo story    07/21/24  (2)
cartman stand and deliver imitation was a top 5 GOAT comedy bit    07/21/24  (1)
Based and Jewpilled Hulk Hogan: "Trump's family was compromised"    07/21/24  (4)
Libs are shook from Hulk Hogan's speech    07/21/24  (2)
🚨 Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, and Dana White introducing Trump tonight at RNC🚨 1    07/21/24  (10)
Team USA Basketball barely beats South Sudan 101-100    07/21/24  (4)
Biden's Twitter account hacked, poasts Hulk Hogan's speech (link)    07/21/24  (7)
Tommy, fresh guava juice is the furking goods. I'm drinking it nonstop in Bali    07/21/24  (21)
Hillary is now #3 on Predictit for Dem nominee not flame    07/21/24  (15)
“enjoy this caprisun, goy” 😹😹😹    07/21/24  (3)
What would Alfonso Ribeiro do?    07/21/24  (5)
Lots of GORGEOUS Turd Shrews: Kamala, Usha and the GORGEOUS Gita Gopinath    07/21/24  (6)
Pretty Hispanic women with Hello Kitty car decals, tp 🌈    07/21/24  (30)
War hawk tuah what is it good for    07/21/24  (9)
Hawk Tuah girl is Trumpmo!!!!    07/21/24  (9)
Hawk tuah nationalism now!    07/21/24  (4)
Hawk Tuah girl documentary - link    07/21/24  (21)
The Economist: Brainy Indians are piling into Western internet computer forums    07/21/24  (4)
Can we all agree that the Hawk Tuah girl is extremely cute? Especially her accen    07/21/24  (108)
Barry Bonds is a miniature schnauzermo    07/21/24  (26)
Time shift: Barry Bonds spoke at Mays' funeral in '00s, now dies again    07/21/24  (5)
Biggest victim in all of this: Hawk Tuah Girl    07/21/24  (12)
Masters Level Educated Millennials Benefit from Proposed Biden Housing Bill (lin    07/21/24  (1)
Hillary/Kerry would be a dynamite ticket, Dems!    07/21/24  (15)

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