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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
If Biden loses in Nov, can't Sotomayor just resign so he can fill the seat    06/28/24  (4)
I've seen your swing. I know your swing. Let's not act like children.    06/28/24  (1)
Going to beam more pithy one liners into Trump's head later tonight    06/28/24  (2)
Biden Water (link)    06/28/24  (6)
They really hopped Biden up on the Pervitin for the day after speech    06/28/24  (2)
Prairie cuisine: chipmunk, Badger, wild plains chicken?    06/28/24  (7)
Hypo: $5M to swim from MFH to New Haven right now.    06/28/24  (18)
To my haters: do you say Dollars twelve or twelve dollars    06/28/24  (7)
Biden's total inability to respond to Trump's points substantively killed him    06/28/24  (10)
Bill Ackman comes out as full Trumpmo    06/28/24  (23)
Trump=more black jobs    06/28/24  (3)
Lost all respect for ggtp after seeing that he was a Spindrifter    06/28/24  (1)
Biz idea: UberEats but for sex with men    06/28/24  (1)
is a wordpress site sufficient for a lawyer or should I spring for custom bs?    06/28/24  (1)
NY Times editorial board calls on Biden to exit race - link    06/28/24  (33)
I really wish the golf debate would've continued for like 10 minutes    06/28/24  (25)
Normies Didn't Believe CNN's Q That $100 Groceries Now $120    06/28/24  (11)
You're old: Arizona tallboy now 4.99$    06/28/24  (1)
FUCK IT. WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!    06/28/24  (21)
WE. FINALLY. BEAT. MEDICARE.    06/28/24  (1)
Me and my girl won Trivia Night on Wednesday    06/28/24  (39)
Getting into Professional (amateur) Wrestling and need a name and gimmick HALP!    06/28/24  (3)
June '04: second date with Mary. June '24: second draft from Gary.    06/28/24  (2)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/28/24  (40)
Hypo: $10M to be dropped on Kamchatka Peninsula with open jar of peanut butter    06/28/24  (21)
June '04: draft beers Friday at 9. June '24: review draft Friday at 9.    06/28/24  (2)
June '04: another bar crawl. June '24: another reply all.    06/28/24  (4)
June '04: Red sundress. June '24: Redlines to address.    06/28/24  (2)
June '04: AIM with Sara. June '24: Aim to have redlines by seven.    06/28/24  (2)
June '04: one last summer break. June '24: insert one last section break.    06/28/24  (2)
June '04: head to the bar. June '24: take meeting from car.    06/28/24  (2)
I don’t get why Kamala is so hated    06/28/24  (16)
I don’t get why KamalaSexy tp is so underrated    06/28/24  (2)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/28/24  (83)
Dems abandoning Biden tonight was planned for months it seems    06/28/24  (31)
If you were really a bunch of aspie losers, bort would be more lively Fri nights    06/28/24  (5)
Biden’s Debate Rattles Even the Most Faithful Democrats (NYT)    06/28/24  (1)
Chevron is DEAD    06/28/24  (95)
Astronauts Are Not Stuck on the I.S.S., NASA and Boeing Officials Say    06/28/24  (2)
i instinctively autobump any luis tp poast tp    06/28/24  (10)
Supreme Court Upholds Ban on Sleeping Outdoors in Homelessness Case (NYT)    06/28/24  (7)
Holy shit bros, took my first golf lesson ever today    06/28/24  (1)
Biden did nothing but prep for this debate for an entire week    06/28/24  (1)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    06/28/24  (6)
When Asian girl meets white boy: Reactions to my non-Asian boyfriend    06/28/24  (23)
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/28/24  (76)
girls look like they got beard but it mask    06/28/24  (2)
Uncertain dog in flux through various states of matter on debate stage    06/28/24  (1)
So we heard about yr certain dog, Jack, but have u ever considered uncertain dog    06/28/24  (4)
Luis have you tried a Panda Express burrito yet? Had one and was thinking of you    06/28/24  (9)
Los Angeles Homeless Count Drops for the First Time in 6 Years (NYT)    06/28/24  (1)
Name some Wirecutter recommendations that are game changing    06/28/24  (4)
If you are a fucking idiot please bump this thread    06/28/24  (14)
Natn’l Association of In-Law Love rescinds Biden endorsement    06/28/24  (1)
If the feds convict you, how do you COP low security prison?    06/28/24  (1)
Ljl @ libs comparing Biden's 1st debate to Obama's 1st debate against Mitt    06/28/24  (2)
describe your one that got away    06/28/24  (22)
Who gets elected President in 2028?    06/28/24  (7)
Qatar stopped doing unlimited no fee flight changes    06/28/24  (5)
Something is wrong with me health wise for sure    06/28/24  (37)
They should do reparations, but only for non-felons no welfare recipients    06/28/24  (1)
If this thread gets blank bumped 500 times, I'll poast Lina Khan's cell #    06/28/24  (1)
Homosexual porn star busted for kiddie porn. 😲    06/28/24  (11)
Trump pandered to blacks & blacks responded by shrieking "whachu mean black jobs    06/28/24  (1)
nyt comment box is basically a captcha to prove u got a useless lib arts degree    06/28/24  (1)
Kamala Harris mocked for Nasa video with paid child actors    06/28/24  (1)
I'm on an all chipwich diet    06/28/24  (4)
To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race (NYT Editorial B))    06/28/24  (9)
Countdown to American Greatness    06/28/24  (1)
Half of dems are panicking and the other half are acting like nothings wrong    06/28/24  (3)
Amy Coney BarreTTT is a FUCKING BIRDBRAIN and Trump's worst mistake    06/28/24  (2)
It's who comes after trump that's going to really change the country and make us    06/28/24  (10)
Every Product Is A System. Roof = Roofing System. Mattress = Sleeping System    06/28/24  (4)
Rate this Indian club in Pattaya    06/28/24  (37)
do you personally own a printer    06/28/24  (24)
La Croix is gay imo    06/28/24  (29)
I, for one, am rooting for Dementia Joe to remain on the ticket    06/28/24  (3)
"Your health is failing, Joe. Your firstborn son is dead and your crack addicted    06/28/24  (4)
everyday as the sun sets, stalin tp bids us good evening with jugashvili posts    06/28/24  (3)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/28/24  (37)
lmao at anyone 30+ y/o who cares about "fitness"    06/28/24  (222)
What's your favorite Space Marine legion?    06/28/24  (2)
Should Trump do the second debate or just take a knee?    06/28/24  (10)
If They Sub In Gavin, Do They Have To Dump Queen Kamala Since Both CA?    06/28/24  (4)
Reminder: Obama lost that first debate to Romney, seemed half asleep    06/28/24  (13)
So much for my plans to write Bannon a letter - video    06/28/24  (3)
Would Africans in Africa vote for an African Trump’s second term    06/28/24  (1)
"Biden" Was At His Finest When He Had To Answer First & Got 2 Minutes    06/28/24  (1)
Rate this migrant    06/28/24  (6)
Biden stuff is clearly coordinated messaging. Who is deep state plann to install    06/28/24  (1)
lol holy shit jfc, MSM is going to ignore the reality we all witnessed.    06/28/24  (17)
Kamala: “The thing about incest rape is, it’s rape that involves incest”    06/28/24  (1)
Biden makes a good point about incest rape    06/28/24  (10)
here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women being raped by their in-laws,    06/28/24  (5)
I’m going to smoke weed everyday until I’m more schizophrenic than Ricky    06/28/24  (16)
Pig is not a great animal to eat    06/28/24  (29)
They're brainwashing kids to waste their youth on bizarre gender indoctrination    06/28/24  (26)
All drug users/sellers/traffickers should receive mandatory death penalty    06/28/24  (1)
WSJ: World leaders remain confident in Biden's leadership    06/28/24  (1)
Jen Psaki: Time for Biden to call a lid on his presidency    06/28/24  (1)
lol at this George Conway graphic    06/28/24  (2)
No becky, you dont get it, he REALLY hates jews, like, its SO hot . . .    06/28/24  (1)
Met CSLG in Kyoto today    06/28/24  (7)
Rate these steaks    06/28/24  (5)
Holy shit, Mexican kike who's Trotsky's granddaughter is the US's addiction czar    06/28/24  (1)
Does anyone listen to the All In Podcast?    06/28/24  (22)
Silverstein calls in to DNC: “Pull it”    06/28/24  (2)
Lowest socioeconomic status white boy names    06/28/24  (2)
WaPo editorial board calls for Netanyahu as new Dem nominee - link    06/28/24  (2)
Judge Merchan has to do his patriotic duty and give Trump the max    06/28/24  (1)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/28/24  (57)
I can't believe that debate happened    06/28/24  (1)
Taylor Swift calling Biden: “Sorry Joe, I’ve done all I can do.” *click*    06/28/24  (1)
Be honest. Have you ever jerked off to me?    06/28/24  (4)
Artist's depiction of Vivek-Haley debate    06/28/24  (2)
Why are you taking so long to respond? Are you the president? haha    06/28/24  (2)
Don’t let them memoryhole that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen    06/28/24  (13)
Biden dropping out is so scripted lol    06/28/24  (2)
Hoping you’re not gonna “drop out” of our date tomorrow haha    06/28/24  (4)
WTF at this footage of Biden IMMEDIATELY AFTER the debate    06/28/24  (3)
describe as succinctly as possible the quality of email girl pussy    06/28/24  (6)
Hot take: Housing should be made less affordable, not more affordable    06/28/24  (2)
Rate the "top 50 lies" told by Trump at the debate    06/28/24  (1)
Mr Biden What went wrong in your head? Oh Mr Biden Why'd you look like you're de    06/28/24  (1)
biden in talks to license ‘dangerous donald’ trademark from hrc ‘16 campai    06/28/24  (2)
And I said what about Biden's senility and she said I think I remember    06/28/24  (2)
your own. personal. email girl.    06/28/24  (27)
ATACMS takes out S-500 radar - link    06/28/24  (1)
Lib pumo here. You guys won. I concede defeat.    06/28/24  (4)
ultimate email girl: literally did nothing day after day    06/28/24  (18)
Shareblue download is out. They're ridin' with Biden.    06/28/24  (9)
holy fuck i might get laid off from my holy fuck i hate managing coders job    06/28/24  (12)
German writing off Biden, seem resolved to courting Trump - video    06/28/24  (1)
if you read the comments, proles are really fixated on the cost of groceries    06/28/24  (3)
what the woof    06/28/24  (1)
the "email girl" was the apex example of a zero rate economy running on fumes    06/28/24  (26)
Was listing out everyone who could rape you part of Biden's prep re: Roe v Wade?    06/28/24  (2)
poast ITT your recent search history    06/28/24  (2)
managing coders is literally babysitting autists with no communication skills    06/28/24  (2)
email girl holocaust    06/28/24  (9)
Email girls are UNGHHHHHHHNN    06/28/24  (3)
Jimmy Hendrix - Email Girl    06/28/24  (6)
you should be raping email girls basically 24/7    06/28/24  (5)
ITT we list email girl job titles    06/28/24  (14)
confused email girl making half your salary tp    06/28/24  (6)
the Batailleian luxury signaled by a full complement of "email girl" employees    06/28/24  (5)
"Email girls" is a devastating term; perfectly describes this fraud economy    06/28/24  (38)
"let's play scimitar throwing game," you say as the email girl wakes up    06/28/24  (2)
"I guess you really are in compliance," you joke as you hold the email girl down    06/28/24  (4)

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