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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Taking END of SUMMER Qs :( (RSF)    09/06/24  (18)
Evan39 look up the Red Desert WY.. I think it would make a great place for us    09/06/24  (11)
Billionaires are having wild sex parties while proles toil    09/06/24  (6)
Fatal flaw in RSF: too fat to take off his shirt at the beach    09/06/24  (20)
Australian Think Tank finds China DOMINATING in TECH, India doing well    09/06/24  (5)
There are too many people at the scenic spots of Amerikkka    09/06/24  (2)
Usha's Kraken Curry: Trump's secret weapon in his return to power    09/06/24  (6)
Reminder: RSF is tall, rich and has a full head of hair.    09/06/24  (27)
***BREAKING*** Limited time offer: Join XO's Anti-Fraud Association for Free    09/06/24  (6)
*rolls out of bed, refreshed & hopeful**fires up xoxo and descends into mental i    09/06/24  (112)
I was just a Normal guy in hs and wasn’t in a Clique    09/06/24  (3)
Fuck Amerikkkan interstates....even the so-called "Beautiful" ones    09/06/24  (13)
🚨🚨🚨 RFK ASSASSINATED 🚨🚨🚨    09/06/24  (5)
I haven't gone outside all day in TTT JAKARTA    09/06/24  (16)
That Bald Jewish guy saying he “sells hope” is haunting me    09/06/24  (5)
TT visiting only the filthiest, most congested parts of Jakarta for no reason    09/06/24  (2)
Really sick of this "RSF is Jewish" shit, who cares if he is or he isn't just dr    09/06/24  (30)
remission luis    09/06/24  (75)
Home Depot Hunger Games    09/06/24  (192)
Russia: FAB-3000; Ukraine: drone that burns trees    09/06/24  (2)
good morning    09/06/24  (5)
doobs asked me to fertilize his eggs. how do i do this    09/06/24  (6)
There used to be a Kallmann lawyer who squanched all the kids    09/06/24  (1)
evan39 where the hell are you friend? I miss you!(Bboooooooooom)    09/06/24  (17)
Do Boomers know how stupid they look on motorcycle trikes?    09/06/24  (1)
Moomoo remember that!    09/06/24  (9)
Thermite drones still haven't killed a single Russian soldier    09/06/24  (1)
Does anyone have a list of TOMMY TURDSKIN MONIKERS?    09/06/24  (411)
Four years ago people said $1m "cements you in UMC" provided you keep your job    09/06/24  (2)
peeing out of my butt in office bathroom. waiting for other dude to leave.    09/06/24  (3)
Went to restaurant last weekend for pancakes with family + two grands    09/06/24  (1)
Hunter enters Halford plea in sex case    09/06/24  (15)
Woke up with a rock hard boner -- my penis is a work of art    09/06/24  (2)
Into Thick Air: The 2025 Teewinot Mountain Tragedy by Jon Krakauer    09/06/24  (22)
Wife assigns me tasks if she catches me relaxing / idle?    09/06/24  (53)
Palos Verdes Used to be an Upscale Neighborhood, Now Being Reclaimed by Nature    09/06/24  (1)
SFHs are Complete Fraud: New SFHs are now CHEAPER than Pre-Built    09/06/24  (1)
*sips coffee* "Ah" *smiles and settles in for another mentally ill Friday*    09/06/24  (520)
How fucked up is this on a scale of 1-10?    09/06/24  (9)
You ever think he’s done cumming in your ass and then more cum comes out?    09/06/24  (5)
Urgent Update: Shota the waiter's 5* sushi review REMOVED from google    09/06/24  (92)
Caesar's Rome had ~1M people and no govt police force    09/06/24  (60)
My life doesn't matter, what matters is Israel and how Jewish ppl feel    09/06/24  (7)
Any random forum you go on is lib af    09/06/24  (3)
The Banker (2020) is about a Fraudster Who Gets Got    09/06/24  (1)
You ever think your done cumming and then some extra cum leaks out?    09/06/24  (1)
hello, i support Israel unconditionally.    09/06/24  (2)
exactly.    09/06/24  (1)
it’s obvious    09/06/24  (1)
hey scholarship did u know that im gay    09/06/24  (35)
Merry Christmas!    09/06/24  (1)
If RSF posts his 23andme, I will post cowgod’s imdb profile    09/06/24  (5)
Redditors ask: “Why are non-redditors so rich?”    09/06/24  (40)
i want to speak to the manager. there’s racism here.    09/06/24  (1)
The coal was low and soon the snow    09/06/24  (5)
Is this normal    09/06/24  (1)
Guys is this enough ventilation? I'm not sure it has enough, can anyone help????    09/06/24  (1)
oooh i’ve been naughty. punish me, daddy.    09/06/24  (1)
I'm debating talking to my therapist about XO    09/06/24  (130)
let me explain    09/06/24  (1)
What tangible historical things are not fraudulent...:(    09/06/24  (28)
What is this fuking fraud .we're living in an Ice Age.."but climate change!!"    09/06/24  (14)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    09/06/24  (12)
This whole thing seems fraudulent except Wyoming    09/06/24  (13)
AmeriKKKa skated away but time is out... Big One, Yellowstone, Cascadia Fault    09/06/24  (5)
You must attack 24/7 or you're done :(    09/06/24  (22)
$ick&$ad Reality =need another Vredefort impact to wipe the stain of "humanity"    09/06/24  (22)
Ever gone to Walmart & a$ked your$elf how has this species "survived"?    09/06/24  (16)
Mainlining kum&go is fraud raised Wednesday pizza 🍕 to $1.50 per slice    09/06/24  (13)
Evan39 fuck this "world" and "Humanity" and $eattle and Lib$ non$ense    09/06/24  (9)
I cannot say enough GOOD THINGS about our BULL (Demetrius)    09/06/24  (123)
Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge....XO approved :)?    09/06/24  (21)
Funny how the "Midwest" goes right up to Denver/Boulder/Fort Collins/CO Springs    09/06/24  (15)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    09/06/24  (15)
evan39 do you respect Taylor Swift hustling all the retards?    09/06/24  (7)
They won't get away with this! I'll get my reparations(Boom)    09/06/24  (11)
*pushes Bbooom in a wheelchair off a 9th story balcony, ends his misery*    09/06/24  (154)
Postscript on FORTUITOUS TUNA OVEN incident    09/06/24  (4)
Fortuitous Meteor: Please Handle    09/06/24  (21)
HYPO: $5M to walk across Afghanistan--Khyber Pass to Kandahar to Herat    09/06/24  (75)
Hypo: Stannis & Renly banded together early in GoT    09/06/24  (14)
Hyenas are the most obnoxious evil animal. Kill them all.    09/06/24  (11)
sup fri€nds, w€ cool? €urop€an v€rsion of mainlaining h€r€    09/06/24  (17)
"I'm a loan shark, the ground is my fine print, and most people aren't even Jews    09/06/24  (1)
I’ve always attributed the standout quality of Viva La Vida as a Coldplay albu    09/06/24  (89)
Fucking fraud faggot Four Corners Stonehenge and that fag dino skull :(    09/06/24  (12)
Biggest difference between black and grizzly is attitude.    09/06/24  (11)
Streams of Pure Aryans Streaming across US Border to poast on XO    09/06/24  (1)
Boom: maybe you'd be Happier if you took NIGGA dick in ur slut ANUS u faggot    09/06/24  (9)
evan39&mainlining! All force fed fraud&masses are allowing it&bitching    09/06/24  (16)
Hypo: $30M (tax free) but 1st randomly dropped in Central African Republic    09/06/24  (62)
Emal minutes before K–T extinction event: "Hi. Checking-in on the draft MTD    09/06/24  (11)
Just A Lil' K-T mass extinction event would do. Just need to wipe out primates    09/06/24  (4)
ChatGBT -AutoAdmit - Updated Comprehensive Encyclopedia Entry (9/4/24)    09/06/24  (29)
evan39 "banks" will steal your money keep $tacking ca$h    09/06/24  (9)
I'm 84 years old&bald am a billionaire Seattle lawyer poast as boom/main/evan39    09/06/24  (9)
Chingada Madre! your "theories" = $tale as your repetitive insult$    09/06/24  (7)
The Evolving Dynamics of Boom, Mainlining, and Evan39: An In-Depth Analysis    09/06/24  (9)
Is Boom Mentally impaired?    09/06/24  (3)
XO! You’re not dealing with three "minds" (Boom)    09/06/24  (2)
Evan39 handles groceries, Mainlining handles nature, Boom handles busine$$    09/06/24  (2)
Me, myself, and I: a day in the life (Boom 21.0, lagging, not young, but here)    09/06/24  (2)
Boom 21.0, Mainlining, and Evan39 walk into a mediation    09/06/24  (2)
Why is mainlining mocking me? Fucking Me off? Or an imposter?(Boom)    09/06/24  (15)
AutoAdmit Encyclopedia (dated 9/5/2024)    09/06/24  (6)
*Werner Herzog Voice* In Disco Fries, I see a man not battling Teewinot    09/06/24  (19)
Told this group Allan Lichtman would turn tricks for bus fare at Port Authority    09/06/24  (4)
whokebe claims the bort is still alive because of his contributions lmao, t/f?    09/06/24  (4)
A Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) impact would be nice.    09/06/24  (14)
is whok det?    09/06/24  (30)
Fuck it disco, I’m in. When we summiting this bitch?    09/06/24  (5)
This life should've&could've been nice, smoothe and fun! Not like this    09/06/24  (9)
mainlining im writing here via chatgtp tell me what you think....    09/06/24  (5)
Anna Paulina Luna might be actually retardedly stupid and not bright (link)    09/06/24  (2)
Trump growling “nigger bitch” w foaming mouth as Harris repeats “dat racis    09/06/24  (5)
It's all fraud top&bottom and seeps into ur ears&brain very few resist    09/06/24  (11)
Is Boom actually disabled / wheel-chair bound / brain-damaged?    09/06/24  (2)
Boom/Evan39! The stupid machine thing is the"imposter" not me    09/06/24  (12)
Vredefort Impact 2.0 = All of "Humanity's" problems solved in 1-hour.    09/06/24  (11)
Lab friend poasted "Spin, catfucks."    09/06/24  (13)
Arouse and Carouse with Your Garouse! (1935 ad for motorcycle w/ garoose sidecar    09/06/24  (2)
I wonder how much suffering this wasp is capable of - video    09/06/24  (3)
Could have it all so quickly    09/06/24  (2)
evan39 "reddit" and quora are a joke..where else?    09/06/24  (4)
Why are most (((people))) gullible&stupid as fuck?    09/06/24  (7)
My anus is a distended glob of rapacious fuckmeat    09/06/24  (4)
HAPPY FRIDAY, NIGGERS!    09/06/24  (736)
If you invested $10,000 in Intel 27 years ago you would’ve had $10,000 now    09/06/24  (3)
Lob friend sarcastically posts "Mermen are 180"    09/06/24  (2)
Trump is fucking OBSESSED with Israel    09/06/24  (6)
GOP senate candidate crashed a plane into residential home    09/06/24  (5)
Doing "rentals" is a very scummy&low level it seems    09/06/24  (13)
xo John Stossel absolutely destroys recyclecucks (video)    09/06/24  (7)
just saw lisa rowe doing hoodrat shit in spokane, wa. wtf?    09/06/24  (5)
I fuck every woman like Yuri fucks Sera in leaving law vegas    09/06/24  (2)
if ur not eating kanzi apples ur insane    09/06/24  (4)
TT go out in boat on river after downing fent then shoot self in the head?    09/06/24  (4)
TT where the fuck to go? USA is a road of no return    09/06/24  (8)
America =total lies 😒 also all fraudulent numbers&fraudulent financial "syste    09/06/24  (1)
Stock Market Crashing 9.6.24    09/06/24  (1)
PEI Government Rejects Protestors' Work Permit Extensions (Karlstack)    09/06/24  (1)
Article: Pennsylvania is slipping out of Trump’s    09/06/24  (4)
OPRAH AND THAT NIGGA    09/06/24  (1)
What this room needs is more booze    09/06/24  (2)
Kamala "Fried Chicken Tikka Masala" Harris    09/06/24  (2)
This Boart is veddy concerning. We need to work tirelessly to end racism & hate.    09/06/24  (1)
Rate these US Backed Hohol Terrorists torturing POW's    09/06/24  (1)
You can drive with me if you want, or you can walk    09/06/24  (2)
Black Mirror episode about racist internet board that starts WW3 (link)    09/06/24  (1)

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