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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
“I don’t know, does a bear make you feel safe in the woods?”    05/03/24  (2)
So they’re just passing around Hope Hicks like a toy at the WH?    05/03/24  (8)
Are there any normal xo posters?    05/03/24  (59)
Do white trash/white proles engage in low scale thievery a lot?    05/03/24  (6)
Golfmos, should I swap out my 6-iron for a 7H or 9 wood?;    05/03/24  (7)
I feel safe around my pitbull! I feel safe around wild bears! It's MEN that make    05/03/24  (2)
What's XO's stance on Israel vs Gaza? Stand with the protestors?    05/03/24  (5)
Is it better to work with a duck or a woman in the office?    05/03/24  (13)
"Would you rather meet a man or a bear?" Rubio: "why not both?" *devilish grin*    05/03/24  (4)
Millennials Earn Less Than Their Parents Did    05/03/24  (20)
"Or perhaps she's wondering why you'd maul her, *before* "raping" her"    05/03/24  (2)
woman accusing the bear of rape after it tells her she's reading the map wrong    05/03/24  (6)
“Confessions of a Former Slampig” (Teen Vogue)    05/03/24  (3)
anyone here pay for their own college AND gearing up to pay for kids    05/03/24  (7)
Departing married coworker offered me pussy on the way out    05/03/24  (3)
Google lays off hundreds of ‘Core’ employees, moves positions to INDIA    05/03/24  (83)
I’m buying a 1987 red Mercedes Benz 560SL convertible    05/03/24  (1)
OldHLSDude satire (evan39)    05/03/24  (125)
So Boeing is just legitimately murdering people and it’s NBD.    05/03/24  (10)
Rate this Nordic teen going to UMinnesota next year    05/03/24  (25)
the vagina of luis can create a kegel vice tighter than a boa constrictor    05/03/24  (2)
george20 yelling "bear" unhesitatingly    05/03/24  (1)
"Do you feel in charge?" (woman to bear after 8 hrs of pumpkin patch instagram p    05/03/24  (3)
Wtf Pakistan is far more CIVILIZED than USA and India    05/03/24  (14)
woman asking if the bear is over 6ft or not    05/03/24  (4)
How fucked is SBUX?    05/03/24  (32)
How 180 wld it be if all Major US Universities BURNED to the ground?    05/03/24  (5)
where did this awful new "civic religion" come from    05/03/24  (8)
“I’ve never done this with another man,” Luis lies to you …    05/03/24  (2)
warts are like impossible to get rid of wtf is this    05/03/24  (2)
would u watch a "young askav" tv sitcom?    05/03/24  (1)
Today's Financial Audit: This is the Most Insane Tranny and Debt I've Ever Seen!    05/03/24  (1)
Italians sound and look like Jews    05/03/24  (1)
whats the male equivalent of a sundress in summer?    05/03/24  (32)
nice i was having an enjoyable friday morning poasting but now the archiver is h    05/03/24  (2)
"Your precious pic-a-nic basket, gratefully accepted!"    05/03/24  (3)
Prole Goy Messrs Fix It: What Wood For Window Trim? Primed Or Unprimed?    05/03/24  (6)
Real talk: Germany’s performance in WW2 was sad and pathetic    05/03/24  (26)
"It would be extremely painful....for you" the bear growled to the receptive wom    05/03/24  (1)
"Speak of the devil and he shall appear" (bear hearing women complain abt "rape"    05/03/24  (1)
Donald Trump Suggests Feeding Child Migrants to Alligators (nyt)    05/03/24  (1)
Michael Obama gave emotional Jane Goodall tribute: “She taught me how to talk    05/03/24  (51)
Are there chicks that maintain great bodies without exercise or diet?    05/03/24  (16)
A 3bed 1.5bath in a shitty postindustrial New England city is 400k+ now    05/03/24  (5)
Rate the Philadelphia Eagles players’ wives and GFs (pic)    05/03/24  (1)
Drunkard, doodikoff and other knifemos cum ITT    05/03/24  (11)
Man to bear: "They expect one of us in the forest, brother."    05/03/24  (1)
"The forest is yours. You may do as you wish. No men will interfere."    05/03/24  (2)
"Well congratulations. You're alone with a bear. Now what's the next step    05/03/24  (2)
"The flight plan I filed with the agency lists me, the bear, and dr pavel    05/03/24  (5)
"And who is capable of seducing this bear?" "Only me" "Only you. Thank you,    05/03/24  (4)
I have a hot gf more decades younger than me, make well into seven figures    05/03/24  (10)
"But this is a forest! There are no men here!" *Bear in Bane mask* "Then why are    05/03/24  (4)
"But this is a forest, there are no eligible men here" "Then why are u women her    05/03/24  (3)
Poll: Young men more opposed to returning to traditional gender roles than women    05/03/24  (37)
The Theory of Evolution - have they really found no 'transition' fossils?    05/03/24  (40)
"Still waiting for that response, libs," you gloat on the ruined expressway    05/03/24  (1)
"Libs, your response?" you ask pitch black darkness in Bellevue at 3 am    05/03/24  (88)
Why isn’t Glen Greenwald cancelled?    05/03/24  (16)
The Sopranos was on for two years prior to 9/11. That was peak America.    05/03/24  (1)
Biden's Calendar Czar Mulls Decision to Add Back to Back Tuesdays in September (    05/03/24  (5)
XOers who bitch about inherited wealth had lazy slobs for parents    05/03/24  (68)
There was a pretty girl I liked, very demure, but just discovered she has tattoo    05/03/24  (1)
LLLLLIIIIIIBBBBBSSSS! *birds fly away from house*    05/03/24  (210)
the 'man vs bear' thing is an amazing look into female narcissism and delusion    05/03/24  (44)
ITT: xo posters post proof of their white rural upbringing    05/03/24  (51)
egregious lack of SUNDRESS threading so far this summer    05/03/24  (21)
White blonde girls with permed slightly curled hair at the ends, in sundresses    05/03/24  (8)
Classy Easter sundresses that cover and contain perky tits from heathen eyes    05/03/24  (2)
hot white women in sundresses and sneakers    05/03/24  (4)
gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs, gotta have my bowl gotta have cereal    05/03/24  (4)
Big booty hapa SIL wearing linen sundress with visible bikini panties    05/03/24  (14)
India below total fertility rate, only five states above 2.1    05/03/24  (1)
how insane would Emilia Clarke look during sex?    05/03/24  (1)
Quit law, started a Radon Remediation biz. Stacking mad cash can’t keep up w    05/03/24  (3)
What's an appropriate haircut if u are NOT bald?    05/03/24  (10)
how good is your gujarati right now? ur gonna need it soon.    05/03/24  (2)
Frat boys bashing Gazatards; xo Azns defending them. Odd case.    05/03/24  (5)
real eye opener seeing these people suddenly come out against "protests"    05/03/24  (4)
A bit surprised Ranger Suarez beat Shota Imanaga for NL Pitcher of Month    05/03/24  (1)
need a 3 row suv - CPO q7 or CPO Acura MDX?    05/03/24  (2)
Thanks, have a great weekend! *hangs up Teams call, bites cyanide molar*    05/03/24  (17)
"Well, 007, this Patagonia vest is a state of the art system."    05/03/24  (4)
"More like 'Fined Dining'," Doodikoff quips as moth flies out of empty wallet    05/03/24  (4)
ITT: List examples of the “strong, silent type”    05/03/24  (3)
Are there chicks that maintain great personalities without meditation or reading    05/03/24  (2)
“Yes, I Had Sex With My Dog. So What?” (Jezebel)    05/03/24  (29)
Pennsylvania ammo factory has 5x its production, 2 yrs ahead of schedule-link    05/03/24  (7)
IN THIS HOUSE WE BELIEVE: im gay | women are 180 | i love men | im gay    05/03/24  (1)
the wrong side won    05/03/24  (9)
There are more asian boys on the UCLA cheerleading squad than blonde girls (link    05/03/24  (43)
Crowd of lawyers chanting HERE THERE EVERYWHERE STILL WORTH IT WITHOUT OUR HAIR    05/03/24  (3)
“Does Your Mother Know” plays over montage of scholarship hitting on older w    05/03/24  (2)
Scholarship! I was defeated he won the war    05/03/24  (2)
I want Luis to climb my hairy tree with his 'finger spiders'    05/03/24  (2)
Your future wife's "Why Are Muggles Like This?" Facebook group    05/03/24  (2)
“Uh, it’s basic human empathy?” (Redditor at community college in FB comme    05/03/24  (2)
In this house we STAND for the FLAG and KNEEL for the DAD    05/03/24  (2)
the flimsy plastic of ur work station cant stand up to an engorged penis    05/03/24  (2)
"You're a great friend," she says. "But you just don't make me feel aloha spirit    05/03/24  (2)
Plato. Everyone would break the law if they could; xo: bears are crazy and wild!    05/03/24  (1)
Men are stupid for choosing another man over the bear    05/03/24  (1)
Gorillaz "DARE" but it's women singing "It's Bear!" as they twerk in forest    05/03/24  (2)
South Carolina HS Bans Team Car Washes After Raunchy Incidents (DailyMail    05/03/24  (1)
There are more asian boys on the XOXO bort than blonde girls (link    05/03/24  (2)
I am in the office but watching Apocalypto on my phone and unable to respond    05/03/24  (2)
Rubio in Speedo on Tel Aviv beach serving drinks to network TV executives    05/03/24  (141)
"Would u rather come across man or giant crab while in the woods?" Woman: "Crab    05/03/24  (13)
Cons what do you like better the BLM protests or this Palestine stuff?    05/03/24  (5)
"what's your number?" "which one? guys? dogs?"    05/03/24  (1)
Everyone's username should be their new Signal handle so we can DM    05/03/24  (2)
compassionate misogyny tp    05/03/24  (6)
Rubio: "Mr. Sheldonnn..They say no one making payments on mi Ethcalade no more    05/03/24  (70)
Having a honorabru overpriced omakase experience tonight    05/03/24  (2)
MPA did you see Mad God (2021)    05/03/24  (7)
"Damn, what a slut!" said Donald Trump as he left Marco Rubio's FOAMPARTY    05/03/24  (17)
LITTLE MARCO reportedly in final 4 of Trump VP contenders    05/03/24  (13)
This is why cons will never win    05/03/24  (1)
Russia's military sucks. Troops suck shit. How are they winning at all?    05/03/24  (2)
things 'women' can't keep track of: their phone, their penis, their dignity    05/03/24  (2)
Women are the evil Twilight Zone kid but the only power they have is rape accusa    05/03/24  (2)
Zoomer online just called me the Shota Imanaga of image board culture    05/03/24  (13)
good morning    05/03/24  (3)
at some point the "US" media and government went all in on hating white people    05/03/24  (40)
Fallout show a massive success for Amazon    05/03/24  (1)
Made it to ISLAMABAD    05/03/24  (10)
Rich Vietnamese chicks are "dong girls"    05/03/24  (7)
"Thomas Turdskin, I presume. Robert Birdshit, pleased to meet you."    05/03/24  (28)
Rate these hs girls going to Tulane next year    05/03/24  (13)
Islamabad? More like Islamagood!    05/03/24  (3)
Ukraine admits it will lose the Donbas - link    05/03/24  (81)
He found him in Mombasa in a bar drinking gin.    05/03/24  (9)
ALERT: Some money grubbing jews might not be able to pay their mortgage    05/03/24  (8)
RATE these chill fratty bros doing a racism at a pali-protest.    05/03/24  (5)
Just had a foursome with 3 40+ yr old women, 2 were sisters    05/03/24  (5)
Why do so many jews suffer from Christphobia?    05/03/24  (7)
University of Chicago GAZA ENCAMPMENT desperately requests HIV tests (not flame)    05/03/24  (19)
Zyn bros I will show you the way    05/03/24  (4)
Allegedly Trump is passing rancid gas in the court room when he falls asleep    05/03/24  (8)
Holy shit. The Columbia POTUS is an ARab    05/03/24  (7)
"I get loads of pussy and boob? No, YOU get loads of pussy and boob, faggot"    05/03/24  (1)
We will bump this thread every day until DrakeMallard returns to xoxo    05/03/24  (133)
No more soul theft please Jews and/or Gentiles    05/03/24  (6)
Are there any abnormal xo posters?    05/03/24  (3)
Least pozzed out non-catholic/orthodox denomination?    05/03/24  (55)
LOL (((STOCK FUTURES))) boom after UE rises, job growth declines    05/03/24  (6)
I'm starting to think Bill Gates didn't even invent Computer    05/03/24  (7)
HS principal just called to announce that i'm gay and retarded    05/03/24  (2)
What are we thinking about the new EU bm chart bros    05/03/24  (5)

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