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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Pumpkin-headed fat girls who ooze sex    07/02/24  (13)
Rate Kamala’s latest campaign ad (it’s even worse than you could imagine)    07/02/24  (1)
Dems have POTUS + immunity and senate, Biden could do some stuff    07/02/24  (5)
should i buy an abandoned akiya in okinawa for 50K?    07/02/24  (1)
*staples green card to a pile of street feces*    07/02/24  (3)
Pay for Lawyers is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A. (NYT)    07/02/24  (14)
pay so high make a grown man cry    07/02/24  (1)
love that xo put image of a 'jet-black congo nigger' into the minds of millions    07/02/24  (1)
HYPO: Juan Merchan sentences Trump to 2 years prison starting July 12    07/02/24  (59)
what do "international arbitration" lawyers do?    07/02/24  (3)
Smallest city by population with underground subway?    07/02/24  (36)
FUCK MARRY KILL: karen, benzo, karlstack    07/02/24  (2)
SCHTICK IDEA: "corporate slave" except it's "corporate slav"    07/02/24  (1)
rate this text from my work wife 😑    07/02/24  (83)
it's pretty grotesque that 40+ year olds poast here tbh    07/02/24  (26)
do you think CSLG is a genuinely bad person?    07/02/24  (51)
would lobbing some cruise missiles at mar-a-lago be an official act?    07/02/24  (2)
Blue Chips but it's about bald yellow-teethed lawyers    07/02/24  (1)
Which cities are investible for real estate now?    07/02/24  (18)
How much better is working evenings versus overnights??    07/02/24  (11)
Ukrainian National Anthem    07/02/24  (1)
Hurricane Beryl is going to BITCHSLAP Grenada on Monday:    07/02/24  (3)
Interview with Junger when he was over 100 years old where he praises XO    07/02/24  (23)
BBC: the war in Ukraine is fake - link    07/02/24  (1)
NYT: "average" 25 y/o can run 1.5 miles in 12 minutes    07/02/24  (30)
Wait KARMA SUSHI went under already?    07/02/24  (161)
If Trump wins, will Biden run in 2028?    07/02/24  (8)
Working list of stuff Demolition Man accurately predicted    07/02/24  (40)
Pic - XO’s “Group 2” outed    07/02/24  (17)
hypo: it's late 2000 and you have "Uncle Kracker" tickets    07/02/24  (2)
Go on record: Are Democrats playing 5D chess or are they complete morons?    07/02/24  (19)
How many things in life has "Demolition Man" predicted?    07/02/24  (44)
Update:French socialists to drop out of 2nd round to help Macron regain majority    07/02/24  (42)
Demolition Man police getting notification of a MOCK/DEFAME/THREATEN    07/02/24  (19)
2 xo poa shaking hands (vid)    07/02/24  (1)
You know when young lawyers don't know wtf they're talking about?    07/02/24  (10)
whokebe is 6'4, a doctor, doesn't post on xo    07/02/24  (125)
Should I cancel on contractors day befor They are to start 3 hour job?    07/02/24  (24)
correction tp is carrying this board in 2024    07/02/24  (9)
If anyone KNEW what LAWYERS do would they actually go to LS?    07/02/24  (43)
Weird that most lawyers don't desire their own firm.    07/02/24  (5)
Shitlawyers do you ever intentionally put typos in ur briefs to appear more rela    07/02/24  (3)
ITT: things America has in common with first world countires    07/02/24  (31)
Mentally ill people are a tremendous asset to any online community    07/02/24  (1)
Why do ppl HATE XO CHINA so much?    07/02/24  (1)
correction tp probably has a jew fro too.    07/02/24  (1)
'I'VE GOTTA TAKE ANOTHER SHIT', bellowed the fiber bull    07/02/24  (5)
Do azns celebrate 4th of July?    07/02/24  (12)
it's finally here, Fentanyl Vape (link)    07/02/24  (2)
You're supposed to ignore Nyuug idiots    07/02/24  (12)
almost 40 and can still fry motherfuckers on bball court    07/02/24  (10)
OUTTING NYUUG's gf ITT    07/02/24  (1)
Turn crabs and remoras into a symphony and you're cast out    07/02/24  (1)
TBF, NYUUG did something ALPHA no other Boart poasters have done    07/02/24  (11)
RATE this trailer for TT and MASE's new favorite movie    07/02/24  (5)
nyuug - thoughts about ur first world country (with 1,766 coronavirus cases)?    07/02/24  (140)
Post debate poll shows Biden still up in Pennsylvania    07/02/24  (7)
Guy living in a first world country here, su... *vomits blood*    07/02/24  (9)
Gangnam clubs operated RAPE STATIONS where NOWAGS chose women 2 b drugged & rape    07/02/24  (129)
"Guy from a *cough* first world *cough cough* country...he--*gurgles* *dies*    07/02/24  (25)
it's so fucking absurd nyuug claims to live in a first world country. not close.    07/02/24  (56)
Birdshit Birdshit can't you see, sometimes My Pipe just sodomizes thee    07/02/24  (1)
Nyuug hows your first world bomb shelter?    07/02/24  (16)
What happened to "Biden will act senile" during the debates?    07/02/24  (9)
nyuug = AZN male = IRL pumo    07/02/24  (1)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/02/24  (40)
South Korea not going to be a first world country soon    07/02/24  (32)
karenstack    07/02/24  (1)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/02/24  (68)
The "Biden is senile" notion is completely debunked    07/02/24  (13)
How many of you remember Bluesmoke the poaster?    07/02/24  (14)
hit a breaking point, NYUUG is a piece of shit poster    07/02/24  (2)
People start voting in Minnesota and Virginia in 90 days    07/02/24  (1)
So is America in a full scale civil war now over immigration+wall?    07/02/24  (184)
Pepsi cologne. 26" cuban link. Codpiece affixed.    07/02/24  (1)
PSA: MI, IA, NV give Hillary EXACTLY 270    07/02/24  (4)
TSINAH got his weight down to 195 and I'm proud of him    07/02/24  (1)
Hillary executes killing move    07/02/24  (13)
how many inches is the cr Cuban Chain Link Necklace? 26"?    07/02/24  (3)
It's clear only Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton or Michelle Obama can SAVE AMerikkka    07/02/24  (1)
Hillary kills it in interview w/ hip millennial comedian Zack Garfgreeksomething    07/02/24  (9)
"Western Civilization": 1. Enslave & Pillage 2. Kill 125m Birdshits 3. I'm Gay    07/02/24  (1)
LMAO, TSINAH claiming he's "no longer fat" despite denying fatness for years    07/02/24  (7)
What video game should I play    07/02/24  (12)
a life of misdirected sexual energy due to foul womb imprint tp    07/02/24  (1)
Will libs still hide Biden's severe cognitive decline after his fraud swear in?    07/02/24  (2)
Bidens having some great burst IQ cognitive moments. When he calms down is probl    07/02/24  (2)
Trump done here: “expert” says his cognitive decline worse than Biden’s (l    07/02/24  (3)
ITT we track whether board libs will be face up or down in their mass graves    07/01/24  (16)
Oh, I'm afraid the immunity will be quite operational when your friends    07/01/24  (1)
How will you die?    07/01/24  (1)
DBG Mission Impossibling from ceiling to cum in mounted shampoo dispenser    07/01/24  (3)
is there still a state that u can accuse women of witchcraft    07/01/24  (5)
Cons what if Biden isn’t confused and senile at the September debates?    07/01/24  (14)
If Biden is senile, then why is he running circles around the right?    07/01/24  (8)
"Pride" is an ideology of child molestation and male sexual depravity    07/01/24  (12)
So 180 that we tricked the American people into thinking Biden has dementia    07/01/24  (28)
Chat is this rizz *locks a woman in a washing machine*    07/01/24  (2)
Tits for Gaza (pics)    07/01/24  (3)
there's no way Biden legitimately won    07/01/24  (167)
Richard Carrier    07/01/24  (6)
LJL at YouTube's "Educational Content"    07/01/24  (2)
Hey board libs-- Biden didn't win the election btw    07/01/24  (6)
lol there's no way Biden legitimately won    07/01/24  (54)
The gospels are not history because they do not say they are history    07/01/24  (2)
paragraph where SCOTUS said Caitlin Clark has an Adams Apple was a bit much    07/01/24  (4)
adults' sexuality should not be discussed/celebrated in civic society    07/01/24  (3)
Supacel on Netflix is 180. Kinda like Heroes meets Top Boy    07/01/24  (4)
Ackshually the rape happened after the murder    07/01/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson: “Biden is done”    07/01/24  (6)
You've got to hand it to Voodoo Child— board libs HATE him    07/01/24  (32)
Clarence Thomas is a nupid stigger    07/01/24  (3)
SCOTUS and POTUS = above the law now    07/01/24  (4)
NBC News Andrea Mitchell blackout drunk on TV (video)    07/01/24  (3)
paragraph where SCOTUS praised Trump as 'two time club champion' was a bit much    07/01/24  (1)
paragraph where SCOTUS said paying off hooker is an "official act" was a bit muc    07/01/24  (1)
Can you get more idiots in 1 room than rogan, Howard a d weinstein lmao    07/01/24  (13)
grotesque 40+ year old poaster tp    07/01/24  (1)
Reshma Kamath’s former clients say she went rogue and ignored their instructio    07/01/24  (6)
Doom 32x commercial features Scumbags    07/01/24  (2)
Comments are turned off. Learn more    07/01/24  (1)
Someone describe the various xo "crews"    07/01/24  (70)
New blackpill ideology based around cooking and eating family men    07/01/24  (10)
A guy named Juan Merchan controls the fate of United States history.    07/01/24  (3)
what's going on with EPAH, ZZZ, RT, and that whole crew?    07/01/24  (1)
CSLG, there's still time. Kitchen Nightmares has a new season coming out.    07/01/24  (2)
so boner police/correction tp became a pedophile loser with his TUFTS degree?    07/01/24  (1)
boner police/correction tp = (1) jewish, (2) pedophile, (3) TUFTS degree    07/01/24  (1)
"Hey guys look! I'm boner police, I mean correction tp! xo is my life"    07/01/24  (6)
Biden not campaigning in a single swing state this week (link)    07/01/24  (4)
Biden is like the patients in Awakenings    07/01/24  (2)
How many people actually care about the MCU plot lines?    07/01/24  (33)
They’re going to send Trump to jail    07/01/24  (2)
*Dayvan Cowboy plays as Dunedain cowboy & U awake on Aslan’s country shores*    07/01/24  (4)
so now Biden could promise shit to Burisma as an official act?    07/01/24  (3)
You'll never need a refund on your next great car deal at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    07/01/24  (1)
Some Biden donors ask for REFUNDS after Biden's debate performance (link)    07/01/24  (1)
Mestizo midget TDNW is going absolutely insane over the karma sushi news    07/01/24  (2)
How to become professional athlete in 30s?    07/01/24  (2)
What should Trump do with the families of his political enemies?    07/01/24  (2)
CSLG isn't a bad guy imo.    07/01/24  (39)
Just bought a 2008 Toyota Tacoma with bed extension cover 1800000    07/01/24  (3)
Market planet gyatt    07/01/24  (1)
Chat I hate commerce. Is this rizz?    07/01/24  (1)
Have any of you guys stayed at a Red Roof Inn? Do you recommend?    07/01/24  (25)
I wish I'd never split from my rich university boyfriend 25 years ago    07/01/24  (41)
Alright chat I'm ready to kms. Is this rizz?    07/01/24  (3)
***OFFICIAL US VS URUGUAY THREAD***    07/01/24  (10)

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