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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Ozempic former fatties have radically changed their shopping habits    07/22/24  (64)
a boob job could save me (GJR)    07/22/24  (25)
Kamala will win libs GA and NC btw    07/22/24  (1)
Monday and lib pumos are already going insane    07/22/24  (5)
Is Vance going to score Ozempic from Gilfoil & Sarah Huckabee Sanders?    07/22/24  (2)
Trump would be 84 by the time his second term ended LMAOOOOOOOOOOO    07/22/24  (1)
GJR here. I don’t post here anymore. I’m not that quotemo.    07/22/24  (63)
Joe is hunkered down in basement, watching "Throne of Blood", why?    07/22/24  (3)
This secret service bitch isn't answering shit    07/22/24  (7)
*gjr rolling around like a cat in heat while bp/mf wards her off with a stick*    07/22/24  (12)
Trump is simply too old to be President, he has cognitive decline    07/22/24  (1)
Vivek: it's gonna be Big Mike (link)    07/22/24  (1)
So Trumpmos literally nominated a 78 y/o rapist felon? 😂    07/22/24  (2)
Trumpmos, time to face facts - UR CANDIDATE IS TOO FUCKING OLD    07/22/24  (13)
simp supreme Brian Uecker poasting as .,.,.,.,.,...,.,,.,,.....,.,..,.
   07/22/24  (11)
Voiceover at DNC: "Joe Biden died on the way back to his home planet    07/22/24  (6)
"i'll just leave my BMW unlocked while we check out the house" the realtor winke    07/22/24  (15)
Any threads about the congressional hearing with Cheatle    07/22/24  (3)
UH OH TRUMPMOS! Kamala Harris has the black women vote on LOCK!    07/22/24  (1)
Bumble 4 queefing in your face as you go down on her    07/22/24  (8)
GJR's tits are nearly as crooked as Julia's    07/22/24  (16)
Kamala failed the bar    07/22/24  (3)
She is objectively the worst Democrat nominee in our lives    07/22/24  (62)
"do you like cyberpunk novels?", asks GJR    07/22/24  (66)
Scoop: Biden doubted Harris' election chances (KAMALA HITPIECE)    07/22/24  (11)
When do you suppose the panic over Kamala will set in?    07/22/24  (3)
Biden transported by ambulance moments after Hulk Hogan ripped his shirt at RNC    07/22/24  (2)
Elon Musk committing election interference?    07/22/24  (6)
Joe wanted to run,Jill sold him out a la Lady Macbeth for a Presidential Library    07/22/24  (3)
"DEI" has become kind of a tired phrase. But this is it's defining moment    07/22/24  (2)
Trumpmos can't stop obsessing about Biden LMAOOO    07/22/24  (6)
Mike Fart jerking his flaccid cock to memories of GJR's nipples    07/22/24  (7)
Here's the blackpill about MASE tp:    07/22/24  (16)
I gained 30 pounds and my tits got huge (GJR)    07/22/24  (21)
Usha cowering before Auntie Kamala, tremblingly offering her Jerk Aloo Ghobi    07/22/24  (9)
Smoke Detector Americans- Trump's Unlikely Path to 2024 Win    07/22/24  (7)
Going to be truly amazing watching Dems “try” to get excited about Kamala    07/22/24  (19)
How many days will it take Trump to cognitively switch gears    07/22/24  (7)
TSINAH leading Gravy Seals on a Kamala Hunt in FL Swamp    07/22/24  (2)
WSJ: How the Bet on an 81-Year-Old Joe Biden Turned Into an Epic Miscalculation    07/22/24  (8)
*Jew walks on stage* "I am Jewish" *RNC crowd goes wild, brains explode*    07/22/24  (62)
Mike Fart told me GJR was a dead fish in the sack, that's why he dumped her    07/22/24  (56)
Under-discussed: Virginia is now completely off the table for Trump    07/22/24  (11)
"Now I, Kamala Harris *giggles* do grant a full free & absolute pardon to Joe Bi    07/22/24  (2)
a dystopian present in which people actually choose to live in LA    07/22/24  (2)
A Canticle For Leibowitz but its boner police and GJR's descendants preserving x    07/22/24  (20)
JD Vance immediately saved Rasquatch's slimetit pics    07/22/24  (3)
Asking Japanese Muslims Why They Converted To Islam    07/22/24  (1)
Harris will take a hard moderate turn, promise to be tough on the border    07/22/24  (1)
Black men don’t like black woken- why would they vote Kameltoe Kamala?    07/22/24  (3)
cats and alcoholism tp    07/22/24  (3)
the bitterness and horror of reality tp tp tp    07/22/24  (4)
LSAT prep megathread    07/22/24  (8)
Credible conspiracy theory in which Joe was literally in the dark (link)    07/22/24  (18)
"’politicth’, lisped the poaster, poasted the poaster” smirked the cool    07/22/24  (1)
FEC lawyer grimacing as he reviews filings about Harris 'No Loads Refused' fundr    07/22/24  (2)
On the Redneck Rebellion    07/22/24  (6)
Weird fake laugh and a palace coup!    07/22/24  (12)
Why are Trumpmos going insane today?    07/22/24  (3)
Democrats Flunk Democracy (The American Mind)    07/22/24  (2)
Poli Sci Shitheads: Explain The Obama-Pelosi-Schumer-Jeffries Axis (None Endorse    07/22/24  (1)
Why didn't Cons STFU about Biden instead of hyping how he needed to drop out?    07/22/24  (22)
""politicth", lisped the poaster", poasted the poaster    07/22/24  (19)
kamala was picked for vp BECAUSE she was retarded and useless    07/22/24  (8)
Was in red country this weekend. Trump is utterly fucked.    07/22/24  (6)
𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙖𝙮 🦍🎺🎉    07/22/24  (40)
🔥 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖗 🔥    07/22/24  (21)
🚨 Biden to resign from presidency Friday 🚨    07/22/24  (1)
DBG making four separate 100-poast threads solicitng advice for a home gym    07/22/24  (7)
I am no longer ridin' with Biden 😭    07/22/24  (1)
Forgot how bad Kamala's voice is lmfao    07/22/24  (4)
Biden dropping out was really one of those "The Adults Are In Charge" moments    07/22/24  (2)
that video where GJR sprays diarrhea everywhere is still disgusting    07/22/24  (1)
are you afraid of technology?    07/22/24  (1)
Joe Biden in 2007 casually implying Barack Obama is gay (video)    07/22/24  (11)
Sigma males conflicted after Kamala Harris diagnosed with Joker (2019) disorder    07/22/24  (1)
Aide explaining to Biden that he definitely dropped out, he just "forgot" about    07/22/24  (3)
boor tp making his 1,000th poast about TQQQ    07/22/24  (1)
rach is resigning today    07/22/24  (1)
So Obama is finally busted for being gay?    07/22/24  (19)
Bidens not going anywhere btw.    07/22/24  (1)
How did Biden get covid despite more than one dozen booster vaccines?    07/22/24  (3)
morning chitchat about your personal lives with people who arent your friends    07/22/24  (5)
Just lol @ all the libs coming out of the woodwork on XO and IRL now    07/22/24  (1)
Guess when they realize Kamala cant win either its internal armed conflict time    07/22/24  (1)
Biden, Harris, they're not sending their best, folks    07/22/24  (1)
Trumpmos: "We are very confident about 2024" *goes insane like it's Jan 6*    07/22/24  (2)
What are avg rank and file idiot millennial dems gonna do when everyone sees Kam    07/22/24  (2)
Dems shouldn’t be allowed to choose Shapiro (PA Governor) as VP running mate    07/22/24  (2)
TRUMPMOS - now that Elon endorsed Trump is twitter STILL biased against Cons?    07/22/24  (8)
“This rising star has been called ‘the David Lee Roth of legal compliance’    07/22/24  (8)
nick fuentes retardation, narcissism has set the antisemetic movement back years    07/22/24  (33)
Dem party imploded and in complete disarray but this is good for libs!    07/22/24  (9)
"Hulk Hogan spoke at the RNC? This is Idiocracy!" *runs Montel's ho for POTUS*    07/22/24  (4)
OFFICIAL: Biden is NOT running for reelection (NOT FLAME) (REAL THIS TIME)    07/22/24  (52)
Kamala being added to Montel Rushmore    07/22/24  (1)
TRUMPMOS - just praise Israel 1000x more and you'll win in 2024!    07/22/24  (1)
IDF guarding Capitol building and WH    07/22/24  (1)
Stocks have skyrocketed under Biden    07/22/24  (3)
Good morning. Please God eradicate kikes off the face of the earth. Amen.    07/22/24  (11)
Biden to resign    07/22/24  (16)
hatp is the new Comte de Monte Cristo based?    07/22/24  (1)
105 days until the election and libs are already making excuses. Libs?    07/22/24  (1)
Klobuchar spotted on roof at Harris-Whitmer event    07/22/24  (1)
Who will be Kamala's VP    07/22/24  (26)
The Gretchen Whitmer Project    07/22/24  (1)
MASS-SHOOTING reported in EUROPE: libs, explain    07/22/24  (12)
Bort moderates/neutrals -- thought on Gretchen Whitmer being the Dem POTUS nom?    07/22/24  (15)
FYI- Trump will not take that ear bandage off until November    07/22/24  (7)
SHE SPEAKS IN RHYME    07/22/24  (1)
Here's the blackpill about Kamala Harris.    07/22/24  (143)
Why exactly is Bibi here today?    07/22/24  (2)
boomer Kamala (10/20/64) pulling up the POTUS ladder out of Gen X's reach    07/22/24  (4)
DEMS raised $67 million yesterday, an all time record    07/22/24  (1)
good morning    07/22/24  (6)
I Fucking LOVE Zients    07/22/24  (2)
Pajeets are learning from Jews and will soon dominate politics    07/22/24  (17)
I'm Proud to Be a Shabbos Goyim, Where at Least I know who I fight for    07/22/24  (3)
saw a guy wearing a "kamala" shirt today. no US flags, blk & whit, girly writing    07/22/24  (1)
If I took a dump on the White House Lawn it wld look like Usha Vance    07/22/24  (12)
Trump is seething. Still thinks he is running against Biden    07/22/24  (1)
"This neighborhood has a lot of luxury cars. But, oddly, no Cadillacs. I guess    07/22/24  (1)
Inverted American flags everywhere today.    07/22/24  (2)
Did true blacks respect Harris as black when she went to Howard to cosplay?    07/22/24  (1)
"There aren't any niggers for miles," the PowerREALTOR bellowed    07/22/24  (12)
Screens are our nation’s most precious resource    07/22/24  (5)
Poll: When will Queen Kamala push puppet Biden over?    07/22/24  (11)
Wouldn't it be safer to just basejump off Teewinot summit than downclimb    07/22/24  (1)
Porn stash found in woods    07/22/24  (7)
Mass Shooting @ White House: 27 Jew Donors shoot Kosher cum into Kamala's pussy    07/22/24  (2)
JD Vance used to poast here as “Black Eyeliner”    07/22/24  (6)
"Sir, your Jewish handler is on line 2. Should I hang up your line 1 call?"    07/22/24  (27)
American Communist Party jus arrive (link)    07/22/24  (23)
white dork diving into asian dating pool like scrooge mcduck    07/22/24  (98)
"It's a low-key area. Nobody is famous enough to be a world star," the realtor    07/22/24  (1)
Asian girls are precious treasures    07/22/24  (12)
"This neighborhood has it all. Except a pawn shop, people here use banks," realt    07/22/24  (1)
Trump shot and Biden deliberately infected with covid. Same people behind both?    07/22/24  (1)
Indian “men” are the weakest in the world (link    07/22/24  (1)
I'm hearing that Biden will be Kamala's VP    07/22/24  (5)
"the are a lot of conspiracy theorists in the area", the realtor confided    07/22/24  (5)
"The law school isn't in ABA diversity compliance," the realtor suddenly said    07/22/24  (9)
Kamala Harris electoral history revisited    07/22/24  (18)
Gassy shrew explains how to make real estate listing non-discriminatory    07/22/24  (18)
bbbooooom check out this self sufficient sailbot setup    07/22/24  (3)

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