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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
American Indians didn’t even ride horses until 1630?    09/16/24  (21)
Trump Shooter voted for Trump in 2016, supported Nikki/Haley Ticket    09/16/24  (5)
RATE my view, last proper summer weekend SoF (RSF)    09/16/24  (21)
VIDEO of TT Destroying Anti-China XO Poasters...    09/16/24  (1)
Why is Antarctica at the bottom of the Earth?    09/16/24  (2)
Hey Birdshits, pick up your Gorgeous HUAWEI phone yet?    09/16/24  (3)
Why does being outside at night feel incredible?    09/16/24  (7)
Trump October Surprise: 19th Assassination attempt hoax    09/16/24  (2)
Tommy if you love China so much why don’t you live there?    09/16/24  (20)
TT & Vivek destroyed in one tweet    09/16/24  (2)
Permanently delayed gratification    09/16/24  (88)
do you think CSLG is a genuinely bad person?    09/16/24  (116)
How JD Vance's Mom cooked steak (quick vid)    09/16/24  (1)
why do these faggot shitlibs only let me keep half of what I make? (TSINAH)    09/16/24  (27)
Inside Elon Musk’s Mushrooming Personal Security Apparatus (NYT)    09/16/24  (35)
Shedeur Sanders is such an overrated prima donna bitch    09/16/24  (1)
Why are leftists so deranged and violent?    09/16/24  (3)
Russian AI sex doll does house work, can do your taxes or job (link)    09/16/24  (2)
Shld I go to BURMA or VIETNAM next?    09/16/24  (16)
Electric Blanket is an incredible invention    09/16/24  (12)
Where do atoms get the energy to spin?    09/16/24  (1)
If you work more than zero hours per week lower ur tone when talking to me    09/16/24  (1)
The AAA Gaming crash has been going on for a while    09/16/24  (24)
Honestly, a successful assissination of Trump would be the best for the nation    09/16/24  (11)
Benzo why don’t you ever discuss your homeless gay AIDS sex life?    09/16/24  (13)
Jimmy's "Secret Service" agents have the chillest job on Earth    09/16/24  (1)
Rate IMAGE of Disco Fries attempting to summit Teewinot Mountain(not flame)    09/16/24  (18)
Musk has a security detail better than Jimmy Carter    09/16/24  (1)
who are the top 5 philosophers of all time    09/16/24  (152)
Fruad.    09/16/24  (2)
I miss my foid    09/16/24  (7)
I'd forgotten about this German folk singing girl - video    09/16/24  (4)
"AutoAdmit Thrones: The Mods Send Their Regards"    09/16/24  (18)
AIs will look back on us the same way we look at fossil skeletons    09/16/24  (8)
"Disco Fries vs. Teewinot: The Training Regimen of a Snack-Loving Mountaineer"    09/16/24  (13)
AutoAdmit Scene: "Tell Me About Your First Flame, Bro"    09/16/24  (16)
CHINA WON which is why Birdshits BIG MAD 🐶    09/16/24  (84)
Mainlining tp breaking into your house just to ask you: "do u liek my machine"    09/16/24  (8)
AM from I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream but AM stands for AI Mainlining    09/16/24  (17)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/16/24  (12)
Trump Jr. ditched the dusty old pussy for a 37 year old socialite (DM)    09/16/24  (22)
A Comparative 3-Factor Analysis of WGWAG In China, Japan, and Korea (v2)    09/16/24  (102)
Analysis of why drones have not yet assassinated a key public figure, ITT    09/16/24  (6)
LOL NYT now admitting that there are thousands of Haitians in Springfield    09/16/24  (45)
It's sll been stolen from us..its always been theft though    09/16/24  (22)
Trumpmos, u can do 1000x more of these hoaxes, HE'S STILL GONNA LOSE    09/16/24  (2)
new gene therapy gives gay men self-lubricating assholes:    09/16/24  (1)
what happened to academia is a scam tp    09/16/24  (2)
Poasting Never Sleeps    09/16/24  (1)
CIA killed Kennedy    09/16/24  (8)
Beware the Jabberwock, my son    09/16/24  (1)
Multipurpose weapons with time cost for changing function    09/16/24  (1)
Reviewing Temu products would be a solid youtube schtick    09/16/24  (1)
"Abiotic Factor" is pretty good    09/16/24  (1)
karlstack cements himself as the biggest cuck on twitter (link)    09/16/24  (6)
BIGGER idiot: TSINAH or RSF?    09/16/24  (5)
tsinah is what the locals would call "one of them can't hang niggas"    09/16/24  (3)
TSINAH/disco fries weight loss challenge - One Year Update    09/16/24  (7)
Hey TSINAH, time to start paying back your loans you fucking mooch    09/16/24  (2)
I am changing everything about my life from here on out    09/16/24  (10)
From what I can tell better education = faster reading    09/16/24  (4)
If you gain like 30 lbs and Don't Lift for a month, your lifts will be at ATH    09/16/24  (5)
Date turned out to be a scam, woke up in ice bath w no kidney (MPA)    09/16/24  (13)
The Kallmanelli micro penis tp    09/16/24  (2)
So all recent shitcon boycotts failed and are forgotten?    09/16/24  (3)
Benzo’s lonely, unwanted fuckhole tp    09/16/24  (2)
Attempted Trump shooter reportedly "motivated by Taylor Swift" (link)    09/16/24  (4)
Mayer Rothschild, born Matthew Robinson in Tampa, Fla., was an international    09/16/24  (3)
have a gay public intellectual ever been correct?    09/16/24  (24)
Reminder: the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery    09/16/24  (21)
Two years of training could you hit 5 Home Runs in the MLB (full season)    09/16/24  (7)
Bros with SAHM wives: how do they feel about the arrangement?    09/16/24  (8)
More on the "High Asian IQ Myth": 400 million Chinese are cognitively retarded    09/16/24  (27)
Tampa downtown and beaches being terrorized by teen bicycle gangs    09/16/24  (1)
*The Wire ending montage showing kenny becoming the new earl*    09/16/24  (12)
heidi klum and seal separating :(    09/16/24  (10)
Michael Richards, "MPA" (12th generation Puritan), marrying Xing Quak ("FizzKidd    09/16/24  (1)
RATE the back page of the menu at CSLG's Karma Sushi:    09/16/24  (2)
Hello, I am writing to you to inform you of the existence of secret knowledge    09/16/24  (1)
EPAH what are the natives in Hawaii like    09/16/24  (1)
Can these weird fags stop trying to poison my liver?    09/16/24  (1)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    09/16/24  (144)
MAGA died with "They're eating the dogs"    09/16/24  (48)
Advice me on a good office chair for home office    09/16/24  (9)
Imagine how shitty China would be with just a 5% nig population    09/16/24  (16)
(((Rothschild))) family-worth $500 Trillion-is manipulating Trump to invade NK    09/16/24  (45)
amazing how many Roman emperors were assassinated    09/16/24  (30)
(((Rothschilds))) whacked JFK for trying to shut down ONE of their banks    09/16/24  (29)
have u guys heard of jeffery epstein    09/16/24  (2)
Why did the CIA kill Kennedy?    09/16/24  (21)
The worst part of Kennedy assassination was that CIA colluded with KGB    09/16/24  (5)
Oh yeah,well can USA build giant hideous nightmare intersections like China can?    09/16/24  (53)
CIA killed Kennedy    09/16/24  (1)
"Kamalalot", like the Camelot we could've gotten, but awful & phony in every way    09/16/24  (1)
China had one good dynasty and a dozen shitty ones. Massive prison since forever    09/16/24  (4)
GJR making corned beef hash in only a crop top and undies    09/15/24  (5)
Why is China our "enemy"? What did they ever do to us?    09/15/24  (10)
Rate this diversity nap    09/15/24  (1)
Yet another Springfield resident comes out to say Haitians are his dog    09/15/24  (1)
RATE my dog & fire (TSINAH)    09/15/24  (14)
damn, black quarterbacks sucking dick this year    09/15/24  (3)
may 5, 2021 kamala kissed hubby while outside, both masked. oh and fully vaxxed!    09/15/24  (6)
does the bears Offensive line just suck    09/15/24  (2)
Lets be honest, if you could afford NYC youd live there    09/15/24  (92)
Bill Clinton kinda comes across as a dick in all the Hillary meltdown stories    09/15/24  (246)
how many of you cook with copper cookware?    09/15/24  (43)
This is what libs want you to see in every city    09/15/24  (6)
A redditor asked me “why wouldn’t you buy the game digitally”    09/15/24  (5)
ITT: link the funniest poast you recall on XO    09/15/24  (173)
The night they drove old Springfield down, and all the cats got eaten    09/15/24  (3)
I have a lot of photography    09/15/24  (1)
“How do we raise money?” “Uh idk say he got shot at again?”    09/15/24  (1)
hunter biden unveils latest artwork entitled "14-digit routing number on napkin"    09/15/24  (129)
Getting close to applying a wrench to my forearm.    09/15/24  (172)
the broncos trashed their iconic 90s uniforms to look like every other nfl team    09/15/24  (4)
Hey BIRDSHITS, stop trying to kill ARE Pro Hindu Warrior Donaldeep Trumpistani    09/15/24  (1)
a pale irish girl, boiling potatoes for an asian man at breakfas    09/15/24  (359)
wow this nigger is awful    09/15/24  (2)
have you guys been watching the martyr made follow ups    09/15/24  (2)
why is Russia our "enemy"? what did they ever do to us?    09/15/24  (187)
The Big Man is going to have a lot of questions    09/15/24  (2)
Bears should bench Williams for Bagent    09/15/24  (9)
most laws for common sense things exist they just aren't enforced    09/15/24  (1)
Justin Fields and Baker Mayfield will both make playoffs lol    09/15/24  (2)
is being angry the only reasonable emotion at this point    09/15/24  (4)
Xmas Pig 2    09/15/24  (137)
"Don't wash your dick," RSF said as I set down my gym bag.    09/15/24  (378)
Best derogatory nicknames for sports teams.    09/15/24  (5)
It's feeling like a Wild Hunt autumn    09/15/24  (2)
Meeting my biological dad for the first time. Is anal customary?    09/15/24  (3)
rate this tweet from Nate Silver    09/15/24  (15)
transexuals are the liberal Christ    09/15/24  (2)
Vindman: this was payback for Springfield    09/15/24  (12)
a homosexual smoking weed barbequing a pet is the liberal God image    09/15/24  (1)
ubiquitous weed smell | naked street homosexuality | pet meals in public    09/15/24  (1)
every 5th car reeks like weed and cops do nothing    09/15/24  (20)
They're eating the dogs, they're drinking the dog blood, they're raping ducks    09/15/24  (3)
la buena vida - por trump - la economia - por trump - hazlo por tus familias    09/15/24  (1)
They're eating the livers, they're beating the animals, the cows are fleeing    09/15/24  (1)
weed makes you dumb and a girl    09/15/24  (4)
How to tell girl that I'm obsessed/ collect vintage puppets?    09/15/24  (100)
I am voting for the party of law and order    09/15/24  (1)
Andrew Tate says something credited for once    09/15/24  (60)
jerking off spraying everywhere "the law. THE LAW"    09/15/24  (4)
I've always been able to do incredible things with my body.    09/15/24  (1)
Finished "conspiracy against the human race", he is obviously correct    09/15/24  (13)
XO Daily Mail called Trump shooter’s son    09/15/24  (10)

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