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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
your god is a complete faggot and left you here to suffer and toil and die    09/22/24  (3)
PEI Government Rejects Protestors' Work Permit Extensions (Karlstack)    09/22/24  (2)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/22/24  (88)
America is going to have to break down and just build low income housing    09/22/24  (1)
Fizz will drive 2 hrs to Colorado for Chad but flight to Boston too far for MPA?    09/22/24  (9)
Most traveling is pointless    09/22/24  (15)
Photo ideas to convey I'm kinky in my Grindr profile pics?    09/22/24  (2)
So what does the classic prole/shitlaw adage "not my monkeys not my circus" mean    09/22/24  (5)
To be an anal virgin in a sea of dicks 8+ inches    09/22/24  (1)
Steve Albini turned into a huge shitlib then had a heart attack and died.    09/22/24  (1)
Theory: TDNW gets off on being constantly humiliated on xoxo    09/22/24  (1)
Whatever this is it fucking sucks    09/22/24  (3)
"Fucking sand niggers roflmao. 72 virgins? you ever hear something so ridiculous    09/22/24  (1)
toxic white male privilege seeping from every corner of xo    09/22/24  (5)
did Calvin ever get to fuck Susie Derkins?    09/22/24  (77)
No matter how good a comment is, if TDNW blank bumps it it’s a failure    09/22/24  (27)
Havent Heard From U. Still Figuring Out The Time For Our Museum 2nd Date? Haha    09/22/24  (8)
made lots of mistake friends! but it wont keep happening    09/22/24  (1)
Hugo Schwyzer, women's studies stud fired from academia, now writes for Federali    09/22/24  (1)
Anyone else here on kidney dialysis?    09/22/24  (3)
Business idea: hip hop version of hard rock cafe.    09/22/24  (15)
The Bodybuilding.com forums (1999 - 2024):    09/22/24  (9)
"You say my womb is polluted?! Fuck you!" (Selena Gomez)    09/22/24  (1)
the Secret Knowledge is an illusion and it wants to be destroyed    09/22/24  (2)
Janet Jackson Apologizes For Saying Kamala Harris Is 'Not Black'    09/22/24  (1)
Nothing a woman finds more attractive than stinging scent of cleanser    09/22/24  (7)
Just saw a fucking faggot slave torture prison disguise itself as a free country    09/22/24  (4)
Tears 4 Fears plays as j shad & I dispassionately make love for 5th time on NYE    09/22/24  (3)
Married doctors can write off all their income    09/22/24  (40)
ChatGPT approved of this XO thread...and asked for more!    09/22/24  (4)
Every comfort u enjoy paid w suffering of human medical torture behind closed do    09/22/24  (1)
"I always loved you, Hobbes." Calvin put the gun into his mouth. "Do it, buddy."    09/22/24  (52)
"Calvin we've never done this before." "It's okay Hobbes. Lift your tail."    09/22/24  (50)
Just took out a $100k personal loan from Lightstream    09/22/24  (30)
They should just be spraying deodorant out of planes & watch towers    09/22/24  (1)
I plan to date MPA + fizzkidd to create a love triangle    09/22/24  (10)
why'd the Axis Powers go on to dominate the auto industry    09/22/24  (3)
Use soap. Put on fresh clothes. Spray perfume to cover ur disgusting feral odors    09/22/24  (1)
Calvin's doing great. Of counsel, Cadwalder. His tiger? Been at least 10 years.    09/22/24  (1)
TT: rate this birdshit backpacker couple in Asia    09/22/24  (12)
Once Trump loses then its Kamala vs. Vivek in 2028    09/22/24  (10)
Rate this text a zoomer girl sent me    09/22/24  (45)
Literally every pundit: It's Over. Kamala won. In September it's Over.    09/22/24  (17)
Bad Monkey is pretty decent    09/22/24  (1)
today is the last day of summer    09/22/24  (2)
"Global Siri, play Orbital Insertion playlist, effect: Maximum Valor."    09/22/24  (5)
Evil faggots can't stand to see decent christian people winning    09/22/24  (1)
Golfmos, should I wear a GPS watch on the course?    09/22/24  (18)
Mayor of largest Muslim-American pop in MI writes scathing Trump condemnation    09/22/24  (2)
Our whole species is a fucking failure    09/22/24  (3)
Trump will run again in 2028 if he loses    09/22/24  (1)
As AI tools get smarter, they’re growing more covertly racist, experts find    09/22/24  (1)
Just saw a woman defuse a street fight literally using her pussy    09/22/24  (4)
Trees, mountains, rivers. human beings: work for millenia to create hell    09/22/24  (1)
Your work has created hell    09/22/24  (1)
Joking aside can Trump win?    09/22/24  (4)
Is Malik Willis going to be a successful Tim Tebow? Sure looks like it rn    09/22/24  (2)
Britons are extremely poor    09/22/24  (3)
Your labor and your tax dollars go to this    09/22/24  (1)
Why are they doing this to people    09/22/24  (1)
They put a bag over your head and strap you to a table and inject torture chemic    09/22/24  (1)
never found my 'social circle'    09/22/24  (11)
families singing, dancing, laughing as 100000s medically experimented on    09/22/24  (1)
This all just seems like a scam    09/22/24  (1)
Example of ChatGPT being hilariously woke    09/22/24  (2)
Been eating these wagyu hamburgers almost nightly for a month    09/22/24  (25)
Shuffle some paper! Count those beans! super important    09/22/24  (3)
people who smile ever are fucking faggots    09/22/24  (1)
There isn't a single person whose name you know worth respecting    09/22/24  (1)
You're living through a holocaust and doing nothing    09/22/24  (1)
RFK Jr fucking Olivia Nuzzi 😂😂    09/22/24  (54)
Your neighbors and countrymen are a few missed meals away from eating your famil    09/22/24  (1)
I think I could get conversational in German after a month of serious study    09/22/24  (3)
Hey libs why don't u ask ChatGPT to find a right to abortion in the Constitutio    09/22/24  (2)
I have been trying to shave my golden doodle for about 20 hours over 2 weeks.    09/22/24  (1)
"take that amerikka" (TT putting moo deng in a juicero)    09/22/24  (1)
Millions of dead american soldiers so bankers can fuck you even more    09/22/24  (1)
“Why am I always the only adult in the room?” (spaceporn at an orgy)    09/22/24  (17)
Moo Deng nationalism    09/22/24  (2)
Diarrhea splattered all over gas station bathroom more impressive than "america"    09/22/24  (1)
JD Vance eats moo deng to prove he's not an unlikable weirdo (AP)    09/22/24  (1)
chatGPT 4o suggested i find a girlfriend on an internet forum    09/22/24  (6)
Family trip to goodwill. Going to pick up some toys.    09/22/24  (5)
Orthodox Synagogue In Orlando Set On Fire. TSINAH?    09/22/24  (18)
The united states of microdick    09/22/24  (1)
What should I see in Lisbon    09/22/24  (11)
Don't forget! Press X to work hard for BOSS    09/22/24  (2)
If you work and pay taxes you're a fucking retard    09/22/24  (1)
Would rather slit wrist 100s of fucking times than contribute shit 2 this countr    09/22/24  (3)
Most romantic thing a woman has ever said to you?    09/22/24  (127)
Original Trumpmo who went to Harris side NOW BACK TO TRUMP    09/22/24  (1)
👉👌💦💦🥵    09/22/24  (1)
Costco guys eating moo deng    09/22/24  (1)
scholarship tp riding moo deng to build a bear workshop    09/22/24  (2)
🖕Fuck me. 🖕    09/22/24  (3)
Kidmos: Is Pete The Cat Shitlib Propaganda Or Innocuous?    09/22/24  (6)
🖕FUCK YOU 🖕    09/22/24  (5)
fuck you 🖕🖕🖕    09/22/24  (5)
RATE / SHIT ON These Hawaiian Burgers We Made Recently (PIC)    09/22/24  (22)
“Trump made me get a dog cuz everyone calls me a weirdo” (jd vance)    09/22/24  (5)
Tucker endorses Harris    09/22/24  (4)
Could you take karlspazz in hand to hand combat?    09/22/24  (6)
they fooled us into accepting the techno-savior    09/22/24  (1)
Every leader of this fucking shit country should be on knees eating human faeces    09/22/24  (2)
Why did Harris pick the solid blue Governor instead of the swing state Governor    09/22/24  (12)
what if politics isn't a good measure of general human sentiment    09/22/24  (1)
Blank bumping in tune to Robert Miles - Children    09/22/24  (2)
im here to fertilize my mind with the seed of other poasters.    09/22/24  (6)
A daily parade of bewildering stupidity    09/22/24  (2)
Best emo bands of all time?    09/22/24  (9)
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Gunners are front-line men and we should treat them with resp    09/22/24  (1)
Jacking off to fat newly weds cr or..?    09/22/24  (6)
Entire country singing Locash “One Big Country Song” as Trump wins 2024    09/22/24  (1)
90s bands with sentence-names: "Sixpence None The Richer" "They Might Be Giants"    09/22/24  (39)
XO Poasters With Sentence Monikers    09/22/24  (1)
Mercury Morris popping champagne on Barbaro IN HELL    09/22/24  (1)
The world is crazy@ sports are crazy even Cheifs fans saying they should be 0-2    09/22/24  (1)
W.E.B. DuBois grew pubes on his head, although not many    09/22/24  (2)
I barely get sore when getting my ass fucked like kyle anymore, hegemon explain    09/22/24  (3)
What is it like to have a higher income/net worth than your parents at a young a    09/22/24  (1)
I barely get sore when sucking literal cock anymore, hegemon explain    09/22/24  (2)
RSF looks like he can't fight. It would be easy to smush his face in dogshit    09/22/24  (9)
wow friends take a look back and see where you came from    09/22/24  (1)
I barely get sore when lifting anymore, hegemon explain    09/22/24  (26)
Estee Palti is a 180 Kamala impersonator (link)    09/22/24  (6)
Jordan Capri?! Can I get Jordan Capri up here? We have a loan.    09/22/24  (1)
MFH Jury Awards $2.8M To Colombian Au Pair. Dad Filmed Her Nude In Smoke Detects    09/22/24  (13)
What will be the next Console Game to get a mainstream Film    09/22/24  (7)
Just took out a $100k personal loan from Lightspeed    09/22/24  (1)
The answer is putting a childless megashrew in charge of the nuclear arsenal    09/22/24  (1)
Where should we build the ovens libs    09/22/24  (3)
Usher and Pink delete all Twitter posts following Diddy arrest    09/22/24  (3)
Couldn't you just replace programs like SNAP and WIC with UBI?    09/22/24  (4)
Fuck it's affect us now too! (men on trump's taliban deal)    09/22/24  (1)
In the big PARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE    09/22/24  (27)
alone on a saturday night    09/22/24  (22)
jew.exe is consuming more system resources than required    09/22/24  (225)
RSF and OBL doing high fives in paradise    09/22/24  (1)
Is there a single person at the government who does fucking anything    09/22/24  (2)
everyone on xo sounds like filbert from rockos modern life irl    09/22/24  (17)
Kamala wins coveted tax collector union endorsement    09/22/24  (2)
you and adult filburt having panic attacks in adjacent cubicles @ biglaw    09/22/24  (5)
wtf is wrong with kevin na    09/22/24  (7)
radek bonk radek    09/22/24  (2)
making 'friends' in ur 30s tp    09/22/24  (3)
US NSC Spox: It Doesn't Appear Hamas Is Negotiating In Good Faith    09/22/24  (3)
rate these Jap TRUMP supporters    09/22/24  (3)
This is what you SOL fags blew millions and billions on (link)    09/22/24  (6)
What is the "Creepiest" U.S. State?    09/22/24  (53)
BAFF 4 unreads    09/22/24  (2)

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