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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Tsinah takes a seat at the gay bar, pulls out 3 jimmy John subs from his bag    07/22/24  (15)
Bodycam footage of Illinois cop charged with 1st degree murder released.    07/22/24  (28)
Leaving my wife for another woman    07/22/24  (66)
Incredible. How are most people not realizing pushing out Biden was a coup?    07/22/24  (17)
R/Dinosaurs has banned amateur dinosaur art    07/22/24  (1)
BREAKING: Democrats release AI recording of Biden    07/22/24  (6)
NYT WaPo CNN wall to wall plastering Kamala attacking Trump on abortion    07/22/24  (3)
President Garfield: one of the most fuckable people in US politics ever    07/22/24  (1)
Just dawned on me whom Kamala is a big play for: Suburban White Women    07/22/24  (17)
She is objectively the worst Democrat nominee in our lives    07/22/24  (100)
leaving my 'wife' for literally anything else at all    07/22/24  (10)
Y'all non-snorters, non-smokers, non-sippers Get the fuck up out of here, bitch    07/22/24  (4)
Giant ASCII penis ITT    07/22/24  (10)
*WH phone rings at 4am* Kamala just rollin’ home from da club    07/22/24  (5)
Oh, you’re Jewish?    07/22/24  (1)
Predict order of death: William Shatner,Clint Eastwood,Dick Van Dyke,Jimmy Carte    07/22/24  (19)
Henry Winkler's penis    07/22/24  (3)
A mega-scale penis cacophonously breaking through your study windows and ejacula    07/22/24  (23)
its pretty inasne the shit you can have chat gtp do for business    07/22/24  (4)
Will Vance be the most disastrous VP pick since Sarah Palin?    07/22/24  (30)
XO gun nuts: great video of what good practice looks like    07/22/24  (29)
Lob Friend Supports Cop For Shooting Woman With Pot Of Boiling Water    07/22/24  (5)
Libs coming after JD Vance for drinking a diet Mt. Dew.    07/22/24  (1)
So Kamala is winning the gen?    07/22/24  (1)
Pumos re Bad News For Cons: "LOL CONS!!!" Pumos re Bad News For Libs:    07/22/24  (2)
Obsessed with wife sex lately.    07/22/24  (15)
Hey OYT how was Starfield    07/22/24  (10)
Credible conspiracy theory in which Joe was literally in the dark (link)    07/22/24  (30)
Body aches so bad that I'm about to pass out (FizzKidd)    07/22/24  (10)
WAI was there no Mayli Kelly Baltazar Kelly Jiayi Wang (Georgetown) thread??    07/22/24  (6)
I want a surgeon to cut out my heart and throw it in a trash can    07/22/24  (1)
So the President of the United States tweet-resigned and just disappeared?    07/22/24  (32)
Rate this azn cutie with a past    07/22/24  (4)
lol, Trump really did a break 50 with Bryson    07/22/24  (3)
it's gonna be Big Mike and Newsom    07/22/24  (1)
Ozempic former fatties have radically changed their shopping habits    07/22/24  (104)
Republicans on JD Vance pick: WHOOPS!    07/22/24  (12)
smegmalicker.tumblr.com    07/22/24  (1)
It will be pretty funny when it’s Newsom or Hillary now    07/22/24  (2)
לזיין את בנימין נתניהו, סוחר המוות היהודי    07/22/24  (1)
cowshit, what’s your norwood level right now?    07/22/24  (1)
now you talking my language now you talking my שפה    07/22/24  (1)
62k back in a day. i need to give up investing    07/22/24  (1)
My Net Worth by O. You Travel    07/22/24  (7)
South Korea Births down 11.5, birth rate down to 0.70 - Lolercausting Hard    07/22/24  (29)
Ian Miles Ching Chong is fuming mad Trump can't run against Joe    07/22/24  (8)
Just had gay sex (bottom) in a Jimmy John's men's room, taking ?s    07/22/24  (170)
White and hispanic working class ppl LOVE shrill black lady prosecutors    07/22/24  (1)
jew pedo loser --> TUFTS --> alcoholic failure --> 24/7 on xo as "correction" tp    07/22/24  (18)
My wife? Jewish. My boss? Jewish. My mistress? Jewish.    07/22/24  (3)
uploaded two random videos to YouTube an hour ago and i have 100+ views    07/22/24  (8)
Is TBF bipolar?    07/22/24  (6)
t;'" = boner police (aka correction tp)
   07/22/24  (15)
Trumpmos, time to face facts - UR CANDIDATE IS TOO FUCKING OLD    07/22/24  (15)
Chick cop deploys spike strip on stolen truck - Y/N? Results may surprise you    07/22/24  (3)
"Anyways, gotta go!" (Joe Biden)    07/22/24  (4)
Trumpmos, there's still time to DUMP JD VANCE    07/22/24  (1)
WOC calls 911 re: prowler. Colon cancer cop arrives, shoots her in the face (vi    07/22/24  (1)
skinny brunettes with stinky vaginas    07/22/24  (28)
*psychiatrist dbl-underlining "SCHIZOPHRENIC" as u describe ur community account    07/22/24  (34)
Why Americans Aren’t Having Babies (WSJ)    07/22/24  (98)
Cute skinny brunette girls will landing strips and stinky pussies    07/22/24  (5)
"haha wow holy shit" ur new psych mutters as she reads ur "by you" printout    07/22/24  (4)
Libs you twisted freaks will pay for what you did to Biden    07/22/24  (2)
State police NOT allowed in SS control center at rally (link)    07/22/24  (11)
How Manhattan proctologist Evan Goldstein changed anal health care    07/22/24  (5)
what's a good non-screen nighttime activity    07/22/24  (22)
Best song to represent these last 2 weeks of American politics?    07/22/24  (14)
Motown's most gorgeous turdskin, Duke Fakir, dies:    07/22/24  (3)
Anybody want to see pictures of some wild turkeys?    07/22/24  (2)
Leaving my woman for another wife    07/22/24  (1)
Hey consuela can we get an update about how Twitter is about to shut down?    07/22/24  (12)
im tired of getting entire fucking emails for "microsoft reactions"    07/22/24  (4)
Alpha asks SF DA Brooke Jenkins what color panties, Libs are NOT happy    07/22/24  (5)
this new Death Stranding 2 trailer is the most mentally ill thing ive ever seen    07/22/24  (6)
Do u ever get sad when u realize one day xo won't exist anymore    07/22/24  (1)
Bald has sold out    07/22/24  (1)
Pence endorses Kamala Harris    07/22/24  (2)
we should take bets on how long until biden actually dies    07/22/24  (8)
Ungh… ungh… unghhhhyeah….. stick it up my BRO HOLE!!!    07/22/24  (5)
Would you have still strived if you’d grown up with unlimited free porn?    07/22/24  (2)
What is going on with this skull shape? (link)    07/22/24  (1)
Lol at caring what "Taylor Swift" thinks about anything.. she's didn't go to sch    07/22/24  (3)
Benny Hin is still alive    07/22/24  (1)
that video where GJR sprays diarrhea everywhere is still disgusting    07/22/24  (5)
Check It Out! With President R. Bules    07/22/24  (1)
Laura Loomer cracking code that 'R Bules' Stands for 'B Rules'    07/22/24  (1)
Fresh R. Bules signature on your suspension form as you stroll into principal's    07/22/24  (1)
George Floyd looking down in horror at President "R. Bules" signature on $20    07/22/24  (4)
Benzo is MAF that he blew his whole wad on ‘give a penny, take a penny’ tray    07/22/24  (1)
ricky smoking 2 black and milds backwards while shoving hash browns into egg mc    07/22/24  (14)
Not now babe I'm in a flame war with internet men.    07/22/24  (1)
luis keeps trying to get me to watch la bamba with him    07/22/24  (3)
Nebraska football comin' back;)    07/22/24  (1)
MPA join us in the Puerto Rico hype house    07/22/24  (3)
   07/22/24  (1)
trump is MAF that he blew his whole wad on biden attack ads    07/22/24  (2)
Biden appears in Immortan Joe suit, says ‘Fight has only begun’ (vid)    07/22/24  (1)
I'm really stirring shit up on reddit..you can pull it off if you have a clue    07/22/24  (2)
And since I'd achieved all of my goals as President in one term there was no nee    07/22/24  (2)
It turns out you were watching a 6 month long Hideo Kojima cutscene    07/22/24  (3)
Sorry Shareblue pumo, they’re desperation donations not enthusiasm donations    07/22/24  (7)
hope you guys enjoyed the lull. election season is about to get kooky.    07/22/24  (2)
Where is Biden?    07/22/24  (7)
timeline correction: vice principal kamala yelling over megaphone in cafeteria    07/22/24  (7)
I actually think Kamla is quite cute and looks great(Boom)    07/22/24  (19)
This is a dream result for a wife in america beautiful, friendly and rich    07/22/24  (3)
The Biden thing is a rotten deal..know people whom are much older& sharp    07/22/24  (1)
"Age" is flame..it's all individual based    07/22/24  (1)
ur wife squinting @ screen as "southern girl making hot chocolate" autocompletes    07/22/24  (124)
Kamala cackling awkwardly on the front page of the WSJ    07/22/24  (8)
Neon Judaism Evangelion    07/22/24  (1)
There’s something very John Edward’s about JD Vance    07/22/24  (5)
EPAh would you smash kendrick lamar    07/22/24  (1)
Kamala snubs Netanyahu    07/22/24  (1)
mccabe comey sztrok & the lovely lisa page were never punished    07/22/24  (3)
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) Outs Self As XO Poaster (link) (not flame    07/22/24  (19)
American Communist Party jus arrive (link)    07/22/24  (25)
What's this undeletable "Pegasus" app constantly running in the background    07/22/24  (2)
Are you enjoying the Things? Sit back, you'll love the Nothing Ever Happens    07/22/24  (3)
Rate this southern girl making hot chocolate on tiktok    07/22/24  (187)
This "Destiny" character is exact same Myers Briggs, Big 5, whatever as Benzo    07/22/24  (16)
Who would be the DNC nominee if Biden never ran for reelection?    07/22/24  (12)
I FUCKING LOVE WEED SO MUCH    07/22/24  (4)
Is Trump keeping lists of people donating to democrats?    07/22/24  (1)
Fake election, fake inauguration, fake presidency, fake resignation letter    07/22/24  (3)
If China is going to invade Taiwan, right now is its chance    07/22/24  (7)
William Shatner yelling "SPACEPORNNNNNNNNNNNN"
   07/22/24  (4)
leaving my apartment for the forest    07/22/24  (2)
Kamala is bound to have some lurid sex tape or pics out there somewhere    07/22/24  (2)
Reluctantly squanched at the age of 9, Spaceporn pumping and thrusting in time    07/22/24  (150)
Kamala harris looked like a turdskin boy in the 80s:    07/22/24  (3)
Leaving my wife for her sister.    07/22/24  (3)
extreme eater DIES during livestream of 10-hour food binge after stomach rips    07/22/24  (7)
kamala was trying to return a blouse at Ross when she found out biden withdrew    07/22/24  (1)
Jordan Peterson incredibly out of his element interviewing Elon    07/22/24  (2)
Everyone too AFRAID to acknowledge what's going on here    07/22/24  (2)
Did Kamala pass the California Bar on her first attempt?    07/22/24  (2)
LOL. $0 student loans again. 180    07/22/24  (11)
leaving xoxohth for autoadmit    07/22/24  (1)
leaving doobs for luis    07/22/24  (5)
Montel Williams/Kamala ass to mouth tape is Trump nigger tape of this election    07/22/24  (1)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/22/24  (114)
gibberish what's the latest fuck report    07/22/24  (6)
Look, another emasculated "man", a faggot, and a negress    07/22/24  (5)
Kamala 1 for 2 on famous ex-boyfriend endorsements    07/22/24  (1)
May or may not be fucking a new 37 yr old SHREW with C cups, taking ?s ITT    07/22/24  (60)
Will KAMALA HARRIS win in 2024?    07/22/24  (46)
Anthony boardain was really faggy. Every quote from him is just so gay    07/22/24  (12)

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