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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
gonna be so 180 to walk out into deep woods alone and die bros    07/10/24  (2)
Do the Lord of the Rings movies hold up?    07/10/24  (5)
Pretty sure the kid in Blood Meridian is a queer who sells his ass from page 1    07/10/24  (1)
Amber Rose to speak at the RNC. America is over    07/10/24  (2)
Home Gym Bros: Recs For Power Cage / What To Look For    07/10/24  (22)
No seriously what is going on    07/10/24  (1)
gm    07/10/24  (1)
if ur not doing a month of gerson therapy annually ur insane    07/10/24  (15)
does nyuug have a korean passport?    07/10/24  (36)
Hey gunneratttt, wanna help me ruin this board even more than we already have?    07/10/24  (34)
Ji Seong Ho: Awarded South Korean Citizenship. NYUUG: <><><>NO PASSPORT<><    07/10/24  (43)
What the fuck is going on    07/10/24  (1)
fuck i have a massive summary judgment motion due soon    07/10/24  (5)
if ur not doing a shot of gender therapy weekly ur insane    07/10/24  (3)
lulzy how nyuug SPRINTS out of his own threads if asked abt Korean passport    07/10/24  (116)
Heard Phillapines and Thiland are simple to flee to and live great    07/10/24  (19)
Trump is going to drop a video with Bryson tomorrow. I know the result    07/10/24  (9)
xo'er lubing up rectum, doing daily high colonics for the 'health benefits'    07/10/24  (1)
got a 40% off qrtr pdr app code, should i go?    07/10/24  (2)
No, I can't come to bed. Bring me a Reign. Scholarship tp just logged on.    07/10/24  (3)
either a) be poor, b) work stressful job, c) hit the lotto with some solo scam    07/10/24  (2)
lex why didnt you become a priest    07/10/24  (20)
It's so easy to find people IRL these days    07/10/24  (13)
what country has best bang for buck sauna + prostitute combo?    07/10/24  (1)
Japanese dictionary: no word for "no"; Korean: 200 page illustrated textbook    07/10/24  (3)
The ideal stay at home wife has a 100k/yr wfh sinecure    07/10/24  (22)
Pepito and scholarship are masters of posting under alts. 180 posters    07/10/24  (7)
new georgia state quarter has pic of scholarship tp wearing a diaper on his head    07/10/24  (5)
The xo server is healing. AutoAdmit is experiencing a revival.    07/10/24  (35)
hey scholarship did u know that im gay    07/10/24  (3)
whats the cr ac temp?    07/10/24  (18)
Every xo thread about marriage is pretty dark and depressing    07/10/24  (25)
Late Night Gargle tp    07/10/24  (1)
What's the best sandwich you ever ate?    07/10/24  (6)
what are the best arguments IN FAVOR of globalism?    07/10/24  (29)
Please enjoy your lives! Please friends! A sick jew or boomer will do u like thi    07/10/24  (2)
Running list of CHINESE t-shirt slogans    07/10/24  (2)
Why do libs have a "deaf translator" at every event?    07/10/24  (32)
bucktoothed xo gook wondering if JD Vance 'felt out of place' at a prep school    07/10/24  (2)
What caused Nationalism vs Globalism    07/10/24  (29)
Dying in front of a screen tp    07/10/24  (2)
Should've done military 🪖 would've been super easy for you all    07/10/24  (6)
Many of the top people never get a chance..frauds have it all    07/10/24  (3)
Life is over right away h are scammed cheated and dead dead dead    07/10/24  (7)
im worried about ricki--should i contact interpol    07/10/24  (6)
rip the opps and my backwood    07/10/24  (2)
lawman8, bloodacre is being glib again    07/10/24  (183)
180 scholarship on FREE SPEECH in age of nationalism vs globalism    07/10/24  (8)
Learn Malay and get to the spice Islands    07/10/24  (3)
Swift is cute 😍 but I like fat asses    07/10/24  (12)
donating the max to the DNC and my local antifa cell to defeat Project 2025    07/10/24  (1)
Don't give up! It's all yours friends    07/10/24  (1)
poast your BIGGEST SIMP MISTAKE itt    07/10/24  (8)
37% lower life expectancy for those who took mRNA vaccines for coronavirus    07/10/24  (28)
simp crew = HAtp, MASE, lex, doodikoff, dupa    07/10/24  (14)
Trump politicizing the Fed reserve will do 100x more damage than open borders    07/10/24  (30)
Room full of rat-faced men, arm in arm, singing the False Song of Globalism    07/10/24  (17)
is there anything more cr than waking up before sunrise with a coffee & screen?    07/10/24  (1)
Biden: "I realized I was fuckin' your wife!"    07/10/24  (12)
Guy caught with 200 lb of peacock meat in the trunk of a '97 Honda accord.    07/10/24  (2)
Baby be a simple kind of fag    07/10/24  (4)
The best things about Toyotas is the climate control    07/10/24  (1)
I have and will never meet a poster irl    07/10/24  (15)
corporate-sponsored transcisgender multicultural globalism    07/10/24  (5)
luis: "I'm gay" Elon: "wow"    07/10/24  (5)
Here's a pic of TommyT, jag, ggtp, tbf, and luis    07/10/24  (10)
Guy who graduated from a MERITOCRATIC First World Education System here, sup    07/10/24  (226)
Is there anything more embarrassing and shameful than being a sexpat?    07/10/24  (79)
moderna offers 15% discount on monthly booster plan when you pay full year in ad    07/10/24  (42)
kamala harris celebrating her 150 lsat score    07/10/24  (5)
Is it unmanly to eat cottage cheese?    07/10/24  (6)
Cum ITT to rate my cover of Olivia Rodrigo's Love is Embarrassing (dat snoot)    07/10/24  (16)
Horizon was 180. Best movie of the year    07/10/24  (7)
top 5 most toxically misogynist poasters    07/10/24  (6)
what in the fuck are niggers even doing here still    07/10/24  (1)
evan39 nothing has changed..it's the same lies and fraud    07/10/24  (17)
Very ridiculous we're still using combustion engines past mid "2024"    07/10/24  (13)
Juan Eighty crew get ITT    07/10/24  (8)
Despite all his rage SP can't fit his cock in a cage    07/09/24  (2)
roadhouse truckers heads nodding as Doobs performs karaoke "I Want Candy"    07/09/24  (6)
imagine the smell    07/09/24  (22)
imagine the smell tp    07/09/24  (17)
therapist rated my outlook as my "worst cope yet"    07/09/24  (2)
If you're single at age 35, it's over. You lost. Just ride out bachelorhood    07/09/24  (82)
in hindsight, i wish i had submitted and taken the vax    07/09/24  (28)
JD Vance looks like an inbred bottom boi    07/09/24  (2)
Have any of you bros who were single, 40+ actually found a wife?    07/09/24  (85)
lol why is nyuug avoiding the fact that he is a draft dodger in peacetime. lol!    07/09/24  (22)
Spent about $10k on backyard revamp so far. Will probably need another $10kish    07/09/24  (26)
I'm going to kill myself via suicide    07/09/24  (3)
Biden has a MUCH better narrative now than he did 3 weeks ago    07/09/24  (20)
dems. try losing with dignity. i know you don't believe in dignity, but    07/09/24  (1)
65% of Boomers: “NO WAY BIDEN SHOULD STEP ASIDE!”    07/09/24  (24)
Poast ITT and I'll genuinely appraise you as a poaster    07/09/24  (68)
sun belt football media days (july 23-24) *official thread*    07/09/24  (2)
trump said pussy. biden sold out to china, ukraine, russia, kaz, mexico. tie?    07/09/24  (14)
antifa girl aborting her black baby to save it from institutional    07/09/24  (48)
GirlsDoPorn still the only porn I’ll watch    07/09/24  (52)
chat, W zaza?    07/09/24  (3)
time to cheat    07/09/24  (1)
Doodikoff- they have Deep Fried Ranch Dressing at the Minnesota State Fair    07/09/24  (7)
Tobey Maguire, 49, is dating this perfect little Asian slut (20 yo) unghhh    07/09/24  (82)
Being gay is all the rage    07/09/24  (1)
What are the Clique differences of Yanks/Mets, Jets/Giants, Lakers/Clippers fans    07/09/24  (21)
This is how we should all be in society (pic)    07/09/24  (4)
Biden is the grandpa you don't look forward to seeing in the shower    07/09/24  (1)
Bort gays - Rate Steve Lattimer's body in The Program    07/09/24  (42)
Have you ever received a penny from those class action suits?    07/09/24  (32)
michelle obama is the grandpa you don't look forward to seeing    07/09/24  (14)
elizabeth warren is the grandma you don't look forward to seeing    07/09/24  (25)
"I invented a screen you can put your penis into"    07/09/24  (2)
Biden Admin has built a secret city for illegal aliens    07/09/24  (1)
Mr Beast to Dose Mystery US City’s Water with LSD (link)    07/09/24  (2)
anyone else here fascinated with ancient rome?    07/09/24  (85)
Sotomayor’s US Marshal shoots good keed attempting to carjack outside her home    07/09/24  (51)
What are some goods brands of PICKLES?    07/09/24  (12)
There is and could have only ever been 1 Timeline    07/09/24  (1)
French Africans getting clowned by 5’5 Spaniards    07/09/24  (8)
NBC interviews Parkinson's expert who BURIES Biden. lol.    07/09/24  (18)
If Biden ain't out by the end of the week he's in it to the end.    07/09/24  (8)
john s meyer lemon party    07/09/24  (3)
🚨🚨🚨 TSINAH v. Discover: TSINAH surrenders, withdraws claim 🚨🚨🚨    07/09/24  (60)
Boomers who masquerade as Gen X    07/09/24  (1)
suck it in front of your son    07/09/24  (1)
John Mayer’s middle name begins with “S” *drops Kobayashi mug*    07/09/24  (16)
Taylor swift has like 18 months to go of relevance.    07/09/24  (16)
Trump's silence is so unexpected and so 180. Biden dominates the news.    07/09/24  (1)
Backshot baby    07/09/24  (1)
I haven't spoken to FizzKidd in months and my life is better for it    07/09/24  (5)
NY Post Editorial Board discusses how Biden can't win    07/09/24  (1)
You've been hit by you've been struck by YOUR LOW BILLABLES    07/09/24  (75)
starting to get 2nd hand embarrassment from poasting here    07/09/24  (1)
New TEEN CRAZE: Chobani Daddy    07/09/24  (175)
American blacks are the worst version of black anywhere    07/09/24  (1)
we need to pay hispanic gangs to start taking out niggers en masse    07/09/24  (1)
hamas leaders staying at 5 star hotels in qatar, laughing at ivy league protests    07/09/24  (8)
Gladiator II trailer just dropped. The movie looks terrible    07/09/24  (29)
It’s pretty much impossible to eat too much yogurt    07/09/24  (1)
I can do this size and slight variation either way of a woman    07/09/24  (3)
Could've had great lives and still can but took the bait    07/09/24  (1)
what'd you think about the tucker episode w/ ari shaffir    07/09/24  (2)
Didn't realize the Heritage Foundation was so fucking insane    07/09/24  (2)
Okay to drink six 4% beers every day?    07/09/24  (30)
"I like my men like I like torts. Toxic."    07/09/24  (3)
Home Gym Bros... Buying An Elliptical Trainer: Are Cheap Ones Shit?    07/09/24  (61)
Xbox Gamepass to HIKE PRICES/CUT GAMES. Doodikoff's croissant budget DESTROYED    07/09/24  (3)
ITT - describe the shit you doodled in your school notebooks in 5th-6th grade    07/09/24  (2)
Whok GTFIH and drop a hot take on the Klay Thompson to Mavs deal    07/09/24  (1)

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