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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Wtf- Firefox didn't congratulate me on my latest update    07/26/24  (3)
Reading a lot of homeless reddit..sad shit    07/26/24  (11)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    07/26/24  (69)
Had my serving of HFCS, Red40, polyunsaturated fats, & industrial preservatives    07/26/24  (1)
How many Consoles could you afford to buy & support contemporaneously?    07/26/24  (2)
Tall Guys who are we voting for    07/26/24  (5)
what language were Adam and Eve speaking to each other in the garden of Eden    07/26/24  (4)
Canadian soccer went full Belichick for years    07/26/24  (1)
I think boner police's mindbreak is schtick but nyuug's is real    07/26/24  (17)
Home Gym Is Complete. Expensive As Fuck. RATE The $8K Costs.    07/26/24  (50)
RIP Southwest Airlines open seating (1974-2024)    07/26/24  (31)
ITT we poast videos of black people smashing up restaurants and box stores    07/26/24  (75)
Taking 15 HOUR+ Overnight Train Today thru Gobi Desert to UlanBaatar, Mongolia    07/26/24  (21)
Can someone explain the "BRAT" meme like I'm a 50 yo Indian virgin?    07/26/24  (5)
Ohio SCOTUS: you should expect boneless wings to have bones    07/26/24  (51)
Did Trump campaign not vet JD Vance at all? didn't care about couchfucking?    07/26/24  (10)
US Navy tightens up on PT and bootcamp standards    07/26/24  (1)
how do you “buy” a new car    07/26/24  (22)
good morning    07/26/24  (1)
Doing Indian Shabbat Tmw. Kitchen Smells Like Asafoetida (BO Smell)    07/26/24  (11)
would you suck this guy’s dick? (pic)    07/26/24  (8)
Trump teases JD Vance about couch incident, crowd cheers (link)    07/26/24  (1)
Florida lib rapes kids, faces DEATH PENALTY under new DeSantis law    07/26/24  (41)
GJR - why is your ex so retarded? also did you think he was a pedophile at time?    07/26/24  (7)
The pro-Kamala media whiplash is genuinely disorienting    07/26/24  (40)
Kamala talk makes me feel like I arrived here from different timeline    07/26/24  (2)
Vance in his own way is as teflon as Trump    07/26/24  (37)
Almost pooped pants on interstate. Pulled off and blew up a hotel bathroom just    07/26/24  (10)
Look at her Sbarro's hat; every time I do, it makes me laugh    07/26/24  (1)
Hey. Don't fuck up today.    07/26/24  (12)
Going to a NIPPON PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL game today    07/26/24  (12)
Most German men will be happy to have gay sex with immigrants”    07/26/24  (2)
xo is the most chill & inclusive forum    07/26/24  (1)
Reminder: yearly mandatory xo DEI training due 7/31    07/26/24  (6)
don’t you fucking misgender me again    07/26/24  (2)
xo is all fun & games until someone gets misgendered    07/26/24  (3)
Most forcememed political figures who went nowhere you can remember?    07/26/24  (78)
emilio they revealed the rest of the redwall magic the gathering set    07/26/24  (6)
IT"S OVER, SHITCONS    07/26/24  (4)
Ricky is in his 40s and has no kids, never been married. No reason to trust him    07/26/24  (10)
New MrBeast video: "Are 1,000 shitlawyers better than 10 biglawyers?"    07/26/24  (2)
still high probability THEY stab kamala in the back    07/26/24  (1)
lol obama caved and endorsed kamala. what a tryhard nerd loser.    07/26/24  (2)
ur wife talking about "ur lil law firm or whatever" to her friends    07/26/24  (1)
I finally met TT, it did not disappoint    07/26/24  (5)
Greenville, SC cr for muttering autist lawfag to get THICK brown sugar baby?    07/26/24  (1)
Need to start walking around with closed fists&pushing phone out of hands    07/26/24  (5)
Jewish surgeon in Gaza says IDF deliberately sniping children (link)    07/26/24  (5)
Beat the fuck and evict all foreign criminals in america stealing    07/26/24  (14)
Tommy T resembles a Brahmin Bryson DeChambeau    07/26/24  (6)
Dubai golden visa discuss    07/26/24  (31)
US Doctors Stunned By Number Of Gaza Children With Headshot Wounds    07/26/24  (9)
The internet is trash..people irl also sickos    07/26/24  (1)
Some mentally ill jewish fag here is so obsessed with me he recalls a book i rea    07/26/24  (1)
TT Americans are real twisted fucks&American culture ia trash or lack Thereof    07/26/24  (1)
How many French NBA players with single moms could we see in 19 years?    07/26/24  (1)
White People Breakfast Food Has Got To Be Worst Shit In World    07/26/24  (67)
i literally can not stop smoking weed    07/26/24  (52)
This Biden stepping down shit is complete fraud    07/26/24  (1)
Strategists warn -- Trump's attacks on Harris "could backfire" (LINK)    07/26/24  (4)
Biden should hold up his end of the deal and do the 2nd debate with Trump    07/26/24  (1)
Feeling like taking hammer 🔨 and smashing fingers with wedding rings on them    07/26/24  (1)
It's a thursday, kikes are slithering around looking for goyim to rob    07/26/24  (8)
How hard is it to pick a likable “leader” type VP?    07/26/24  (12)
/r/BoneAppleTea is subtly racist    07/26/24  (3)
Any low cost of living areas with educated people...and jobs?    07/26/24  (33)
JD vance: "the feds should require exit visas for pregnant women in red states"    07/26/24  (1)
Kamala is a litmus test of how much whites hate themselves in this country    07/26/24  (18)
This San Diego blonde looks like a Pixar princess    07/26/24  (10)
Rate this interview with black guy explaining smoke detectors (link)    07/26/24  (1)
It's utterly 180 that a guy named 'Barrack Hussein Obama' was elected president    07/26/24  (5)
Getting vibes the real story in all this is crowdstrike    07/26/24  (13)
"First world!" chirped nyuug as Darnell's balls slapped away at his taint    07/26/24  (19)
Just had the most 180 day imaginable golfing on pristine LSD    07/26/24  (1)
Trump wasn't hit by a bullet (FBI)    07/26/24  (4)
Blows my mind that the average IQ of India is well below African Americans    07/26/24  (39)
This is what Roman Legions came home to (pic)    07/26/24  (33)
All nothing but low level shit at this point most people should end their shit    07/26/24  (1)
***Next Texas Execution scheduled for 8/7/2024*** Rate perp&victim    07/26/24  (17)
Put thus criminal retarded ape fraud in a cage where he belongs(fraud Kelce)    07/26/24  (1)
"Svetlana, sit on my face again, call me a dork and a shitlib"    07/26/24  (12)
Sugar baby on TikTok posts about her Sugar daddy lolyer and outs him    07/26/24  (105)
Pete Rose Documentary is Worth Your Time    07/26/24  (3)
what's a good non-screen nighttime activity    07/26/24  (62)
Really glad this Bankman fellow is here to free us from the evil banks.    07/26/24  (30)
"Let's make it even more obvious. Let's call him 'Bankman.' The goys will still    07/26/24  (15)
"Yeah have him literally be named "Mr. Beast." And his assistant turns into a tr    07/26/24  (29)
New video by a former employee shows MrBeast to be a complete fraud    07/26/24  (4)
Hot Mexican girl (24) gets engaged to fugly Arab dude (36). Rate.    07/26/24  (24)
is bulgaria the shadiest country in europe?    07/26/24  (36)
FBI: "why'd u do it?" TN shooter: "t-e-r-r-o-r" FBI: "i can do this all day    07/26/24  (77)
post jan 1 should I cop romanian or bulgarian mistress?    07/26/24  (18)
Possible to have sex with flight attendant you meet on the plane?    07/26/24  (22)
Realtalk: What was Israel supposed to "do" after October 7 attacks?    07/26/24  (50)
Sixteen Stone had 5 hit singles, why were the subsequent albums so shitty?    07/26/24  (13)
I'm pregnant with my dead junkie boyfriends baby! Should I tell his parents?    07/26/24  (1)
Women r 180? She calls dead bf a junkie but is Carrying his baby    07/26/24  (1)
why is JD VANCE so unbelievably ugly?    07/26/24  (34)
Dave Matthews is 57, looks 37    07/26/24  (13)
So I'm free not to care about any of this shit now right?    07/26/24  (2)
Time is a lie it's not even the same day in america ljl    07/26/24  (1)
Jews Constantly robbing your asses ahhhhh its Friiiiiidayyy    07/26/24  (1)
Women are 180! What is this whore trying to do/imply?    07/26/24  (1)
   07/26/24  (1)
I announce “Being Tall” as the VP Pick!!!!    07/26/24  (1)
Why did the "erotic thriller" genre die after the 90s?    07/26/24  (5)
Fuck "politics" america can burn 🔥 fuck the NFL fuck it all    07/26/24  (1)
Nothing has changed except retards carrying phones..    07/26/24  (1)
Tearing people new assholes on quora& "reddit" right now lol at it all    07/26/24  (1)
Mark Kelly at debate: "Listen you couch-fucking, mascara-wearing lil prick..."    07/26/24  (18)
JD Vance questions viral "Bed Intruder Song" ... "Who fucks beds?"    07/26/24  (1)
NO COUCH IS SAFE in JD Vance's America    07/26/24  (1)
how come no one talks about how woman have eggs in them like insects do    07/26/24  (2)
LOL how long will Nyuug continue to post while everyone ignores him    07/26/24  (5)
JD Vance looks 240 pounds with less muscle mass than the avg. 13 y/o boy    07/26/24  (2)
When I was in HS I ate 25 Del Tacos in one sitting on a dare.    07/26/24  (8)
Will nyuug die childless and single?    07/26/24  (3)
Funny that the societal "norm" is america is backwards    07/26/24  (5)
Hitchhikers' guide to the galaxy    07/26/24  (7)
RATE ME AS A POSTER.    07/26/24  (1)
Cheney plans to one up himself and go to Kamala's inauguration in an iron lung    07/26/24  (1)
wtf he has a twin brother thats also an astronaut    07/26/24  (3)
TSINAH was right to sue and fuck up rent seeking fraud "Landlords"1    07/26/24  (1)
Landlords are lowlife scum! Beat their asses take their shit&"evict" them    07/26/24  (1)
Fuck america fuck all the fraud and frauds in this world eat shit scum fags    07/26/24  (1)
TIL Prime Minister POTUS of South Korea is named Han Duck-soo 😹    07/26/24  (1)
will nyuug ever post again after the gaping he got this AM?    07/26/24  (16)
Trump appears in neck brace after nation forgets abt teleprompter shard    07/26/24  (8)
when will nyuug kill himself?    07/26/24  (28)
Provincetown bears all call tsinah “Leo”    07/26/24  (1)
People are a joke..attacking frauds online now then finding some irl idiots    07/26/24  (1)
when will nyuug off himself like kpop past-their-prime stars have?    07/26/24  (7)
Fact mothefuckers! It's all lucky fraud shit ran of shit that doesn't even exist    07/26/24  (1)
TRUMPMOS, why is Trump campaigning in NC, a state u said was locked up?    07/26/24  (1)
What will NYUUG do if American requires military service to retain citizenship    07/26/24  (13)
Reminder: Sofia, Bulgaria is a GREAT BARGAIN!    07/26/24  (16)
United States of America is world champion for sucking Jewish cocks.    07/26/24  (1)
When Are The Men With Peter Pan Syndrome Going To Grow Up?    07/26/24  (41)
RFK will take away 2x as many votes away from Trump as Harris    07/26/24  (1)
white shrew on tiktok with crazy eyes, pile of dead sparrows    07/26/24  (2)
CDC moves S.Korea to Level 3 Warning. nyuug FUCKED    07/26/24  (195)
wait did Kamala's donations taper? bc that would be odd if she was likely to win    07/26/24  (1)
Japan called the Kamala shrew zoom "Spoiled Christmas Cake Sadness Gather"    07/26/24  (1)
Seems like conturds get triggered, seek safe spaces, just as much as libtards    07/26/24  (19)
38k zoom shrews scare off non-lost causes, non-faggots    07/26/24  (1)
STUNNING REALIZATION, Of Counsels tend to be way better looking than partners    07/26/24  (6)
Plot hole in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 42 is not a sandwich    07/26/24  (7)
40k white women on zoom convince everyone Kamala is a fucking joke    07/26/24  (1)
Avg. BIGLAW 3rd year looks about as aged as 57 y/o Dave Matthews    07/26/24  (2)

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