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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Rate this GORGEOUS Chinagirl doing ADVANCED things on Bullet Train    07/21/24  (8)
Biden sour about 2016 so he's taking the Dems down (link)    07/21/24  (22)
Rate Dating History of Don Jr's First Wife (Kai Trump's Mom)    07/21/24  (9)
New lib plan: nominate Mitt Romney    07/21/24  (10)
The 174th Biggest City in China looks NICER than ANY US City (pics)    07/21/24  (3)
Poll: Trump leads by 7 in Michigan - link    07/21/24  (1)
correction tp/boner police (jewish pedophile) went quotemo = '''"'''''''    07/21/24  (67)
Why Americans Aren’t Having Babies (WSJ)    07/21/24  (75)
anyone gotten a HAIR TRANSplant?    07/21/24  (2)
Just cracked open Barbri books, still time to pass California bar?    07/21/24  (3)
Doobs was highly 180 and probably the greatest poaster of all time.    07/21/24  (2)
"Oh wow." -- me after stumbling upon the period panties.    07/21/24  (23)
Hottest Olympics tickets right now? Men’s 100, Women’s gymnastics all around    07/21/24  (3)
Nationalities with most suckable titties?    07/21/24  (1)
As Dem talks falter, Jimmy Carter steadily gains in Predictit odds (NY Times)    07/21/24  (3)
Imagine buying real estate in Spain    07/21/24  (18)
New lib plan: nominate Jimmy Carter    07/21/24  (2)
New lib plan: Nominate Al Gore    07/21/24  (3)
So RSF just makes a continuous France-Italy/Switz-NY-Ohio circuit?    07/21/24  (18)
spaceporn is back in his dormant phase & look how dead boart is. R U HAPPY?    07/21/24  (4)
Emilio rate this pic    07/21/24  (10)
Karlstack: “yes, I’m a scared little pussy”    07/21/24  (15)
why is jewish pedophile correction tp (aka boner police) going insane today?    07/21/24  (4)
Rating poasters as things Biden demands in exchange for stepping down    07/21/24  (105)
If trump wins, Hawaii judges are about to get real busy again    07/21/24  (4)
If you live in MFH, you are always within 0.5 miles of a slimepit being licked    07/21/24  (9)
remember when xo took it way too far with spaceporn?    07/21/24  (5)
Ungh… ungh… unghhhhyeah….. stick it up my BRO HOLE!!!    07/21/24  (4)
ricky's life is like jacob's ladder, but he's both the hero and twitching demons    07/21/24  (5)
“We have 9 natural factions.” *Thinks about it* “Let’s stick to 2 politi    07/21/24  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 BIDEN ENDS CAMPAIGN 🚨🚨🚨    07/21/24  (13)
Cohen Benefits - oh, I'm sure he does!    07/21/24  (174)
I can smoke a cigarette with my asshole    07/21/24  (27)
Japanese/AAA cross-section has like 85% of all Good Games ever made    07/21/24  (3)
Trump attacking Bukele, Project 2025    07/21/24  (3)
Trump/Vance vs. Swift/Kelce 2024    07/21/24  (13)
panda express worker calling attention on deck as luis walks in    07/21/24  (37)
it’s an online device that transmits mental illness    07/21/24  (1)
This is how I got hiv (Zurich)    07/21/24  (6)
Went to church today. Take that NOWAGs (RSF)    07/21/24  (1)
what’s the most prestigious sexual orientation?    07/21/24  (8)
don’t fart out his cum bro    07/21/24  (62)
LSAT prep megathread    07/21/24  (3)
which bald mentally ill loser will win MPM this year?    07/21/24  (3)
are there any video game sound tracks you listen to often?    07/21/24  (65)
I lost 10 pounds this week    07/21/24  (4)
ITT poast a pic of your cute little butthole    07/21/24  (1)
listening to KOTOR soundtrack on repeat tp    07/21/24  (3)
What are some good animes to watch in 2024    07/21/24  (83)
can’t wait to return to a dynamic, fast-paced work environment tomorrow    07/21/24  (7)
Lol at this WSJ article about childless Millennials    07/21/24  (3)
Tall Guys get itt    07/21/24  (3)
raw animalistic chemsex with luis    07/21/24  (1)
Poasting from GORGEOUS Inner Mongolia (vids)    07/21/24  (25)
SOL is up like 30% since I sold (TT)    07/21/24  (5)
Vid of auction where Ken Griffin bought $45m stegosaurus    07/21/24  (13)
FizzKidd blushing as baba screeches in Cantonese about Newport smell in bathroom    07/21/24  (11)
Tucker: 'I live my life like it's eternally 1985.'    07/21/24  (14)
Just liquidated my 401k to take diaper the gathering and NPB tp to Bali    07/21/24  (9)
anyone else really excited to start law school this fall?    07/21/24  (2)
Every member of Congress required to suck Bibi's cock.    07/21/24  (5)
Vid of auction where Ken Griffey, Jr. bought $45m Johnsmeyer rookie card    07/21/24  (4)
Sitting in Tully's at 6 PM blank bumping emilio's 4 AM blank bumps    07/21/24  (19)
Console Personhood    07/21/24  (1)
all i poast is good morning and gay sex threads. it could be a lot worse.    07/21/24  (8)
Two doods rip apart Dave Ramsey’s retarded advice re retirement    07/21/24  (23)
i want to kidnap Stalin tp, throw him into a hole and make him beg for drugs    07/21/24  (14)
What % of ppl that wear a cross necklace are Christian?    07/21/24  (7)
June 21 = 21 different cocks up Stalin tp's asshole this month    07/21/24  (2)
Stalin TP is back, folks! He's off his meds and gayer than ever    07/21/24  (7)
freshly fucked male asshole    07/21/24  (12)
oh my god i want to eat his cum so bad    07/21/24  (4)
Shabbos Kestenbaum would be a great Wrestler name    07/21/24  (29)
I personally am ready to wrap up the whole premise of feminism    07/21/24  (1)
what are some catchy & good ultra cheap horror movie ideas?    07/21/24  (15)
Emilio how many of our xo bros are actually bots    07/21/24  (17)
Hillary is now #3 on Predictit for Dem nominee not flame    07/21/24  (19)
Mike Cernovich: I spent $250,000 on legal fees trying to unseal Epstein docs    07/21/24  (8)
Rate this rap video made by TommyT    07/21/24  (1)
So what exactly did KamalaSexy tp ever do wrong again?    07/21/24  (26)
Doodikoff asks 23yo tinder girl if she likes music *puts on Gregorian chant*    07/21/24  (6)
anyone going to steamworks today?    07/21/24  (2)
TT is the main protag of this planet    07/21/24  (18)
Name last POTUS to lose with 4 percent unemployment    07/21/24  (5)
beautiful penis erection    07/21/24  (5)
having kids is amazing. I pity anyone who thinks otherwise    07/21/24  (20)
*flees to asia, knocks up hooker* hehe having kids is so 180 bros    07/21/24  (3)
Hulk Hogan is literally one of the most charismatic people to walk this earth    07/21/24  (43)
Downloaded Steely Dan .flacs on Soulseek    07/21/24  (1)
Biden's Twitter account hacked, poasts Hulk Hogan's speech (link)    07/21/24  (14)
Lost Emilio 3 weeks ago at Wall Drug. Waiting at end of Santa Monica Pier now    07/21/24  (30)
Le Tigre waving Hi Point yeet cannon G-1 out of Cybertruck, screaming Cantonese    07/21/24  (7)
I have a torn meniscus    07/21/24  (15)
this is not a parlor debate abt 'ideology,' it's a zero sum power struggle    07/21/24  (3)
Lots of GORGEOUS Turd Shrews: Kamala, Usha and the GORGEOUS Gita Gopinath    07/21/24  (7)
CharlesXII drawing the Battle of Austerlitz on napkins for his date    07/21/24  (216)
I'm in Miami Beach all week if anyone wants to meet up and have sex with me    07/21/24  (3)
the Matrix should have been a b movie flop how did they pull it off    07/21/24  (27)
So Bukele literally sent every gang member to the US & said he "rounded them up?    07/21/24  (4)
Flashback to January 2024: "Why Obama, Dems fear Biden complacency"    07/21/24  (1)
went drunk pool hopping with vodka gf last night    07/21/24  (62)
Thoughts on "INTERESTS" sections on RESUMES?    07/21/24  (338)
Paul Mellon was scots irish — not exactly a hillbilly!    07/21/24  (1)
Hilarious that hillbilly gun confiscation paranoia almost got trump killed    07/21/24  (2)
Every time I eat wheat it’s Russian Roulette with my gi system    07/21/24  (1)
"i became pro life when melania kept byron [sic] despite his prognosis" (trump)    07/21/24  (8)
why is Trump attacking El Savador guy Bukele?    07/21/24  (10)
Did you have “Cousin Camp”?    07/21/24  (1)
Camera pans to reveal it’s Barron singing Nessum dorma    07/21/24  (12)
Dr Drew is an expert on Visceral Fat    07/21/24  (1)
Jewish psychiatrist pushes euthanasia for angry young men    07/21/24  (3)
are the women on 'only fans' sexually 'trafficking' themselves? are they victims    07/21/24  (8)
Are there any Japanese-style onsen hotels in USA/Mexico/Canada?    07/21/24  (3)
its something unpredictable but in the end its right lmao libs ur all gonna die    07/21/24  (132)
why aren't people bringing more kids into the satanic jew hellscape we created?    07/21/24  (2)
I'm quite elite culturally speaking    07/21/24  (2)
if it were the 70s, Trump/Vance would do guest spots on Muppet Show and Hee-Haw    07/21/24  (7)
Jewish 'mohel' *hawk tua-ing* on baby's penis before 'suction circumcising' it    07/21/24  (4)
America gives up on solar, citing 2012 lawyer commentary "its just media hype"    07/21/24  (1)
Build that ult for me (build that ult for me)    07/21/24  (2)
Most people don’t understand insurance    07/21/24  (67)
in Hillbilly Elegy, 'mamaw' kills someone and calls Usha a 'raghead bong'    07/21/24  (6)
New angle of the Shooter    07/21/24  (1)
LMFAO - The Iron Sheik's twitter page is just him calling Hulk Hogan shit    07/21/24  (16)
Wild Trumpimaniacs running wild    07/21/24  (3)
Rate this Kennedy (video)    07/21/24  (1)
The constitution does not follow expeditionary armed forces into foreign lands    07/21/24  (1)
*Fortunate Son plays* *helicopter appears on horizon, but the rotors are dicks*    07/21/24  (147)
Rate this Advanced African Attack Helicopter from Ghana's Military    07/21/24  (3)
really tired of blacks using "in the community" to mean "among niggers"    07/21/24  (4)
Now we know why Pinochet threw them out of helicopters    07/21/24  (33)
"Who's the 'shut-in' now?!?!" *doobs laying the last brick of ur tomb*    07/21/24  (163)
wait, that dumb chick is 26 and wrote TWO memoirs??!!    07/21/24  (1092)
RATE this beast of a burger I made yesterday (TSINAH)    07/21/24  (37)
Nutella muting conference call to beat chained up sun bear with stick    07/21/24  (205)
My friend is walking into CSLG's firm RIGHT NOW    07/21/24  (14)
Kids in Uganda recreate assassination attempt of President Trump (video)    07/21/24  (16)
"And let's us pray for Usha, that she may leave her savage jungle people religio    07/21/24  (1)
reminder: when GOP blathers about 'law & order'/moar cops this is what they mean    07/21/24  (15)
you said you were out of town but I can see you through yr bedroom window haha    07/21/24  (30)
Miss Piggy kissing JD Vance possessively, play-shoving Usha (in a Sari) aside    07/21/24  (1)
I’m going to order psychedelic mushrooms from this website    07/21/24  (48)
Black day for humanity    07/21/24  (1)
nick fuentes retardation, narcissism has set the antisemetic movement back years    07/21/24  (26)
may i ask you what your pronouns are?    07/21/24  (4)
good morning    07/21/24  (3)
Tsinah clowning on Cslg after cslg disrespected him years ago is 180    07/21/24  (161)
Dinner 2n    07/21/24  (10)

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