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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Hilarious thinking about what else Tsinah probably lied about.    09/07/24  (12)
Fuck everyone who hates $IEP or Carl    09/07/24  (1)
I’m single-handedly keeping the memory of Aaron Bushnell alive.    09/07/24  (1)
Was this redditor's wife too friendly w/ her coworker. Or was he the asshole?    09/07/24  (14)
Pic of Vietnam    09/07/24  (4)
Sitting on $140k in cash. What should I do?    09/07/24  (52)
How can I get in touch with xo’s product manager?    09/07/24  (4)
*GOP votes in the Cheneys* *neverending wars* "Libs are the true war criminals!"    09/07/24  (8)
any civ-like games for me to get into    09/07/24  (8)
People have been telling me they're "tired" of my "shit"    09/07/24  (3)
Dershowitz: 15 year old girls know EXACTLY what they're doing, heh    09/07/24  (1)
Into Thick Air: The 2025 Teewinot Mountain Tragedy by Jon Krakauer    09/07/24  (27)
Man arrested for creating fake music with AI & making over $10M in royalties    09/07/24  (48)
Should I be worried    09/07/24  (2)
YOU OWE    09/07/24  (2)
House GOPe rubbing hands greedily about a neocon Speaker    09/07/24  (3)
Mainlining i just took Ativan    09/07/24  (21)
I owe, I owe, it's off to wagecuck for jews I go    09/07/24  (99)
Unfortunate truth: Home Alone 2 was better    09/07/24  (49)
damn. THE osu is getting some revenge on sixigan this year    09/07/24  (1)
Rate these two Indonesian broads who let me sleep in their home    09/07/24  (39)
Syracuse fucking Orange will play for ACC title mark it.    09/07/24  (2)
Cyberpunk 2077 is the coup de grace for my thesis: LMAO just LMAO @consolecucks.    09/07/24  (114)
tOSU Frat bro: "Hi, man." RSF to himself: "I've been found out!"    09/07/24  (2)
Boom: thoughts on the kyoot Air Force Academy cadet who died?    09/07/24  (2)
What are your top 5 most popular posts on your page 1 By You?    09/07/24  (64)
Why doesn’t a single 👙 pic of Ocasio exist?    09/07/24  (20)
Daily reminder: THIS COUNTRY IS A PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT    09/07/24  (2)
ITT: A I. Dissects the complexities of rsf    09/07/24  (9)
Boom should "women" be allowed in society? (evan39)    09/07/24  (11)
Rate this Pajeeta @ Google NYC's Day in the Life Video    09/07/24  (9)
Do you wear ankle socks or longer socks? Gen Z thinks it's an oldmo tell    09/07/24  (28)
American Capitalism is by and large just piracy and freebooting    09/07/24  (2)
pov: you move to sydney, australia in the 80s    09/07/24  (2)
Wow lots more work for No Money and No Power and at the end kikes will just    09/07/24  (1)
XO Computer Mastermen, is this a good deal on a 56K Serial Controller Faxmodem?    09/07/24  (1)
"Yeah I'll have the steak, medium rare. And a white monster for the lady, please    09/07/24  (10)
remember when libs used to shriek hysterically 24/7 about "Qanon"?    09/07/24  (3)
Tulane wuz robbed..by the refs    09/07/24  (1)
Punk'd reboot (Downs Version) feat. Gunnerattt & zurich    09/07/24  (6)
Law is by and large a nuisance field    09/07/24  (4)
Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel    09/07/24  (10)
Ok I'm going to "vote" for Kamala because I want to the US to go up in flames    09/07/24  (14)
Lol at Michigan after cheating Harbaugh! Just like cheating criminal nfl    09/07/24  (2)
I name a vehicle and you share your gut impression    09/07/24  (296)
Boom and Evan39’s relationship on AutoAdmit (XO)    09/07/24  (1)
I seriously hate my fife so much    09/07/24  (4)
"You see my Filipina wife? It means not welcome."    09/07/24  (5)
Mainlining here..never voted for any of htis $hit...you ignorant fools    09/07/24  (5)
ITT: You poast your zero-reply threads you feel were unjustly ignored by XO    09/07/24  (8)
Should I get a Malay, Filipina, Ukrainian, or Venezuelan wife (Ricky)?    09/07/24  (3)
A White Monster for a White Monster    09/07/24  (6)
Photo of Birdshit studying for Chemical Engineering Exam    09/07/24  (1)
I seriously hate Matt Rife so much    09/07/24  (1)
Lol at Texas over Michigan and sport fraud    09/07/24  (3)
crazy idea: use Doritos food coloring to see through flesh    09/07/24  (5)
Mainlining kum&go is fraud raised Wednesday pizza 🍕 to $1.50 per slice    09/07/24  (20)
I seriously hate my knife so much    09/07/24  (1)
I seriously hate my wife so much    09/07/24  (27)
Expanded Skulls often have that “rounded” look    09/07/24  (3)
Local judge removed from docket after court official shares audio recordings (li    09/07/24  (3)
Kamala picks up coveted Dick Cheney endorsement    09/07/24  (38)
Is the hate in the room with us now    09/07/24  (2)
I seriously hate libs so fucking much    09/07/24  (1)
what's a good name for a fast casual Abortion Clinic?    09/07/24  (244)
xo Bernie Sanders: "Oh, that tattoo? It's just a Hindu symbol"    09/07/24  (66)
mainlining im writing here via chatgtp tell me what you think....    09/07/24  (8)
PC is Stealing the Gen from Consoles    09/07/24  (21)
Sherrone Moore doesn't have a contract, chances Michigan kicks him to the curb?    09/07/24  (2)
one McChicken is like $6.99 now lmao    09/07/24  (24)
american culture is fucking disgusting. just pure narcissism and greed    09/07/24  (5)
Rate, on the LSAT scale, this passage from sealclubber    09/07/24  (1)
Candace Owens: "You can't tell me to be morally comfortable with 18k dead kids"    09/07/24  (103)
If 10 poasters bump this thread I’ll never poast again & just focus on Teewino    09/07/24  (54)
JFC Tom Cruise is 5'7, Shah Rukh Khan is 5'8. Birdshits, ur response plz?    09/07/24  (1)
Why did rat CSLG elevate retard kill-self loser Chandler of all people?    09/07/24  (3)
Rate the clam on the Hawk Tuah girl    09/07/24  (9)
Kenny are you furious rat CSLG loves gook Chandler & hates you?    09/07/24  (3)
Wow state Penn and Bowling Green hehe    09/07/24  (1)
as a teen we had a 45yo maid that I started groping and borderline raping    09/07/24  (226)
"A very interesting conversation"    09/07/24  (6)
how did it get so bad, so quickly -- particularly with tattoos    09/07/24  (53)
My old neighborhood is now full of jeets and chinks    09/07/24  (9)
It's nice that Hyman takes the Jewish Sabbath off from spamming lies.    09/07/24  (4)
Kyle McCord is 180    09/07/24  (4)
Born on the By You    09/07/24  (14)
Sport fraud..lol    09/07/24  (1)
Tip: pay extra to get a computer with “Wi-Fi”    09/07/24  (10)
First of all, have a blessed day    09/07/24  (1)
Damn it Rich Homey Quan (rapper) just died    09/07/24  (1)
I can afford to get like ten skateboards right now.    09/07/24  (1)
getting a cowboy pizza tomorrow. seeking admiration. (pep)    09/07/24  (1)
You could be skateboarding right now.    09/07/24  (1)
Pay the “kitchen appreciation fee” goy    09/07/24  (1)
getting a cowboy hat tomorrow. seeking advice. (gunneratttt)    09/07/24  (24)
any of you fags read Baudelaire's poetry? thoughts?    09/07/24  (1)
So it's lib's LIFE MISSION to make every single thing as fucking gay as possible    09/07/24  (1)
Goys of the Summer    09/07/24  (2)
Is this Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in her PRIME? 2010 BU vid    09/07/24  (144)
big10 powerhouses like Minnesota and Rutgers    09/07/24  (1)
REAL TALK: FOX's "Big Noon Kickoff" >>> ESPN's GameDay    09/07/24  (9)
Boise State QB is named Aryan Champion    09/07/24  (9)
Massive 38lb cat named Crumbs who is ‘too fat to walk’ found living in basem    09/07/24  (3)
Kamala: "I said STAND DOWN." Space Force Admiral: "By Saturn's Rings, NEVER!"    09/07/24  (50)
Chris Pratt's "transformation" was just nodrink    09/07/24  (3)
In 2007, the UK was actually richer than US, Aus, Singapore    09/07/24  (1)
The metal on the cybertruck is very silly    09/07/24  (4)
what kind of clickbait will get me more YouTube views    09/07/24  (6)
*AOC hands you a white Monster*    09/07/24  (7)
JEPI, the “trust fund ETF”    09/07/24  (4)
I hope MICHIGAN crushes the inbred cattle bulls of AUSTIN TX    09/07/24  (2)
I think about fucking my wife all day long    09/07/24  (1)
Juan Eighty crew, get ITT    09/07/24  (2)
Cybertrucks sit in fields unused and unsought but tsla stock keeps going up    09/07/24  (2)
Video: North Korean defectors are TIRED of living in South Korea (LOL)    09/07/24  (4)
PN in a Quinn Ewers jersey today before closing out his chain of dry cleaners    09/07/24  (4)
I am once again asking RSF why he donated the personal max to Biden three times    09/07/24  (19)
Pajeets pronounce Texas as "Taxes"    09/07/24  (5)
I've seen some very concerning things lately    09/07/24  (5)
Home Alone Remake: Kevin on tablet, doesn't notice family gone/home robbery    09/07/24  (1)
lsd tp and u attempting Cannonball Run record    09/07/24  (1)
taylor swift lying in your bed emaciated, squishing a pop tart between her toes    09/07/24  (87)
Pedo St in the fight of their lives against Bowling Green    09/07/24  (1)
“I can’t reach the hole!” (Spaceporn trying to buttfuck u)    09/07/24  (1)
Sex Insurance    09/07/24  (3)
“You are of horrrrrrrrrible phenotype.”    09/07/24  (12)
Pedo State players exhausted...too much pedo buttfucking    09/07/24  (1)
"Look, there are no pipers in the land of Diaper. You understand?" *child cries*    09/07/24  (1)
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * VIRTUAL POOL PARTY ITT ><(((º> ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *    09/07/24  (9)
CNN: Kamala sucked off Dick Cheney for 10 minutes before endorsement    09/07/24  (4)
Dick Cheney: "Trump is greatest threat to our Republic in 246 years"    09/07/24  (73)
which poaster is this?    09/07/24  (1)
This is the least heterosexual website I have ever visited    09/07/24  (23)
haven't seen wolverines fucked up like this since red dawn 1984    09/07/24  (1)
Should I go to Oregon or Colorado in a few weeks    09/07/24  (2)
army soldier DESTROYS “knife guys,” snoot tp BTFO (video)    09/07/24  (5)
Trumpmo father of GA school shooter arrested, charge w/ 4 counts of manslaughter    09/07/24  (201)
$omeone drew cocks on my car! Fucking huge balls and pubes    09/07/24  (25)
Mt Rushmore off current CFB coaches. Schiano, Kirby, Freeze, Gundy    09/07/24  (4)
Rutgers led by Schiano might win the B1G    09/07/24  (6)
Scientists at CERN attempt to get sections 7.2 and 9.6 to collide.    09/07/24  (8)
When was the last time a new poaster was able to get ass fucked?    09/07/24  (3)
Alpha Hindus are doing ANIMAL SACRIFICE in Queens NYC River    09/07/24  (1)
Michigan letting make-a-wish kid play QB against top 5 team - inspirational    09/07/24  (4)
Big Ten looking strong. As usual    09/07/24  (5)
hottest backroomcastingcouch chick ever ITT    09/07/24  (3)
sick of this shit (1)    09/07/24  (3)
Greg Schiano is a T10 NCAAF coach    09/07/24  (12)
Usha: "So u want dat arranged marriage to me?" JD: "Sure yea whatever works"    09/07/24  (4)
I haven't gone outside all day in TTT JAKARTA    09/07/24  (108)

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