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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Realtalk: Trump is SERIOUSLY furking the US economy    03/07/25  (106)
Violent backs are much better than pussy ass bitches in america    03/07/25  (17)
Penis burn case opening tomorrow. Asking for 50 million (CSLG)    03/07/25  (94)
How many of you can weld?    03/07/25  (5)
Go to Council Bluffs, Iowa right now    03/07/25  (15)
Southern U.S is cool the "Midwest" is trash    03/07/25  (17)
The "big hair" look of the late 1980s    03/07/25  (6)
WSJ: “Can White Men Finally Stop Complaining?”    03/07/25  (68)
ADL: Hinduism shld be banned because they use the Swastika    03/07/25  (3)
wtf doordash has a $500 limit for McDonald's orders    03/07/25  (2)
WFH: 2020-2025    03/07/25  (37)
Congrats "america" is unliveable and unaffordable! We did it lol    03/07/25  (10)
i hate this joke of a country    03/07/25  (2)
Hate all you want I'll be loving Thailanf bitches    03/07/25  (18)
Manic American Stupidity Exemplified (MASE)    03/07/25  (1)
Fuck america=nothing but pussies, bitches&soft snowflake fags    03/07/25  (10)
Militant Asshole Shuns Enlightenment (MASE)    03/07/25  (1)
Mankind's Absolute Shittiest Example (MASE)    03/07/25  (1)
Why the hate? Why the lies?    03/07/25  (16)
"at least 3 trannies can't be marines anymore" (trump voter losing medicaid)    03/07/25  (14)
Why did Europe allow Turkey to join NATO without ceding Constantinople?    03/07/25  (17)
menopausal aryan slurping excrement (MASE)    03/07/25  (1)
My Ass Seeks Ejaculate (MASE)    03/07/25  (2)
Manhandled And Seeded Erotically (MASE)    03/07/25  (4)
Elon Musk is not an American, plain and simple    03/07/25  (1)
is there any actual chance Eurocucks actually try to start WWIII?    03/07/25  (13)
Kill yourselves you fucking pieces of shit    03/07/25  (1)
pro-tip: post photos of real women to trans subreddits; they'll kill themselves    03/07/25  (2)
The divided states of america sucks why don't u bleed it 4 &and gtfo    03/07/25  (1)
is autism a disorder, or is it the future?    03/07/25  (8)
Libs: What constitutes a superior culture?    03/07/25  (29)
What % of blacks would be happier under slavery?    03/07/25  (15)
New Shroud of Turin scans confirm what Jesus actually looked like    03/07/25  (1)
It's Still "February"? Wow    03/07/25  (32)
Most minorities are unintelligent    03/07/25  (16)
Lawyer Bom names 5 towing company defendants: (collectively "Tow Frauds")    03/07/25  (2)
the macho, womanizing often alcoholic writer was an American archetype    03/07/25  (31)
MASE is an RNC hatchet-man riding on Mike Johnson's cock    03/07/25  (2)
lmao TDNW's prostitute wife is about to get deported    03/07/25  (24)
He who saves his country gets cannibalized by Africans    03/07/25  (5)
my life for the foreseeable future is going to be regular trips to the city    03/07/25  (39)
*looks through By You for threads to bump* guess I could try this (1) again    03/07/25  (1)
FYI the gook has been spamming xo non-stop since 6am his time    03/07/25  (8)
Post Malone left his fiance and mother of his kid for some ASIAN PUSSY    03/07/25  (2)
Trump targets Perkins Coie in new Executive order    03/07/25  (25)
TT: what’s your ass like?    03/07/25  (5)
Have any Dem politicians explained why they couldn't clap for brain cancer boy?    03/07/25  (14)
Rate the Beach view from my $32.43/night 5-Star Hotel Room in Vietnam    03/07/25  (62)
So every product Elon Musk makes crashes (and their stock prices too)?    03/07/25  (1)
REMINDER: libs kept astronauts in space until after the election to screw Elon    03/07/25  (3)
Another SpaceX Starship just blew up    03/07/25  (4)
Rate this railway worker disposing of garbage    03/07/25  (1)
It's Still "March"? Wow    03/07/25  (17)
My father is disabled, chronically ill, impoverished and alone    03/07/25  (2)
For 96% less all people could be house..pussy American love torture    03/07/25  (1)
Stop funding "homeless shelters"&other shit you stupid fags    03/07/25  (1)
It's funny no Art in any Culture portrayed Slimepits as Clean or Pure    03/07/25  (1)
it's december and they are still counting votes in california    03/07/25  (15)
My wife wants to name our son Julia Sweet-Treat    03/07/25  (1)
Trump went full General Hummel on Zelenski: “I’m up here, and ur down there!    03/07/25  (4)
my life is a financial jenga tower waiting to collapse    03/07/25  (9)
TT, what was the cost to build out / operate the hellosir burger joint?    03/07/25  (5)
Trump suggests 2 Astronauts left in Space Could "Love Each Other"    03/07/25  (11)
name that BOM thread based entirely on emojis    03/07/25  (159)
Down $150,000 in Stocks but I don't blame Trump, I blame the JEWS    03/07/25  (2)
TBF any updates on your TSLA holdings? r they more or less valuable than ur JD?    03/07/25  (1)
"My dad is 43!" *kindergartner bursts into tears*    03/07/25  (5)
Matthew Crooks    03/07/25  (1)
Ray Charles had twelve kids with ten different women    03/07/25  (2)
What's it like being a 37+ first time dad?    03/07/25  (20)
Stock Futures rise 10% after Trump confirms "It's just the Jews" furking shit up    03/07/25  (1)
Elon Musk is a complete faggot who has never been loved by any woman    03/07/25  (1)
There's a whole swathe of people who don't have positive feelings abt *anything*    03/07/25  (3)
99.999% of people are better off dead    03/07/25  (31)
It's all fake ass fraudulent shit..frauds and thieves    03/07/25  (6)
You can live in casinos for months and years free    03/07/25  (9)
Shittiest board ethnics: Paralegal Mohammed, nyuug, TBF    03/07/25  (3)
God so called American "men" r such weak pussies&deserve their fate    03/07/25  (1)
Thank Allah Trump is protecting us from the JEWS    03/07/25  (4)
Hey nyuug your poasting's bad, take some toxic pills and make our lives better    03/07/25  (26)
so wlmas, internet guy, and nyuug are going to shit up the board daily?    03/07/25  (7)
chad calmly eviscerates our evil DINK-promoting tax code:    03/07/25  (1)
another nite of nyuug having a meltdown on xo & getting his ass BTFO    03/07/25  (10)
Is this JD Vance photo real?    03/06/25  (4)
Trump really needs to do something to restore EU faith in NATO    03/06/25  (1)
Bloodborne is overrated. That is all    03/06/25  (19)
REMINDER: this is the gook (pic inside)    03/06/25  (79)
"My dad posts as Candy Ride!" *kindergartner bursts into tears*    03/06/25  (2)
Suck dick on merica like pussy fags u are&set ur "clocks" forward Sunday    03/06/25  (3)
I can't imagine being a lawyer under these circumstances    03/06/25  (9)
The Gook is off his meds again    03/06/25  (12)
Why did they ever let Turkey into NATO    03/06/25  (7)
nyuug is one of the most insecure "men" I have ever encountered    03/06/25  (14)
Hey NYUUG    03/06/25  (12)
does the gook have OCD + autism?    03/06/25  (9)
nyuug: STFU already you fucking loser    03/06/25  (3)
nyuug: stop using xo as your coping mechanism. U need professional help.    03/06/25  (13)
Gallup: Support for Israel at all time lows. Lmao kikes you’re all gonna die    03/06/25  (2)
Every last human needs to be exterminated dead humanity must go    03/06/25  (3)
Women are getting very bearish on Trump    03/06/25  (1)
Calling it: Trump chaos will cause tax refunds to be delayed, proles will freak    03/06/25  (10)
RSF's dad singing him "The Wreck of the Cantor Fitzgerald"    03/06/25  (420)
All human life has literally negative value    03/06/25  (1)
Morgan Stanley: "$190 Target Price for TSLA -- 'Sell now, or get ready.'" (LINK)    03/06/25  (13)
Do you think married celebrities have dead bedrooms?    03/06/25  (6)
Had more SMELLY Indian customers today (evan39)    03/06/25  (1)
TBF - update on TSLA? Have you pwnd the libs yet?    03/06/25  (2)
TBF: wrong re Trump, wrong re TSLA, wrong re Torah bringing fulfillment    03/06/25  (3)
If your ancestral home is snowless, you’re not white    03/06/25  (14)
Why are Redditors always sticklers for the rules?    03/06/25  (7)
a JD Vance sex scandal would be hilarious    03/06/25  (6)
ITT - the only mostly exclusive Sega Genesis Games that were actually any good    03/06/25  (1)
It's disturbing how little this $hitspecies understands the Universe..maybe 15%    03/06/25  (9)
Rate the Columbia students arrested for anti Israel thoughtcrime    03/06/25  (3)
spaceporn googling "couples therapist" "dead playroom"    03/06/25  (29)
I'm gonna cheatmo. Any pointers?    03/06/25  (99)
Markets only tanking cuz globalists are jelly of how rich we’re all gonna be    03/06/25  (3)
"Most Gen Xers I meet are Losers, to be honest"    03/06/25  (12)
$20,000,000, but you can never touch another person again    03/06/25  (7)
Could you be a world class poaster if given the chance?    03/06/25  (4)
half of the gook's twitter posts are retweets of Paris Hilton, not flame    03/06/25  (6)
Reminder: THIS is The Gook (video)    03/06/25  (1)
Is there any actual reasons for a guy to get married anymore?    03/06/25  (13)
50* in March    03/06/25  (1)
nyuug is desperate for attention tonite    03/06/25  (3)
i really don't want to get married or have children    03/06/25  (26)
Looks like Syria is getting a badly-needed civil war again - link    03/06/25  (22)
Worse life outcome: Elliot Rogers or nyuug? An xo symposium    03/06/25  (23)
Best pic of JD Vance    03/06/25  (16)
Sorry, marriage seems totally unappealing    03/06/25  (8)
FOIA request on CIA bioelectrical enneagram theft    03/06/25  (1)
NYC Meetup 03/08 @ The Canuck (8pm)    03/06/25  (6)
Being a gay waiter in SF who loves meth seems like a chill life    03/06/25  (1)
Muslims and jews believe in the same god    03/06/25  (1)
"sup boy" you snarl as every doctor loaded onto train cattle car    03/06/25  (2)
Why didn't Zelensky realize he should de-escalate?    03/06/25  (119)
At what pt will Trump fire everyone in charge of economic stats & start falsifyi    03/06/25  (3)
Way-Too-Early List of Top Posters in 2025    03/06/25  (4)
got my test results. I legit have low IQ.    03/06/25  (8)
Jim Thome DEAD at 61.    03/06/25  (4)
gimme this, gimme that, kill my enemy, kill my enemy, die by fire, die by fire    03/06/25  (2)
SBF trying for a pardon - link    03/06/25  (5)
I am murdering my wife if she puts captions on the TV again.    03/06/25  (13)
Is it TOO LATE on the immigration / demographics issue?    03/06/25  (50)
The government is collapsing    03/06/25  (16)
got 3 azn pussy dates lined up    03/06/25  (3)
Reminder: market corrections are a good thing.    03/06/25  (15)
scholarship, do you know any employment lawyers in GA    03/06/25  (4)
Huge chunks of "america" breaking off & dissolving as people get rich    03/06/25  (1)
Police are such faggots I don't even go outside    03/06/25  (1)

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