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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
"Four Jews and 17 cocks ago... " -Kamala Harris    07/04/24  (5)
Gorgeous Rishi getting out the vote with tattooed Onlyfans whore    07/04/24  (7)
Apple lawyer ordered to pay SEC $1.15M fine for insider trading    07/04/24  (3)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/04/24  (28)
yo ricki check this secret bjj move where we pogrom u into a dumpster    07/04/24  (4)
Hey it’s me    07/04/24  (50)
Kamala signing executive "Remain in India" order    07/04/24  (1)
1980s FRONTLINE episode about the soviet criminal justice system    07/04/24  (1)
Shitcons how will you explain Biden not being senile tonight?    07/04/24  (53)
mr jinx mailing you 9x12 glossy nudes "because of coronavirus"    07/04/24  (18)
On my way to 180 XO Gorgeous CHINA, you mad Birdturds? πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³    07/04/24  (9)
My bf's ass is currently 19 years pregnant.    07/04/24  (1)
My wife is currently 19 weeks pregnant. Taking ?s on jazz and boxing.    07/04/24  (14)
Kamala: "Read my lips, no Turd men ever in this mouth"    07/04/24  (1)
"I literally bend over for Israel, Trump can't beat that" -Kamala    07/04/24  (1)
Kamala: "I've never seen a potentialless Black child or unsuckable Jew Cock"    07/04/24  (1)
ricki is a jewish Lord Byron    07/04/24  (2)
Longhorns will now be referred to as TU as Tennessee has seniority    07/04/24  (1)
What I'm putting in my ass will make Auschwitz look like a spa    07/04/24  (1)
I'm staying in the race. Anyways, gotta run    07/04/24  (10)
ESPN Shotgunning your front door to tell you Hobey Baker was gay    07/04/24  (1)
thanks i am a proud normie and i needed this    07/04/24  (1)
Turds are DESTROYING Anglo countries without firing a shot or even shit πŸ˜‚    07/04/24  (1)
   07/04/24  (1)
Imagine being in WOLFPACK of 1.5 BILLION & controlling Birdshit Anglo countries    07/04/24  (1)
might put this chick in a dog cage tonight and feed her piss in a bowl    07/04/24  (5)
Chat how many of these mangy shitsucking foreigners are getting tossed into volc    07/04/24  (2)
All this is fraud can we make it all collapse&the frauds pay?    07/04/24  (1)
PISCES women are the BIGGEST WHORES on earth wow    07/04/24  (8)
🚨 Superstar rapper Li Acee assassinated in Alabama 🚨    07/04/24  (2)
Amerikkka is stuck in the 1950&B4 due to fraud πŸ€₯ Jew greed TT knows this    07/04/24  (3)
Wake up! Wake up πŸ˜΄πŸ’€ you fraud pieces of scum pussy ass bitch ass shit    07/04/24  (1)
Homes are not an investment..live in homeless shelter&cheap hotels cr    07/04/24  (5)
Birdshit GI on July 4, 1944: my life so in 80y someone named Kamala can be POTUS    07/04/24  (1)
Proles are always getting in "car accidents"    07/04/24  (31)
"My phones gotta charge" what a joke all of it is    07/04/24  (9)
xo night crew: bboooom and other assorted gook riffraff discussing 'white sluts'    07/04/24  (9)
Home loans — is there a bigger scam running?    07/04/24  (2)
UK PM humiliated by demonic onlyfans creature (link)    07/04/24  (6)
Jesus was a homosexual Pisces rabbi    07/04/24  (1)
I'd rather eat at a good greasy spoon diner than most Michelin restaurants    07/04/24  (34)
Should I report antisemitism? Or ignore it?    07/04/24  (1)
Singlemos: What are you doing for the 4th of July    07/04/24  (18)
is Luis a water sign?    07/04/24  (1)
Almost half of the chicks I've dated later came out as lesbians    07/04/24  (9)
Literally RISHI out as UK PM at same time as KAMALA in as POTUS    07/04/24  (16)
Big Corporate hosting event on mental health perils of working from home    07/04/24  (9)
are we gonna get any more blind gf type threads or just banal polishit 24/7    07/04/24  (10)
Chat do you think animals can smell all the murder we're wreathed with    07/04/24  (1)
YOUNG THUG TRIAL Ex Parte Meeting Transcript Released!    07/04/24  (8)
Ohio rigged lotto fraud should be put to death    07/04/24  (1)
AFter 40+ years on this shit Earth just realized I'm a PAJEET    07/04/24  (38)
Disco fries..pretty crazy worst homes in worst places are over 300k minimum    07/04/24  (4)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    07/04/24  (15)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    07/04/24  (5)
Fag fraud πŸ€₯ thugs    07/04/24  (8)
It's all outright fraud shit and theft    07/04/24  (17)
Fraud amerikkkan "car" culture and tats are truly fucking disturbing sick shit    07/04/24  (1)
Argentinian women are just even dumber Italian sluts ime    07/04/24  (2)
Rating poasters as disco fries original meals    07/04/24  (42)
NSAM exposes #DebateAudioGate    07/04/24  (4)
I was extremely antisemitic long before it was “cool”    07/04/24  (1)
"Bitch Lasagna" playing daily on loop in Paulie Porsche's nightmares    07/04/24  (19)
rating poasters as disco fries thread titles    07/04/24  (26)
40k MDs and 300k RNs (low end estimates) quit over covid BS    07/04/24  (1)
Should these boys have shot these fraud Omaha "bankers" instead of just zip tie    07/04/24  (3)
What would happen if Trump announced RON PAUL as VP?    07/04/24  (7)
Libs would be immensely better off if they'd not pushed the tranny stuff so hard    07/04/24  (69)
TT explain those hot Indian men banging white amerikkkan women!    07/04/24  (4)
Nigs robbing banks in Omaha zip tying frauds "bankers"&going free=180?    07/04/24  (3)
Lib crushed to death tearing down bronze Jefferson statue    07/04/24  (80)
It's Thursday "morning" in fraud amerikkka    07/04/24  (1)
All fucked up..it's "Wednesday"&might as well be Friday    07/04/24  (3)
Normal people are out grilling with their families&having fun    07/04/24  (5)
Fuck America wasteful jew crook shit    07/04/24  (7)
Fuck America    07/04/24  (10)
Fuck america    07/04/24  (13)
Go shoot your $50,000+ off in fireworks πŸŽ‡πŸŽ† and enjoy ljl    07/04/24  (3)
Do Republicans stand a chance in 2024?    07/04/24  (22)
It's all a joke    07/04/24  (1)
Another fraud piece of shit won the "lottery" this time in Ohio ljl fuck    07/04/24  (1)
Gorgeous RISHI makes alpha appearance with Bikini clad OnlyFans model    07/04/24  (3)
Libs believe "evolution" caused this stupid shit    07/04/24  (1)
Worst poaster of all time?    07/04/24  (87)
IT'S MUELLER TIME!    07/04/24  (13)
Gonna be so LOLZY when QUEEN KAMALA gapes the shit out of BIRDSHIT TRUMP    07/04/24  (19)
Happy 4th of JEW LIES    07/04/24  (2)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    07/04/24  (25)
Really looking forward to 4 more years of Trump reminiscing about the 80s    07/04/24  (2)
DNC says “Fuck it” and nominates Trump (link)    07/04/24  (2)
Anyone here refer to his GF/wife's snatch as her "cooter"?    07/04/24  (23)
Those self-immolations recently were 180    07/04/24  (1)
You KNEW Biden was an invalid but you didn't pay attention to his VPOTUS why?    07/04/24  (1)
Immigrants should "speak American" (Sarah Palin)    07/04/24  (28)
How many fucking jeets is Canada going to import to this continent    07/04/24  (2)
Stupid fuck shitcons ignored Kamala because they don't even know what the VPs do    07/04/24  (1)
Duginite "Fourth Turning" types predicted this    07/04/24  (3)
Article: It’s Time For The Biden Campaign To Embrace AI. (Not Flame)    07/04/24  (3)
I have a boner rn anyone else?    07/04/24  (3)
Anarcho Syndicalists getting pushed off of a Parisian airport predicted this    07/04/24  (1)
im sexually abusive to computer    07/04/24  (9)
I love Will Stancil    07/04/24  (4)
Chat does it ever feel like you're talking to non human entities on stream?    07/04/24  (2)
I’m 43 and never get boners anymore, am I weird or is this normal    07/04/24  (4)
DC with a boil water notice, a failed state    07/04/24  (7)
Which candidate will expose Annunaki organ harvesting happening here on US soil    07/04/24  (1)
Why are DC redditors constantly getting carjacked?    07/04/24  (1)
Quitting vaping, fuck this shit    07/04/24  (3)
rate these seeds i just bought    07/04/24  (1)
Who will Trump marry Tiffany to?    07/04/24  (11)
Nyuug has much more in common w white dork English teachers than real Koreans    07/04/24  (46)
Birdshits, wht is "White Philosophy" independent of Jews, Greeks, Romans?    07/04/24  (62)
how tf did they convince young men to become trannies    07/04/24  (12)
Younger millennials are greying at a rapid pace    07/04/24  (19)
Is Eric Adams CR for mayor?    07/04/24  (12)
LOL@Society. Man involved in hockey "freak accident" recieves standing ovation!    07/04/24  (15)
the horror is that high IQ whites really do make the best cultures    07/04/24  (189)
Was Harrenhal ever nice?    07/04/24  (3)
Lao Gan Ma chili crisp is life changing stuff    07/04/24  (11)
Sort of awesome that shitliberry has jumped the shark    07/04/24  (28)
putin won't see july    07/04/24  (118)
CDC moves S.Korea to Level 3 Warning. nyuug FUCKED    07/04/24  (182)
40s/30s posters have all suffered from rapid Test decline. Cold nigga truth.    07/04/24  (228)
It feels like all our problems stem from Barack Obama's ego    07/04/24  (1)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    07/04/24  (25)
if you dont have blond hair youre not white.    07/04/24  (21)
Coronavirus TARGETS NOWAGS <><><><>
   07/04/24  (15)
I’m starting to become anti Trump, after 8 years    07/04/24  (18)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    07/04/24  (95)
"Guy from a *cough* first world *cough cough* country...he--*gurgles* *dies*    07/04/24  (29)
Kamala was raised by turdskin mom. Obama by white mom. lol at blacks    07/04/24  (3)
what's a good slur for haitians?    07/04/24  (11)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/04/24  (42)
Kackling Kamala tried to "take over" the Oval Office. I said NO!    07/04/24  (1)
🚨🚨🚨KAMALA SWITCHEROO INCOMING🚨🚨🚨    07/04/24  (117)
2025: Zelensky putting on Bibi mask to get more money from Trump    07/04/24  (8)
*Bumble date introducing u to her dog/BFF/true love “Brad Pittie”    07/04/24  (40)
Fuck Das Boot. Watch this instead    07/04/24  (1)
Pig Bidens never gave Kamala and Doug a taste after the inauguration    07/04/24  (1)
Guy living in a first world country here, su... *vomits blood*    07/04/24  (11)
to be fair, biden only had 10 days to prep for the debate    07/04/24  (5)
"You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?!?" *mirthless cackle*    07/04/24  (1)
Obama Kush aka Obama OG    07/04/24  (3)
First they mock me for talking about admin law, then they beg Rach for my email    07/04/24  (1)
*is goldman* *kicks babby right in faggot face* *invokes BJR*    07/04/24  (24)
First they mock my Kamala predictions, then they fear them    07/04/24  (1)
Rate this metro bus attack (vid)    07/04/24  (1)
NYUUG is fucking done here    07/04/24  (7)

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