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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I'm staying in the race. Anyways, gotta run    07/03/24  (4)
Kamala after swallowing a load: "What could have been, devoured by what is."    07/03/24  (2)
Definitive list of dumbest current posters    07/03/24  (87)
Feel an instant brotherly love for and connection to every kike moniker poster    07/03/24  (10)
The human body is so defective, every part of it fails miserably, lmao    07/03/24  (8)
Literally RISHI out as UK PM at same time as KAMALA in as POTUS    07/03/24  (2)
Mountain climbing on a motorcycle, damndest thing I ever saw - video    07/03/24  (1)
Hypo: Open convention chooses Gavin. Who is his VP?    07/03/24  (6)
List terrible posters with sub 100 IQs    07/03/24  (161)
What’s rent like in MFH these days    07/03/24  (33)
Will go to either Panda Express or Thai food based on Ricky’s recommendation i    07/03/24  (13)
It just seems Wrong that the U.S. never annexed Canada    07/03/24  (27)
The older I get the more I realize a religious life of abstinence is the only CR    07/03/24  (5)
The Question President Biden Needs to Ask Himself. Now. (NYT)    07/03/24  (22)
childless "women" in US SCOTUS & WH 🥳    07/03/24  (1)
Anyone here refer to his GF/wife's snatch as her "cooter"?    07/03/24  (21)
Is there any black man in power that Kamala HASN’T blown?    07/03/24  (9)
Biden back on top of Kamala on PredictIt    07/03/24  (7)
Sam Brinton's entire life story is a fraud    07/03/24  (2)
Hey it’s me    07/03/24  (46)
What do you think about these YouTube/Titktokers that set up Child Predators?    07/03/24  (1)
Biden finished 4th in iowa, 5th in NH primaries. kamala polled at 0%    07/03/24  (19)
The bus will go here, the bus will go there, because that’s what busses do    07/03/24  (1)
stopped taking stimulants that were prescribed to me tp    07/03/24  (5)
Definitive list of the gayest current poasters    07/03/24  (1)
Definitive list of dumbest current posters    07/03/24  (1)
Did XO Steal The 3 Nigga Shrimp Thing From Curb Your Enthusiasm? (VID)    07/03/24  (3)
Rush limbaugh call screener Snerdley found naked and unconscious on Vegas stri    07/03/24  (3)
Rate Heather Graham, 54, In A String Bikini On A Yacht In Malta (PICS)    07/03/24  (8)
Dante Culpepper telling Barbaro to go long in HELL    07/03/24  (2)
180! Biden extends streak of 119 judicial appointments without a white male.    07/03/24  (2)
Got my first MRI since colorectal cancer diagnosis. Awaiting results    07/03/24  (21)
H&M Lahore reaching out to tommy t for exciting job opportunity    07/03/24  (4)
Can we all agree that the Hawk Tuah girl is extremely cute? Especially her accen    07/03/24  (102)
ITT: definitive list of most GORGEOUS poasters    07/03/24  (6)
Ukrainians are getting really good at counter battery fire (video)    07/03/24  (4)
A Baptism in Humility (a Navy SEAL’s redemption)    07/03/24  (1)
LOL @ The Goy Financial Wisdom, "Get 3 Estimates, Pick The Middle One"    07/03/24  (38)
Wimby R2: Tyrolean Doobs v Real Wop Berrettini #tennis    07/03/24  (2)
why is ggtp pretending like he has something better to do than post rn    07/03/24  (1)
List excellent poasters with sub 100 iqs    07/03/24  (1)
Chevron dead, now I want to buy a Hilux    07/03/24  (4)
Friends, Poasters, Countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Karma Sushi, no    07/03/24  (4)
Big Corporate hosting event on mental health perils of working from home    07/03/24  (8)
Have any IRL Green Berets ever poasted here?    07/03/24  (12)
So deep state used "Biden" to go buckwild, got caught, will now 25th Am. him?    07/03/24  (3)
Seinfeld bass playing as luis and ricky enter Panda Express    07/03/24  (49)
Have fun at work tomorrow, England    07/03/24  (1)
Montenegro vs Bulgaria vs Azerbaizhan. Discuss    07/03/24  (1)
Nobody tries to compete w/ Panda Express in fast casual Chinese b/c they'd LOSE    07/03/24  (1)
ayo Pensive, did you find a heroic woman yet?    07/03/24  (4)
T-Levels don't matter, DHEA-levels do    07/03/24  (13)
🚨 🚨 New Jewish war crime just dropped 🚨 🚨    07/03/24  (98)
naked whiteboys lining up for QUEEN KAMALA to evaluate their little erections    07/03/24  (26)
Holy Shit, Biden drops below 50% on PredictIt now....    07/03/24  (27)
kamala was picked for vp BECAUSE she was retarded and useless    07/03/24  (3)
Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention (NYT)    07/03/24  (21)
Pensive-level intelligence always means autistic, right?    07/03/24  (28)
Tourist from New Zealand murdered by armed robbers near LA    07/03/24  (2)
so did midnight cowboy ever land the WOC of his dreams or what    07/03/24  (2)
Wife might be miscarrying. This sucks. Spotting the last two days    07/03/24  (61)
If it's KAMALA - who is the white male VP to balance the ticket?    07/03/24  (17)
Remember when MSM said videos of Biden looking like a retard were deep fakes?    07/03/24  (1)
FYI Bar Bros You Should Probably Start Studying Next Week    07/03/24  (2)
Shalom! Israel has seized more land in the West Bank than any year in 3 decades    07/03/24  (3)
7/3 Update: Biden on campaign call: "Read my lips...I am NOT dropping out"    07/03/24  (12)
Klobuchar mouthing "fuck you" to Biden under mask    07/03/24  (12)
Biden: “I’m not quitting the race.”    07/03/24  (10)
Everyone underestimating KAMALA are in for a BIG surprise    07/03/24  (1)
Fuck bros, July 4th is tomorrow. Summer vacation is over.    07/03/24  (1)
IT'S KLOBUCHAR    07/03/24  (5)
Pharmacists are Ruined and are Low Income    07/03/24  (7)
Bort libs, what's your plan for coping for the next six months?    07/03/24  (3)
Sweet, there's a tranny to root for at the Olympics - link    07/03/24  (11)
Is it true an IMO gold medalist used to poast here?    07/03/24  (1)
Kamala’s “do not come” quote is just too perfect    07/03/24  (11)
Can Biden exercise executive authority to military tribunal SCOTUS justices?    07/03/24  (1)
what is the difference between rush limbaugh and bill o'reilly    07/03/24  (4)
Don’t Be Fooled: Joe Isn’t Stepping Down    07/03/24  (2)
It's called a Dance Party and you do it about 3 times a day.    07/03/24  (128)
QUEEN KAMALA making urinals illegal    07/03/24  (16)
Objection. If you remember    07/03/24  (1)
When Queen KAMALA becomes POTUS, Birdshits will go even moar INSANE    07/03/24  (2)
Scrawny white 1488 dork here, voted Trump but ready to submit to QUEEN KAMALA    07/03/24  (25)
Antonio Brown is Boom    07/03/24  (2)
The Economist: LJL @ AI    07/03/24  (4)
evan39 will you personally escort Zuckerfraud into gas chamber and load in oven?    07/03/24  (152)
AI=fraud    07/03/24  (2)
The numbers are fraud..this is all fake and going to collapse    07/03/24  (2)
shitlaw boss hired jamarcus russell for motivational speach    07/03/24  (2)
You're seriously going to fuck off for a week&half to support fraud amerikkkan?    07/03/24  (4)
The ‘Philly Girl’ Shielding Biden From the Bad News (NYT)    07/03/24  (6)
Positive sign for Trump in AZ    07/03/24  (2)
In a Staring Contest With Democratic Voters, Joe Biden Hasn’t Blinked (NYT)    07/03/24  (13)
A society should arrange for childbearing from 17-25, "careers" after    07/03/24  (6)
Seems like fraud that there is no bridge between Sicily and Italy proper    07/03/24  (5)
This Wouldn’t Be the First Time an Incumbent Stepped Aside. Here’s What Happ    07/03/24  (2)
Kamala Harris recalls her activism as a 6 month old    07/03/24  (2)
Rush Limbaugh's Death & Lack Of Legacy Is Quite Interesting    07/03/24  (11)
I'm debating talking to my therapist about XO    07/03/24  (124)
homosexuals should be gassed    07/03/24  (10)
Some Dems Looking To Jimmy Carter For The Top Of The Ticket (NYT)    07/03/24  (1)
Does this mean the retarded Kamala schtick poaster is coming back?    07/03/24  (7)
Feels like the Dems are intentionally trying to lose the election    07/03/24  (5)
Dems are going to keep trying to meme their way to a girlboss President    07/03/24  (11)
We finally beat Medicare    07/03/24  (15)
Democrats Go Public W Panic About Biden Amid Fears of an Electoral Debacle(NYT)    07/03/24  (9)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    07/03/24  (12)
Biden’s Team Scrambles to Contain First Democratic Defections (NYT)    07/03/24  (4)
Big Donors Turn on Biden. Quietly. (NYT)    07/03/24  (7)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome (NYT)    07/03/24  (29)
Idris ask me lick his toes...but dey gross as shit...he got warts    07/03/24  (31)
Outside the Campus Cafeteria, It Was Love at First Sight (NYT Wedding)    07/03/24  (6)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/03/24  (111)
West Oak Forest Earthlodge Site (circa 1250 and 1400 Iowa)    07/03/24  (3)
It's all outright fraud shit and theft    07/03/24  (16)
Fag fraud 🤥 thugs    07/03/24  (7)
Biden Told an Ally He Was Weighing Options (NYT)    07/03/24  (4)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    07/03/24  (4)
Biden about to get GAPED in NYT-Sienna Poll    07/03/24  (2)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    07/03/24  (14)
Most UNDERRATED ancient Native North American structure?    07/03/24  (4)
Kamala/Newsome 2024. Get ready.    07/03/24  (15)
New poster, first day. How long does it take to figure this place out?    07/03/24  (1)
Trump: "And then there's this guy, Dupa--*crowd boos*--folks, folks, hang on--    07/03/24  (164)
Biden needs public cognitive test. Trump needs public weight reading.    07/03/24  (1)
NYT: In El Salvador, Crime is Gone and Streets are Safe, but At What Cost?    07/03/24  (107)
Has GJR gotten married and pregnant yet?    07/03/24  (91)
Can't believe a LITERAL TURD is gonna be Nominee for POTUS    07/03/24  (3)
KJP is the perfect press Secretary to help Biden get through this.    07/03/24  (4)
Birdshit cops protecting Canadian Sikhs knifing Indian flags    07/03/24  (3)
Libs would be immensely better off if they'd not pushed the tranny stuff so hard    07/03/24  (51)
Wife called me a “sad and frustrated old man” this am    07/03/24  (78)
New NYT Poll: Biden staying strong    07/03/24  (31)
sim glitch: Biden just tweeted about suffering from Parkinson's    07/03/24  (1)
*42 y/o tubby catlady GJR’s bumble profile: Catholic. Also Cat-Holic.    07/03/24  (14)
KJP: i said cold *and* jetlag from travel two weeks ago    07/03/24  (6)
How to make it in real estate ??    07/03/24  (19)
my mortgage pymnt would be more than double if I bought now instead of 7 yrs ago    07/03/24  (3)
Rate Beckham's Bespoke Suit Today In Royal Box (PIC) #tennis    07/03/24  (5)
Boston Globe calls on Biden to drop out    07/03/24  (1)
Zurich sadly resetting “Days Since Spaceporn’s Last Dormant Cycle” sign to    07/03/24  (17)
Did Mr. Kamala Harris, Douglas Emhoff, White-Flight to Avoid Busing?    07/03/24  (5)
I have started signing emails, Yours in Christ    07/03/24  (8)
"You think this is JOEVER?" JOEMENTUM as Joe SURGES on predictit    07/03/24  (7)
OYT, how do I become a Philosopher-Engineer?    07/03/24  (12)
what's the new jewish forcememe today    07/03/24  (6)
Kamala would be the LEAST pro-Israel POTUS in US history    07/03/24  (2)
remember 2020 when newsom blamed CA wildfires on global warming?    07/03/24  (2)
Flynn to be VP    07/03/24  (16)

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