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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
AI invents legal argument so powerful it could permanently divide SCOTUS    01/07/25  (1)
OpenAI Chat authors passable motions; it's over for you lolyers soon    01/07/25  (3)
In retrospect 3d games should not have been made until 2003 or so    01/07/25  (4)
🚨🚨🚨 MPM DAY 4: ELITE 8 + SUPERLATIVES 🚨🚨🚨    01/07/25  (362)
has white teacher apologized 4 making black student bodyslam him? (vid)    01/07/25  (15)
english are white-washed iberians, not germanics    01/07/25  (14)
just buy the boner pills, goy    01/07/25  (1)
Does anyone else wish they did fundamental AI/ML research at, e.g., OpenAI?    01/07/25  (7)
one thing i really miss about nyc is that bike path along the hudson    01/07/25  (4)
Confession: I'm poerkan tp.    01/07/25  (1)
brand new - the boy who blocked his own shot.mp3    01/07/25  (4)
"Wait, you're telling me the actor who played Begbie isn't white?"    01/07/25  (1)
Facebook should change people's pic to a ghost or gravestone when they die    01/07/25  (1)
James Patterson commanding OpenAI "Write another James Patterson-style novel"    01/07/25  (3)
wait what if *i'm* the art hoe all along    01/07/25  (7)
your warm, inviting anus    01/07/25  (9)
Scots will actually CONFESS to being from Iberia if you press them hard enough    01/07/25  (1)
openAI represents major leap for Strong Megapoaster Hypothesis    01/07/25  (6)
what will mlb's future nuuk franchise be called    01/07/25  (5)
Final XO: 100 OpenAI monikers generating infinite 180 content, humans give up    01/07/25  (4)
Annexation of Canada, Panama Canal, and Greenland better use of power than Iraq    01/07/25  (1)
Marx thought price discrimination was good    01/07/25  (3)
OpenAI GPT-3 Article on XO Content Production Ideas    01/07/25  (2)
has nyuug's brain fully broken?    01/07/25  (49)
Samsung phones are pure shit but get marketed to death, yuge billboard ads    01/07/25  (1)
how many times per day does the N word go through your head?    01/07/25  (1)
SD is pretty boring af    01/07/25  (8)
my only ask is that i be replaced with poerkan in MPM.    01/07/25  (3)
LA burning down - 180    01/07/25  (1)
women fuck animals because they are more in touch with 'nature'    01/07/25  (2)
Remember when ppl thought kind of music you listened to revealed important stuff    01/07/25  (52)
is the quality of pussy getting worse?    01/07/25  (1)
Waiting for glamorous Bollywood version of Autoadmit’s rise to prominence    01/07/25  (6)
i don’t support the marketplace of ideas or freedom of expression    01/07/25  (5)
Don’t worry cons Trump is just hiring H1Bs to declassify all the JFK docs    01/07/25  (3)
Whoever is challenging me I'm not even aware that you exist    01/07/25  (1)
Just a month until Trump releases the “Epstein list”!    01/07/25  (9)
He spent 70% of his income on lifts at 34—why he's now eating "supreme nougat    01/07/25  (5)
watching the bitterness & cynicism creeping into MPA is a horror unto itself    01/07/25  (16)
VHS copies of shitty movies used to cost $90    01/07/25  (1)
It used to cost $18 to call someone in another state for 30 minutes    01/07/25  (11)
People's music taste is predictive of their personalities though    01/07/25  (33)
impressed how mpm finds new ways to be mentally ill each year    01/07/25  (25)
zurich has to be the "zaniest" poaster around    01/07/25  (10)
I sure hope nutella and her lovely family are safe from these wildfires    01/07/25  (2)
What the fuck happened to Charles XII for real?    01/07/25  (1)
How I Got Out of a Toxic Relationship & Found Love Again & How U Can 2 (MPA)    01/07/25  (14)
butt nougat    01/07/25  (4)
Does anybody else think Sam Altman just seems FUCKING EVIL?    01/07/25  (24)
Swedes transformed from mighty Norse warriors -> "we're neutral" by Russia    01/07/25  (3)
retiring because I’m too straight for this bort (cucumbers)    01/07/25  (6)
EPAH, may I contact you IRL?    01/07/25  (19)
Ac9d on sb, flop is Jc7c9c. Checked and button shoves 300bb. Call or fold?    01/07/25  (2)
Reminder: every single poaster was once a flippant, pretentious middle schooler    01/07/25  (4)
Describe the culture in Duane Morris's Ho Chi Minh office for a tax associate    01/07/25  (3)
i don't even care about MPM    01/07/25  (1)
what happens if a lawyer just fakes paternity leave    01/07/25  (9)
A gargantuan sample of 70,000 men shows astonishingly little effect of Height    01/07/25  (5)
MPM = popularity contest for people who were unpopular in high school    01/07/25  (1)
Have you ever yelled “YOURE DRIPPING IN NOUGAT!” To Taller guys?    01/07/25  (1)
my body is NOT for sale anymore.    01/07/25  (5)
E Michael Jones: "White unity is not compatible with Christianity."    01/07/25  (4)
I can no longer take the harassment. I'm retiring.    01/07/25  (13)
"If you want a vision of the future, imagine billions of gunnerattts in all dire    01/07/25  (2)
IRL Germans went lived for centuries without seeing anyone of another race    01/07/25  (1)
I think Ricky is one of the coolest posters of all time 😎    01/07/25  (3)
How often CR to quit job and go on multimonth sabbatical? Every 10 yrs??    01/07/25  (53)
Wtf, just saw Ricky's latest away message on AIM    01/07/25  (6)
watching gunneratttt lose his mind recently has been 180    01/07/25  (74)
MPA’s comments on his MPM votes are pure scholarship, unironically    01/07/25  (20)
does anyone actually like winter?    01/07/25  (53)
Fatal flaw in the Terminator: he needs a red dot sight to aim from 3ft away    01/07/25  (2)
Rate this trailer for Max doc on the rise and fall of AOL Instant Messenger    01/07/25  (10)
Terminator 2 aged like shit    01/07/25  (10)
Millennial women smell like old grandmas now lol    01/07/25  (6)
Terminator at the gun store: yeah, uhh, with the laser attached, heh    01/07/25  (1)
Rate this anthem US will read out loud to honor Tall men (not flame at all)    01/07/25  (2)
Historical figures/writers/artists who 100% would fit in on XOXO    01/07/25  (69)
Fatal Flaw in the Terminator: he has to use a phone book at the phone booth    01/07/25  (1)
INTP xo'ers receiving diagnosis of 'Existential OCD with Derealization Features'    01/07/25  (10)
Did you know that three states have “Rumpelstiltskin Laws” on the books?    01/07/25  (15)
that insane NPC shitlibs are being "calm" about orange retard is deeply ominous    01/07/25  (1)
Old Country Buffet acquired by Marriott    01/07/25  (2)
Hakeem Jeffries is wearing sneakers to Jimmy Carter's funeral    01/07/25  (4)
"Sexualize him! Sexualize him!" crowd roars as Peterman stands before Pontius Pi    01/07/25  (211)
"Sexualize him! Sexualize him!" crowd roars as MASE stands before Pontius Pilate    01/07/25  (1)
MASE & gunneratttt are rigging MPM via the Xo Indian whatsapp group    01/07/25  (1)
'Pedo-hunters' attack 22-year-old for meeting up with 18-year-old:    01/07/25  (7)
Why didn't Dems run men against Trump if they actually wanted to beat him    01/07/25  (2)
Your disappointed father, trying to use chopsticks at your wedding reception    01/07/25  (345)
In a bit of a posting rut. Should I just retire?    01/07/25  (20)
Which poaster would live in this house (check interior pics)?    01/07/25  (19)
Nutella muting conference call to beat chained up sun bear with stick    01/07/25  (212)
Google is nigger    01/07/25  (2)
42, 3 kids, sex drive is basically 0. I don’t see this as a problem    01/07/25  (6)
China is implementing a social credit score, like Black Mirror s3e1    01/07/25  (26)
1989 phone deal: You can designate up to five numbers as friends and relatives    01/07/25  (1)
racemixing regret tp    01/07/25  (3)
AGWWG loser father of 2 (2&6) here, racemixing regret is starting to hit me HARD    01/07/25  (69)
"Do you want out-of-state calling added to your line?"    01/07/25  (1)
aside from biglaw, what wagecuck jobs are best to make $500k+    01/07/25  (47)
MASE bends the knees    01/07/25  (7)
FLW (aka evan, aka boom) is a closet homosexual. he stuffs raw cock up his anus    01/07/25  (1)
jungian circumambulation of MASE's anus    01/07/25  (2)
hot 18 year old was selling candy outside the local subway sandwich shop    01/07/25  (4)
Companies to buy naming rights to map names like stadiums    01/07/25  (16)
Installing backdoor VPNs to steal bandwidth: easy to do with boomers    01/07/25  (1)
Billboard's Hot 100 singles chart from 50 years ago (Jan. 1975):    01/07/25  (3)
Reminder: race-relations in the US will WORSEN as whites decline in %    01/07/25  (62)
"Some black people are white"    01/07/25  (5)
Poast your top 3 most used emojis itt    01/07/25  (22)
"Oh yeah? Well my hapa daughter doesn't speak *any* English at home."    01/07/25  (1)
Consuela is this blurb from a geopolitcal book pscyhobabble?    01/07/25  (15)
Peak Cuck: Soyboy insists wife who strangled their 3 kids to det is good person    01/07/25  (1)
black sci fi author, space oprah    01/07/25  (6)
I consulted ChatGPT on gunneratttt's behavior    01/07/25  (7)
hey disco you pay your property taxes yet?    01/07/25  (4)
*counts to 20, gives up in exhaustion* (gunnerat)    01/07/25  (2)
Last person to post ITT wins    01/07/25  (45)
Remember Grantland lol?    01/07/25  (63)
cr 7-10 itinerary from Sedona to Zion to Moab to Telluride to Denver?    01/07/25  (1)
MASE: flying shotgun on Trump Force One. cucumbers: biting the pillow    01/07/25  (1)
"Prison Rules: Using Homosexual Rape to Dominate in Business"    01/07/25  (110)
Cucumbers is a dogshit poster btw    01/07/25  (5)
ur grandpa at battle of okinawa fighting for his 1/8th racemix great-grandson    01/07/25  (1)
Twins opening philosophy bar called Mojito Ergo Sum    01/07/25  (38)
Japan is the only white nation left    01/07/25  (39)
10 bucks for a fucking milkshake    01/07/25  (1)
golden retriever pads up to you, whispers, "look, I'm not a racist, but..."    01/07/25  (3)
i peeled my face off it revealed the same face    01/07/25  (41)
Do you support making Daylight Savings Time or Standard Time permanent?    01/07/25  (3)
Usha and AOC getting a little too handsy in leaked 2014 photos (link)    01/07/25  (18)
Vivek: “Our H1B Visa Applications Will Block Out The Sun"    01/07/25  (8)
LMFAO there's an "MPM Hair Removal Studio Exclusively for Men"    01/07/25  (2)
Elon pumping and sweating, MAGA's ankles behind its ears.    01/07/25  (6)
MAGA: ankles behind ears; Elon: passing his sloppy seconds to Vivek    01/07/25  (3)
"Wait, grandpa, I'm confused. Cucumbers aren't supposed to go up a grocery clerk    01/07/25  (3)
Reminder - EVERY woman is a femme fatale leading man to his doom    01/07/25  (2)
I genuinely have no clue whose MPM personas are legit vs. performance art    01/07/25  (15)
Daytime drug users of xo drug thread    01/07/25  (3)
throwing old shampoo bottles full of pi$$ into the (((ocean))) ... cr?    01/07/25  (2)
White supremacist here. I will never stop fucking Asian Pussy. I will never "be    01/07/25  (1)
The most prestigious Usha discussion board in the world    01/07/25  (2)
Gorgeous Kamala has a MEXICAN COUSIN who's Kyooter than Usha    01/07/25  (10)
stock market    01/07/25  (1)
🚨 ATTN: very good job guys, peak mental illness achieved today 🚨    01/07/25  (5)
Your proud father, flawlessly using naan to eat curry at your wedding reception    01/07/25  (14)
Your proud father bitung into Big Mac, nodding to Trump at yr wedding reception    01/07/25  (3)

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