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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Rating poasters as upcoming 30 for 30 episodes    07/28/24  (21)
OYT taking Qs while drinking irresponsibly at local steakhouse    07/28/24  (3)
Seymour Hersh: Obama threatened Biden with 25th amendment to get him to drop out    07/28/24  (44)
I think Kamalamania is dying down. It was a short lived boost.    07/28/24  (17)
America literally has the worst climate&weather    07/28/24  (1)
Charles XII is still Enslaved by Charlie Kirk    07/28/24  (30)
Still no response from consuela this week as to whether he’s Jewish    07/28/24  (9)
Gorgeous Buff as Furk CHINK Swimmer absolutely MOGS competition    07/28/24  (12)
JD Vance is a WINNER    07/28/24  (1)
JD Vance is a disaster    07/28/24  (87)
Any other chill fratty christian bros whose family attends temple bnai here?    07/28/24  (1)
“Obviously she’s not a white person…but I love Usha, she’s such a good m    07/28/24  (15)
type "attempted assassination of tr" into Google, check autofill & search result    07/28/24  (12)
Libs having a rough few weeks lol    07/28/24  (10)
I'm worried I'll drop dead at any moment vaxmo    07/28/24  (5)
🚨GJR IMPORTANT THREAD🚨    07/28/24  (1)
Robert Downey Jr coming back to MCU as Doctor Doom    07/28/24  (10)
lol TT, China getting culturally enriched (video)    07/28/24  (1)
Today on disco fries learns to grill: Alabama White Chicken    07/28/24  (10)
Best cities to start a moisture farm    07/28/24  (2)
Kamala Harris's ancestors were slave-owners (xo Daily Mail)    07/28/24  (2)
Sororities regularly host "dads weekends"    07/28/24  (75)
So Kamala has just completely disavowed her Indianness    07/28/24  (7)
Putin is running out of soldiers    07/28/24  (3)
naked purple otherkin w/ buttplug declaring that "JD Vance is weird"    07/28/24  (8)
"i got this bro* (tdnw tagging sealclubber out for 2nd shift worst poaster duty)    07/28/24  (32)
Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’ (article)    07/28/24  (4)
Hyman has absolutely destroyed rsf as a poster. Total humiliation. Wow.    07/28/24  (2)
Branding remigration as Return2Wakanda    07/28/24  (2)
Libs are IRL sith lords now    07/28/24  (6)
omg    07/28/24  (3)
The Demographic Projected to Determine the 2024 Race? Single Women (WSJ)    07/28/24  (1)
JD Vance's autism. Exhibit # 12,492(a).    07/28/24  (9)
Vance LARPing as a combat vet when he was a reporter is going to be an issue    07/28/24  (6)
MN Gov. Walz named Kamala’s VP    07/28/24  (4)
David French (NYT): Hulk Hogan Is Not The Only Way To Be A Man    07/28/24  (3)
"Yeah have him literally be named "Mr. Beast." And his assistant turns into a tr    07/28/24  (35)
Mr. Beast has the physiognomy of a 100% pure Satanist    07/28/24  (32)
This sucks and is gay    07/28/24  (16)
It's 180 how I chased RSF off the board for exposing his JUDAISM    07/28/24  (51)
what is the purpose of foot soldiers in modern warfare w/ precision drones?    07/28/24  (1)
Another video of another orc getting it's snout blown off    07/28/24  (1)
xo's golden age: deranged gook 'sonic youth' screeding abt raping white children    07/28/24  (6)
Orc hops into Ukrainian trech, promptly loses his face (vid)    07/28/24  (1)
when was the EXACT moment xo peaked?    07/28/24  (3)
*straining to appear solemn at 9/11 vigil, rsf dutifully removes giant sombrero*    07/28/24  (95)
Ukraine defenses are collapsing    07/28/24  (4)
Russians getting slaughtered in Africa too (link)    07/28/24  (10)
Legitimately smart people used to poast here.    07/28/24  (43)
rate this trad wife influencer, ballerina farm    07/28/24  (66)
Iran is standing up for Christians and denouncing the Olympics    07/28/24  (5)
Darth Vader eats at the Death Star canteen    07/28/24  (5)
what was the EXACT moment that America peaked?    07/28/24  (139)
Guitar Bros - desperately need some perspective and opinion in a new axe    07/28/24  (44)
Do like it when girls wax their pubic hair? Do you wax your own?    07/28/24  (16)
Can't stop watching fat girls w huge natty tits online    07/28/24  (4)
Macron's "wife" is definitely a man, right?    07/28/24  (3)
Basically if you're backing Trump/Vance at this point, you are just plain weird.    07/28/24  (6)
“Weird? I’ll show you weird,” Barron says calmly as he begins to levitate    07/28/24  (2)
DAMMIT YALL... Kamala's gonna win isn't she    07/28/24  (8)
Trump appears in neck brace after nation forgets abt teleprompter shard    07/28/24  (15)
Vance text to tranny friend “don’t ask for an Indian pussy. They’re cavern    07/28/24  (3)
No Iranian ever called me "goy"    07/28/24  (1)
RSF surreptitiously googling for “luxury infertility clinic”    07/28/24  (17)
I'm the ultimate WGWIG.    07/28/24  (1)
New leaked Vance text: "Once I sampled curry pussy, I was a full convert    07/28/24  (1)
RSF LARPing as a gentile is very insensitive.    07/28/24  (1)
The Mr Beast trans guy is getting a bit of a raw deal IMO    07/28/24  (35)
An Italian adventure    07/28/24  (11)
It's gonna be a blow out    07/28/24  (26)
🚨 Scientists create hybrid chicken w/ 4x breast size using spliced RSF genes    07/28/24  (14)
attention = money    07/28/24  (1)
Trump announces plans for a Death Star if elected    07/28/24  (11)
I feel like I played the Same Zelda game twice    07/28/24  (2)
Hypo: You vs. Balt Orioles fielders, to the death. You: endless bats. Them: ball    07/28/24  (8)
Darth Vader is the hero of Star Wars    07/28/24  (1)
Vance must learn the Weirding Way    07/28/24  (3)
Golf Bros: if you don't have a Ping stand bag lol at you.    07/28/24  (88)
JD Vance admitted he ‘hates cops’ & called Trump a ‘morally reprehensible    07/28/24  (2)
Golfmos rate my latest club purchase    07/28/24  (42)
last work wife pic/update    07/28/24  (81)
Trumpmos, you'll find our patience for yr nonsense is Very Thin after this elect    07/28/24  (1)
Chinese cars have quite roomy interiors    07/28/24  (3)
Is gonna be Shapiro or Kelly?    07/28/24  (2)
Australia has led Olympics medal table 2 days in a row    07/28/24  (2)
what do women do all day    07/28/24  (20)
"Walkable cities" was actually a good idea though    07/28/24  (70)
Big titted party prole girls with southern accents calling you Fag for liking U2    07/28/24  (20)
Have any of you bros who were single, 40+ actually found a wife?    07/28/24  (100)
Hyman tp is 180    07/28/24  (20)
inside a lady's head...    07/28/24  (313)
PETER HITCHENS: That didn't take long! Three weeks in and Labour's nasty diktats    07/28/24  (1)
what was the EXACT moment that gunnerattt peaked?    07/28/24  (11)
RATE Israeli Girl Who Won Bronze In Taekwondo In Tokyo (BIKINI PICS)    07/28/24  (9)
obeezy getting assraped in prison shower: "LOL at how easy it is to rile u up!"    07/28/24  (201)
Q: Talk about family A: Well my wife's non white, love her. Kids arent white e    07/28/24  (1)
Biles Crushes Quals. Hmong AZNGirl Barely Passes WOC Childs For 2nd AA Spot    07/28/24  (4)
Donna Adelson: I cant have trial in same room where my son convicted, bad vibes    07/28/24  (1)
Orange Retard 54% odds Bombay Shanequa 49%    07/28/24  (11)
I am thinking of aurochs & angels    07/28/24  (12)
you're literally responding to some 'Vance sucks' false-flag fag on 20 monikers    07/28/24  (8)
Do you stand with TLS (((RSF))) or xo HYMAN    07/28/24  (1)
*RSFs bitch tits begin lactating when he hears LtDan cooing*    07/28/24  (22)
just finished making an XO clone using TinyIB question should images be allowed?    07/28/24  (10)
RSF's DD titties are just SO FUCKING MILKABLE    07/28/24  (17)
Tsinah / RSF: Even if impreg wife tonight, won't have baby till Q2 2025    07/28/24  (5)
We need to have a conversation about the State of Gaming    07/28/24  (3)
RSF lays down on a milking table, puts a titty in the hole    07/28/24  (2)
ever notice dating apps show same type of women in clusters?    07/28/24  (2)
Hey libs even if Trump loses we’ll just claim he won    07/28/24  (3)
Thinking about that kid who jumped off Booze Cruise into shark infested water    07/28/24  (13)
“Going to the gym” is the most NPC shit ever    07/28/24  (7)
Is RSF going to church this Sunday or will he be drinking and eating all day    07/28/24  (2)
Libs: how do you feel that Trump is a heavy favorite to reclaim POTUS?    07/28/24  (38)
Whatever comes out of all this election crap, I’m glad “jack black” got pw    07/28/24  (1)
Vance is roasting these SSRI-addled cat ladies, a one man shrew wrecking crew    07/28/24  (17)
Still so mad about the Olympics opening ceremony I can’t even focus in church    07/28/24  (1)
Can "Liver King" actually fight or is his physique implausible    07/28/24  (22)
I'm a modern day Hosea    07/28/24  (1)
What Console are you starting your kids on?    07/28/24  (19)
Hey guys fuck you for not doing my "rate you as 30 for 30 eps" thread yesterday    07/28/24  (8)
New political party: expropriate all Boomer wealth, deport them to Angola    07/28/24  (1)
There’s a whole world of stinky white girl pussy out there    07/28/24  (2)
Possible to have sex with flight attendant you meet on the plane?    07/28/24  (35)
Sign of things to come: Singapore approves 16 bugs for human consumption    07/28/24  (6)
Electrified sharks and Hannibal Lecter are both cr rally topics    07/28/24  (1)
Don’t jerk off with seed oil for lube    07/28/24  (1)
Once you get to a certain level of fitness it's addictive & you can't ever stop    07/28/24  (9)
In India it is a custom to rape women with pipes on public transport    07/28/24  (2)
Why did INDIANS become the biggest ASSHOLES on Planet?    07/28/24  (5)
"little guys from NYU with big glasses"    07/28/24  (45)
what is the name of the fat slob youtube from northern england who does food rev    07/28/24  (1)
UPS is totally useless, never use this outfit to send anything (zurich)    07/28/24  (6)
Bboooooom going away for awhile very sad    07/28/24  (6)
Nicole Shanahan is 170+    07/28/24  (1)
India used to be really good at the Olympics. Look at this guy for example.    07/28/24  (3)
I mean let’s face it Trump is a weird mother fucker    07/28/24  (6)
Olympics without the trannies    07/28/24  (1)
How does any biglawyer read The Remains of the Day and not quit on the spot    07/28/24  (18)
Any ideas on how to lower real estate prices?    07/28/24  (100)
So everyone who thought Trump would win in 2020 thinks he will lose now?    07/28/24  (35)
Top story NYT: JD Vance was bffs with a troon    07/28/24  (23)
Sorry libs but the USA is not going to elect a black person with a funny name    07/28/24  (6)
Don’t do anything or try to do anything    07/28/24  (1)
Recommendation for things to do in Houston and Dallas TX for a week?    07/28/24  (5)
Uh oh Trumpmos    07/28/24  (6)
Richard Spencer just retweeted Karlstein    07/28/24  (5)
Trumps gonna die in prison isn’t he    07/28/24  (1)

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