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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
most 120 thing about america is how much more we fucking work than the rest of t    06/11/24  (10)
Poll: 40 year old puts $50k today in his Roth IRA in bitcoin. Value in 25 years?    06/11/24  (4)
looking back at it Vice City was the most fun game of all time    06/11/24  (19)
Hans Niemann CONFIRMED cheater    06/11/24  (29)
base of Democrat party = low IQ muslim terrorists & camel fuckers    06/11/24  (3)
Seinfeld episode about smelly pussies    06/11/24  (31)
Hellraiser films are oldschool morality plays about not consorting with demons    06/11/24  (1)
CNN: grandpa Drumpf was an illegal draft dodger (link)    06/11/24  (3)
Women are playing you all and are the root of all problems    06/11/24  (2)
Kelce is from Cleveland ghetto Swift a hellhole part of Penn    06/11/24  (3)
Get up fags! Get 2 "work" so ur "wife/gf" can give ur $ to Taylor Swift Lil    06/11/24  (12)
"America" did not "create" 227,000 "jobs" in May    06/11/24  (21)
what should i get to eat?    06/11/24  (10)
Disneyland had a Michael Jackson "ride" for fifteen years    06/11/24  (4)
so niggers just sell drugs, kill each other, dance and make beats?    06/11/24  (6)
Interesting update on French politics: Far right pushed center right further    06/11/24  (5)
what's TCR PDF PARSER?    06/11/24  (1)
Just saw "Civil War" - cool movie    06/11/24  (56)
Des Moines, Iowa is only 61% Birdshit 🤣    06/11/24  (2)
LOL: this is who the President and Vice President of US are hanging out with    06/11/24  (2)
Median Household Income for Americans by Ancestry 2022 ACS Census    06/11/24  (30)
Aren't most white people supposed to have brown eyes?    06/11/24  (1)
do libs know Lincoln said niggers were shit?    06/11/24  (1)
make lynching rare, safe, legal    06/11/24  (1)
Life would be so much better with a couple domestic    06/11/24  (4)
reuters: hostages liberated by yamnaya police unit    06/11/24  (1)
100% White Bro Thread: (1) Cricket World Cup (2) Modi Inauguration (3) Chess    06/11/24  (12)
Karlstack might be one of the dumbest white people in existence    06/11/24  (18)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/11/24  (69)
They are literally protesting right on Wall Street against Jews right now    06/11/24  (1)
would you even date your wife/gf again if you were a top 1% male?    06/11/24  (1)
Negus be crazy (spelling bee video)    06/11/24  (4)
Earned $4,190.67 last month in Interest/Dividends    06/11/24  (135)
Best US strat I've seen to defend Taiwan - link    06/11/24  (56)
did Jacob make up the whole angel wrestling match?    06/11/24  (5)
BALI is actually pretty CHILL place    06/11/24  (9)
Sort of blew it with my “work wife” not sure if I should try to fix it    06/11/24  (58)
I get at least 10 messages a day on Grindr from dudes begging to suck my dick    06/11/24  (31)
32x threading on the Xbox Series S subreddit    06/11/24  (3)
Civil War movie: guys hanging looters, liming corpses, respecting women    06/11/24  (4)
Giant D-Cups on a blonde will always give me a solid chubb    06/11/24  (6)
SUMMON: emilio, lsd, lex tps    06/11/24  (1)
HEY COINTARDS - how are your shitcoins doing?    06/11/24  (6)
How come popes and Church high ranking officers don't fear God?    06/11/24  (14)
almost half past blunt o'clock    06/11/24  (1)
Teens get advice on homosexual racist chatbort. Now facing 10 years biglaw    06/11/24  (5)
we're all slaves to jewish central bankers who worship the demiurge    06/11/24  (17)
2028 is 100% gonna be a shitty af year    06/11/24  (1)
Stopped Payment On $100 Check For Shady Prole Goy Sprinkler Guy    06/11/24  (52)
babe, you damaged your pussy with mediocrity    06/11/24  (1)
is Alex Honnold free-soloing El Capitan the greatest human achievement ever?    06/11/24  (5)
does anyone believe in the Book of Enoch    06/10/24  (1)
Jaime pull up that verse where he called them murderers and liars from the begin    06/10/24  (1)
no Becky he said the Reptilians are the cannibals, not the Greys. Demiurge is so    06/10/24  (2)
Cheerful LDS family driving EV into Demiurge's gaping mouth.    06/10/24  (4)
where are we on the red heifers    06/10/24  (1)
🤔 hey there, whatcha doin? 🍊🧑‍🦼 DURRRR MEETING PROBATION OFFICER    06/10/24  (1)
humans are actually creating the Demiurge with technology lol    06/10/24  (9)
“Let’s get ready to Bumble!” shouts announcer as FizzKidd waddles in    06/10/24  (7)
Bbboom to Captain Titanic 2, serve 3rd class patrons stew & mash    06/10/24  (8)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/10/24  (28)
Girl on left seems perfect - sfw    06/10/24  (67)
i outlast all of you faggots, thats how this ends    06/10/24  (1)
how many of you are over the age of 50    06/10/24  (4)
So Satan is an aspect of the Archon/DEMIURGE/Yaweh who declared himself the one    06/10/24  (13)
Sanctify us on this holy day in your name Gnostic Kike Archon Demiurge    06/10/24  (8)
Meshuggahs Demiurge plays as you pay 2.9% transaction fee on everything    06/10/24  (11)
You though Satan was bad, wait till you meet the Demiurge    06/10/24  (8)
a billionth sim run by a super-computer demiurge creature spawned by the    06/10/24  (9)
Xo, crypto, demiurge & great reset knowledge has 10,000% blown me out mentally    06/10/24  (47)
I just learned how to play BBCs/Twinkle Twinkle little star on accordion    06/10/24  (4)
Demiurge riff by Meshuggah plays as Consuela is asked if he’s Jewish    06/10/24  (5)
If u become 'aware' of demiurge & its nature, it zeroes in on you for torture    06/10/24  (13)
insane how real satan and the demiurges presence are in everyday life now    06/10/24  (5)
backdoor Roth strategy seems like more trouble than it's worth    06/10/24  (5)
confession: lawman8 and I were gay lovers    06/10/24  (3)
You know what’s cooler than 10,000 subscribers? 100,000 subscribers. (Karlstac    06/10/24  (12)
Biden shows off his dance moves - video    06/10/24  (2)
that Angion Dick Pumping shit works    06/10/24  (1)
why do male couples only buy male babies    06/10/24  (5)
Ricky telling his Kabbalah teacher he’s naming his Saas startup demiurge    06/10/24  (18)
Why do people get married if they don't have kids?    06/10/24  (1)
“america” is a total failure and I fucking hate living here    06/10/24  (8)
I wish god would underhand toss this clown world planet into the sun    06/10/24  (105)
Going to hospice tonight. Enjoy!    06/10/24  (7)
Bull jumps over rodeo fence, rampages and gores fan buying hot dog (link)    06/10/24  (6)
Do you, FizzKidd, take this yellow fever jewish moid to be your lawfully wedded    06/10/24  (18)
What are this summer's BLOCKBUSTER movies?    06/10/24  (1)
Just matched with a 37 year old white girl. Surprisingly cute. Taking ?s ITT.    06/10/24  (73)
boner police looks like a more handsome version of tom cruise and alain delon    06/10/24  (9)
GORGEOUS Pastor Chad (44 years old) killed by anxiety meds    06/10/24  (6)
Pope Francis changing "a mantilla is" to "a mantilla was" on Wikipedia    06/10/24  (11)
So is it accepted on xoxo now that the vaccines are killing ppl? 💉    06/10/24  (21)
Paradise and Oppression in Nicaragua (Karlstack)    06/10/24  (7)
so basically its impossible to get laid if u have over 130 iq w/o alcohol/drugs?    06/10/24  (5)
*yarmulke-wearing drone delivering you brain-damaging “weed” gummies*    06/10/24  (25)
I hate what was done to C12 but would lmao if media did xo hit piece on karlstac    06/10/24  (4)
Just booked "Jake from State Farm" to appear at my son's 8th bday party.    06/10/24  (8)
Why is Hyman allowed to poast personal info without repercussions?    06/10/24  (10)
IT'S TIME for KamalaSexy to unretire    06/10/24  (4)
hey pedude tp do you know all the words to this song    06/10/24  (1)
Sbux vs MCD vs HD. Which will win?    06/10/24  (2)
I've been watching quite a few of those videos by that mousy anti-Disney chick    06/10/24  (2)
New JJC post on r/MBA    06/10/24  (4)
"ull get in everywhere u apply"AI tells jjc browsing prestige of suicide centers    06/10/24  (1)
Classy A-Cups will always be elegant and regal on a slim woman    06/10/24  (17)
luis, this egyptian singer is cr af    06/10/24  (1)
MPAs exwife receiving lump sum payment in 2056 after he dies with no next of kin    06/10/24  (5)
Started replying "Zug Zug", "Dabu", "Lok-tar", "Your command mast    06/10/24  (42)
How are you bros weathering the Zyn crisis?    06/10/24  (25)
Bassmos how sick is this guitar    06/10/24  (3)
XOXO Navy Masterminds - will drones make navy ships extinct?    06/10/24  (1)
there's *one* thing RSF is more secretive of than his extreme judaism    06/10/24  (8)
Official list of unvaxxed xoxo’ers?    06/10/24  (23)
women want to get married to take your money when you die    06/10/24  (17)
"DIE FOR ISRAEL" scrolling on a permanent loop in Times Square now    06/10/24  (94)
Watchmen scratching "Gucci" onto a Truvada pill with a used syringe    06/10/24  (180)
Joe Biden’s Campaign caught paying people to attend his rallies    06/10/24  (32)
i am so fucking mentally ill i dont even know what to do about it anymore    06/10/24  (2)
Luis in rehab scribbling on nude fat girls during "art therapy"    06/10/24  (3)
Black guy stolen bike futures    06/10/24  (1)
Xbox now has SEVENTEEN confirmed first party games in the works    06/10/24  (28)
Jewish i-banker (52yo MD and Tufts graduate) KOs woman on Brooklyn street    06/10/24  (73)
Frog and Toad refusing to pass you TP after you run out in work stall    06/10/24  (1)
XO ROAD TRIP to South of France starts TOMORROW (RSF)    06/10/24  (64)
Watched a college girl do squats today...bricked my shorts    06/10/24  (1)
i dont get why guys that do looksmaxx surgery just dont buy whores with the $$    06/10/24  (9)
Whoever invented potato salad deserves a statue    06/10/24  (9)
ricky should i go pick up a pre-rolled blunt from the weed store    06/10/24  (13)
karlstack runs his "posts" through AI at least 10x, lmao    06/10/24  (1)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    06/10/24  (88)
satan has won, i am wholly separated from god and the light    06/10/24  (88)
Lime scooters now automatically shut down if driven on a pride flag    06/10/24  (7)
o no my stiff boner    06/10/24  (2)
A dissident history of the Trump campaign and presidency (Part 2)    06/10/24  (10)
whats inhouse at big tech (meta, google, amazon etc.) like?    06/10/24  (65)
life is such a fucking cartoonish nightmare from hell without family money    06/10/24  (45)
i can't, my MASE    06/10/24  (2)
the actual living god (gnostic kike archon demiurge) wants you dead lol    06/10/24  (32)
how do i get money but not interact with people or the market?    06/10/24  (34)
i can't, my muse    06/10/24  (2)
must be 180 for a woman to burn thru your money and tell u your broke lol    06/10/24  (38)
Sorry, this is the fuck store    06/10/24  (62)
jewish darkness tp is a ricky alt    06/10/24  (45)
Loling hard at "Jewish blunt"    06/10/24  (8)

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